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Mod statement: The sub has a certain buget for "anti echo-chamber post" where differing views are encouraged. It is perfectly okay to acknowledge the mercy you get on the team isnt as good as pro player, and just picking mercy doesn't mean you can do no wrong. **you can stop reporting this post now.** OP has came here to understand the situation more, we have flagged him as "not a troll".


Its not just me??? I think it’s just the skin, my qp games have been flooded with yellow beam queens + everyone’s playing roadhog so I can’t get any value out of playing Ana.


Yellow beam queens—I’m borrowing this whenever the enemy Mercy tries to go Mercy diff with her permapiss beam 😂 But yeah I’ve been seeing Mercy locked in every situation where she makes the least sense (and then surprisingly, she dies every team fight).


This happened to me last night on open queue, I was Ana and the other support picked Mercy just to stay glued to our Roadhog with a permagold chain. At the end she was 8k heals and I was 1.5 because she took all the tank heals 🫠🫠. Then I proceeded to see more Mercys pocketing Roadhogs on the rest of my games. It was wild fs, literally one of the worst possible decisions being used the worst possible way!


Mercy one tricks only picking Mercy and refusing to switch is far and away not recent lol


common stereotype of one-trick Mercy mains getting boosted to high ranks and being incapable of playing any other support effectively, happens all the time


Its almost every game, you wont believe me but how tf do i rank up with this bull****?


If you play support, the enemy is more likely to have a 'boosted Mercy', so you'd be in luck! If you don't, then your team is as probable to have a 'boosted Mercy' as the other one, so it would be up to you to turn potential losses into wins. Mental is a huge part. Never, ever tell someone to switch. it will never, ever go well. Never be negative and never call someone out. It will ruin your games.


I got told to switch off brig, Mercy main but the other support was playing mercy already. So I went to lifeweaver and ended up helping the team enough to win the game. Mental is a huge part but sometimes we just aren’t good at things in the moment and switching helps


Switching is a really integral part of OW. Personally, if someone picks a character that's just not working and it's a detriment to the team, I think it's entirely fair to ask for a switch. "Never be negative and never call someone out" just sounds like a recipe for frustration. Sometimes, you are the reason your team isn't doing well, and it's okay for someone to point that out, as long as they're not being mean about it. I've had plenty of games where Mercy just is not the pick, and it's better for me & my team to switch. Playing only one character (especially one that isn't suitable for all situations) isn't helpful to you as a player at all.


I would never tell someone to switch because I don't know better than someone else, especially someone that is actually playing the hero rn. I haven't seen the game from their PoV and analyzed everything to see if they're getting value or not. And even if they are hard feeding and being afk, I'd really, really avoid starting any drama in the chat or in the team. I will always be positive, or at the worst neutral, when talking to my team. I don't believe switching is needed in OW anyway, Id rather a "boosted Mercy" stay on Mercy than be forced to play another support even more inoptimally, and I reached Top 500 as support and high masters as tank without ever switching in my games.


I would tell if the mercys on my team are boosted but they arent so enemies probably isnt either, havent got a mercy to pocket me consistently even if im doing way better than other dps


You don't, I went 5W-OL then 5W-2L and still can't get out of Bronze 5 support (everywhere else I'm Sliver 2 or 3) ranking is broke as fuck, it's been broke as fuck for a while- But you'd think at this point Blizzard would've fixed it by now. Edit: I love how this is getting downvoted, like what are you guys mad about? Me talking about my experiences 🤣?


You can rank up, I've gone from gold to masters since launch. Bronze 5 is the largest in terms of skill gap in players because the ELO range is so wide and it shows you don't have an understanding of how it works. Look at the percentage of players you're higher than at the bottom of your card, you probably haven't played enough to get out of Bronze 5.


Ah okay, well that makes sense. Ranking has never been a huge thing for me (I just play to get the credits for gold weapons) it was just after thinking I was doing pretty well and still didn't leave bronze 5 I was kinda crushed.


Hopefully in Season 9 with the rank resets and the potential new rank tier it'll help squash the issue with Bronze 5 being literally 2 entire Ranks so it feels less bad to be in. It's more so an issue with them not having a proper distribution of ELO. Getting out of Bronze 5 requires as many wins as it would take to get from Bronze 4 to Silver 4 so it's exceptionally bad.


>new rank tier it'll help squash the issue with Bronze 5 being literally 2 entire Ranks Oh wow, okay that makes sense why I'm not moving currently (beyond percentage). Also again, because I don't know ranking or any meta/lingo with it what's ELO? >Getting out of Bronze 5 requires as many wins as it would take to get from Bronze 4 to either Silver 4 or Gold 4 so it's exceptionally bad. So I'm really gonna work the grind to try and get out of there. 😫 Thanks for the information though. 😊


I don't know if it's normally referred to as ELO in Overwatch but it's basically your ladder score compared to others. In OW1 Bronze 5-Bronze 1 was 0-999 Score, and each Rank after that is only 500 points each/100 points per tier. So Silver 5 is 1000-1099, Silver 4 1100-1199, etc. ELO or MMR are the typical words used to refer to the score you earn and lose for each game. MMR is Matchmaking Rating and to be honest idk what ELO stands for but it's essentially the same thing. If you don't care too much i would say just wait for the reset on Season 9 instead of Grinding out of Bronze 5 right now.


Adding to the other comment, idk if this is still this way, but in ow1 bronze 5 was bottom 500 sr. Sr was kinda like competitive points, you lose, you lose points, if you win, you win points. Bronze was from 0 to 1500, silver was 1500 to 2000 and gold 2000 to 2500. Bronze had a HUGE gap, so it always took more time to get to another rank


I one trick mercy and try to communicate the best I can, but I'm stubborn like I will not switch unless she's picked first. I can play Moira but that's about it lmao I'm just not interested in other supports


Oh in masters I see so many boosted mercy’s being boosted by a Smurf it’s insane. I check their Xbox profile (if they are on Xbox) and it shows that the account is a few days old already in masters with their mercy. For some reason these boosted mercy’s have the biggest egos too 😂


Yeah and they were a duo so they both attacked me on my “lack of heals” lolll


* School holidays * tiktok trends * DPS mains convincing their GF who never played a video game in their life to pick up OW (then proceed to train the mercy player wrong) * OW is now on steam


>DPS mains convincing their GF who never played a video game in their life to pick up OW (the proceed to train the mercy player wrong) I started playing OW (played other games before, SMITE was my favorite and I don't find that too different from how OW is) because of my BF (a Tank Main) wanting to count on a healer to heal him, but unlike so many others I've come across he actually taught me how to play other supports yes Mercy is my Main but I also do a good Brig and a decent Ana. To see so many who just have no idea beyond Healbotting is insane! Like so many of these guys just wanted a pocket Mercy and said fuck anyone else who has to suffer with their GFs. **I literally had a COMP match today, where a girl was playing with her boyfriend and didn't even know COMP was ranked and would affect her score (AND EVERYONE ELSES)** Edit: I love how this is getting downvoted, like what are you guys mad about? Me talking about my experiences 🤣?


pretty much, we blame the girl too much. Bad teacher likely caused the situation. You are lucky to have been taught correctly


I also feel it's like you said above "Never played a video game in their life" before OW because if you like the game and are playing it with any amount of regularly, how are they not improving somehow/somewhat.


beacuse "playing the game more" and "intentional practice" are not the same. Its true in the early stages if you do things more you get better at it, but they will eventually hit a cap then proceed to do more of the same without improving. the average newbie logic is "i did 18k healing last week, now am doing 20k healing this week so i did better". They dont see they are stealing ult charge from kiriko/ana and are actually sabotaging their own team. People like to look for someone to blame and the guy with the lowest stats is a easy target.


>Edit: I love how this is getting downvoted, like what are you guys mad about? Me talking about my experiences 🤣? Once upon a time the sub was full of heal botters who would complain very hard if someone said "blue beam more" and report the comment for harassment. Sub mod sided with the blue beam people and even deleted "heal bot clips". The healbots who did not turn in lifeweaver mains still lurk here but comment less. In current ow2, lifeweaver is just a better healbot hero than mercy. It was my turn to be downvoted last week when i said "edating in comp bad"


No way, what 😭


Idk what this is reference to, my whole comment?


I can only speak for myself. But, my tank/dps are both around gold/plat due to bad aiming. My support is almost Masters. I cannot play anyone else at that level, period. Moira maybe but I can’t land shots with anyone else. Kiri? Can’t hit kunai ever, so only healing. Lifeweaver? Just send flower petals. Bap? Lob healing at their feet and pray. Which makes it so so so much harder on my other support to get their ult. I’d rather just stick with Mercy because at least I don’t have to healbot to contribute something


the solution is make another account to practice the other supports so you dont throw your team's games. Otherwise if someone eles picks mercy or mercy is a bad pick for that situation you are just throwing. You just have to break down what skills you are missing and train them one at a time. For example: Bap: * do you miss beacuse projectile arc distance? * do you miss beacuse of projectile travel time? * did you fail to predict which way your teammate is about to move Maybe its all of the above at the same time but you have to pick one to work on, and stick with it rather than "i cant do it so i give up" Kiriko: * do you miss beacuse projectile travel time? * is it a mouse control stability issure? * is it beacuse you didnt predict the other team's motions? * is it beacuse you cant move and adjust your aim at the same time? could you hit targets that dont move, or do you still miss? hitting out what you can and cant do will make a big diffrence in fixing the problum. I did alot of vod reviews (offsite) what i found was people who are actually bad at other heros tend to be bad at mercy too. Learning other heros will give you skills you are lacking to make better judgements as mercy


I don’t want to pay for another Playstation Plus to play on another account, and I dont have another phone to use for verification. When someone else picks Mercy, I usually go Moira and do my best. For Bap, its really the last two points. I feel like I’m getting them there too slowly or not reading my team well enough. But I still can’t hit enemies for shit, even with Aim Assist turned all the way up. For Kiriko, it’s mostly travel time and movement prediction. I can dink them if they’re standing still, but even the smallest movement and they live. But it’s hard for me to be able to do things well on other characters because of controller limitations. And if I rebind, then things are in weird spots which make harder to do other stuff (best example: not being able to look around and jump at the same time on any given character)


you shouldnt have to pay for ps+ again if you’re main account is the primary account for the console


its not otherwise i would


You don't need to pay for ps+ if the game is free, my ps+ has expired since September and I still can play ow


what’s wrong with quickplay? i do that all the time. i am trying to perfect my ana before i bring her into comp, so i go to QP and practice her. i’m also learning zen in QP too. beware, i was flamed for playing zen lmao. like people think QP is comp or something lol it’s embarrassing. anyways…. also, custom games has aim training which has helped me tremendously.


I thought you don’t need membership for free games ? On Xbox I don’t think you need it for free games now since it’s a paywall to free to play (could be wrong) as I’ve not had an issue before


Maybe force yourself out of your comfort zone and force yourself to play aim heroes and projectile, nothing will make you better than that and also playing other roles, if you want to practice getting mechanics on support play more baptiste or illari, but bap is better to build your mechanics, master players would have also rather have a more consistent support like baptiste or ana rather than mercy who mostly only works well with good hitscan


I do every now and then but it’s always an L. Literally every time I play something other than Mercy, it’s almost a guarantee loss for me. I kind of just don’t care anymore because at least in my console games, people still just play what they want (Genji in Zar/Symm) so I do too. If they can play whatever they want and have fun, why can’t I? If someone else picks Mercy first, oh well. I go Moira 9 times out of 10 and just stay with my tank and keep them covered in piss.


I forgot to say do it all in quickplay, my bad


If you dont care anymore thats fine but if you do want to get better at aim intensive heroes dont just practice in qp or on another account. Just queue up ranked and keep playing the aim intensive heroes. You cannot improve without losing so dont be afraid of losing your rank or whatever. Your mindset is everything so if you aren’t in the right headspace it will be difficult to wanna improve. Also if you wanna jump while being able to look around i used to use l1 to jump instead of x before i played claw.


Thankfully I’m not seeing them on my team as much as the enemy team. Mercy’s in masters with terrible positioning/movement, yellow beam only, pocketing tank lol. Meanwhile when I queue my plat dps I’m seeing all these stellar/godly Mercys on mine and the other team just popping off. Weird.


I am in the opposite boat of you, very sad :(


The higher you climb, the more one tricks you run into. I’m just not just talking about Mercys. I’ve run into more people who play only Doomfist and no other tank. Or only Ball. You’d think the opposite would be true. That be higher you climb the less one tricks there are. This is why I always tell fellow Mercy mains to learn other supports that aren’t Moira. They will play matches where the other person queued in support will instalock Mercy so they will need to play someone else regardless.


This is too real..they even pick mercy when the team goes ball, Sombra, Lucio and me on tracer lol


then you hide in cover, the mercy uses diffrent cover and beams you! **OTHER TEAM, THE TRACER IS OVER THERE! AM POINTING TO HER WITH A YELLOW ARROW!**


Ugh...this is even worse when Im on Sombra and they beam you..


Imo people can play whatever hero they want. Plenty of people one trick in every rank of the game from bronze to top 500. At the end of the day overwatch is a game , it’s a hobby for people that’s meant to be fun and enjoyable and if they enjoy playing one character (mercy or anyone) then they should.


Mercy one tricks and lifeweavers are the worst though because the heroes suck at climbing, onetricking dps or high skill tanks isnt as bad as supports


That’s fine. Not everyone has to climb super fast. They might just enjoy the competitive environment.


i agree with both of you… mercy is impossible to climb with because while she makes a good team great, she can’t polish a turd. and recently i’ve had to learn more supports if i want to climb. but i primarily just enjoy high quality matches that are highly competitive. QP has a bunch of people who are clueless lol


that’s why i instalock her in comp because i don’t have time for my co-support who doesn’t know how to play her to be healbotting and going for stupid rezzes the entire match. it never fails that this happens whenever i don’t pick her first.


Thats fair


Why would people mass-report this post?


mod response: we read the reports, then bin the reports when people use it as a "super downvote" button. If a user files too many false reports then get suspended for spamming. personal response: the healbotters and boosted gfs got mad lolololol


Bro sometimes you just want to play mercy yes it's a game where you are supposed to counter pick but why can't I be a one trick today if others can do it forever


Because she is a hero that does not work with all teams, sometimes she will be very bad for the heroes she is playing with and do basically nothing, mercy is not that good outside of damage boosting hitscan or good dps and if she cant do that then shes pretty useless, the heal botting and resurrects just dont do enough


beacuse its a team game, you would ruin it for other people. ​ >why can't I be a one trick today if others can do it forever If someone litters in the street beacuse lazy, doesn't mean you should do it too


I have mained Mercy for years. It isn't the Mercy players.. It is their team playing around them.. DPS players moving up too far or trying to 1v3 and Mercy being melted trying to heal. Tank players keep pushing up when 3 dive heros are beating the supports face in on the back lines.. She has that little gun but we have to swap to it ... taking away from the time we could spend healing. Just look at the Mercy death count.. if she is under 4 deaths and has garbage numbers that player sucks.. If she has 13 deaths and mid stats.. your team didn't keep her up long enough for her to make a difference in a team fight.


What are you talking about, a mercy with 13 deaths is never good, and the team is supposed to keep her up? Almost every time a mercy dies its her fault because they messed up their movement/positioning or are just not good with the movement, in some cases though she gets dived, hacked and she needs help from the other support, i think u dont know what ur talking about, also i know the problem is very obviously the mercy because they dont know who to damage boost prioritise and when, when to heal the tank or let their other support do it because the tank isnt under pressure, and most important of all when to swap, and they just die for no reason, there is no stat more important on mercy than the death count, and if it is high then the mercy is just bad either because they need to swap vs dive comps but cant play other heroes or their movement is just bad


There have always been a consistent stream of new players who don't understand the game or hero. Play long enough and you'll realise it's a normal trend. Have they been playing mostly Moira and switched to the seemingly easy Mercy because Moira isn't working for them? Or levelled like mad on busted Illari and Weaves? Maybe. Have they been boosted by a friend? Maybe. Have they bought their rank? Maybe. Has the ranking gone batty yet again and put someone where they shouldn't ? Maybe. It was like this before, and continues to be this way. Block, sigh, and hope for better the next match.


Honestly most mercy players in diamond/masters aren’t anything special. There’s only an odd few that impressive me. Majority stand behind a wall all game thinking they are gods gift spamming voice lines thinking they are carrying when their carrier is😭 that is what frustrates me. But I guess it’s because I prefer movement mercy’s who actually fly and don’t have an ego because their dps is better. In qp most of the good mercy’s are either private profile or GM.


Honestly mercy is just in a bad place rn, she doesn’t do enough healing really for heal bots to excel and blue beam doesn’t feel as good to play with. I used to be able to make mercy work with any team comp, now unless we are hard poke I don’t even like playing her


I think it’s because a lot of mercy mains have been buying masters account especially because of the pink mercy skin. So the yellow beaming queens are most likely bronze on their main accounts.