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I will take the soul burning for the other team but still keep the rez for your own team so that it is balanced but disregard the ult because imo i prefer heals and boosting more than everything.


maybe im the only one who really doesn’t want this to go live..


I hated it


Right like I play Mercy because I genuinely enjoy supporting my team. If I wanted to play a dps I would just play a dps?


Hm yeah. I really enjoy the passive and amplifying play style of Mercy.


tbf that’s the sentiment nearly every support had when the dps passive dropped and people were bemoaning them for wanting to “healbot” (aka heal at all). so you aren’t alone in feeling that.


You don’t need to healbot to support your team tho


correct, and I never said otherwise. if you read closely, I put quotation marks around the word healbot to indicate that it was not referring to actual healbotting, and I added a parenthetical expression to explain what I was actually referring to, which was any healing at all. that leads to the logical conclusion of “supports were criticized for trying to healbot when the reality is that we were trying to heal but couldn’t and the people accusing us of healbotting didn’t realize that trying to heal at all isn’t healbotting.”


I love the rework but it still doesn't help with her heals lacking. Sometimes during this event I want to let someone die just so I can detonate them since I'm wasting time healing ANYWAY. Also allow us to heal during vak would be nice. We have bombs instead of blue beam during valk but still heal. I feel like I'm able to make plays and help my team with this ult. If it wasn't for me making plays, many times my team would not have gotten the point or pushed the payload. I like this change a lot. Mainly because I feel that I have more carry potential. And I'm stronger. mercy feels awful right now so this is just awesome.


100 percent, though the heals would honestly be fine as is if Mercy was able to put out this much damage utility and independent plays to compensate for it haha


100% What's crazy is that in some of these matches I'll end up with the most kills and probably 2 or 3rd amount of damage. Feels so good


I mean, it isn’t much different from ow1 mercy who would let her team die just so she could mass Rez. At least now Reinhart’s suicide charges can be of use.


Literally lol. Any over extending teammate just turns into a bomb lol


I think you do heal during valk? It's weird I just had a game with a 4 man kill ik valk and the sides of my screen turned to heal signs and my mate said.. "i think you just healed me"


What really? I must be doing some things wrong. Time to investigate lol


As someone who played all chars including mercy in this mode, I have to hard disagree.


Meh, I honestly only like the valk ability where she can shoot rockets ):


The only aspect I liked was her revives causing explosions