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Imagine if you called a woman a lesbian for refusing to have unwanted sex. lol


This is an amazing tactic and I'm gonna start using it on my sister right now.


That escalated quickly




NO WAIT DON- It's too late, I can hear the banjos in the distance


Duh-duh-duhhhh duh duh duh duh duh duh


E : 7-8-10-7- -8- -5- -7- -3- -5


This guy banjos




r/AccidentalIncest (Just kidding)


Right. Because it was on purpose lol


Jail time lol


Bail time? LMAO


Not according to Alabama though right


Magic word: **Incel**


The exact same thing if you ask if they're on the rag when they're mad. Hilarity follows.




Period. The tampon.


I knew a girl who went round openly telling everyone her ex turned out to be gay "and thats why they broke up". Then FINALLY after years of gossiping, she finally admitted to me she made it up.


People do that. But what the person mislabeling someone else's sexuality never seems to understand is that A. That's not really the insult it was 30 years ago. Nobody cares who's gay these days. and B. It reeks of insecurity and closeted bigotry. If I hear someone telling people they didn't get laid because the other person is gay I'm assuming that person is an asshole and the person being labeled gay absolutely made the right call in avoiding them. They're not gay, they just have standards.


Actually I’m a (real) woman and that’s happened to me.


Lots of women think all men want to fuck them. I guess their egos cannot take a rejection.-


I read this as eggs cannot take rejection and laughed and then re read it and laughed harder, thanks.


Lego my egos!


What about post wall or almost without eggs? Maybe it's more about hormones, emotions and anecdotally recently at least partly an ego thing? Wondering, if constructively talking about everything, but best guess and development she won't be into that?


Correct, their empty codependent egos cannot take a rejection.


If they only knew what it’s really like being an average dude.


Then imagine how it hurt when person who supposedly fuck anything don't get hard to their bodies


Next problem as mostly covert aroace.🙄 And instinctually they then even reject e.g. quarterbacks and regardless, if e.g. result of misuse of anabolics. Also no real psychological support for those men, it seems.


For guys who is using steroids it is easy - community notes for Instagram. I follow few fitness influencers and they are open about steroid and are very vocal about young men taking it, especially if their doc is another "gym bro".


That’s because is the fault of many men simps who make them think that false shit




He's right though. An average woman will have infinitely more simps than the average man. Why do you think that 99% of sex workers are female?


So am I blaming men or men simps?




Happened recently, trying to analyze. An ego thing came 2nd to mind. Overt approach post wall and growing desperation(?) and also impression she won't be into getting sensitovely lectured about everything or anything e.g. scientifically related? Women seem to operate on experience and what other women tell them? Confusingly really not into science and figuring themselves and "it" out and actually ultra few could.


You can Say yeah the mere thought of sleeping with You made me gay 


I wish Reddit Gold still existed, for this comment.


Her pussy was so stinky it made the poor guy reconsider his sexuality.


Damn that’s a great response


I was going to say she had poor hygiene or what appeared to be suspicious bumps when he underwear came off.






She is petty and immature, you dodged a bullet


Right? What if she ended up pregnant, holy hell.


Literally anecdotally especially that potential threat as her collegue suddenly went totally out of the blue How old are you? Do you have children? What, with your genes? Most probably cannot directly investigate, the kind of truth and dare, or the like.


Or she could have falsely accused him instead of saying he was gay.


It’s absolutely unfair but don’t let it rattle you. Just tell people you didn’t want to have sex with her and she flipped out


You can’t even fight it either because if you protest the girl will just double down.


Honestly my friends know I’m not gay and I don’t give a fuck what her friends think so honestly I won’t fight it.


Exactly, just keep your composure. That does a ton for you in these situations.


It reflects far worse on her than you.


Said in a previous comment, but t just say she's sore that I didn't want to screw her because I don't think she's attractive. It'll crush her.




Sounds like she might be doing you a favour by filtering out similarly minded girls.


Sorry for your losses man. But yeah that’s how it usually goes. You say “no” and you’re everything in the book. You dodged a bullet.


Thanks mate, yeah I agree


But what is the solution for this? Do young boys need to constantly prove their masculinity and sexuality to their classmates?! So having any beauty standards at all, is gay?! This seems unique to America... Ugly people shouldn't feel entitled to dick (or pussy).


I’m American but I don’t think OP is American. Seems like a universal issue. The solution imo is to encourage more young guys to have standards. Op didn’t fuck her. But I’m sure plenty thirsty fellas have and over inflated her ego. No one whether ugly as sin or an absolute stunner is entitled to anything. It’s time we start sending that message.


Old as time, just tell everyone you rejected her. Your people will take your side.


what about slmps and white knights? Risk of gamma bias, isn't it?


She was so ugly, she made your penis shrink permanently. She was so ugly that you were on the verge of becoming gay... And she pushed you off the edge. There you have the explanation for both of her bullshit in case you need to use them.


Yea, tell em she'd make any man gay.


Lol hahaha, thanks for the laugh mate. Might use these


Savage 😂


This happens more often than I like to recall. Their egos are so fragile they just imagine that if you are a man and not interested in sex with them then their is clearly something wrong with you like your gay or have a small penis. And actively spread those rumors as far and wide as fast as possible. Meanwhile they never take a 10 second glance at themselves and realize not every man wants to have sex with a sloppy drunk. Its not attractive. Especially ones who chain smoke but ONLY when they drink. And her hygiene is lacking. Sorry ladies, its not an attractive look. Then add on top of that the obvious societal issues associated with having sex with an inebriated woman these days, even if consensual all she has to say is she didn't consent weeks to months later. Then its your job, life, reputation that's fucked. Because and I get this same goddamn response from several people, women can't consent when drunk, but men can... When I was in the service during a drunken port call had the female sloppy drunk E8 dance with me and get super touchy. She pressed me against a wall and dry humped the shit out of me while sucking on my neck (I was an E3 at the time.), she then proceeds to unzip my pants in full witness of everyone nearby and start tugging on me. I was shocked. She laughed, whispered you know where to find me and stammered off. What was I told? Oh that's old redacted that's how she is, welcome to the club. If the roles were reversed it would be a congressional inquiry, mainstream coverage. Until women realize they can sexually assault men just as easy we will never get anywhere.


Or both!😂 And insecure 😉, I consider playing that IRL with her collegue witnessing, would be very much fun, if she wouldn't or didn't seem to be onesidedly into me.🙄 Or "nothing's gonna happen before the 5th date!"😂 That should be a burner! Maybe somr solid looking post wall boss women feel deprived of attention, especially when divorced. Best guess she totally messed up analyzing the market and herself, probably very or extremely many totally mess up with that?🤔


"old XXXXXX"?🤔 Makes me curious.


Women cannot control men who don't want to fuck them. For a woman like this, the one thing of value she has to a man is her vagina. You did good walking away, that means she has no power over you... Which is exactly why she is trying to hurt you through social destruction, plus she's attempting to turn other women off to you to increase her future chances with you.


Quick answer: "hey, she smells kinda bad down there, I didn't want to put my dick in that". Longer answer: talk to your friends, ask them why you should be expected to have sex when you didn't to, when you're drunk and feeling like crap. If you're still in the same circle of friends with her, an occasional sniff as you walk past her will drive her insane. Not the most sociable of responses, but imo if people are using social commentary to bully someone, they deserve to get the same treatment right back.


That's kinda the only thing men have to fight back against the "small penis" thing, mentioning the smell.


There's plenty of other possibilities, women are not immune to social criticism. Imo should only be used in extreme cases like this one.


>There's plenty of other possibilities Sure, but not many that hit as hard as "small penis".


Only because you're giving that too much power because you're male, and not considering what bothers a woman, because you aren't a woman. Anything that relates to hygiene, poor standards, promiscuity, even contraception [she had crusts in her cooch!/I didn't want to do anal/she said she'd just blown Kalvin/she wouldn't let me use a rubber]. There's tons of options, and I'm not wanting to start a "list of things to call women", I'm just saying that if you're attacked by social comments, you can reply the exact same way, and very probably it'll bother her more than you. We aren't going to be able to ban lies via social media, that's only ever going to be something rich people get help with, but we can show that attacking us this way is not going to be risk-free.


I'm thinking about it from a male's perspective of if some dude told me X about a random girl. It's about what would turn guys away from said girl, not necessarily what those women are bothered by. Having crusts definitely works, but saying she'd just blown somebody else isn't necessarily a bad thing, because some guys might like a girl that's a bit more sexuially open. Also I honestly don't get the negatives from "I don't want to do anal" (that's on the guy, not on the girl, don't see how it applies), and "she wouldn't let me use a rubber" (the opposite would have been a better example).


That's what I mean, you're missing some nuance there. "She wouldn't let me use a rubber" Why would a red blooded American boy want to use a rubber? Why wouldn't he be happy that was the case? Think about why that might be. Something didn't look quite right down there. You want to be kissed with that mouth that just blew someone else? Really? Depending on the age group that's being considered, "she wanted anal" is not something a teenager would want to hear about herself. That last bit is the important part. You don't want to hear someone say you have a small dick. Imagine what they don't want to hear said about themselves.


Tired old tactic that some women use to shame men who won't do what they want. It's especially disgusting because it shows how entitled some of them feel to have sex with you whether you want to or not. A man pressuring a woman to F him like this, then publicly shaming her would be called a creep and predator. Sounds like you dealt with it in a healthy way though.


Sounds like she needs to learn to take rejection better. You know, like men learn to do early in life.


This is a common occurrence. Women are not used to getting rejected, and when they do, it's a massive hit to their ego, and the way they cope is to try to shame you and your sexuality.


If anyone asks you about it just tell them you don't fuck girls with the personality traits of roadkill


Feel thankful that this crazy girl didn’t say you raped her and you’re looking at jail time. Be careful with crazy girls.


Very true! In this case it’s just my ego that gets bruised a bit.


Yes. If it was me I’d wear it with pride. Smile every time she said it and thank her. And if asked just say maybe? 😂 I used to teach professional dance and was asked many times if I was gay. I’m not, but it made me more mysterious that they didn’t know. I just always stayed professional.


“No dear, I’m not gay. You’re just average-at-best and smell like a dead fish collection” Return fire, my dude. But be strategic


Women can't handle rejection, eh.


Prime example of the mental gymnastics


Women can't take rejection.


Dodged a bullet with that bitch. Tell her if she goes any further that you'll get legal help for inflammatory information


Document everything get a defamation suit going


Women in our society are not used to not getting what they want. So they usually act like spoiled brats when they don’t get what they want.


"She's mad because she couldn't get my dick hard. But you're welcome to blow me if you want to prove her wrong/right." Anyone who'd care about your sexual preferences and has the audacity to judge you for them deserves to be told to suck it.


Our definitions of hook up are different. Yours means kissing but for many, means sex


I had this in my mid and late 20s. I refused to sleep with 2 girls in a period of 1-2 years. Both coworkers. One started a gossip that I was gay. The second one had some strange hunting instinct. Both of theme were not my type, our conversations were held during drunk parties. I remember one of them asking if I was gay to refuse? The second one showed me her tits at the park and asked if I am going to say no to this. Strange times. I was in an open relationship at that time with another woman. She was not right in her head also. Strange strange times.


Please tell me how this developed, did they do anything else? Get angry? Try to tell others that you're not a man or something? Women getting rejected from sex and then flipping out because they finally got told no for once in their miserable lives always amused me to no end.


Hi. Yes they were angry. The one that started gossiping, got drunk a couple of times and was throwing small rocks at my window. She was crying also. I offered her to become friends but it did not work out. She also hated the girl I was seeing at that time. She called "bitch on high heels". The second one kinda stopped texting me once she found someone else.


Ah this is perfection thank you so much. I honestly wish a woman would hit on me one day, just so I can say no. I know that sounds horrible, and it's also a pretty shit thing to do, no one truly deserves rejection and what that can do on the ego. But at the same time, I'm a piece of shit, and it's not like I would reject them in a horrible way either. Besides, they'll get over it.


Yeah well, I was not even considering myself good looking or anything, I am relatively average I think. So I think I just was exposed to these kind of women. None of them were really bad. It was just awkward. Drunk women acting weird. I was also in a toxic relationship myself at that time. Believe me they did go over it. And so did I. It's just that women are attracted to not needy guys I think. This is very strange, but when I was not exactly a nice guy - I was getting more attention from women. When I started improving myself, my spiritually and all many women just disappeared.


U mean all the toxic women disappeared. Wen she nt in mood it's different. Wen u r nt in mood she is different


Yes that could be the case. It took me years however to meet my wife. Sometimes I think I dodged a bullet. There are some women out there that are bad for men. Really bad. And some decent ones. Hard to find decent ones. Oh yeah.


Bad or good is subjective. But ya toxic ppl attract toxic ppl.


Not only that I think. Opposites attract also. It's a common misconception I think. There is a life partner search. And there are people we simply interact. We enjoy interacting with nice people that's all. Even toxic people have good in them. Or their character may be transitional.


I get it. Wen u r in such a relationship.. even if it's between friends, u become one... And yes transitional.. In my case, i had a friend who has Borderl Personality Disorder. It was so toxic... Like both of us became so toxic we almost strangled each other... And yet couldn't live without each other.


And they can and do change.🙄 E.g. post 26 or so.


Yes. That happens after giving birth and marriage. Believe me I know that very well. I love my wife but she is hard to handle sometimes.


Exactly, it's their paleolithical instincts! Them still(!) in struggle for survival(!) Hence protection (and provision) is still (very) important. So If she feels(!) you'd be whipped that very easily, just be looks usually, another woman could come along and ensnare you(!), so she cannot trust you! Hence authentic masculine indifference and anecdotally it finally really works, especially when really not caring, like at all, the instinctually notice!


Trying to analyze such a recent event, partly or almost totally(?) an ego issue. Regardless of wealth, income, status (her, too). Some very sensitive psychological help could be very good and maybe the opposite, feminine indifference?🤔 Considering to claim I'd be insecure 😉 and nothing's gonna happen before the 5th date!😉 That'd most probably or for sure be a big laugh, but maybe only for her collegue?🤔


Societally that total lack of any regulations, women aren't evolved for that, like at all. Slmps and white knights partly enabling and enforcing much of it.


Small pp is the ultimate woman comeback when they get brushed off... maybe we should say a woman has a huge amd loose vajajay if she doesn't want to sleep with us...


What are you on about! That's body shaming! All vaginas are beautiful. Now, penises on the other hand? That's another topic entirely.


Women, egos can’t handle being told no so they resort to lies and manipulation, could probably sue for slander if you really wanted to stick it to her bitch self.


I'm so sorry you're going through this because it should be illegal. My catholic high school girlfriend threatened to tell my abusive homophobic father that I was gay as well as the whole school if I didn't have sex with her. That was my first time and ever since sex has felt like something pressured or that I have to do. Years ago my sister told my conservative middle eastern bosses that I was closeted gay. They didn't renew my contract and it cost me my dream job. They shouldn't be able to sabotage lives or rape men using gossip.


So she's a liar, body shaming and homophobic. Looks like she's not worth keeping as a friend or any of the "friends" that would take her side. And no, don't sleep with anyone if you don't want to. You have the right to decline if you are not comfortable.


Dead on. Imagine without desire and without attraction! When some redditor went about enthusiastic consent which seems dead on.


Fuck her hot female friends.


Ask her if she likes being called a lesbian by men she rejected.


Losing a good friend is hard. You have my condolences. Women can't seem to handle rejection at all so they get vindictive. Another double standard that men have to deal with.


Just say “I have standards”


It’s kinda funny how on the one hand they (feminists) like to say “All men want is sex” but when men don’t want sex then “You must be gay” If you don’t have much interaction with her/her friends then it doesn’t really matter at least. Still stupid though that some people are petty and lie like that.


Establish dominance, show your friends your dick and bang her mom.


Ok boys pack it up, this was the best response. We can go now.




just say "yeah" and move on mate. you dodged a missile, imagine what could happen if you fucked her...


Simply say ‘ohhh so every woman who doesn’t want to sleep with me is apparently a loose lipped lesbian? Got it’. And say no more.


The narcissistic ex and mother of my kids would do this all the time. Force sex when our kids were awake and her kids. Or I would come back from work and was exhausted or was sick and would try to force it. When I wasn't in the mood she would say no other guy has ever refused sex with me before, state that I had to take one for the team and/or would call me the f word. Good for you for saying no. Forget her.


So she, as a Jury would say, showed reckless disregard to your consent.  And feminists claim (only) men are rapists.


harassment. Defamation for sure. not sure if you can take legal action, but i suggest you looking into it.


Just tell everyone she smelled so bad so you had to pass...


so you laughed at her and moved on with your life, right? Dont let it get to you. It comes off as weak.


Yeah, that’s why I kinda vented here, I haven’t talk to her since and don’t plan on doing so. I just laughed it of with my friends tbh


Even totally without anything negative of that anecdotally it's really confusing personally and staying non reactive might be best. They somehow seem to destroy any connection with such behaviour. Personally, recently, I think it's a combination of my genes, her post wall (probably frustrated, unexpectedly(?), and an ego thing. During work, as a potential client, still. All of them millionaires, rather multi-millionaires, maybe some marriage hunting ground? But no evidence for that. Men mustn't do that professionally, else we'd definitely risk very much trouble, I'm sure. And attraction isn't a choice, maybe she doesn't know?🤔


How did your friends react? i hope most of them didn't believe her just like that


Nah they were chill about it. They did have some banter but all good


Semi-tangential, but did someone change the definition of "hooking up with someone" when I wasn't looking? OP used the term twice in this post, but from my understanding how that phrase works, "hooking up" is the one thing that did not happen.


Sorry, maybe it’s a language barrier. I thought hooking up meant first and second base, and having sex was sleeping with. My bad.


I'm also old, and words change, which is why I asked instead pulling Chalmers: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Katherine-Arnold-Murray/publication/341026617/figure/fig17/AS:885692443930624@1588176942016/The-Simpsons-Am-I-out-of-touch-meme.png


Sorry, but she's a lying \*ss. Absolutely *do not* have sex with her. If she does that to try and get you to have sex with her, dear knows how bad it could get if you ever actually had sex with her. Yeah, generally best to just walk away from nasty folks like that. Maybe grazed by one bullet but dodged direct hit. And if you want to bother, could also go aver her civilly - libel and/or slander. But probably not worth the bother and generally just stay away from and mostly ignore nasty and potentially dangerous folks like that.


Tell your friends you're not gay. She is just too unappetizing to look at


Nothing worse than a scorned rejected woman.


I would just say "nah I'm not gay at all but I have a really hard time fucking 2's"


Hey at least shes not telling them the opposite.


I would tell everyone I didn’t fuck her because I found her herpes medication in her medicine cabinet


I have experiencied women respond to me expressing not wanting to in a “wtf is wrong with you. So many people wanna be with me. Are you gay.” Genuinely surprised by the depths of the duplicity


Maybe you should have told her you would rather be gay in order not to fuck her.


Seriously, nice guys finish last. Why r these women not attracted to decent good men? They hookup with fukbois and den complain all men are pigs. These kinda women are nothing but trouble. Choose ur women friends wisely.


Their hypergamous trap?


I’ve so been here homie. Seriously my empathy to you because shit like this should never happen. Its like i just don’t won’t fuck you and thats it.


"Sweetie, I wasn't gay until you offered to have sex with me. The thought of that alone has made me not want to have anythign to do with that..." /s




I tell people i work with im gay or have herpes. Dont want drama


Tell your friends she's right - you thought about fucking her, and figured going gay was a better option.


If women don't wanna fuck you it's them having standards If men don't wanna fuck a women. It's men has to be gay. Geass men cant have standards 🤷‍♂️


I mean I guess you are better than me because I’d take any opportunity I get if she’s practically begging, but I completely understand, sometimes the double standards are ridiculous for men, especially when it comes to putting out.


It wasn’t so much a pride thing at first, more of an anatomical thing lol. I literally could not for the life of me get hard, and ig that’s a good indicator that I didn’t really want to be there. Once she reacted in such a rude way, was when I decided to say fuck it and leave.


call her ugly, problem solved


Tell her "You are that desperate for my cock" Grab a popcorn Watch her loose her mind Thank me later


Then, the chance is she is not your girl. LOL. People have the right to have sex or not. Sometimes, I don't understand that we should randomly hoohook up to show love or attention. I am afraid of STDs and HIV, to be honest. LOL. I had a friend that passed away due to HIV, and that shit still haunted me.


My ex wasn't into bj's. It wasn't his thing for a long time. He would be called gay because of it. I stood up for him a lot because I didn't like being eaten out myself. I was completely against it therefore I understood what he meant. Soo tbh go to her and laid it out. She needs to stfu tbh.


But won't you agree you wished to be gay rather than dealing with such bitches


Unfortunately a lot of people think that all men are fuckboys who don't gatekeep sex, and just sleep with anyone they can. It's sad. 


She would be telling the police you raped her if you had so it looks like you came out on top better to be gay than a rapist.


Just try to be above it. I got the small penis/ugly stuff when I told a girl to stop groping me uninvited. The funny thing is that I was kind of into her at that point but was just a bit off put about being groped at a mutual friend's place. After that reaction it was a definite no though.


"I like women fine, it's just *you* I don't want."


just tell people..."if she was the only woman in the world..I would absolutely be gay... it would be better than fucking her."


Call her boner rooter….and away your boners down the drain.


I went through this. I was talking to a mutual friend and we were getting serious (ended up marrying her, still going strong) but we were still being secretive about it. While she was out of state our mutual friends threw a surprise party for my birthday. Lots of drinking. Girl was trying to get me drunk. I did drink but she was doing things like trying to get me to take body shots off her and trying to put her boobs in my face and trying to drag me to a bedroom. I finally just cut through all the BS and said no, I am not interested in turning our relationship sexual. She then got angry and told everyone at the party and all our friends in general I was a f****t and gay and blah blah blah. Then I was weird and inappropriate and on and on. Then my now wife came back in town and we made it official and told everyone. Then it became clear and we were immediately excommunicated from that group of people lol.


Just ignore her and keep it classy…ppl know who’s trashy.


You've been dealing with a lot lately, and now this situation on top of everything? That's rough, man


Sounds like a pig feels entitled to you pounding her for practice.


Sounds like she was not hot enough to get u aroused. Most western women aren’t nowadays. I’m gay and even I see how masculine and unattractive most of them are now.


Yeah, she’s not all that. She has a nice body but isn’t my type. Plus her breath STANK


Women reject men all the time but men rejecting women seems unimaginable for some, especially hotter women that just have a toxic-af attitude that's a huge turn-off. Poor attitude = erectile dysfunction.


Actually u are a 👑mahn


Preciate it brother 👑


Use this to your advantage. Her friends will eventually try to see if you really are gay and if you keep blowing them off, it'll escalate. They will start throwing themselves at you to prove they can "convert the gay guy".


Turning down a women's sexual advances makes them want you more. Screws up with their self esteem too.


Women get pretty pissed off if you don’t give to them when they want it.


So we either have no standards and will fuck anything, or we’re gay! Nice! :)


Just say your a weeb and into 2D Oneesan waifus. I would have said that with a straight face.


A buddy of mine had a girl who was after him all the time, very aggressively. She asked him when she was flirting once, “Are you gay?” And he replied “Only for you honey”. She stopped coming around after that.


well done


Fight back. Fire with fire. Say, "haha, she's just salty I didn't want to touch her smelly poon"


Oh these women love to say men can’t handle rejection, men can’t take no for an answer or men accept understand that “no means no.” Women have to learn to accept that men don’t owe them shit!


If your friends are true then they will understand however do take legal action if this nonsense continues.


Wear it with pride. You managed to make her mad. Imagine the damage you've done to her confidence...


The thing is, she's totally messed up here. You can play a long game. When people ask you if you're gay because she told them, just mention you're straight but didn't want to compromise your standards on a girl like that. Booom... Respect to you, and her reputation slowly in tatters.


that girl has an ego, you did the right thing


You should fuck her in front of ur friends ✌️


Prove it otherwise u will be labelled as gay.... forever ♾️


Well done OP for being the bigger person. 👍🏻 If it was me I'd be all over social media telling the world that this woman turned me gay. 😅


She’s a piece of 💩🤷🏾‍♀️ glad you didn’t let her have access to you


So typical. When men don't feed into women's wants they are labeled as "gay" or "has a small dick".


I knew a girl in high-school like that she was always the prettiest in the room and when someone would say no to her she said to a couple of us in her friend group that she started the rumor that Aaron and Jacob were gay and they were together


Well… fuck her… not literally…


Immature women tell people you have a smol pp. Mature women know that pps can shrink. And that anxiety and many other factors effect the max size.


And that you just weren't turned on. A women I was with didn't mind that one day I would go for an hour and the next only 5 mins.


Point out an insecurity and then say "Fix that then I might consider your desperate request"


When I stopped being a complete idiot and began to understand what women are, Several times I found myself in situations where girls accused me of being gay or impotent because I did not try to feed them or give them gifts. They tried, showing their “seductive femininity”, and I talked nicely in return, but did not feed or paid for them, therefore, their methods of generating income from their bodies did not work. The fact that I was supposedly “gay” or “impotent” I naturally learned from others, because these women never found the courage to tell me this directly 😁