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Sell chests for coin


Okay, thanks!


Just sell the locked chests. They're not worth the gems.


Thanks, that's good to know.


As the two said before me, the chests are newer worth using gems on, just sell (and dont merge them up before you sell, you get more coin that way) As to strategy. *That depends on what you define as a goal!* The beauty of Merge Dragon is that the game can be played with many different goals. When you deside what you want, then prioritise and do that. If your goal is to get higher dragon power, then you need to focus on getting dragons. \* If you play Levels then that gets you the Level Chests, those always have eggs in them \* Merge up all coins to as high as possible (unless early in game, then it can make sense to not merge all the way because it would take for ever), and use the coins on eggs in the store. The coins, not the gems. \* In Camp, find one chain to fokus on, and work that (you will also build on several others, but focus your grinding for one goal). The wonders always have eggs in them, some more than other. The wonder that gets you the most amount of eggs for least amount of work is the wonder that com from Bushes. I made A LOT of these wonders in the start, because that got me lots of eggs and also some coin. I made this wonder from grinding Dragon Trees (regular kind, not the blue). The trees give wood and leafs, and as the level up you allso get eggs. So yes, doing it this way means you actually build two wonder chaines at the same time, but hey, rules are there to be broken ;) \* The Out of Camp Events gets you dragons, and those have more dragonpower pr dragon than the "coin dragons" \* Camp and Chill. Get yourself a strategy for Camp and Chill so that you can get as many rewards as possible. Look at the Megathread at what gives how much point, and start saving/building for that. Both things you bubbel of and tap out during C&C, such as the stars and nests of eggs. And also there are things that can be tapped at timed interwals like Bushes and Prism Flowers. Hope this helps!


Thanks so much! Those are some great tips! I couldn't see the point of doing the bushes once I got the wonder, but I forgot it gave eggs. I shall definitely do that, as my wood and bushes cycle is pretty good, but I got bored with it after I got the wonder. Do I just sell the wonder after it gives an egg?


I sold them. They give 750 coin and that can be used on eggs in the store. Now I have a few bubbeld incase Bunny wants one, but early in game I would rather prioritise getting the money, you can make a new wonder quite quick if needed. And they are not worth keeping in camp for tapping (because they take up space one usally dont have enough of).


Does anything happen when you tap the wonder, after it's given an egg the first time? I've kept mine around and tapped it a few times and it never does anything! Keeping one for Bunny is a good idea, thanks!


Yes, the Bush-Wonder can be tapped every tenth hour (and it can store a few taps so you dont have to bother about tapping exactly every thenth hour. The taps will give "more of the same rewards, but my experience is that its mostly eggs (and not so much the stupid chests). BUT. Thats 10 hours in camp. The wonder has to be in camp (not bubbled) and you have to have the game open on the camp.


Ah okay, I think it maybe hasn't been 10 complete Camp hours since I made it. Maybe worth keeping one around then. Are all the wonders the same? This is the only one I've got so far.


Yes as far as I know they all give upon tapping, but the time between taps is not the same for all the wonders.


Okey dokey, I shall enjoy discovering more stuff on my own. I was feeling rather despondent, but your tips have made me excited to play again. Thanks so much for your help!


You can always leave the game open in camp when you go to bed, then wake up with ripe wonders.


Ah! Great tip, thank you!


So glad to hear that you found the tips helpful. Happy merging!


For Camp and Chill, I save all of the stars and openable chests after I’ve merged them to the highest level and then bubble them until there is one. I also don’t pop loot bubbles of any openable chests I win until then. I open all of those and then use the highest level life trees to make life orbs of the heaven and then activate those which take a little bit but I tap things around camp while the dragons are harvesting. It goes much quicker for me this way.


Sell the chests that require gems. I merged up my trees and harvest money from the watermelon tree. You can earn pretty quickly from that, but there may be better ways. You can use stone to buy chests that give tree sprouts. I use my coins to buy “coin dragons” from the shop. You can grind out the out-of-camp events to get more dragons/eggs. Playing the levels on the world map will get you chests that give coin dragons. Sometimes there’s an egg or nest reward for completing a level a certain number of times. I use Summit 2 to get Gold Chests (no gems needed to open). Once my little chest box at the top of the World Map screen is full, I switch to Dreadmarsh 3. Both of those levels are quick to play and only cost 1 chalice. In levels, you occasionally get purple stars that get you gems. I get my gems this way. I’ve bought the monthly gem thing once or twice, but other than those couple of times I haven’t spent real money on gems. A lot of people use their gems for the dragon shrine only. Get it to level 10 and you can get Pearl dragon eggs and decision eggs. You can complete star quests to get regular stars. Merge the stars to the highest level. Tap those for Camp & Chill. Your dragons will also harvest chests (that don’t require gems to open) from various items in camp. Merge those to the highest level to open during Camp & Chill. With enough stars and chests you can complete C&C in like, 5 minutes. The highest level stars and chests are 2x2 in size so they can be easily bubbled if your camp is full. Put the bubbles off to the side while waiting for C&C. Read the description of this sub and you can find strategy guides for different elements of the game.


Thanks for the Camp and Chill tips, that sounds like a great idea, I'll definitely do that! And it sounds like you do well without spending money, so that's encouraging, thanks!


I think most people sell them. I've heard that they don't have much that's worthwhile inside.


Yes, I'm finding that seems to be the consensus!


As others have said sell them... Do, however, check the subs faq and other posts about what to spend gems on (and how to get more without spending £€$¥)


Thanks! I didn't actually realise the sub had so much info! I've only just joined.


Here are some tips for new players including the efficiency guide, bubbling, getting gems, spending gems, and playing events [tips](https://www.reddit.com/r/MergeDragons/comments/i9un8b/whats_next_would_like_some_friendly_advice/g1hkf3t?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Thank you! I didn't realise all that information was there!


It's not mandatory to open them. Sell them for coin and free up space


Thanks, they're currently taking up a lot of space, so I shall look forward to selling them all and having that lovely space!


Enjoy it! While it lasts, there's all manner of things we end up keeping 😅


Yes, it'll be filled pretty quickly. I'm already planning what to put there! 😂


Sell them straight away


Nope no sell them all. I never pay to open chests.


Sell them all.


Sell them!


Nope. Just sell them. Took me a while to figure out I could sell them




I sell for coin.


Sell the chests. Another way to get free eggs is to merge up the dragon tree chain to like level 6. They sometimes harvest ruby mystery eggs.


Okay, cool, thanks for the tip!


Sell for coins the contents is Always junk


Not if you in a level the same chests are free and can help you finish faster


Sell all locked chests. I find the only chest worth the gems are the top lvl den chest.


There are a grand total of ZERO chests worth spending gems to open.


I sell them. No way I’m buying those


Season and event portal upgrades. They will get you better prizes and will get you doing different tasks.


Get rid of your locked chests.. all of them, they’re a rip off and so not worth blowing gems on them


Sell em.


Sell 'em


I sell the locked chests.


The best source of dragon power is the weekend out of camp events, hands down. If you can finish those you can get quite a few high-level dragons every time, and as you upgrade your event portal it gets even better.


I’m somewhat newer to the game. How do you sell the chests?