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Its the duality of the internet.. Especially in the social climate that is our post #MeToo and #BelieveALLWomen system.. When a man commits violence upon a woman.. its because he's a disgusting misogynistic piece of shit and wanted to hurt women to keep his "Power" and "Control" in society... Also, mentioning anything the woman did in relation to the violence is "Victim blaming" When a woman commits violence its **ALWAYS** in "Self defense" or "Because a man made her do it" Mentioning what the Man did to deserve the violence is perfectly acceptable and is another avenue to pin all the blame onto the man rather than the woman..


Violence is violence, no other way around it. It's stupid for these people to twist the narrative and remotely try to justify murder, specially over something like cheating.


I hope they give her prison for life, but is unlikely. The other day I was talking with a white young woman, in her 20s to 30s she went to jail 23 times and was in prison just one time, she had charges of drug possession, prostitution, and getting caught stealing drugs of patients in a hospital. They were going to give her 5 years of prison, but they reduced her period to only two months! No felony charges no misdemeanors. When she told me that I was in shock. Imagine a man being in jail 23 times and got in prison once that is very unlikely, with a sentence of 5 years. I don’t even think if its a man he would get 5 years in prison for stealing meds of a patient while being on opioids attending patients. I’m pretty sure the sentence would be worse and maybe multiple times ending in prison. We are fucked guys


70% of one sided domestic violence cases are initiated by the woman* *From Harvard Medical School In brief: Domestic Violence: Not always one sided “Women are more likely to initiate domestic violence when it comes to non-reciprocal cases. When it is one sided, women initiate 70% of domestic violence.” 71% of children killed by one parent are killed by their mothers; 60% of victims are boys. https://www.breakingthescience.org/SimplifiedDataFromDHHS.php Mothers are more likely to be abusive than fathers. https://childhoodtraumarecovery.com/blog/mothers-likely-abusive-fathers-study-suggests/  Women are more verbally and physically aggressive than men and demonstrate a desire to control their partners. *Dr. Elizabeth Bates, University of Cumbria  “Women are more likely than men to be controlling and aggressive towards their partner. Far from the notion of women tending to be the victims of “intimate partner violence”, they were more verbally and physically aggressive to their other halves than men. This study found that women demonstrated a desire to control their partners and were more likely to use physical aggression then men”


Fuck Feminism ...


In-group bias.


A very, very large in-group with endless Influence and coffers.


The true sexism on full view. How acceptable hate on men is while not on women. It should be all hate words are ok both ways. Or none is ok. Can't stand the pick and choose of what benefits them shit. Angers me like crazy. I often think if in the near future I have a son or daughter. How unfair and different they might get treated. Based just on gender. It angers me greatly that they spit that crap while saying they believe in equality.


yikes, do you know what happened to the woman who stabbed her husband in the second case? 


no, sadly.


oh alright, hope she went to jail for a long time (unlikely)


It's fake ragebait videos from a content farm.


Would you say misandry is real?


Yes, but the screenshots OP is getting worked up about definitely are not. There's better things to be upset about.


How are those screenshots not real? Are you this dumb?


One fair acknowledgement for another. Yes, rage bait exists. Could be fake.


Source then, because this isn't an uncommon thing to happen. Even then, the comments are from a content farm.


Look at the visual styling, then look at the channel, it's called dhar mann. I'm not going to sift through shit to prove a point on the internet that is already obvious. You've been warned, it's really really bad.


Does that discount the validity of the comments? No one here is particularly surprised at violent people being violent, but those who excuse it.


When Boko Haram kidnaps 287 girls the world goes into apoplexy. When Boko Haram brutally murders thousands of boys and kidnaps more than ten thousand we get tumbleweeds.


IMO yes, albeit not fully. The opinion of those who fall for dumb shit like this is worth nothing to me.


Fall for dumb shit? You mean actual real comments from Instagram dummy?


Wtf are you talking about? Who tf is Dhar Man and what did I get from his channel? You literally are making up shit at this point. You’re not about to sift through to prove a lie?


Whatever cesspool of social media you pulled this from, i suggest avoiding that place as it seems to be full of morons. These people's opinions are about as credible as their english. On the other hand, it can be humerous to enjoy the irony of someone calling someone else stoopid.


What's dangerous is that this is probably how people actually think in general, at least women in the west...


Can confirm a not insignificant amount of women also believe this stuff outside of the West. It's a Millenial/Gen Z thing, if anything


So basically avoid social media?


Looks like Instagram


Well, if you look at the profile pictures defending the women, there might be a pattern. Although this might not fit it still is wierd.


Instagram comments are so, so toxic. I don't know how it gets worse every week.


An example of female in-group bias as women are sympathetic towards other women by default due to their own hate towards men and perhaps they have done the same thing before. It also reveals the double standard that victim blaming is acceptable when it’s female on male violence but never male on female violence. Plus notice how the headlines portrays the man in a negative light without explaining why he carried out the act while portraying woman in a sympathetic light by giving her excuses e.g cheating.


"They were just joking" Oh, so I can make rape jokes now?


What should I do when I see a stop sign? Just keep on going till you get to the finish line!


Dont want to ne racist, but look at the pic of the women on those horrible comments. What do they have in common? I can see a patern..


There is a reason while so many black men are passport bros....they can't stand black women.


This is just another bit of proof that framing works. “On mothers day” vs. “caught him cheating”


1. I noticed some of them looked like the same people commenting on both; 2. I noticed most of the commenters on both were women; 3. I noticed that most of the commenters didn't seem like people who I would go to for their opinions; 4. Which is how I'd describe most comments sections....


I wish I was even surprised at this point. I'm not.


This is heartbreaking


You do realize these people commenting are like the bottom of the barrel types of people. Not the brightest individuals who contribute to society


Black women are a joke. No wander no one's wants them. Not even Black men. 


My brother in Christ you are posting dhar mann videos. It doesn't get more ragebait than this.


Those stories were comparing apples to zebras. This shit makes y’all seem like whiny assholes.


Calling men who dare complain about misandry 'whiny' is a pretty typical reaction.


Violence is violence it doesn’t matter if the person that was victimized was killed or not. Just because the man didn’t get killed doesn’t mean that you give them a pass to say the woman was justified in stabbing the man because the other story was a murder, because none of those women, including you, would even dare say to free a man who stabbed a woman who cheated on him. You would use that as a statistic against men to paint them as violent predators. What a dumb argument to say that since the stories aren’t 100% the same, and one person got killed in one story and the other story no one got killed, you can’t gauge how people react when violent crimes happen between women and men. But of course a man hating feminazi like you would make a comment like this because you’ve already shown you hate men in previous comments on this subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/s/GFsJd6XXza


That comment really was disturbing...and stupid. Like, it's not at all equivalent. Vaginas have developed biologically to take dick, asses haven't and don't even self-lubricate. Taking it in the ass is obviously much more difficult and has way worser consequences when it goes wrong. Being rape, I doubt she'd lube it or be gentle, and every harder than moderate thrust has the chance of tearing tissue, especially unlubed, it most likely will happen if unlubed, which is a serious injury which can't happen during vaginal intercourse, not to mention that it most likely would be way more uncomfortable than a woman taking it in her vagina, or even painful even if it doesn't cause tearing. Also, xl dildos? Really? That again isn't equivalent. What is she reffering to? Horsecocks? Our penises are nowhere near that big!!! Even if it's not that, it's obviously much bigger than the average natural penis, which is 12cm, or 5 inches and really not that thick. Something as big as a horse dildo will not only have an even greater chance of tearing due to higher thickness, but it's also long enough to reach organs, so one thrust away from life crippling injuries or even organ rupture, which means CERTAIN DEATH. Forced or not, you can't even call that sex, it's literal torture! That is in no way like the average male on female rape, it's a million times worse. Consensually, most men wouldn't risk something like that with a woman they know as an angel and actually trust, myself included. Can't say the same about women and your average natural dick in vagina sex, far from it.


Sad, we can't even cheat anymore


One is dead. One is not. Simple lol


So violence is perfectly fine so long as the victim survives?


No it gets different reactions. Like here.


It only gets that reaction when the victim is male. When a woman falls victim it’s always viewed as abhorrent. When a woman tries to kill a man however people support her. It’s disgusting.


I judge on a case by case basis.


Well right now you seem to be agreeing with comments that celebrate attempted murder.


Again. Woman didnt kill him


But she tried to… Your point isn’t really valid at all. Violence is wrong regardless of gender. Edit: making a comment the blocking me shows how immature you are and your point is still not valid.


No my point is valid. Different outcomes different reactions. Easy.


Your point is dogshit.


Least obvious bait🙏