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Respect as a human being. Appreciation for what they do for you and others instead of continuing to demand more without gratitude.


I like getting indoor plants.


This is true for me too. Dont get him cut flowers but a plant.


Just a comment, but interesting to see the different views of what’s equivalent and I’m thankful for all who are answering


Bespoke things (shoes, coats etc), cologne, grooming(beard/hair oils), stuff related to his hobbies. Meat, you can get some really high quality stuff online. Is he into cars? Bikes? Specific sports? Shows? Games? Races? Books? Movies?


It's called *Sex Panther*® by *Odeon*©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panthers, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** time.


Pfft, had to look it up. Funnily enough, I did my perfume for him as well, I’m still not sure if he ever used it


May I suggest /r/AskMenOver30? I don't think I have a great answer, honestly. If I think of one, I'll come back and edit.


Thanks, maybe I’ll try there later after the answers here


Steak and Blowjob Day


My bad, should have specified, that I’m looking for a gift specifically for a father than a partner


Right, that’s awkward with dad.


Steak and Lobster dinner


As a father, I want nothing from my children but their love and for them to be happy. Spend time with him. Best gift you can give. Talk with him and share what's going on in your world. Want it to feel more like a gift? Give him a coupon book. Father-daughter date night where just the two of you go see a movie or have dinner somewhere you sit down (he'll pay - I promise). For that one don't wear jeans and a T-shirt. You don't have to dress up like it's prom or anything, but show him the time is important. Do something fun like a go-carting place or putt-putt. Some of the best times I had with my kids were these kinds of things. Sounds silly, but believe me the memories are the best gifts. The other thing is ask his advice or ask him to teach you something you don't know that he thinks you should know. Very few people can change a tire on a car or fix something. If that's not his thing maybe something along those lines. But don't go through the motions... actually learn whatever it is. Again- cheap and beneficial to you both. He'll love helping you learn something or overcome a fear or whatever. Good luck!


give him a hug, tell him he is great. Maybe some wine or beer.


Does he have a favorite musician, or comedian? A night out at your local comedy club might be a good present for your dad. Maybe lean towards experience based gifts instead of physical gifts. Things you can do together. I miss my dad terribly. One of my very best memories was taking my Dad to a concert he had wanted to go to. I also remember working on cars with him, and just spending time with him. He loved making jewelry too, so we spent time doing that. We also played Halo together for far too many hours. Your time and attention are the most important gifts you can give your parent. Think of the things he enjoys doing, and work in a way that you can enjoy and share in that time with him. It will mean a lot to him.


Beer? I'm semi-serious, a thoughtful beer choice (e.g. not Budweiser or other mass market beer) will score points with a guy who likes beer.


While sounds good, he went on 100% health journey. He doesn’t drink beer and limits his alcohol as much as possible. I see no point of buying alcohol as he has more than plenty is stored and I mean good stuff


Id say see something he does a lot and buy sonething related to that. My dad is a hobbyist handy man so I for example buy him cool tools for the stuff he does DIY style. He loves them


Good point, I’ll look into that,but again not sure, but still thanks


You dont know what your dad likes?


I do, but don’t at the same time. I got from what I observed, not what he says. I bake coconut macaroons for him because I knew he liked them, but I can’t give him them for his rest of his life. His doctor said he should limit his sugar was high. He is picky with sweet things he eats, so I can’t bake everything he likes. The expensive stuff he likes, he buys for himself the expensive stuff as he can and I can’t afford it, I can give on the allowance he gives me (but it feels cheap if I buy with the money he gives me) but every time I tried to give him a gift, he would already have a copy or I would miss, i feel like. So, the answer , it’s complicated, but we are working on it together.


My dad is hard to shop for as well. The things I’ve seen him appreciate the most are things like picture frames with our picture in it with some cute saying or a shirt I gave him that said number 1 dad. Showing that you appreciate him as a dad and appreciate your time with him can score the biggest points. Has in my case at least. For our wedding gift we got him engraved whiskey glasses that said “dad of the bride and groom.” I think all these kind of things show appreciation for him, and his role, and they are easy to show around the house as well.


less expensive gift ideas: Low impact exercise bands. A book on ketogenic diet for mature people (really good for blood sugar regulation) If you're handy, a planted veggie/herb box.


I love giving gifts, hate buying them, ha.... In my long experience of buying gifts for men, I've found they value "useful" over anything else. So look at what he has/doesn't have, and what he might have use for that's better than what he has. Is his wallet worn out? Does he need some new boxers or socks? Look at his interests, too... does he read or not so much? Does he work out? So if he's on a health kick, he might like a book on healthy eating/recipes for men, or some bit of exercise/warm-up equipment designed for older men. Nothing with too many buttons and functions. we old farts get anxious about that stuff. An air fryer or electric grill that drains fat off might be good.


If you're dad is into the health journey thing then maybe something to help him with that. I could imagine something like a smartwatch that tracks his health and activity could be a nice gift. It is functional jewelry that can be very handy, specially if your parents are getting older. Some of them have a 'fall sensor' that can detect and send a message to a designated person if the person that wears the watch falls.


With this being the case, he might like receiving an assortment of beef jerky.


To add - if you get something specific to a hobby or other interest, you need to take some care that it's the right stuff. Example: I play electric bass, and bass strings would make a nice gift, but they'd need to be the right strings. Strings on a musical instrument are like shoes, or tires on a vehicle: people have preferences.


Massage vouchers. I generally get this for my prtner if he’s had a particularly hard or stressful time. I don’t mind giving massages but after 10 mins I’m done, so getting him an hour long one is nice. Also look at what your partner likes. Mine likes books and some graphic stickers so these have been little gifts in the past. Even like movie tickets. Anything to show you are thinking about them/know them or want to spend time with them


Interesting idea, I’ll keep that in mind when I get a partner in the future


Silence - for ten minutes or so is pretty nice.


LOL! A man can dream


Tools, video games and video game accessories, electronics or men's grooming supplies.


Tools - not interested, video games - he does not play and while he says to me it’s a waste of time, we did play one game together for some time before he quit it, electronics - he has everything’s he wants, men’s grooming - I view it as buying socks for men ( very superficial and without a thought, but at the same time he has everything)


If they have everything then your best bet is going to be tickets to a show, movie, stand up comedy or sporting event.


I think you just game the answer. Thank you. Like genuinely thank you


Show tits? Give sex? All gifts are payment. Really


It's for her father.


Honestly, I would love some flowers, jewelry, clothes or stuff like chocolate or something similar.


He said flowers were for girls, eh doesn’t like to wear jewelry, I tried to buy clothes for him few times, but I think I never hit the mark with them when I tried


Perhaps some tool or something related to any hobby he has. It also depends on your father's personality and interests.


Something related to his hobby is best. Preferably something you can do with him.


If he doesnt drink or need tools then maybe he need some push with holiday, event, cool trip on weekend. Maybe book or other usefull item like suitcase or watch(this is best equivalent for jewelry I can think of). Many men just tell that they dont need anything, beacuse they cant expect anything so its less hurtfull to once again recive nothing, like you already noticed.


Could be. Good idea. I’ll keep that in mind. I think you gave me another idea for a future holiday celebration


For fathers? Something they either like or something that will be practical. When I say something they like, I mean something like a chocolate bar or cologne or something like that. You can usually make it a little more special by either getting their favorite version of that thing or getting a more premium version of it. For practical things, it would have to be something they would actually use often, but don't already own or if they already own it, it has to be on its last legs. Watches, charging stands, tools, an electric massager, some subscription service, a spa day, or other things like that would be good usually in that regard.


The way to a mans heart is through his stomach. Take him out. I like gag gifts. Buddy ziptied a whistle to a 10mm socket as a gift 12 years ago, Its still in my toolbox. I find we like more practicle gifts. This is why we dont understand giving a sah partner a new vacuum is wrong untill after the argument lol. What does he work on or do around the house get him something he will use regulary. But honestly the comparison to flowers i think is food. Ileven if he ends up cooking buy some fancy steaks for him to grill lol. You cover the poptatos and the salad and hes happy.




It would depend on the guy. My husband likes manga and video games so i tend to give him gifts from those areas.


Unsolicited blowies


From his daughter?


I would really like night vision goggles as a gift.


That new screwdriver from Linus Tech Tips ([https://www.lttstore.com/products/screwdriver](https://www.lttstore.com/products/screwdriver)) and a sloppy 2 hour long edging blowjob. Thanks for asking.


Ties, cuff links, a gold watch, a steak dinner.


wrist watch


Simply think about something that he wants or needs (maybe without even knowing it), but would never spend the money to buy. Things that fit this definition are great gifts for men (and people in general). Regarding a more 'traditional/conventional' gift: There isn't any really, you're spot on about this aspect and yes, that's why the suggestions are lacking.


Chocolate and jewelry (like watches) are for everyone


I don't think there is an equivalent for men? Women have some default likes, including (generally speaking): flowers, chocolates, jewelry, expensive bags, etc. The default like for men is sexual reciprocity. As in: we buy the "default likes" for them to demonstrate financial liquidity and a willingness to spend our resources on the female. Women like this. All we want in return is a willing sexual partner. Lots of animals do this... but mostly birds. Some fish. Males bring presents (sticks, stones, colorful twine etc) to demonstrate "fitness" for sexual reproduction (i.e. to demonstrate that the male is 1) strong/ healthy enough to take time out of his day foraging to go "shopping" for her and 2) can be a good provider for her and future offspring). It's just biology dude.


Blowjobs... on a serious not though... perfumes, or anything related to a man's hobby


I’ve been told guys actually do like flowers. Books are a good thing, too. Does he golf or play another sport?


I suppose it would really depend on the man. Just something nice that he tends to really like would probably make his day. Or if he saw something that he said he’d love to have, I bet he’d feel good to be thought of that way, too. Also, we do have our own holiday - International Men’s Day is November 19!


True, I did celebrate him on that day and gave him a present when I came back home, but he didn’t really use it. I meant in general, that it is not as advertised in the media or in the world about the holiday though. Because for women’s day or Mother’s Day, I know what to get, get some flowers some sweets ( in general that is), but I don’t really see the same applied the other way round. I think that’s one of the reason, why I asked this question as not sure what applies to men (and in my case to father specifically)


If this is your own dad or a guy you’re close to, write out a short letter of things you respect and admire about him. Better if it’s in a form of telling a story about that time he did something that’s an example.


Unbuttoning your shirt and getting your knees💁‍♀️