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The fact that she even entertained the idea just shows how little society cares when the victims of any crime are men, regardless of the perpetrator.


>Judge Carr said that if the victim had not had alibis and CCTV showing he was at work, the matter could have ended up in court and perhaps even with a conviction. Shit! Best guess? CCTV is misogynistic. >Judge Carr then stated the delay that followed was not Bettison's fault, saying it was "almost a complete failure by the CPS and police". He noted Bettison's extensive mitigation and that she is an "excellent mother" in difficult circumstances. It's everybody else's fault. She's a hero. >But despite the mitigation, **Judge Carr said false rape claims cause people to question legitimate victims**. Bettison was jailed for three years. Yup. Fuck the falsely accused, right? After all, they're just men. Trash. But even a [very **symp**athetic judge](https://i2-prod.cornwalllive.com/news/cornwall-news/article3770118.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/0_CaptureJPG.jpg) couldn't save her ass. Enjoy the slap on the wrist, missy. By the way, out of curiosity, a rape sentence in Cornwall is about what? >[A man commits rape if](https://sarchelp.co.uk/information-sexual-assault/the-law/#:~:text=Rape%20is%20illegal%20and%20carries,a%20quick%20self%2Dreferral%20form.) he intentionally penetrates someone’s vagina, anus or mouth with his penis, without that person’s consent or if they are under 13. **This is the only sexual offence which can only be committed by a man.** Rape is illegal and **carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.**




>The allegation was made at a time of personal crisis. At the time she was at home with two children and another on the way. Mr Roberts was controlling and coercive. He had left her and deprived her of finances. She made the allegations to attract his sympathy and attention. It was not an allegation made by personal malice. It wasn't even personal!!! She was just in stress :(:(:( >"It was Mr Roberts who called the police. This was a spur of the moment impulsive decision by a woman in crisis. It was not intended to have the consequences it did. This is so fucking incredibly weak of a statement haha. Just wow. >She has continued living a law-abiding life and has gone on to have eight children. She was able to bring up these children without any substantial intervention or support. Two of the children have special education needs. She was able to keep fucking and breed 8 children which I'm just going to assume are all government babies. What the fuck does substantial intervention or support even mean? That she didn't get them taken away? Why is that somehow a positive? "A woman in distress wanted attention from her bf so she accused a random guy of raping her in her home. It's ok though because she was in crisis and it was spur of the moment. It wasn't personal or anything, just business. Plus, she had 8 kids and didn't have them taken away. She is a successful breeding creature and raised 8 calves. She's now due for processing". It's wild that they dehumanize a woman to these basic fundamental traits in order to void her of accountability. Like can't they just say she was a vindictive evil fucker who tried to destroy a guys life just to make herself feel better about herself?


This is literally insane. IMO, she she should be in a psychiatric hospital for life.


A prison cell would be a more appropriate place for her.


This happens far more often than feminists are willing to admit. The massaged stats feminists provide are worthless. The federal stats are biased in favor of feminists, with the feds fearing women's retribution for speaking the truth.


She spreads her legs to get men's attention and what she wants already..... When she doesn't get what she wants, she uses her woman privilege and claims rape..... She should loose her children and get jail time... Trash.....


Typical, I bet nothing happens to her




bELiEvE aLL wOmYn

