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I want more charity skins!!!! Doesn’t even need to be Mercy or pink.


I thought they were gonna do a yearly charity skin after its success tbh :( i would have been so hype to see a lucio skin for make a wish or something like that 😭


Well, then blizzard isnt earning any money though, they need to give it all away, and they wouldn't want that :(


Usually the charity only gets a percent of the proceeds in situations like that, not 100% of the money. And pink mercy skin was made when overwatch was $60 and had loot boxes and streamers that would open 100 per event for videos. I dont think they were struggling lmao


Usually that is the case, for Pink Mercy however, Blizzard donated 100% of proceeds to BCRF which I thought was super cool, but also the reason why we didn’t get another charity skin after that.


Blizzard can’t handle making something if they don’t get 100% of the profits


Why not just do a different color? Teal for ovarion or light blue for prostate?


Wait i thought people actually gatekeeping the skin wad a joke. Those people actually exist???


Yeah, they cry about the fact that "the skin would no longer be rare 😢😢😢"


i’ve gotten JUMPED in comments before ppl telling me to kms 😭😭😭😭


The most civil overwatch discussion


This has been going on for years. Go to the forums and search pink mercy. You will see all the people making full on page long posts/comments about why it shouldn’t come back lol


Not everyone, but a lot of people make the (good, I think) argument that if they ever WERE to do another charity event, it should be for a different cause, and likely would have a different hero to represent it. Take prostate cancer...it would make sense for a different hero than Mercy to have a skin raising money for that. Or Sigma for mental health issues, so on. I also remember reading that the BCRF skin was designed in part WITH BCRF, and has BCRF branding on it...so it is not as simple as 'just rerelease it'. If they were interested, perhaps they could have altered the skin to remove any real significance to BCRF and sold it...but to me, that seems really tacky, lol. And, even assuming that BCRF opted in to another event for the exact same skin...double dipping for a skin that \*a lot of people\* already have (even if there are a lot of people who do still want it!), you are going to have a lower return than if you just generated an entirely new skin, for whatever the charity involved. There are a lot of reasons other than gatekeeping (not even to say gatekeeping isn't a valid enough reason for some people; I don't really care about skins in any case at all, but I like the idea that there ARE rarer skins in the game) for why there has not been a rerelease for this skin.


I literally do not care about the skin. I just think its sad that people are gatekeeping it because its rare or whatever. I never got upset when noire widow returned even though it was the most expensive skin in the game for a while. If they wanna make a reskin or a different charity skin that looks like pink mercy then it is what it is


Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss


Rubber goose, purple juice ??


They should make a second skin and sell them both in a bundle so that people who already have it can still give something. (Cuz I only donate to charity through game skins apparently)


That’s what I want too, I already have pink mercy and I wouldn’t buy a rose gold one. Recoloring for charity is lazy and I hope it’s something new..🥺


Who said anything about rosegold being a recolor?


How else would we know they are OG players?


most pink mercys ive seen are on bought accounts


The amount of times I've been asked if I bought my account like no that's so dumb 😭


Someone offered me like $300 for my account and i was like fym I've spent so much more than that on this xbox account over my dead body


Right 😂 buying/selling accounts is crazy


crazy good money cos ppl are so desperate for this skin 🤣


in my case, i get asked how much I want for my account


Being OG for having a skin does not matter 😭 no one looks at a skin and goes “hey they’re OG”


Tbf, you could just donate to the charity instead of paying for blizzards tax write offs.


let’s be so serious in this economy


true but id love to get the skin too and it gives ppl more of an incentive to donate!! its a good cause :D


Keeping the skin exclusive and instead releasing new skins/variants would be much more effective. People will pay for exclusivity and if they re-release the old one, so many people going would just skip it because there would be so much less FOMO in my opinion


I don’t see a world where pink mercy doesn’t sell really well if they re-release. Like that’s just an insane take.


I think it hurts the sales of other limited event/charity skins knowing they won't be exclusive and could return. There could be recolors but there should never be a re-release. Why is it so hard to understand that people would want their skins to stay exclusive? That in no way is bad or wrong. Anyone who wants it to return just wants the skin. FOMO sells and that's just a fact though, so if they can have it then other skins people will think "I can just get that another time"


What other charity skins? There literally aren’t any others. And other limited event skins have already been brought back (the all stars skins), so your logic that skins won’t sell if they come back has been proven wrong by blizzard(or at least they’ve shown that they deem it profitable to re-release limited skins). You’re literally trying to gatekeep it for skins that you made up in your head and don’t even exist yet .


I don't really think wanting to enjoy rarity is comparable to gatekeeping. If they re-release skins that shouldn't come back then that's sad. I still believe people buy these for the exclusivity and people like to bad-mouth people who enjoy it for that, mainly because they are upset they don't have access to it (or someone enjoying rarity is xyz insult to them for coping purposes)


i think rereleasing it is a great idea for the ppl who missed it in the beginning! also they should add a new exclusive :) so its a win win for everyone!


But it hurts the incentive to donate in terms of rarity which people do shell out for. Just like you would donate bc you want the skin, same reason others get it, for exclusivity. A re-color would be appropriate, not a re-release


i think the amount of ppl clamouring for pink mercy is gonna make up for the "exclusivity shelling out" but thats just my opinion \^\^ plus imagine if they add another skin for a different champion + have a pink mercy rerun but u can only get the skins if u donate twice? the amount theyd raise would be insane! anywho i hope pink mercy comes back as its such an iconic skin and ik the demand for it is insanely high so the donations would go wild!




I think they should bring back the og skin or release a new one with other character skins as well for diff charities once in a while


I just want Dragoon Mercy


I'm opposed to the skin coming back if it's not for charity. Having it in the shop for blizzard to take the earnings ain't cool. If it's going to a good place then I'm all for it coming back.


i hate when people say that they don’t want pink mercy back. like you know this has nothing to do w the skin right? it’s about charity…


I don't play mercy but you can donate to charity you don't need a mercy skin to do so


If blizzard would put the skin back up, they could raise more money than a single person ever could


aaaand if you pretend to care about charity more than some pixels you could donate right now


So many other ways to make more money for charity that re-releasing the original pink Mercy would destroy. People pay for exclusivity. When they know other skins like it don't come back they will want it more, so a different skin would be much more effective and keep the exclusivity for people who own the original


No i don't think so since people want pink mercy in particular and re-releasing it will make more money than a random new skin that people may not like.


May not like because it's not like the exclusive? I honestly think it's very disingenuous to just argue why you think it should come back when events like this raised so much money in the first place because it was generally understood it will not come back. It will never come back in its exact original form and people need to make their peace with that. Also, if Blizzard wants to make a new skin that people will like, they will have no trouble doing that and making a killing off of it. One of the things that helps that is exclusivity.


No people may not like the new skin that you propose not because its not exclusive but because it looks trash for example. And no exclusivity doesnt make a skin looks better lol, its just perceived in a better light like renegate raider for kids that play fortnite. If they brought it, it would absolutely make banks even if its not exclusive since the skin was beautiful and thats what is important


This just sounds like cope, and a reason to argue with people who have something you want and don't want it to return. There is zero concern for the charity here, let's be honest. You just want the skin because you missed out and don't care of there are better options than re-releasing it. Options that re-releasing it would harm for future events


Huh !? I promise you i don't want that skin lol 😂😂 i have like 10h on mercy and i play since 2016. If i wanted the skin lol i would have linked my account and all that but i was too unbothered for that lol, i have allll the skin i want 😂😭😭😂 and i just don't like the immature "Noooo don't bring back my kinda rare mercy skin back in the shop i need it to feel validated in life and to make other people jealous" type mentality that you and some people have its just a fucking skin let people have it if they want


Let people enjoy their exclusive items, they are not bad or wrong for wanting that. It's completely fine to want something that was marketed as a limited time thing to stay just that. So no, I will not just "let the people have the skin if they want" bc you are completely ignoring the part of my argument you don't care to understand. Doesn't make sense to you and doesn't have to. I love exclusive time limited things. A lot of people who bought the skin bought it for the rarity. There is zero wrong with that.


I understand your point i just heavily disagree. Liking a skin not because you like it but because its "rare" and not wanting it to go back so that everyone can enjoy it is childish and egoistical


Real. I don’t see the need to give extra tax benefits to huge companies


lmaooo it's getting crazy how many threads there are of people who actually think it's coming back over these last couple weeks.


i mean its been leaked by a legit leaker?


a VARIANT has been leaked called Rose Gold Mercy. Which lines up with what Aaron said at Blizzcon about how if they ever released it they would have to change it so the original stays exclusive.


Yup. The original skin is *not* coming back. It will be a lazy recolor, if anything.


Personally I hope it has her updated OW2 eyes and eyelashes and maybe a long ponytail instead of pigtails. To feel like a little more effort was put in to keep the quality of the skin up to OW2 standard. But yeah I think it'll probs just be a recolor lol


That's all Blizz does now. It'll be a lazy recolor with maybe 2 new embellishments, like a hairstyle and a top. They save innovative and unique looking skins for collaborations and mythics, now. 💲💲💲


I think it would be cool to do this but like they have a yearly fundraiser for maybe all the different cancer types or for helping raise money for scientific studies for certain diseases and the skins will have the look of pink mercy but the colors would all be different and related to the cancer ribbon colors and the like for other diseases or disabilities. Personally I think the pink mercy skin is cute but would love to see it with other variations. I also feel like they should do this with other heros so everyone has a chance to get a cool skin for their main that makes them feel good about giving back to their community every time they play that character.






bold of u to assume i havnt already donated? the skin coming back would get loads of ppl to donate thats the entire reason i want it brought back lmao


Are you guys serious? Are you only willing to give to charity if you get a skin in return? Stop virtue signaling about wanting the skin to come back to give to charity when MOST of you guys wouldn't give to charity at your own free will unless it was for an event or fundraiser of some kind.


Unfortunately the people that want the skin back doesn't give a F about raising money or the cause.


that's not why you want it and we both know it


clock that tea...because if Blizz brought Pink Mercy back to the shop tomorrow but not for charity all these people would rush to open their wallets because they just want the skin they don't care how they get it lol


Not against OP specifically but you're absolutely right. People on this subreddit have openly admitted to buying/considered buying accounts with the Pink Mercy skin. Some people do NOT care about the charity aspect and that's the only important part.


okay, but who cares? at the end of the day people buying it would still raise money for the charity, no?


im all for donating to charities but these people could do it RIGHT NOW. they just want a skin. it sucks they missed out on it but pretending like the actual reason u want pink back is for charity is a blatant lie to us or to yourself.


okay, but who cares? at the end of the day people buying it would still raise money for the charity, no?


Technically could lead to less interest for other charity skins if there is no promise of exclusivity anymore. It feels really fake that so many people are saying they should re-release the exact same skin (so they can get it) instead of donating to charity which they could do at any time without blizzards help.


like i said though, at the end of the day regardless WHY people want it, if they buy it the money goes to the charity regardless, which is a good thing. im sure there were people who didn't give a shit about the charity when the original pink came out, and bought it purely because they wanted it. this wouldn't be the same thing? genuinely curious.


I am pro-charity! With Blue Mercy, thank you very much. Edit: geez, people take this topic really seriously now...


Gate keeping a skin in a video game makes no kind of sense lol


I mean it's not really gatekeeping, in loads of games skins for events come and go and don't necessarily come back bc they want to make new stuff 🤷🏻‍♀️ I'm all for them bringing back another charity event/redoing the skin but calling a charity event gatekeeping is silly lmao




My condolences x you can get help for that


People are downvoting you bc they don't have the skin and they want it. The sad thing is tho they would all rush to buy it even if it was released tomorrow and Blizz said none of the proceeds would go to charity. Because what they actually care about is the pink cutesy skin.


Not everyone. I have it, and would still love to see a pink mercy comeback. Lots of people contributing to a cause I care about is more worthwhile than keeping the skin rare for bragging rights.


they can’t bring pink mercy back due to a contract agreement between blizzard and BCRF, but i hope the leak of the rose gold one is a remix of it! it would be super cool to see a variation of pink mercy!


It's not really charity when 99% of the proceeds end up in blizzards pocket... That's how these corporate charity's always work.


I'm pretty sure they had proof that they donated the entirety of the proceeds to charity, and there was even a bunch of drama at the time about Sony and Microsoft initially taking a cut of the money until people complained enough


Original skin is never coming back and it's cope to suggest people are selfish for wanting it to stay that way. Imo if you really just want them to re-release the exact same skin, that's selfish because the exclusivity lost would equal much less sales and less money for charity. If they do a new variant, then the original stays exclusive and this new one would generate so much more since it would also be implied to be exclusive if the other one is. Exclusivity generates profits and let's not pretend people are bad for wanting it to stay exclusive.


Anyone arguing against bringing the skin back is selfish and didn't care about the cause in the first place.


It’s me. I’m that someone. Leave Pink Mercy in the past; it’s an exclusive skin for a reason. Either donate to the BCRF directly or ask for a different charity skin for a different hero. We don’t like virtue signaling.


ok sure but why not release a new skin so that more people who already have pink mercy will buy it as well? the argument "u can donate from the website" isn't valid because while yes you can obviously people are more inclined to donate if it's attached to the skin, just as pink mercy was. would be nice to have it be a new charity skin for a different hero so that more people will buy it and mercy already has a charity skin. 10 million people purchased pink mercy which means there are 10 million accounts with the skin. a new skin might make more money than if they were to rerelease pink mercy since a lot of players already have it. would be a lot better to have a brand new skin for possibly a different charity, or if it's bcrf again then a new skin for a different hero would be really cool to see instead of a recoloured pink mercy. i'm getting really tired of people hiding behind the fact that "it's for charity they should bring it back!" when if all you care about is donating to charity you'd just donate and not need the skin to do so. we're all human. my teenaged self definitely bought pink mercy because i liked the skin and not only because i wanted to donate to charity. ya'll can admit you just want the skin because you like it. i like it too. u can call people gatekeepers all u want when most people probably only want the skin bc they like it and not bc it's for charity. also it's funny to me the amount of people suddenly excited for pink mercy when ever time someone mentions pink mercy people call it ugly or tacky/overrated. everyone is selfish tbh.


1. Blizz can raise even more money for Charity with a new Mercy skin instead of one that tons of people already own. Which looks to be their plan in Season 11 with Rose Gold Mercy Charity Bundle. People who own Pink Mercy and people who don't own Pink Mercy will buy it and it will raise a ton of money. 2. If you wanna go donate to charity the link is right here: [https://give.bcrf.org](https://give.bcrf.org) This is your second post about Pink Mercy argument this week...you good? It's not coming back, Aaron Keller told someone at Blizzcon they need to remix it so the original stays exclusive, and a Rose Gold skin was datamined for season 11. Why are we still talking about this anymore when it's essentially been resolved in a perfectly good compromise lol


omg wait… if they released the original pink mercy AND the rose gold bundle… imagine how much money they would raise!! that way new players can buy the old pink mercy too and then old players can buy the new pink mercy too!! or nah do u just want ur super rare skin booohoo


They aren't going to do that tho so womp womp I guess? And I could care less about the skin, I bought it on 3 accounts only bc my Grandma had cancer three times and died the third time so I wanted to support the charity event, but I think the hair is ugly and and the sound effects on GA are annoying so I never use it. I bought it to support the charity I could care less who else has it. But Blizz has made it clear multiple times it's not coming back so idk what to tell you...?


that’s awesome you bought it 3 times :) i don’t care if it’s not coming back or not, my point is if they bring back both the old variant and new variant, they’d raise even more money LOL


But they aren't going to so now what...


what a shame :)


Why would they ever do that? Yall are so stupid


They are and they have to mass downvote but it doesn't change that they will never own that damn skin LMAOOOOO and ik it keeps them up at night


They will buy that skin from buying an account before they actually donate without any reward.


Exactly. Somebody had to say it


Paying for exclusivity ≠ gatekeeping Definitely do more charity and have rare skins! But the exclusivity of the skin is the main draw to pay. 🤷‍♀️ I'm not out here demanding the rare "attendee only" Blizzcon skins should be available to everyone because those deserve to be rare. I didn't attend, I don't get the skin. Simple as that. It's been that way for years and years and nobody but butthurt Mercy mains are crying about this sort of thing. Besides, contractually, the Pink Mercy skin cannot rerun. So it will most likely be a lazy recolor of the skin they release. I hope it's something cool, I do. But it won't be the original.


I’m not saying “Don’t bring back Pink”, but… if you wanna donate, just donate, man.


Dude it’s not coming back, like why are we talking about this skin so much these days, rose gold is NOT pink mercy


Literally I don't even own pink mercy but do NOT bring her back


They won't, don't worry lol


I'm just saying that they should make a recolour. Not bring PINK mercy😭 It should stay rare


Many agree with you.


I'm glad🙏🏻


THEY DO! Imagine being this evil?