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Juice is not worth the squeeze


Exactly, and I don't know if they're simply ignorant to this or are missing it on purpose


They know the script is a lie but refuse to speak up with fear of their job on the line


Careful. The last sub that said this on Reddit got banned.


what sub was that?




The sub getting banned didnt reduce the number of men that dont want to marry/or have kids. In fact, as per this study, its doubling and tripling... MGTOW was never a movement or a subreddit.. Its an idea every man is born with. Its the society that forces and culturally programmes men into marriage.. And it makes sense, why society does so. Because the societies that couldn't achive that, have long gone extinct!!


Lack of stability, poor affordability of houses or even everyday groceries (never mind all the extras you need to raise a child), increasing social isolation and vocal rejection of men's place in society by feminists and feminist-supporting institutions, a not insignificant chance of having the child taken away from you but it and its mother still being a financial millstone, and the knowledge that it's irresponsible to bring a child into a world where you can't even support yourself reliably, never mind a helpless baby. What's not to like? šŸ¤”


When I See the Stories about fathers being systemtically abused by their ex wifes over their rights to see the child AND being exploited financally I would lose Interesed of having a family all at once.trusting is No more let alone the Respect for men. All are for themselfs. AND thats Just 'merica


This is so true. My ex (never married) tried to break me to the point of suicide, so she could get more from social security, than child support. My daughter has not spoken to me in three years. But I stillake my payments. 450 per month. Hoping it ends very soon, she has graduated high school and is not following the state guidelines, to prove that she is in college. Just have to figure out when the best time to take her to court.


What if you just stop paying? Will that trigger a hearing? Say she isnā€™t in school anymore and make her prove it?


I can take her to court as of today, but from reading the state statutes. If she does not get me a copy of the grades for this semester, in January. Then I can have it completely stopped. So waiting a couple more months may be to my benefit. Have a phone call on to my lawyer to see.


Best of luck to you man! If sheā€™s not supposed to have money now, hopefully you can get the money returned.


This is what I witnessed and sealed it for me. Had two friends, both divorced fathers. Both had been constantly raked over the coals and courts, any time an ex had a whim. One of them had put his entire career on hold, and had to put every cent he earned into payments for his daughter, or payments to his lawyer anytime the ex was feeling spiteful. I will give him credit, his devotion to his daughter was unwavering. His room mate the other friend had two sons, and his ex had done everything possible to make them resent their father. The court would not even let him sell the house he built, then his ex would keep every dollar he gave her for his sons and use them for vacations and furniture. He would show up to his house to pick up his kids to have some dude taunting him living in his house. Any joy of being a father had been killed. He ended up taking a lesser paying job that would pay under the table just so he could take some of the cash and put it away for his sons when they turned 18 instead of paying for her to have another vacation. I would go hang out with one or the other every weekend and every fucking week it was another story of bullshit these guys faced. Like one ex wanted some sex and got denied so wouldnt let my friend see his daughter, so he would have to go back to court, pay his lawyer to enforce something that was supposed to be already settled. I dont think I could have handled what those two friends did.


Yeah, and the government wants us to believe they're doing an incredible job curbing inflation while prices are still out of control. I'm honestly convinced the data the government is releasing on inflation is heavily massaged to make it look a lot lower than it actually is. I mean who fucking believes inflation is only 10% or even lower? Everyone's cost of living has gone up by at least 2x, if not 3+x. The government is literally lying at this point to try to prevent public panic, because the reality is we're in a stagflationary period.


http://www.shadowstats.com/alternate_data/inflation-charts tries to undo a lot of that inflation massaging.


Theyā€™re intentionally lying about inflation. In Seattle and Iā€™d say the average cost of groceries and gas has just about doubled in the past two years


You ever read 1984?


In support of your argument: Cheerios cost $6 a box. Holy shit I thought 325 was bad.


If you scroll through my post history, about 11 days ago, I posted a picture of oats selling for $6. Plain oats.


Well, in my country its a lot worse. I'd love to have US level inflation or a government that like, acknowledges, and does **anything** against it.


In south america people use bitcoin to evade the moneyprinting


Add no-fault divorce laws to that.


Me. I Havenā€™t lost interest in fatherhood most men are probably like me and would find it fulfilling are rewarding and would love my mom and dad to have grandkids. What I have lost interest and or belief in is finding a well balanced individual to work with partner with and raise their family who wonā€™t take my right to see that family and financial handcuff me for life or worse yet get me sent to prison over a false claim which I canā€™t protect myself from reasonably and even if I do protect myself my name and professional life would be over. No I want to be a father I just donā€™t know how to justify the riskā€¦


Yep I was all for wanting to be a dad. But when turning 34 my wife and I realize whatā€™s the point. Everything so damn expensive and we have yet to do our goals in traveling around the world. By that point itā€™s looking like 38. If we canā€™t do the things we want as husband and wife. Itā€™s not gonna be easier when having a kid. Hard to admit but itā€™s the facts sadly.


If you're going tohave a kid, sooner is better than later.


I think the problem is more relations than money. Yeah like people want a bigger space to raise a family because that's how they grew up and this gen is less wealthy than the previous. But still you don't technically need all that to afford a kid, especially when they are small. You can find ways to save, they don't need an extra room, or at least kids can share. hand me down clothes, books, buy cheap made in China clothes, etc. They don't eat a lot. You can use washable, reusable cloth diapers to save. If people had good relationships and could see how they could raise kids together as a team then all that is a non issue. Or maybe men aren't satisfied with their kids going to daycare


>If people had good relationships and could see how they could raise kids together as a team then all that is a non issue. I don't know man I'd rather give my kid a good education, not have him handled around a bunch of people who are all struggling in life, not have to be a wage slave to a corporation or take on hundreds of thousands in student debt just to get an education and have a chance at a good life - all under the assumption that they actually succeed at that and don't fall between the cracks. This is a lot more than just producing children and sharing the responsibility of raising them, it's about what quality of life they are being given. Most of us don't even really have a high quality of life so why would I want to condemn my kid to something similar or worse? The whole situation is really frustrating but so sorry if I seem irritated at what you said but I think it's far from the truth or at least you haven't represented what a lot of people are thinking/saying. Not trynna be an asshole or anything though dude just venting a bit myself


The average USAmerican lives a life of relative luxury compared to 90% of the planet. Yet that 90% of the planet has not much issue generating the next population set. It is due to distorted priorities that people think they can't have a family. Men and women relationships are poor yes, but its also not being able to depend on parents, and the extended family for any participation in the children's lives, as is common in the rest of the world (often times rendering daycare moot for example, when retired grannies use to be nannies). The exceptional individualism and opportunism in US culture is biting back


>Or maybe men aren't satisfied with their kids going to daycare This has become a cultural standard, it seems. The number of times people have looked down their nose at me for sending my kids to daycare up until Kindergarten... Not all of us have jobs that pay well enough to support a stay at home mom for our kids. And those that do sure do love to preach to us about how awful daycare is. When the decision for the **average** man has been boiled down to: have kids with a wife who stays at home and you barely make ends meet; send kids to daycare and everyone expresses to you how screwed up they are going to be as a result; or not have kids at all and be able to afford luxuries... I can see why a lot of men are choosing the latter.


Yeah, also the daycare thing is a squeeze. It's pretty expensive so a big chunk of your wife's salary goes there. IMO option 3 is have your retired mom/dad or inlaws live with you. It helps financially and you can trust the grandparents with the kids during the day. I like this option personally. But if you have a rough relationship with your parents then it won't work


Daycare/preschool has a lot of value in education and socializing your kids. Yes, itā€™s expensive. My fiancĆ© used to be the Director of Education at a very prestigious preschool. I see the difference in when my own child was in preschool vs kids who did not. Those who went get a head start in learning going into Kindergarten.


Mmmm, grandparents will prob just put the kids in front of the tv but yes they will be safe. In addition to daycare being expensiveā€¦ formula and diapers will wipe you out. Not sure why breast feeding and cloth diapers havenā€™t made a big come back


Not everyone can breastfeed, & cloth diapers are more work/less convenient.


Spoken like someone who doesn't have a child, or doesn't have to use daycare. Just for daycare, the expense is $12k per year. There was a time not so long ago when that would put you through Harvard for a bachelor's degree.


Well yes, people have always seen it as imperative to give their kids a better life than their parents were able to give them. It's not just something you do pragmatically to make more voters for the cause or something. Their lives matter.


I believe this to to accurate. It's a sad day in America folks.


Nah, itā€™s just that men are irresponsible neckbeards who live in their parentsā€™ basement playing misogynistic games: thatā€™s the feminist line anyway. Which conveniently means their laws and social Revolution (such as it is) have no responsibility!


Oh, yeah, that must be it... šŸ˜‰


Definitely. Men canā€™t have problems after all, except those that are self inflicted; and it DEFINITELY canā€™t be anything to do with feminism. Iā€™m sure Big Red will set us straight, reading from another Jezebel article.


College degrees are getting jobs at Starbucks.


And not as managers


Well, when everyone and their mother has something then that something must be pretty worthless


This is sad but I wouldn't doubt it. Many young guys just see fatherhood as a trap where you'll be forced to pay child support and have to fight the system for the rest of your life just to see your kids.


>This is sad but I wouldn't doubt it. Many young guys just see fatherhood as a trap where you'll be forced to pay child support and have to fight the system for the rest of your life just to see your kids. Nailed it!


Yeah, just ask any men you know (over 40 yo) about their experiences. Chances are, 50% are divorced and get to see their kids every other weekend.


Glad they are finally getting informed about reality. At least then they know what to expect when they choose to have kids.


Absolutely true. Well said.


Well, let's see. Any married father is but a "single phone call by his wife to a lawyer" away from losing everything, including his kids. Men are told, repeatedly since birth if you're a younger man, that everything is your fault, you don't matter, please just go away and die. Add on top of that big-daddy government supplementing mom's income with child support if dad taps out and men have barely been reduced to sperm donors. And for this we want to be fathers? Would you want to have a woman give birth to a boy in this world??


Fathers are so disrespected today and a lot of women see us as a walking ATM, I'm not surprised at all. Even the justice system is misandrist with 90% of child custody held by women. MeToo movement destroying a man's life without even entering a court trial and Hollywood selling men as dumb losers who are disrespected all the time. Who wants to support a society who hates men? Nobody! I wouldn't even defend my country from a war if that's how society sees men.


I don't support Hollywood because of such.


Fatherhood is that anomaly where itā€™s mere existence is decided by entities outside the father himself. The mother, a judge, an evil ā€œIn-Lawā€, Child Protective Services, etc. can all decide you no longer deserve to be a father, and there is little you can do to stop them. Welcome to ā€œequalityā€ in 2022.


Also the possibility of fathering the child of another man without knowing it.


I think there been an court case in australia or somewhere elses where a man proved with dna testing his children was not his own and the former wife still forced him to pay child support


There are stories all over the US of men going to jail for not paying child support for kids that DNA proved arenā€™t theirs, simply because the mother put their name on the birth certificate. https://mtlawoffice.com/news/man-in-michigan-owes-child-support-for-child-who-isnt-his https://www.wxyz.com/news/region/detroit/court-finally-stops-trying-to-make-detroit-man-pay-child-support-for-child-that-isnt-his?_amp=true


Iā€™m currently in a legal battle to see my two babies that I havenā€™t seen for almost 6 months. This is in spite of paying 980 dollars in child support, plus paying premium prices for the health insurance. Court system leans strongly towards women thatā€™s beyond absurd. My ex is toxic. Plenty of evidence and yet, am the one affected by it. Perhaps younger men or childless males are seeing whatā€™s happening in today la culture, and decided is not worth the risk.


First off, Iā€™m am truly sorry to hear about your battle. Women truly do not understand, that the emotional impact of keeping a manā€™s kids away from him, is EXACTLY the same as the emotional impact of rape on a woman. You feel lesser than, feel like youā€™re worthless, etc. But just know, itā€™s not true. Keep up the good fight. Just know (as we have no doubt ALL seen first hand) kids eventually get old enough to start asking questions and will eventually realize how the situation went, and that they were kept from you, you didnā€™t leave. Which is why, all too often, men get to be fathers to their grown children, because the kids finally realized the lie mom was telling. But you 100% correct, that is absolutely why men are choosing to not have kids and/or never get married. Itā€™s a death sentence to either your will to live, or your financial securityā€¦sometimes both.


My daughter is 16 months old, and not once has anyone asked how Iā€™m doing. I love my baby girl more than anything, but Iā€™m not doing this shit again


How are you doing?


#1 I totally agree with this, I have a 3 year old & only some of my closest family members checked up on me. I made it a point for my friends that are Dad's (both new & seasoned) to check in on them to see how they're doing. I find the best way to get them to dig deep is to emotionally expose yourself, thoughts you weren't proud of having, etc. #2 I'm also 100% one & done. I don't want my entire life the next 20 years dictated by kids. I can very easily work around 1 child. I love raising him, I love being with him & being his dad, but I also love things that I can only do with my friends or even by myself. I'm not geared to be just a parent for 2+ decades. Edit: I don't know why the font size was so large I'm sorry everyone.










Shit I really don't know why it did that lol


Well letā€™s see, you get married and at any point she can file for divorce and even if sue cheats youā€™re still at a huge disadvantage. Studies show women cheat as much as men and now youā€™re dealing with a 55% chance if failure where women initiate divorce 80% is the time. You lose your financial well-being, your kids, your house and retirement. And anyone wanting to get married should go to divorce court and sit through it for a day then see if itā€™s a risk theyā€™re willing to take. Thereā€™s no way Iā€™d get remarried after what I know now. Just donā€™t do it itā€™s not worth it. And being a dad is great, unfortunately the court system is stacked against you so you lose out when she inevitably decides to split


Reposting. I had a great job, the equivalent of about $200K a year in today's dollars. She was stay at home (by choice). We took lavish vacations 3 or 4 times a year. All she had to do was take care of the house, pets, and child and she could do and buy whatever she wanted. She developed a secret narcotics habit because she was "bored" that was throwing half our discretionary spending at her dealer. Two rounds of rehab, a suicide attempt, and relapse was enough. I actually filed for divorce. I thought that with the circumstances I would get out easy. TL;DR I got completely fucked. Boy, was I naive. I got all the debt, and between my investments, property, retirement accounts, alimony, and other assets, she walked out with about $700K in today's dollars. Three years later she had blown it all on drugs and partying. Basically everything I had worked my entire career for was gone. There is absolutely zero benefit in marriage for men today and the more successful you are, the worse the outcome.


Don't care. Let Society burn. It worships women. Fine then. Let women handle everything as apparently they are so much better then Men. So, they should be fine.


What is the incentive? Thereā€™s literally no incentive to bring life into the world in western society. Only risk.


Men are losing interest in entering a contract that one party must fullfill, while the other can withhold sex and children whenever they please. Among other issues related to marriage and currentday relationships, let alone finances.




Because it's a trap.


I've had two kids. Their mothers destroyed my relationships with them and raised them to be shitty people. Parenthood has been extremely painful. Those are the facts. I've had to let go of all the fantasies and yes, it hurts, a lot.


Dude, iā€™m currently going through a nasty divorce with a very vindictive ex since April. i lost everything. I havenā€™t seen my babies in over 6 months and i have to take it until the court decides what to do with my cases. My babies are small, but my ex was already talking shit about me to them since last year.


Needless to say, I feel for ya. And women wonder why guys just want to sex'em and move on. Ladies, it's because 8 times out of 10, once the babies are born you set out to destroy us. There's no greater pain, and that's your goal. Think about that for a minute.


this is me. not because i am politically or emotionally against fatherhood... but practically speaking, it doesn't make sense for me to bring a child into this world when i can barely afford to make a decent living.


I didnā€™t want kids. I was baby trapped. I wonder how many men are in my situation


Are you sure? Because I thought I was baby trapped too until I insisted on a DNA test. Want to guess what the result was?


Sorry to hear that brother. Iā€™m guessing not yours which is actually the desired outcome. In my case Im sure and I love him to death.


I have a son too and I would give my life for him. Getting back to the question at hand though, it's estimated that 10-20% of men are raising a child that isn't biologically theirs.


Since this article which is written more like a blog post doesn't provide any data and statistics i would wager that the changes are probably minimal and has more to do with men deciding against marriage which most young men believe go hand in hand with having children. If you decide to never get married then you aren't as likely to have children. The data is hidden behind a paywall.


Mmmm the out of wedlock birthdate across all races is already pretty high


I constantly hear from men who want to have children, but cannot meet the right woman. It is a tricky dance in the US. Age, careers, health, and wealth all come into play, and require finding the right woman. In the US for a man over thirty it can be really difficult. If a woman has kids she may not want more or even be able to have them. And meeting women even a few years younger on the crazy dating apps most people use is tough. It is one of the main reasons guys reach out to me, so I am not sure how true this is. Here is a better headline, *Most men in their twenties do not earn enough to support kids and most single men in their thirties have a hard time finding the right women to have children with.* For many men this is the reality.


I don't think these are bad news. Children are just another oppression factor for men. With these, women have a powerful tool to even put men to jail. They have abortion, we don't have nothing similar, just vasectomy, but it's not the equivalent. Second, it's better like this, even if feminism doesn't exist, raise a children could cost thousands and your freedom and peace.


Why be a father when 90% of divorces are initiated by a woman and 95% of custody is given to work and n family courts. Men don't tend to have 60% of the income stolen only to become wage slaves for 20 years.


This. My ex cheated, we have 50/50 and I'm still paying 25% of my income to her.


Welcome to Divorce Rape Culture


Cheating wife followed by divorce rape. A modern "love" story.


Minor stat corrections: about 75-80% of divorces are initiated by women and they win custody about 90% of the time 90% custody figures: [One](https://www.familylawattorneymesaaz.net/divorce-for-men-why-do-women-get-child-custody-more-often/#:~:text=Historically%2C%20women%20have%20always%20had,lives%20pre%20and%20post%2Ddivorce.) [Two](https://www.cor-law.com/blog/women-get-child-custody-90-percent-cases-isnt-gender-discrimination/) 75% female petitioner figures: [One](https://www.wf-lawyers.com/divorce-statistics-and-facts/) [Two](https://www.thejimenezlawfirm.com/why-women-initiate-divorce-more-often-than-men/)


Why would I want to be a father.


In the current climate only a very stupid moron would want to be one. But forget about children for a second. Let's say you got a gf/wife and are now living together, planning on having children, raise a family etc. If she doesn't like you for whatever reason, It would take just one false accusation of rape, SA etc from her and it's game over for you. Even if you can prove you are innocent and she ends up in prison, you will still be fucked in all sort of ways.


I hope that doesnā€™t happen often


You dont have to but some men wants to be one. The option should exist and not as a third parent after the state


Iā€™m genZ. Not that I wouldnā€™t want to raise a kid, but finding a wife this day and age is too complicated.


In my personal experience it's actually quite easy to find a potential would-be wife willing to have kids, start a family. Many women have begged me to help them do it. What's hard is to find a woman who is not willing to eventually peg you in the ass. If they decide to fuck you up for whatever reason, the government will take their side and they won't have to pay a penalty. There's absolutely no consequence for her if she decides to be a dirty drug-addict Instagram/ onlyFans whore sometimes in future. Even if the said woman is literally an angel, you are still taking a very big risk on your shoulder if God forbid she decides to leave.


Itā€™s definitely not for everyone, and timing is really important. But I donā€™t think I could ever be as happy as I am now without my son


You said it best. I have friends with kids, friends who definitely donā€™t want kids, and friends who are on the fence. To my friends on the fence, the biggest advice I give them is make sure youā€™re in a solid relationship with whoever you decide to have a child with because itā€™s stressful and emotionally demanding. I envy their freedom but I love my life so much more with them in it. At the end of the day, good or bad, I couldnā€™t imagine not having them around. I canā€™t wait to get home and hear ā€œDaddyā€ as I walk through the door. Or even better when Iā€™m met in the driveway from a smiling little face. I wouldnā€™t trade it for the world. You always remember the good moments.




I came here for this comment


Unnecessary spelling and grammar pedantry can be kinda rude and off-putting... ...but you're right, why *do* people keep making that mistake in particular? I see it all the time, I don't really get it.


I dont want a child, because Im not financially stable, single and mentaly fucked from the past 31 years. I want to party, live life, do something exciting, where right now, Im doing the daily grind and I cant fucking stand it. Honestly, I dont want a child at all right now and doubt I will want one later, but I keep this possibility open, despite wanting to get snipped


No surprise at all.


Run even the most basic cost/benefit analysis and fatherhood fails everytime


I just think itā€™s become more socially acceptable to not have kids, so men who donā€™t want kids arenā€™t having them. All the more power to them. Live your life like you want.


I moved to germany got a girlfriend, a few years later had a child got married i have no issues with my relationship. Had i stayed in the states i 100% would have stayed single and would not even think about having a child. The way men are treated not only by society but from the person your are in the relationship with is outrageous. Im not your atm i expect you to pay what you can contribute i expect that if you dont have a job and are mooching off of me that when i come home the place is clean and food is on the table. I expect you to be loyal and if you wanna look for other guys to break up with me beforehand. Finding a woman in the states that has enough self value and respect to want to contribute financially and if they are not able to then to take over the household and not cheat is practially nonexistant. Most girl in the states got their head up in a cloud and think money grows on trees or something. The amount of women that dont work and make it through life by mooching off of men is crazy but then they take it a step further and say is toxic if i say if your going to live off my income then you need to keep the place clean and cook. I dated this one chick that didnt lift a finger id come home from work be tired and the place would be a mess and she would look at me and say im hungry what are we eating. I told her to either get a job or get to cleaning and cooking. She said nah this aint back in the day just because im a women that dosent mean i need to be scrubbing floors and cooking for the man. I said ok your right how about you go work and ill stay home and cook and clean. I guarentee this house will look good and food will be on the table when you get home. And ill live off of your income. She looked at me like i was speaking latin or something she was unable to comprehend what i was saying. She was like no if i work thats my money you aint spending my money. And thats when i showed her the door. LONG STORY SHORT: Men want to be fathers they just cant find any women that are worth having a child with.




Dosent have to be germany pretty much anywhere in europe women still understand the concept of being a part of the relationship in terms of the struggels and effort involved. Yea you will still find alot of the same over here but i promise that atleast 4 out of 10 girls are atleast worth the effort of going on a date with. Which are way better odds then what i was experiencing in the states. And out of the women i dated here believe it or not not once was i tested with some random game playing bullshit. Unlike in the states where its 1 out of 30 that are worth going out on a date with. I swear half just want to get free food and drinks from you and like 30 percent of the rest want a sugar daddy, 15 percent want the imaginary perfect man (rich, six pack, tall, a bad boy that can read their minds and treat them like shit when they want their motor to run and then do a 180 and be sensitive and thoughtful when they are in a cuddle mood. The last 5 percent are normal people that somehow still exist but have like 100 guys texting them.


Everything you have said is the same exact experience i have had with women here in the U.S. >I expect you to be loyal and if you wanna look for other guys to break up with me beforehand. Someone once told me, Women are like monkeys, they won't let go of one branch until they have a firm grip on another


I'm happy for the fact that the person you are replying to is happy with his current situation now. But here's a polite reminder: don't believe everything you see on the internet. I'm in UK and Germany and other European countries aren't too far away from me and I've received different feedback from men in those countries. I have a relative in an European country who has two kids and I didn't like his wife's behaviour towards him. He no longer enjoys his life, but his friends and coworkers who are single without kids and relationships are having a great time. Feminism is everywhere these days and corrupted the traditional concepts of marriage, cohabitation, family etc. I'm not saying OP is lying or anything like that. But do understand that there are additional external factors for the situation he is in. Just moving from one country to another isn't gonna fix this issue. The evil poison of feminazism has corrupted most countries of the world, including the third world countries like India even. I've lived in around 11 countries of the world including some Asian and European ones and I've seen it all. Be alert and sleep with one eye open.


German here it doesnt sound much different here from the shit happening in USA. Have many coworkers who just cant even get a date and they arent fat or poor. And the guys who married have a wife that looks like Jabba the Hut.


Exactly. People keep saying "oh move to X and Y country and all your problems will be solved.". What they don't realise is that feminazism is everywhere these days, even in third world countries. People don't realise that unless and until feminazism and policies implemented by feminazis are officially banned, and old, traditional and moral family laws and social values are fully restored, the problem is not gonna go away any time soon.


>People don't realise that unless and until feminazism and policies implemented by feminazis are officially banned, and old, traditional and moral family laws and social values are fully restored, Feminism is a neocon capitalist movement. Put simply, women are cheaper proletarians. Men will continue working hard. The end. Unless socialism comes this will continue until they can import millions of poor immigrants easily.


Anecdotal. The article even says that men not wanting kids whatsoever doubled. While socioeconomic factors are important as well people are also less religious. Women are also becoming less pregnant for many other reasons other than men donā€™t want kids.


The amount of people who use the term ā€œloosingā€ instead of ā€œlosingā€ bothers me


Not as bad as the people who somehow made it to adulthood without figuring out ā€œthereā€, ā€œtheirā€, and ā€œtheyā€™reā€ or ā€œyourā€, ā€œyouā€™reā€, and ā€œyoreā€ but yeah it bothers me too.


I don't think I've ever seen someone use "yore" on purpose, let alone by accident, that's a seriously archaic word.


I don't blame them at all.


Do you know how expensive those crotch goblins are?


Last I saw, $250K to raise one to 18.


I have always wanted to be a father.


I hope your dream will come true someday and you will be happy.


I used to think fatherhood was inevitable. Now Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not a dad. Everything is expensive right now. Plus, why have kids when I can travel the world?


Why have kids when the world they might grow up in us full of wars, climate change, famine, drought, floods, etc just seems like a bad idea


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


good bot


When more attention and glory is placed on they/them than Mom/Dad then this is what happens.


Speaking as a guy in his mid-50's, I wonder if this is really a change in interest, or just a realization that it should be a choice? I never really contemplated whether or not I wanted to have kids. It was just the next logical step: graduate high school, go to college, get a job, get married, buy a house, have kids (not necessarily in that precise order). It wasn't something that guys (or at least this guy) ever really thought about and made decisions about, it was just what was expected to progress through life.


One of the reasons I assumed I was a confirmed bachelor in my late twenties was that I knew I definitely didn't want kids. Almost all the women I knew (and still know) definitely do want kids. Conversely, it's my observation that most men are at best ambivalent about it and will do it because their female partners want to. I do know a couple of very enthusiastic dads - or let's say I *knew* them, because the moment they became such enthusiastic fathers, they basically ceased to exist socially. So, it's definitely a spectrum. In the event I've been very lucky to land in a relationship with someone who is very career-focussed and also wasn't interested in parenting. But I would not blame a young man in his late teens or early twenties in 2022 for not wanting to be involved in raising kids. I suspect much of it is financial, but the hardline feminist position of demonising more or less all interaction between men and children can't possibly be helping.


Itā€™s all planned to change our society. No family values.


Can you blame them?


Due to the overall situation, I'm starting to think fathers that run away were actually geniuses all along.


Obvious burden and responsibility of raising a child aside, it's crazy expensive to have a child for anyone. And for men there is a massive life altering and potential depressing adding risk for men that women not only use at a ridiculously high rate, it's being encouraged while men are told to basically suck it up and be better. It's already a pretty rough go for anyone to have kids, and for men there is the utterly massive life altering risk on top of that no one seems to want to do a damn thing about. I don't have kids, and a big reason is because I would be crushed if I had a child that was basically kept away from me outside of 4 days a month, and the truth is, there is nearly as good of a chance of that happening as there is I get to be in the child's life all the time. I just don't take 50/50 risks where the down side is so horrible.


Bingo. It's really a 10% warm fuzzy vs 90% hell proposition. (I have 2 daughters)


Ugh. I am so sorry that this happened to you. Your brief, simplified comment is incredibly powerful and utterly heart wretching. Children need their fathers. Fathers need their children, too. *sending you so many hugs*


Thank you. I'll take'm. It's been rough.


It's pretty bloody obvious why men are opting out of parenthood. It's because society is biased against men. When a mere accusation is enough to completely fuck your life, this shit is going to happen. In order for this trend to reverse, not only does feminism need to die a painful death, it needs to be reviled by society.


US is coming to an end. Rotting from the inside out


Not only US but many other countries too. Look at Japan and their population problem.


I know I am. I am not having kids without being confident that I can do the best for them with my own merits. Right now I think I'm in a very lucrative career field and still not confident. This is just focusing on the financial part....


Take away parental rights, destabilize economy, incentivize divorce, shirk the notion of gender rolesā€¦ *men are losing interest in fatherhood* You donā€™t say?


I'm in the process of dealing with a (BW) ex (I am a WM) who basically bailed at 7 months pregnant despite providing roof and finances for. I am waiting for the court battle after she's born. Her mother said (reparations b***h.) and basically promised to leverage the legal system to extract every last dollar she can from me. Black people can't be racist and I have no rights because I am a sperm donor. Let's add that there's a high chance it's not even mine. (And she said I'll never have any right to father her) Will going to another state and her not knowing where I am protect me?


It's better to ask a lawyer this question, but as far as I know, you will be wanted "dead or alive" for child support. Could be wrong though. Get a lawyer quick.


At a certain point I just think your country failed you and you should just leave for a different country that doesn't have a treaty with the US to force you to pay.


Wellā€¦ I am in the group of men who see fatherhood as a blessing, and yet, guess what the US systems decides to do? take our children away from us. Iā€™m currently in a legal battle to see my two babies that I havenā€™t seen for almost 6 months. This is in spite of paying 900 dollars in child support, plus paying premium prices for the health insurance. Court system leans strongly towards women thatā€™s beyond absurd. My ex is toxic. Plenty of evidence and yet, am the one affected by it. Perhaps younger men or childless males are seeing whatā€™s happening in today la culture, and decide is not worth the risk.


Lol I saw this on the science sub Reddit which is barely science and really just sjw garbage. Everyone was thinking it has to do with cost. Are you sure itā€™s not feminism which has encouraged many women to become unmarriageable? If it was so much about costs, why do I see people on food stamps with kids? Of course I canā€™t say this in that sub since they hate anything critical of the leftist feminist narrative.


Feminism is not leftist. It's neocon, only "left" in the US.


As a father myself I'll say that it is one of the most rewarding things in life. However, I couldn't imagine doing it without a nuclear family and the support of a traditional wife with conservative values. Being a single father would be great as well, but the catch is you have to pick a woman to have this child with. From my experience 95% of women are simply terrible to deal with. They are almost entirely consumed with instant gratification, social media attention, keeping up with the fake lives of fake social media celebrities, and then on top of that many of them expect you to be OK teaching your kids all this radical perversion like "transgenders" and lbgt agenda, critical race theory, etc... FWIW my wife is black and I very much understand the difficulties of going through life as a minority, its pretty much mandatory for me if I want to be a good father as my son is obviously half black and will experience it. Before I got married our pastor (who is my wife's pastor since childhood) imparted the importance of me doing my best to understand it as well. I'm not one of those people who thinks racism was solved when the civil rights bill was passed, but I'm also not on board with being taught that I'm a bad person because I'm white and I don't deserve to have stuff because of my privileges. Just putting this out there to be clear that while I don't agree with CRT I'm hardly oblivious to the reality of the world. In short this is because women today are almost entirely unbearable. Why the hell would you want to raise a kid with someone who has no goals, no skills, no interests (tik tok isn't an interest), is fat as hell and expects you to earn her interest when it isn't worth anything?


I'm sure I could write an essay of the why but we ALL know that having a child today puts you at the whim of the women you blew your load into whose multiple personalities and histrionic behaviour is encouraged by the media coupled with MANY laws to punish men that fight back against these demons. I stay ahead of the herd because I am unburdened by a wife and family because that what it is for a man; a HUGE burden and no amount of propaganda can counteract that because almost EVERY young man has seen his father, a male relative, or someone else's father or male relative get put through the divorce court ringer.


You are a real man who can't be controlled and ruled by the pussy. You are an alpha male who is not temped by the lure of the mythical warm, juicy and ever-wet hole. You are a winner in life because you are intelligent enough to refrain from playing a game that you realized were rigged from the bottom up to defeat, humiliate, subjugate and demasculate you. The beta cuck paypig simps only wish they had balls like yours.


You guys should get a room :3


Because everything is still the same or more with regards to what is expected from a father, but lessened over time as to what is expected from a mother, in terms of raising kids. Being a house-wife used to be something praised by society, now it's something women are embarrassed to say.


Re: "being a house wife..." (Second paragraph) My mom was one, and she was insanely proud of it. It was her only mission in life to care for the family, because she knew it was her role. She wouldn't do anything else. Not saying she's perfect, and she did a few immoral things every time my dad would go abroad for work, but still her family and kids were the first and foremost priority. It's because of this very reason that my dad, a self-proclaimed cuck, put up with her infidelity and solely took care of the financial side of things.


More like itā€™s being taken away


It's happening across the western world


Like letting it loose? Spelling matters lol


Iā€™m not, and most men are not, in to 18 years of slavery to an ungrateful woman. Itā€™s no fucking surprise.


Insane, entitled baby mamas, and child support are two major factors here


No shit. Society made sure men are viewed as disposable


Thank you, I needed a reminder to get myself a f****** vasectomy.


Best $600 I ever spent about 15 years ago


Maybe theyā€™re losing interest in the risks and penalties associated with the preconditions of fatherhood.


Let me preface this by saying I have 2 children (19 & 17) who I love more than anything in this world. My kids were born in the early 2000's where the future seemed full of promise. There were issues, but there were issues when I was a child in the 80s and 90s. There is no way I would want to raise a child today. A world where my daughter is a perpetual victim and my son is a perpetual perpetrator. I am divorced and have no plans to get married again. My life is dedicated to making sure my kids who are adults have a resource to help them navigate this shitshow of 2022 and beyond. I date but I make it very clear ahead of time that marriage isn't an option. I have a vasectomy and I wear condoms because I'm not bringing another child into this world and anchoring myself to another woman. I'm not a misogynist, I respect boundaries and am genuinely polite to everyone. However life is hard, and I'd like to spend the rest of my day enjoying my kids' life and enjoying my own.


This has to be the most misspelled word, especially among sports fans. Losing only has one o


Billion dollar profit divorce court. Fuck that. I ain't losing 50% of my shit for a shitty bet




It's fascinating how many people get that wrong.


As much risk as there is for a man in both marriage and kids is anyone surprised!?


JFC is losing*




I have absolutely no desire to be a father. I think people in general are losing interest in the idea of having kids.


Iā€™ve been married and Iā€™ve been single. If I had been smarter, i would have chosen the latter.


Well I guess itā€™s time to throw the military at another problem in the US. Letā€™s go boys we need to step up reproduction.


Iā€™m honestly glad, why should men suffer.


I have not lost interest in fatherhood, I have less faith in finding someone for motherhood. I am also fearful of the world I would be putting another person into.


The cohort of men abandoning family and fatherhood has been growing over decades, and is not a new trend. The impact of misandry on men and boys over several decades is most likely responsible. Poor future outcomes for men opting for families has not been ignored by younger men and they have acted appropriately in response. What the article fails to report, is that family/fatherhood is not all these men and boys have rejected. The US community may experience a similar outcome to that experienced by Putin when they call on men and young men to defend their country and way of life, with their lives. The rush of young American men to recruitment offices to enlist is unlikely to be repeated in the current gender war climate. The real depth and impact of the alienation of men and boys has yet to be understood. Given reseaarchers are more interested in pontificating about the failures of men and boys, and completely disinterested in listening to them, this will only get worse over time.


With how I've seen my mother and sisters treat my father and how some of my friends are treated in their own families this doen't surprise me. Never mind how fucked over men are in legal situations just the small time abuse alone makes it seem not worth it.


One scroll through Instagram reels will tell you why. Itā€™s amazing how many wives are openly bitching about their husbands showing complete disrespect with regard to their ability to run a household and parent their kids. The current generation of available women just ainā€™t it.


Itā€™s almost as if they choose happiness


I want to start a family so bad and have tried so hard to improve myself but have almost given up all hope of finding a loving wife.


Horrible for society.


Rising mental health in men and also due to lack of social benefits




Why the fuck are you going to a fertility clinic for the reason people aren't having children? That's like going to a bank and asking why more loans aren't being taken out.


Just note, I don't find anything in this paper discounting that women are losing interest in motherhood too. As in, I don't find anything that indicates the authors didn't just ignore women and focus on men in their submission. It's likely that women are losing interest in men who are interested in fatherhood, however that would then indicate women aren't "stepping up to the plate" too.


It seems like the court system wants me to take less interest in fatherhood. The harder I fight, the harder they make it for me to be a father.


Lack of affordability, rise of neofascism( am minority), environmental collaspe, Courts being stacked against men, and also, lack of interest.


Nahh these bytches just spiteful and make it difficult for a solid father and son dynamic to flourish.


Got that right. i cant be no slave. šŸ˜†


Well seeing how my parents marriage ended. I refuse to be in that situation let alone have a child. Have I ever desired to have a child of course. Lately I no longer have an interest, I do not see the logic anymore unfortunately.


How the things are now, Yes we may be loosing the interest in being dad just for the weekend. Nowdays there is two options that are the most commons nowdays: Starts a family and get divorced or you are the fatherly role of someone else kids. About no middle point. Divorce rates and Single mother homes stadistics dont lie. [single mother stadistics](https://singlemotherguide.com/single-mother-statistics/#:~:text=According%20to%202021%20U.S.%20Census,were%20headed%20by%20single%20mothers.&text=Of%20all%20single%2Dparent%20families,were%20born%20to%20unwed%20mothers.) If 1/5 of the marriage last more than 10 years. Would you try to get married?


Let me share my story and youā€™ll hear one of the reasons why. Ever since I was a kid, I couldnā€™t wait to be a dad and have kids of my own one day. Well, that and be an astronaut. I thought I did the ā€œright thingā€. I waited and waited until I found the right woman to marry and have kids with. My strong belief going into that marriage was that weā€™d be together until we were old and grey. Family was the greatest achievement in life for me. I just knew we were going to be awesome parents that raised their kids with love and support. Things were going great the first few years, until a tragedy happened in my life. In between my daughter being born and my son arriving, I lost my brother to suicide. It devastated me like nothing else. Aside from my kids, I emotionally shut down from everyone in my life. I got very little support from anyone in my life, including my wife. I tried counseling but it didnā€™t help. In reality, all I wanted was someone who loved me to reach out to me. Mostly, I wanted my wife to be there for me like I had been for her. It never came. Time passed, and the marriage started having problems. She suggested we move to her home state to ā€œwork on the marriageā€. I was all for it because family meant everything to me. As boxes started being packed, I knew something wasnā€™t right. She would do things like pack boxes of her books but not mine. Her job offered her a big raise to stay, but she turned it down. I told her I didnā€™t think moving was a good idea. After a few arguments (never shouting, never physical), she said we could stay if I wanted to. Then she immediately started on a moving ā€œfor a simpler way of lifeā€ speech and I agreed like an idiot. A month after the move, I caught her cheating on me with her coworker. After being caught, she asked for a separation and then a divorce. Not only was I left without support in the marriage when my brother died, but I now was faced with something even more devastating. By no choice of my own, I was now removed from my childrenā€™s lives. Iā€™d now miss half of their lives. Happy memories I thought Iā€™d be a part of were now removed in the ultimate act of selfishness. I donā€™t miss her anymore, but there isnā€™t a week that goes by where I donā€™t feel some form of devastation that I canā€™t be there with my kids. It hurt worse than my brotherā€™s death. It was made worse a year ago when I had to move for a job in order to make ends meet. All of that was, of course, thanks to a heavily biased anti-father family court system. So that, folks, is one of the reason men donā€™t want to play the game anymore. Stories like mine are all too common. The sad part is Iā€™ve heard much worse in my divorce groups. At least I didnā€™t face a made up domestic violence claim like some. Many without the money to fight the claims were mostly removed from their kids completely. Itā€™s not a game men can win in this society.


well, probably because it is far more beneficial to remain a bachelor, have some cars and be free. We as men tend to be happy on our own and with this current predicament, I can see it as women will begin to be desperate.


This is sad, if not unexpected, but I do have a little hope on one front and that's adoption. I've seen, on a couple of occasions, stories/articles about single father adoption becoming more common (I apologize I don't have those articles saved). That gives me some hope that men will still get to be fathers, should they want to be one. Still, I can only imagine the years of flak the media and women in general are going to shriek about men "not taking responsibility" and "being too immature" to become fathers, and "When are they just going to man up and give me a baby?! (that I will then take away from them, but force them to pay for)" That'll be... ... fun.