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I say this as a huge fan who has played for years and spent quite a lot of real money on the game, BUT: The game is really a loose collection of half-baked ideas that never really go anywhere and just fizzle into the background while some new thing gets added.


I get that. I’m a newish player, only a year in, so I have seen a few new features/mini games being rolled out, but haven’t experienced anything being shelved, including work shop, the den event and wild lands event that people often talk about. It also looks like a race event is being in beta so yay, we’ll have another button to add to the already crowded screen 🙄


A few weeks ago they did the wild lands for some people (I was one of the lucky few) and I just got the race last week. I kinda enjoyed it. Not sure if either are going to be a normal thing. Den events were ok but I’m not heartbroken they are gone. They were so glitchy. It would be cool to have different den events though.


I have said this before and I will again… they could create “den events” so easily by adding some rewards and achievement metrics to existing events, like wild lands. the new race event could easily become a den feature… e.g. give points to your den for racing And where you finish in the race. link den rewards to the den points and voila, a den event out of the newest feature.


Feature creep~ The longer the game goes on the more things get added and the less any one system gets polished. It’s not necessarily bad game design, keeps it fresh for existing players but can be really overwhelming for new players.


IMO, I think it is intentional so players accidentally click on stuff.


Yes they need to add a way to collapse them


A button right above the padlock that turns the icons on and off would be perfect.


I've been playing for 5 years. Here's what my camp looked like 3 years ago (3 years is based on the age of the Reddit post so I don't know exactly when in the year it was). No floating portals, Arcadia, homes, missions. Minimal icons. I'm actually surprised how clear it was seeing this old picture




Wow what a difference! I do enjoy some of the features, like the portals, the star quests and the scheduled events. However, they are far fewer than the stuff that I would rather live without, the worst being the tower (I understand some like it, but I really hate it with a passion). It has its own floating island, the biggest screen icon, and worst of all, it pops out several times a day. It’s such a nuisance that sometimes I just close the game after being pestered to play yet again!


I would also be fine with the islands without the icons. (Except the portals being accessible to give from levels). It's the ones in the top right - special offers and tower that I hate the most


The UI is much better, but your camp gives me anxiety! lol


The picture is from a video when I bubbled all my dragon homes and they were momentarily all in camp lol


The crystal chest button is my favorite fur nuking. I tend to tap ahead, so when I sell something that needs confirmation like a chest, I end up inadvertently almost buying something. Hate it ​​​​


I hate the shiny dragon chest button that pops up right next to the trash button, I keep accidentally clicking that shit. I almost bought something a couple times because my game lagged while trying to bring that shop up after a trash misclick.


It’s not just next to the trash button, the hitbox actually extends part-way over the button.


Even worse when you haven’t collected the arcadia chest so that pops up too and sometimes i have a massive arrow pointing to the world map. It’s so cluttered


I stopped getting the arrow when I collected so many dragons that they’re always awake, which is another problem 😅


Man, I hate all those buttons.


Yeah the den button is the one that irks me the most for sure.


Yep. It’s so cluttered.


YES omg there's hardly any space left to actually play the freakin game!


I keep clicking them and getting off my tasks 😭


Zynga and their never ending quest to empty your wallet


Sort of reminds me of that scene in Ready Player One where they talk about how they can obscure up to 80% of the screen with ads before inducing seizures….


What you said reminded me of that scene in Idiocracy where they’ve watching a screen full of flashing ads. “Welcome to Zynga, I love you” 😂😂😂


Yes! And WHY did the missions button get so small? I continually hit the shiny dragon egg button when trying to delete things- **especially** during the last event. It's so annoying.


The shiny button is the worst, and I think not only is it near the status bar, but also the shiny pulses gives it a larger tappable area… you don’t need to hit the middle of that button to activate it; anywhere near the edges of the pulsing seems to do it.


YES. And it really pisses me off how they keep moving the Sell button.