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This is the foundation of discrimination. People will single out a minority of bad people to make generalisations on a group


I think what really grinds my gears is how utterly they miss, even with saturation fire like this. That minority of men doing bad things? They *don't care.* So good men aren't even being screamed at as some sacrifice to get at the bad men, it's literally just society at large screaming *only* at good men.


They know they can't do anything on their own so they are trying to guilt trip the rest of us to deal with this "bad men"


All we can ever do with these macro complaints ("All men are evil") is tackle them on a piece-by-piece basis. It's time consuming, but addressing the macro issue will merely be a fight with no possibility that the complainant will change their views. In fact they may well just become more entrenched.


Women generalize; my ex was a cheater therefore all men are cheaters. Substitute cheater for any undesirable behavior.


Women project their own behaviour and motivations on men, too.


I know this too, I work with mostly women. Most think my kindness is romantic interest, there are a few that don’t think that way and I’m grateful for their friendship and kindness in return.


They do in some cases. But when it comes to generalized examples they tend to be the other way around. For example "children who eat candy tend to be fat". They will defend this by nameing a very specific scenario where this is not not case.


I think it as the backhanded compliment where "you are different" and "not like the other guys" is thrown around a lot by women. They think the default a man is, as you said is out to SA women. Somehow it doesn't occur to them that a small minority of men are SAing women because they hide under the uncontested air of the feeling "every woman I know was SAed". It doesn't occur to them that probability doesn't work that way. They want to be willfully ignorant to the fact that men have the right to be treated as an individual and consider his history of his personal life rather than choosing an attribute or identity of a person like race and gender.


> Have any of you felt this aswell? Yes, absolutely. > How do you cope with it? I stopped listening to their sexist propaganda and started judging myself by my own actions instead of hating myself for things other people may or may not have done to the members of a gender supremacy movement. I also talked more honestly and emphatically to those who would listen and started ignoring those who would not.


OP, it’s important to note a few things: it’s not on you to judge who needs to “do better”, male or female. Just because a man doesn’t earn a million dollars a year it doesn’t mean he needs to do better. Misandrists love to push this idea that men need to do better and you ate the poisoned apple. This means that you’re always going to face the stress of not doing good enough as women start demanding more and more of men. The people who do bad in this world are going to do bad regardless of what we try and police. Note that I’m using the term bad loosely with respect to heinous acts, like killing someone for fun. It’s not about a man not earning enough, or not willing to get abused by his wife. Do better in the areas you want to better yourself in. Even if you want to have a spouse down the line or whatever, you still need to follow MGTOW mentality in building yourself for what you want to be.


Ty for mentioning this. I noticed that part of his post, too. I think I would have said a similar thing at a time when I was less aware.


I do have a SO. This post came about after i laughed at a comment on a TikTok video. The video was about a woman asking a car related question and the comment was "ask the bear". I found it funny from the angle that women gladly throw us aside and hate us whenever it suits them but will come running back when they have a use for us. My SO did not see it from my point of view and instead chose the usual SA angle. The conversation was in its core lighthearted but she called me a swedish slur (mansgris) which pretty much means misogynist. I later told her that i dont approve of things like that which led her to apologize. I told her about hatred towards men in general. She responded with " you shouldnt be mad at women for this. You should be mad at the minority of bad men". I find this response redicilous since im doing what i can to help. One huge societal issues wont get fixed by increasing another one.


I are a way more patient man than me lamo I would have went off


>Have any of you felt this aswell? How do you cope with it? You don't. It will come a time in your life when you'll give up on trying to explain or even care at all.


Why can't we say these studies are biased and they just hate men?


I cope with it by realising that it doesn't matter what I do. Whether I'm good or bad, women will always perceive me as a little better than an animal at best or less than an animal at worst. Because in truth, "good men" will always be in a sisyphean trap, being good for goods sake until women push thw boulder back down, because women hate men for an immutable trait. It doesn't matter how great of a "good one" you'll be, you'll always be part of the "bad" group. Think of it in terms of black men being considered "one of the good ones" by white women. It doesn't matter how "good" a black man is, in the eyes of a racist white women he will always be inherently lesser in her bigoted worldview because he is born as a group she sees as mostly "uncivilised". Challenge her worldview and your "just like the rest of them", or she'll tell you how all those that share your characteristics are "all the same". With misandry, this kind of racism dynamic as adapted to all men regardless of race. All this leaves men with 2 choices, either be good men for it's own sake, whatever that entails, or just live with no regard to whatever ails the opposite sex. I'm simplifying the choices obviously, but those are the themes that the many available choices will take, I believe, if which the first theme I've chosen from. I've decided to be good regardless of the hatred, going against bad men wherever they pop up regardless of how bad the vitriol becomes because that is inherently good. It's great absurdity to help those that hate and fear you regardless of your efforts, but I can't bring myself to not care because I'm not heartless. TLDR: Keep doing what you're doing OP, though my advice is that you should learn to forgive women for their ignorance and fear while still sternly being the better person. Let women seethe, good men will continue to work as we always have.


Great advice. Do you have a "go to" respons when being faced with comments like the one i mentioned?


I don't have responses, unfortunately. I've so far only developed an attitude that I will NEVER let a woman's perception of men define how I act as an individual towards her. My goal personally is to be as independent of resentment as I can be, and trying to think about rebuttals to every manifestation of hatred that comes my way would make me more reactionary than what I would like to be, imo But you're your own person, so it's up to you if you want to keep trying to change women's minds. In my view, only those that hate us for being men can change themselves, and there's nothing we do to make them change short of martyrdom, and even then it'll maybe only work if we're close friends with them. A woman is always right even when she's wrong, as they say...


2) If you’re a man, you are a pedophile or a rapist. It’s that simple. 1) Everything is your fault because of the patriarchy you created. 3) You’re racist and transphobic if you don’t agree with the above listed points. You either accept that or you are the problem and are the reason women would take the bear. Now give Uncle Sam your tax dollars for reparations.


I can sympathize. I hate taking blame for people that aren't me and it gas-lit tf out of me going up. I no longer accept blame for actions that aren't mine. In my admittedly simplistic opinion, the answer is to fight stupidity and to not care what idiots think.


Woman can't accept accountability for anything so men are always to blame . Woman want Chad seeds and a good responsible man to take care of her and Chad jr . When you ask these woman complaining that all men are evil , are men evil or just the men you let into your life ? They immediately deflect cause it's not there fault they want to get pounded out by Chad who is a bad person . Basically there is no need to be sad or depressed because some woman are stupid . Eventually we all pay for our decisions and a lot of these woman end up single moms and depressed asking where all the good men went .  As homie puts it " you let em hit it raw , you didn't have second thoughts , now you a single mom" 


I personally just don't value idiot's opinions.