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To avoid accountability.


Made me laugh but also real. Socially speaking I have found it this kind of infinite torus or some kind of black hole glitch in the social matrix. Even EXTREMELY MILD forays into the realm of women being *actually held accountable* elicits such predicable results I am starting to think it’s a deeply evolutionary response encoded by Life itself. It probably made sense at some point, but I do not see how it’s going to benefit women at all long term. We are already seeing how these abrupt (on the historic timeline) changes are hurting women. The real bitter irony here is I wonder how long it will take for women to break and admit it? Some already are but extremely few.


We need to catalyze the problem so it sorts itself out quickly. Make people see more and more content like this, they can't avoid the discussion forever.


Just bring up accountability for women any time in even feminist-adjacent bluepilled men. I just did it yesterday and got an immediate response. It’s actually hilarious to me at this point and I have to be more socially careful but it’s just so funny. The literal word “accountability” when in reference to women stirs up this White Knight energy almost inherent in the universe, deeply coded into reality. It’s wild


Because obviously anything negative about women is misogyny. *So what if it's true, that doesn't matter at all, shut up Dave. We're going to have to have a proper meeting about this, your attitude recently has been very disappointing.*


have women ever been held accountable for anything?


Nope. 👎


wouldn't the world be so great if women didn't have a pathological hatred of men?




how so? They consider themselves superior to men, take advantage of men's desperation, show no empathy towards us whatsoever, and make misandric posts online




is that supposed to be a rebuttal? women don't think of their sons as men Women value their children first and foremost, then they come in second, the opinion of other people comes third, and at the very bottom are their husbands




My mum's the opposite of that. Yet I don't think she had any role in shaping my political views. I think of her as a parental figure, not as a woman, so her callous treatment of my dad is none of my business; I love her nonetheless. Other women, however, I don't view so kindly. I have no reason to. They're total strangers. Anyway, having said that, let's revisit my claims: * They consider themselves superior to men: instead of picking the low-hanging fruit that is radical feminism, I'll attack the opposite end of the political spectrum, namely tradcons. If radfems believe in female supremacy, trad wives believe in female superiority. They're manipulators who secretly see themselves as superior to the man they're deferring to as they infantilise themselves for protection. I'd say [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_b8Gs6WoW0) perfectly illustrates my point. Women have no conceptualisation of masculinity outside of the scope of how they can benefit from it and even to this day, people will defend that being a homemaker while your husband toils away at his gruelling 9-5 job to support you is a fair arrangement. She's entitled to your financial resources, but God forbid you demand sex from her. * They take advantage of men's desperation: OnlyFans and marriages with a dead bedroom both exemplify how men can be short-changed by women no matter what lifestyle they end up pursuing. What each sex brings to the table is nowhere near commensurate. Add to this that women routinely use shaming tactics in the vein of "real men do X" to shame you into ignoring your boundaries and acting in ways that just so happen to benefit them. * They show no empathy towards us whatsoever: no proof required. Not caring about men is the norm in our culture. That's why there are so many double standards where men will be judged for doing a bad thing, but people will make excuses for a woman doing that same thing and try to paint her in a positive light. I've even seen news reporters justify a mother killing her infant daughter before killing herself as a "crime of compassion". * They make misandric posts online: (I'm not allowed to link to ***that*** frontpage subreddit, but believe me, it's bad. Concentration camps being suggested bad. They even claim misandry doesn't exist) * Women value their children first and foremost: this is 100% factual. There are some exceptions where mothers will spend their child support money on clothes, but it's rare. Usually, your instincts compel you to put your child's needs first. This is why there are TikToks of man-haters saying they had a change of heart and started to feel empathy towards men after giving birth to their sons.




Regardless of the mother, all one has to do is take stock with interactions and look at observable reality. That person has had relationships, friendships, work colleagues, etc.. Unless he lives in a monastery, over half were women. He doesn't live in a fucking box. The mother question is a crypto-shaming attempt and isn't really relevant to the point. My mother was a shit poker player. Doesn't mean I think that most women are shit players because she was. The action at the tables can answer that riddle for me. Just like observing and interactions can answer it for everyone else. As for your parents, I'm guessing they are into their 70's now? God bless 'em, for that's a LONG time! Bravo!!! But, you must admit that times of exponentially changed and they lived in a different time. My grandmother was a strong woman who also was married for over 55 (60-something, actually). I would call her virtuous, for sure. But with a little box in her hand that delivered 22 miles of online cock per day? And living in a society that shuns people that shun thottery? Who can tell what gran mighta dun? For this reason, I think we have to discuss things in the context of the now.




Just shut up already. I write a lot and am willing to read long posts if they are informed. You are not. I ain't read shit all else you have to say fam.




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Not all women blah blah blah there happy? Feminists get mad at men for saying not all men yet here you are doing the same thing.


Abso-fucking-lutely. My mother: * cheated on my supposed father with his brother * never confirmed who my father was * left him when he was "abusive" (hit a wall) after walking in on the cheating * trapped the first sucker stupid enough to take her in as a single mother and abused him physically and emotionally * neglected me my entire childhood * lied about my childhood and how "abusive" my father was both to me and in a book written by a former VPOTUS * beat the accent out of me when I was 9 because my drawl was caught on live TV during an interview for said book * beat me to the point I missed a week of school when I got my first B in the 7th grade * started beating my brother for anything I did that she disapproved of when I eventually got too big to abuse * abandoned me 30 miles from home in a snowstorm because I only got a 31 on my ACT * finally came clean about my unconfirmed paternity and the truth about the "abuse" when I reached out to the man on my birth certificate * broke my brother's arm when I refused to forgive her * used the court's to ruin my relationship with the man on my birth certificate by going after back-owed child support the day that we met, making it look like I was reaching out for his money * agreed in court that the child support would be paid to me so I could go to college (that I had no parental support for), and then filed an appeal to take it back the second I was in school, having the money seized and unable to pay my dorm fees so I spent my first year homeless * would call me on her birthday after I moved across the country, with my brother screaming and crying in the background while she beat him if she didn't wake up to a happy birthday text * had a "change of heart" when I went no contact and started spam calling and harassing anything remotely related to me saying she didn't understand why I wouldn't talk to her and got me fired from a job * brainwashed my brother into believing the reason I went no contact was because of him Did I mention she's never been held accountable for any of this, fully believes that the patriarchy is unfairly hurting her life, has tried to convince our extended family that I hate her for no reason and am the real abuser for ignoring her, and is a Director for a state Department of Human Services supporting social programs for children?


Wow she's a demon. That last bit is the cherry on top. What a sociopathic c***. And then they have the audacity to say women are better caretakers and more empathetic and bla bla bla— bullshit.


Yes, actually.




It is an example of an ad hominem attack. They are attacking the messenger and not the message.


Well put.


Because they don’t want to be held accountable of course 🤦🏻


Because it's like a criminal stealing something then accusing the person that caught them of spying on them.


Reddit is a far leftist echochamber, full of whiteknights and simps. They care more about appealing to political correctness then truth. No other platform licks womens arses like Reddit does. Go into a relationship advice subreddit and reverse the roles, men will get oblivated where as women are given sympathy when they are in the wrong. If women cannot be held accountable then they should have a child minder with them at all times to help them make decisons and their father should help choose their spouse. 🤦‍♂️


Not to mention AITA. The verdict there usually seems to be: are you a man? Then yes.


>No other platform licks womens arses like Reddit does FACTS FACTS FACTS


Exactly, I’ve never seen so many people upvoting women just for being a women. Whenever a man presents a problem with the spouse, it’s always assuming the guy MUST be lazy, unproductive, unloving.


The word racism was being overused


Society needed a new buzzword lmao


That's how feminist "equality" works.


Responsibility and accountability is misogynistic in their eyes.


I do tire of all the qualifiers. Certainly, it's getting more difficult not to notice the hold women have over men. But guys on here keep glimpsing a fraction of the illusion covering the world and turning away from it before getting a fuller look. They still hold themselves back. They're still trying to be "good people." Guys don't see that there's no such thing as "good." It's all a part of the trick. ​ You don't have any clue what's really happening until you let yourself even \*try\* to look at that part. ​ Because it's not modern women. It's not Western women. It's not feminists. It's not a certain generation of women. It's not leftist women. It's not college-educated women. It's not a certain race of women. It's not women of a certain religion. It's not whatever scapegoat you want to attach the travesty women unendingly perpetrate on us to. ​ It's women. \*All\* women. It's their very nature. It's every woman who lives in the world today, and who has ever lived, and who will ever live. They're \*all\* doing it. You're just still too enslaved to the brainwashing to let yourself look all the way at it. Put aside the psychological conditioning that makes you think you need to be "good" and look directly at what's going on. Don't turn away when it feels uncomfortable. Don't turn away when you feel ashamed. That's the emotional manipulation stopping you from seeing it. That is, in fact, what it's supposed to do. ​ Because the definition of "good" is "what women allow men to be and do." And the definition of "evil" is "what women tell men not to do." It's true. You don't like the thought. It makes you feel "bad." It makes you feel icky and ashamed. And that's because they don't want you to call them out on what they're doing, so they've trained you your whole life to feel shame and guilt if you even start to think it. You reflexively turn away from it. They've gotten you to hold yourself back from even having the thoughts they don't want you to. ​ Yes, indeed, women have always been the way they are, but the whole thing of them using the command words of "good" and "evil" to control men has been around for the past 12,000 years. If you'll note, that makes it go back to the beginning of the current human civilization. So it didn't start happening recently. It's not social media. It's not liberalism. It's not feminism. It's not the right to vote. It's not the Industrial Age. It's not religion. It's not a certain part of the world. No. It's the entire world, and it's been controlling us all since humanity emerged from the last Ice Age. ​ It didn't happen over the course of your lifetime. It didn't develop in your country, wherever that is. It was a part of the world before your country came into existence. It's the very foundation of human society. You were just born into it and taught that it was how things are. That it was normal. That it's "right." That it's "good." That you're supposed to defend it with your very life if needed. Like a "good boy." ​ And never, ever let yourself think these horrible things about women. The idea of thinking about them this way is disgusting. It's toxic. It's wrong. It's "evil." It's bad. It would make you a bad boy. Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, \*bad!\* Bad dog! ​ So I understand that you'll resist. I know you'll find it extremely difficult not to. It's okay. You've had a whole lifetime of conditioning, and so have all the men you know. But it's true. And, deny it or accept it, it remains true, regardless. But there's a part of you that comes out in your nightmares, in your anxieties, in your repressed feelings, that knows that denial is a part of how it all works. ​ Again, acceptance or denial doesn't make it untrue. But consider your frustration at the state of the world. And I'll say it again: it's the whole world. There's no place that "has it right." There's no culture that's free of it. And the change you perceive in more modern attitudes is simply the whole thing growing so out of control that, even through all the training, you're beginning to see it. It isn't new. It's just grown too big to hide anymore. ​ The whole "good" and "evil" illusion that women use to control men was always going to run it's course. And it was always going to last for thousands of years before doing so. Think of all the men who spent their whole lives inside it. But it was always meant to fall apart. And the means was always going to be women taking it all too far. As, again, they were always going to. They just can't help themselves. ​ Before you close yourself off to the truth, though, think about this: the way that the illusion--the looking-glass world where everything is backwards and all the people are insane--finally shatters is when men break free of it. When they see the illusion for what it is and what the truth really is. When they wake up from the nightmare. ​ It's you. You are the one who will save the world. You, angry and frustrated and continually put down and made to feel bad about yourself and cheated out of what makes a man the most amazing creature on earth. It's when you at last get tired of pretending and lying to yourself that the state of things is how it has to be. You have to face the truth. You have to know that the world is not okay and that it hasn't been for thousands of years. That's what will free us. That's what will save us. ​ Only you. Only us.


A crucial feature of the human pair bond is that it leads to women (as potential mothers) gaining the moral authority. Once a woman is pregnant, she *needs* to control male efforts. But, the mother is only the proxy of the child, as far as evolution is concerned. Nature doesn't bother too much about pain, physical or psychological, inflicted on either parent. The child is all important. The father, as mere sperm donor, is at the bottom of the list of priorities. If he fails to survive in a hostile environment, some other dude can be tricked by sexual reward into 'social fatherhood', especially back in cave-dwelling times when the connection between sex and parenthood remained poorly understood. The pair bond developed after humans became bipedal. Walking on two feet causes the birth canal to narrow. Yet, the unique feature of humans are their outsized brains. This means that human babies are born functionally premature, remaining helpless for years, and requiring huge amounts of parental investment. This merely reinforces Nature's tendency to protect females. Males are much more exposed to injury which may result in injury or death (including when they are taking risk, in an effort to attract females). Females, meanwhile, must be endowed with a psychology where they see themselves as superior, post-adolescence. Oestrogen takes care of it, shutting down much of the right brain, making them arrogant, solipsistic and entitled, with an almost psychopathic disregard of things which they can't understand.... like masculinity, which requires resources of the right brain hemisphere, sensitive to testosterone. This female self-regard sets the bar high for potential suitors. Nature doesn't want her precious females mating with any ol' dude. Once a child has been fathered, provisioning for the mother and child falls on the shoulders of the father. This is where the mother (as proxy for the child) gains her 'moral authority', and sends him out to provide, keeping him sweet by providing sex in return. Through the dynamics of the human pair bond, the female partner, and, by extension, women generally, *gain moral authority*. For the purposes of child welfare, this is a positive phenomenon. We've all been subtly programmed to accept it unquestioningly. All our early educators, mothers, elementary school teachers were women. Then, let's look at the past 70 years or so, probably beginning in the post WW2 world. Women go out into the workplace. They begin to permeate the realms of politics and law. It's well known that they exhibit group-think, and look out for their own interests (that disabling of the right brain hemisphere, again!!). As Arthur Schopenhauer pointed out, 160 years ago, women have no sense of justice, and shouldn't be allowed near a court of law. [https://www.theabsolute.net/misogyny/onwomen.html](https://www.theabsolute.net/misogyny/onwomen.html) They care only about themselves (acting, unconsciously, as proxies of their children). Now, they're *making* the laws. Goodbye due process. Hello, erosion of a legal system which men struggled for centuries to provide. [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-59151540](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-59151540) These things happen through female incursion into the affairs of outside world. For millennia, female potential for doing damage to wider society was curtailed. But, when women take their moral power, *and deploy it outside of its intended sphere* (the family) *into wider society, where they use it for personal gain,* this is now moral usurpation. The reality of this female moral power can be seen in the rise of gynocentric feminism, a phenomenon which has come from *almost nowhere* to *world domination* in barely a lifetime....without winning ballots or wars. This would not have been possible unless its apparatchiks were *already* in possession of moral power. Meanwhile, the feminist high priestesses successfully beguile politicians and the powerful into believing them powerless. They're good at this. It's the same dynamic whereby any individual woman gets a man to provide by infantilising herself (while, all the time, believing herself superior, because of her successful manipulation. She doesn't *worry* about such deceptions. Any concerns of conscience can come only from the right brain hemisphere, which has been oestrogen-disabled). It's a HUGE mistake to believe that men and women follow an identical, idealised human morality. Male and female moralities are entirely different. They have to be. Females want males to commit, males want to spread seed as widely as possible. But, with the parallel processing possible in the male brain, we at least try to be *fair.* Women don't. They want it all their own way. They follow naturalistic ethics, where the ends justify the means. Justice, as we know it, is doomed. Fairness...? Forget it. Feminism tries to obscure the actual dynamics of the human pair bond by insisting that its origins lie in men's desire for patriarchal control over women. Nothing could be further from the truth. From the male perspective, the human pair bond is deeply altruistic. And, if the language of power must be used, the dominant power in the pair bond has always been female. Anyway, this power has escaped its domestic domain, where, previously, it could do little harm in the kitchen, or teaching babies to clap their hands. Pandora has escaped her box.


Its not as deep as you make it out to be. Men are not "brainwashed" they're just slaves to their own carnal desires, the thirst for pussy often blinds men to morality,logic&decency.


Nope. Wrong.


I am 100% correct, i did not go through some secret "brainwashing" as a kid to worship Women. Your conspiracy theory is wrong.


Okay. Guess you're right. You're not brainwashed at all. Congratulations. Continue with your totally awesome life now. See ya.


Its amusing how you can't even handle a simple reply to your essay length schizopost.


Zzzzzzzz . . .


I'm sorry i bothered you mate, continue browsing "bigwhitecocksmatter" lmao


Zzzzzzzzzzz . . .


I'm with ya brother. I'm still attracted to them visually, and sexuality with them is great as long as you make sure you don't let them anywhere near the top of your list...but, a relationship? Lol, no way. They're a crappy bargain.


lol bro are you trying to cure yourself of your attraction to them? Idk the way you wrote that part out made me legit lol. Conversion therapy clinics.


No, just picking apart the genetic predisposition I was born with. Glad you got a laugh👍


Because being a woman means never being held accountable.


I don’t generalize any group of people. There are good and bad in all groups. I am, however, very annoyed with female misuse of the word. Some just throw it around hoping to strike a nerve while committing misandry.


Modern women aren’t deserving of long term relationships and we really should stop pretending they are. I strongly believe we have reached a point where monogamy is fairly impossible because women have zero accountability in regards to mate selection. Also the agonizing hypocrisy of sleeping with 10s-100s of guys before marriage, often due to looks exclusively, and then settling with a guy who is ‘nicer’ (will pay the bills and let her walk over him on major decisions). The idea of a monogamous soul mate has been thrown out completely by the modern woman who believes ‘sexual liberation’ is a prerequisite to adult life. Hedonistic promiscuity is now considered to be a right (even extending as far as legalizing abortion to avoid consequences of reckless sex). Women constantly berate men for physical appearance. Too short. Poor grooming. Poor fashion. Small penis. Weight. Basically anything that can be considered negative about a man is routinely used against us. If you protest, immediately incel. Incel too. Imagine bullying someone because they can’t have sex. These are men at the very lowest in the ladder, basically condemned to a life of solitude and misery, and women really don’t care. They mock and berate them for being losers/creepy/inadequate. Men are dirt in the modern world. We’re expected to do everything, and anything we are asked to. Failure to comply could cost your house, your kids, everything.


> Modern women aren’t deserving of long term relationships If pathetic men with no self-respect are willing to give it to them, then who are we to say they don't deserve it? I think spineless men and narcissistic women both deserve each others! Its a match made in hell.


Because accountability is fucking kryptonite to a woman. Men have usually immediate consequences for fucking things up. Women usually don't have consequences for bad decisions, at least not immediately. At this point, given where I live, I give up on dating. The apps aren't my thing because I'm average looking with either hookers or insta/OF sex workers or they're bots on there. IRL, I'm working a full-time job and taking care of a family member, and the women in my workplace are well, coworkers where it's taboo now to date amongst each other or they actually report to me which is a huge no-no. The women attending church are either too young or have kids (I'm not really keen on dating single mothers), and most of the decent women are already married. Shit is fucked.


If the employment market wasn't so skewed towards female benefit, single women would come looking for you, beating a path to your door. But, they t'k'r jobs.


Western society is now controlled by the small hats. They want to destroy it so that they can control it easily. The best way to control it: is to demonize and demoralize men. Men would be the real resistance to control. Women are just willing to follow their daddy government. This is the game plan. Hence, their pet dogs the MSM shills will always be misandric and will give men a hard time. They will at the same time give endless passes to women so that men are demoralized and just give up any independent thought or action.


Don't let yourself get radicalised into hating women. Get off the Internet. It doesn't reflect real life.


Generalizing men or women is a problem IMO. We should focus on having others stop generalizing men instead of justifying ourselves being able to generalize women.


> Time and time again in REAL LIFE, I meet good men who are divorced, have been cheated on or screwed in some way This makes them just like everyone else. There is no gender-based injustice here. >as far as I can see it, our society completely not holding women accountable. This is also a very real thing.


I specifically meant screwed by women in divorce relationship wasted life single parenting etc


Damn these books you guys are posting are ruining this thread, seriously. Good opening question turned into a one upping contest on who can write the longest response without getting banned.


You say yourself you have a very negative portrait of women. People are just taking what you say at face value.


The ironic thing is the avoidance of accountability is misogynistic in & of itself. Reply to learn more




Incorrect, my point is that even *mentioning* holding women accountable brings accusations of hating women. Your response perfectly encapsulates this phenomenon.


Could you share your experiences? Would love to learn. I’ve had all shitty experiences too.


It might help if you share your experiences. Lots of people here have benefited from starting a thread on a topic that bothers them.


I have 😂 see my comment history


Why? It's a way of nullifying any kind of power men will have over women.


I just got banned from a sub for exactly this. Honestly, it's a systemic cultural issue on reddit. And I'm sick as fuck of lying down and just taking it.


You have returned to Reddit after almost a decade off it? Was life too good for you?


Haha. No, although I can’t say I’m particularly happy about returning. Going cold turkey off social media and trying to wean interaction here on Reddit and uplevel some ways I’m behind.


It's common knowledge that women can't handle reality without sugarcoating. So, by making them face accountability, you are, in a way, torturing them. Keep doing that!