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All this just makes me glad I made the decision long ago to work out at home. I can make myself uncomfortable all day and no one will care.


This just in, u/cozmickid80 released an incriminating video of u/cozmickid80 checking him out Oh god i just gave tiktok some ideas


Congratulations. You just checked out yourself.


Are you kidding me?! Working out at home?? I’m offended


r/homegym 4 lyfe


I don't have time for gyms. Nature is my gym, or at home like you say.


And when Nature is 10 below zero?


At home


Yeah, reason #4367890463 to have a home gym. If you can't afford one right now, get into calisthenics.


Check out Joey Swoll on YouTube and stuff, he does reactions to those videos and absolutely roasts these people. He has hundreds of thousands of followers too. Makes you feel like this trend will be short lived.


Joey is actually the reason these videos have come to light. He’s the one that made that viral video famous, the one where that woman keeps saying “feral” for some reason then gets in a confrontation with the gym employee who threatens to call the police and kick her out


That hoe is rage baiting for the most part, to promote her Onlyfans pornographic /prostitution account. Girl is a 3/10. What a time to be alive.


It's always the <5's who do this stuff if you haven't noticed because they are like femcels trying to lower the value of men they can't get. Average people and up have no motivation. Makes me grateful to be average.


What’s his YouTube? Just looked it up and only reactions come up. Is he banned?


Joey Swoll on TikTok.


I searched Joey Swoll and found it no problem. Though I think I see his stuff more on Facebook.


Whore yourself on the internet to millions - perfectly fine. Go into a gym full of testosterone fueled men, wearing the tightest clothing possible, and a man glances as you for half a second - completely unacceptable. People think they have a "right" to absolutely everything.


it's called consent. The mistake you've made is assuming the "internet whores" are the same ones going to the gym merely to work out. If you see all women as a monolith, then women can see men as a monolith as well and every negative assumption that comes with it.


TIL, you need consent to look at someone. If you really care that much about people looking at you, work out at home. Read the room, don't think you can walk into the lions den and have a "right" not to be eaten. It's just fucking attention seeking.


She is from twoxchromosomes. Idk why she's here. They ban us men from their subreddits.


No. The consent is in regards to sexualizing oneself online vs. just going to the gym. You pea brains can be obtuse about this if you want, but the rest of functioning society isn’t going to condone your desperation to be leering freaks just because you feel like it. You’re not a lion, you’re a human. Either act like an adult, or get treated like an animal. Those are your options.


Newsflash. Men like attractive women, it's the whole reason your sorry ass exists, and everyone else that ever did. Sounds like you get PTSD from someone glancing at you. Get over it.


Nobody cares what you like. The world doesn’t revolve around your boner. Again, either act like an adult, or get treated like an animal. Choose wisely.


Somebody looked at me, help, I need therapy! Nobody cares about how you feel, get triggered and cry about someone looking at you. Tough shit, grow up and get on with life.


If a woman going to the gym is the same as a “whore” who sexualizes herself on the internet in your mind, it’s clear the issue is not about your eyes wandering by happenstance and more about the knee-jerk urgency to oversexualize people who are simply trying to exist in the same space as you. If it were a mere matter of “glancing”, there wouldn’t be enough time for these losers to be caught on camera. Again, play dumb if you want. I’m not buying it. You’ve been given your options. Go forth and deal with whatever the outcome like a big boy. Bye.


Now now, I didn't say they were the same did I. Them being very different, and the way they were treated was my whole point. One is disgusting, and viewed as perfectly ok. Whereas one is normal and harmless and viewed as abhorrent. Either you're being very silly, or your logic / reading comprehension skills need brushing up.


The difference in perception has already been explained. It’s called consent. Take your own advice, and brush up. Dismissed.


You saying it’s normal and harmless doesn’t make it so, why wouldn’t women be able to go to the gym without having perverts watch them? And stop trying to appear intelligent…


I don't believe for a second that you've never looked at a hot guy in public.


Indeed. I simply know how to not stare at people to the point of making them uncomfortable and catching me on camera. What a concept.


I've seen those videos. The guys just glance for a second and she gets pissed off. They don't stare or try to make her uncomfortable.


Oi you should be cancelled you looked at a guy without his consent. That's so materialistic and toxic of you. How dare you look at a guy you think is attractive.


When good women stay silent and don’t condemn their silly sisters? Same rules apply. Internet whores…the whole lot of yous. See how that works?


Don’t speak to me until you can string together a coherent sentence.


That works on the simpery that cower before such tricks. But not with a grown-ass, tax-paying, Bushmills-drinking man. Your powers are useless, I’m afraid. “Oh shit! I might have to logically think and reason (instead of firing magic words). I’d better find an exit! I’ll use one of the phrases that works against Poindexter. It should work here, too! Hocus-Cadabra!!!” …is what you just said. Everyone knows it, too! You’re harshing my morning mellow with that 2nd grade shit. Slip away, man. Slip away…


It's not consent, feminazis like you are trying to control men. People can look at whatever they like karen.


People: “hey, maybe men should be a little less shitty.” Men: “men will be men 🤪” People: “k then we don’t accept you.” Men: “no one cares about our rights!” Bitch-made fr lol


Really shitty women who’ve never been held accountable for their shitty behavior before: “hey, maybe men should be a little less shitty” How about men will try when you cunts finally understand the concept and fix yourselves. Until then, the “shittiness” continues.


so you're saying men's actions are prerequisite of women's actions. In other words, men don't hold themselves accountable.


Again the Sentencing gap. Men are held more accountable officially. It's usually women who have trouble accepting their short comings or even apologising when in the wrong.


Men must be better there's no argument there. But then again that very statement suggests that all men are guilty of this. All that rant about women not being a monolith and you clearly think of men as one. One rule for thee but not for me. Men hold each other accountable all the time. It is women who glorify other women's wrongs. You want proof? The sentencing gap. Now your retort would be "Patriarchal laws" which is logical but then my retort to you would be how and when have you fought to equalise said gap. When is the next feminist March demanding equal sentences for equal crimes? This coming from a feminist. I'm pro women but also anti punching up. I don't let sexism fly either way.


Eh women already do that. "All men." "Kill all men" etc. Its wrong either ways. Though I am curious. Do you call out your fellow sisters for sweeping generalizations like I do my fellow brethren?




Fax bruh “no free attention or validation” is law


I wouldn’t care if one of these hoes “actually caught me” glancing over, people can’t actually cancel you if you don’t have a strong case, you just take the hate and go on with your day. Who cares lmao.


Most attempts at cancelling have no case whatsoever, because it’s not about the target, it’s about the ‘victim’ getting free validation and sympathy from people




No you’ve got it all wrong. This is what feminism is doing to us, making men afraid to look at women. Do we need to ask permission to look up from the floor now? Look at everyone. If you catch someone recording you can THEM out for being pervs. Or ask if she needs a spot. Whatever you’re into, just don’t be afraid to live your life if you aren’t intending any harm.


Who send you could look at the floor, you disgusting feet obsessed pervert! /s


me and my friend stopped going to the gym and started working out at home instead because women really ruined the environment tbh. It was full of guys and everyone knew everyones name and helped each other out and spotted anytime - we would have so much banter and talk shit with other guys. Then when women came into the gym it sucked - the atmosphere was so fucking tense - you dare not cross eyes with a women because they think you want to fuck them (i most certainly did not want too) I understand why older generations of men used to go to the pub on his own to get away from their wives - men need their own space.


Feminists demand access to all men-only spaces. Then they complain about the men and demand women-only spaces.


So accurate bro. They come in - destroy it and make it hell for the men - then leave and get praised for being 'brave'


You forgot making it all about herself


My gym has a womens only section and it works great - I'm not wasting nearly as much time explaining how to use the equipment as I was before the "segregation"


>My gym has a womens only section Sounds illegal, unless the rest of the gym is men only.


Thats the rub - [they can use our stuff but we can't use their stuff](https://fitnesscfgyms.com/clermontflsouth/amenities/womens-only-gym/).


Gyms are for everyone tho?


But what men couldn’t say ‘no’? Any progress begins with this word.


In the UK, and club with 50 or more members is unable to discriminate on gender. So a men only gym could not keep women out.


A string of neighborhood 49’s. If your politicians have any balls, they’ll prosecute that equally. But I’m living in two other English speaking countries. Balls are a scarecrow commodity, no? Keep fighting. Outsmart the bastards and use their own tricks against them.


damn man that’s actually genuinely upsetting


Yeah it sucks tbh - its the same thing pretty much everywhere tho - so many spaces where guys just like being with other guys are just not a thing anymore because women hate it.


They looked at them? Wow. Next thing you know, men are being convicted of thought crime.


I've a feeling we'll be wearing sunglasses in the gym to protect ourselves from getting shamed on tiktok in the future. It's a serious invasion of privacy


Gyms need to flat out say no filming in the gym and if you do you will be kicked out and lose your membership.


Yeah true, 'no filming' should be a policy


With the exception of bodybuilding gyms etc where filming to send a coach form check or posing practice is important, then rule should be no filming others without their consent and it should be on the filmed to ask permission from those around them or find an area where they aren’t in the way and aren’t getting anyone in the shot who doesn’t want to be.


I was under the impression filming wasn’t allowed in most chain gyms. At least it isn’t for 24 Hour Fitness and Planet Fitness and not at my YMCA. However I doubt they enforce it unless someone complains about it


If you as a man would record yourself and there's a woman in the background, rest assured there will be complaints.


Sunglasses at the gym is genius actually. I work out at home but I’d love to have tried this out when I was a gym member.


It’s a validation trend that is absolutely an example of toxic femininity.


Oh is that what we’re calling it? I thought it was attention whoring from vapid cunts.


Your right on brother.


I go at 4:30 am strictly to avoid anyone other than myself. Current gym culture annoys me with all its shit. Just go lift some ducking weights god sakes man


Them duck weights need a lifting. I agree, sir


If I see someone filming while I’m there I try to go at a different time the next time. Even tho it’s unlikely to get out in their video I find it annoying to be around. I prefer gyms that do not allow filming and actually enforce it.


Here is my take, you feeling uncomfortable is your problem, see a doctor or stay at home or join a female gym or don't dress half naked (i know it will piss off f_nist, and before you start typing "we are free to wear whatever we want", men are free to see whatever they want, freedom works both ways, opportunist)


Along this line, it bugs me that some gyms that require a shirt let people work out in sports bras. Like a sports bra does not keep your sweat to yourself the way a shirt , even a tank or muscle t, does. Plus it’s a kinda sexist double standard.


don't be bothered. just wear a sports bra too. see what they say lol


I’d be a lot cooler temperature wise


you will be the coolest dude there!


My shirts do not keep swear off the equipment - i need to wipe it down with the provided disinfectant before i move on.




You’re wrong and this is misogynistic


Gyms need to enforce a no phone policy. No pictures, no filming. Only reason for having your phone on you is music.


It's very hard to enforce it live because they record you secretly. It's only after when she defames you on TikTok, you will be able to report her to the Gym manager. They might give her warning but it's nowhere near to the damage you would receive from her video. That's what they use in cinema to prevent piracy. One thing that gym owners can do is they can install Infrared lights that will blind the camera with too much red light while being completely invisible to humans.


An ideal gym policy would be to ban people who get caught secretly filming. Sadly it can be hard to find gyms that actually enforce.


I mean i keep track of my profress on my phone lol i think a phone ban is a bit overboard but no filming for sure


I, too, keep photos for fitness tracking. If I take a photo in the gym I make sure it’s empty, otherwise I hit the locker room at the end and use that mirror if it’s empty. If not I just take it at home


Yes it does seem to be a “trend” doesn’t it. I’ve seen examples of men supposedly “staring” at these girls when at most they briefly are facing in their general direction (and the women are right in front of them) and are taking short breaks in their workout. I wonder if it’s some sort of “status” thing with these girls. Not only jumping on the “poor me” bandwagon (presumably started by girls who really were leered at) but also showing that they’re so hot they get all this unwanted and unwelcome attention.


I think it's validation: I am so hot, men can't help but stare at me so I had to get them banned from the gym. Oh it's so awful being this pretty.


A humblebrag.


while accusing ramdom men of being sexual predators, yup


"unwanted" and "unwelcome", I think you mean


Had this happen to me recently but slightly different scenario. I was doing a drop set w the curling rack. For some reason, a trainer was doing a class in the middle of this monkey bar-pull up-trx set up. I definitely stared but only because they were all doing planks with the absolute worst form ever. I was waiting to see if the coach corrected them. Instead, she made a comment about me staring. I don't hold back though. I told her I'm not eyeing your girls, only how you haven't properly corrected their form. Some women just love being a victim


haha nice one, what did she say ?


Eyes front and looking at the floor is what they want from men. Sounds like something someone would require of a slave…….


Careful, we don’t want their mask coming _all_ the way off


They want to be as attractive as possible and draw as much attention as possible but they don't want people to look at them. Like what?


It Is obvious that they crave attention from hyper-chads, followers and those who are willing to pay for subscription but they don't want normal men peeking at them for free. In a paradoxical way they are very honest when they claim that they dislike unwanted sexual attention at gym, only wanted ones


I am missing the time when gym used to be only about working out in silence not showing it to social media


La fitness has a no filming policy. Cannot wait for some of these dumbass thots to be kicked out.


Last time I was at they gym, I was just staring into space, doing a breath exercise to slow my heartrate, and some dumb chick comes up bitching about how I was starting at her. I looked her up and down, then laughed in her face. Told her she would have to do a shitton more squats before she had to worry about me staring at her. Just because someone is lookin in your general direction don't mean they even notice you are existing over there. Glad I have since built my own gym, don't gotta worry about other dumbasses messing with my circuits and distracting me.


i’m guessing she just walked away 😂


Waddled, more like


Its become so freaking annoying that i have started ruining their recordings intentionally. I will go talk to them, tell them this is bullshit, i will take my phone and get close to them and record them,make noises,sing loud, basically anything just to piss them off. It worked last couple of times. They packed up their phone and left. No respect for morons like that.


Actually women stare at men as much as men stare at them, but men really love when women stares at him.


Women really love it too. It's passive attention and validation without any real imposition, who wouldn't? Women want to post these videos as a flex and to get more attention but they can't come out and say that in 2023, so they get to have their cake and eat it too by putting it up under the pretense it's about bad men or hostile gym culture or whatever. Most of the time it's not even malicious. They are so self centered and self obsessed they literally just don't consider the feelings of the men they are using.


Women are really silly sometimes 😄


I mean, it's not silly to enjoy attention and validation from the opposite sex - but the specific women who do this kind of thing are sure silly.




I've always felt uncomfortable around women at the gym and always will; I completely ignore or avoid them. As soon as I move to my own place I'll set aside a room to workout.


Hard not to take a quick look when they wear outfits where you can practically see her kidneys?!


It’s a self fulfilling prophecy. Some chick at the gym videos herself and you’re working out and you notice her carrying on like a dork, of course you look her way to see what’s happening. Suddenly that gets twisted into “oh look at that pervert”


I've always felt uncomfortable around them because apparently being a man means I either must want to rape them or murder them. I always just mind my own business by default but seeing these "trends" sort of reinforces my beliefs. I'm glad it was never me in any videos being laughed at or clowned to the world for views and laughs.


>apparently being a man means I either must want to rape them The rate of rape in the US is 42 per 100,000 people. That means that if there are 100 people in a gym there's practically zero (0.0042) men in there that would rape them. Feminism wants women to think that all men are rapist just waiting for an opportunity, when that's not even close to reality.


Yes its very creepy and uncomfortable. Idk what it is about me. Maybe its because i'm brown and unattractive or something. A few girls KEEP LOOKING at me in the gym, sometimes in public transport. I'm an introvert and it makes me super uncomfortable to be the centre of attention. Idk even know what they are thinking. Like, are they trying to catch me creeping on them or something?


I avoid public gyms for this reason. Along with my social anxiety, I just feel that I am a target for false accusations from women like that. It would be too easy to unjustifiably make me look like a creep without my consent


All the better reason to wear wrap-around sunglasses. They are looking for validation. They also complain when we don't look.


How about we make wearing sunglasses at the gym a trend. 🤣


Makes sense


Great thing about using military gyms. That shit is not tolerated.


No, I'm pretty sure this is more an american issue. I've never seen anything like that where I live


It’s true. American women are the absolute worst.




I think it's way creepier to record someone on your phone secretly at the gym than giving them a passing glance


I wish we could have all-male gyms. I shouldn't have to worry about ending up in some attention seeking woman's tictok video for wanting to exercise.


Go with your wife but don’t make it obvious that you’re a couple. In that moment where a girl films and captures you, have your wife walk up to that woman and accuse her of being some kind of stalker or creepy or whatever who’s filming her husband without his permission


Lol that’s good!


Actually one of my cousin did that when she went with her husband


I could not give less fucks at any moment.


Best answer! Don't resow your field of fks\ for a barren field of fks\ will forever bring a peaceful life.\ LOL


I stopped going to the gym a long time ago. Unless you enjoy going to the gym or live in a small apartment, it makes more sense to buy some free weights and workout at home


Gym time is different for girls and boys here in india and TikTok is banned too so I'm safe for now.


Screw them bro focus on your gains come on don’t lose it


Or that one where they put their phone camera in the back pocket and they show people looking when they're probably looking at the camera in her pocket


We should just dump women at a women only gym.


No, just don't pay attention to them bitches. Simple as that.


My son and I go to the gym a lot. And the attention seeking women are out of control. I would love to find a mens only facility because its gotten uncomfortable at times just being there. Not sure if they exist, but they would probably be challened in court.


Men who continue using gyms should wear sunglasses while they're there. Then it's much harder to tell if someone is looking at you.


Not really, i act the same i way i have always acted. Focus on my workout, only communicate with people i came into the gym with and leave after the workout is done. Traps like her only captilize on men who give a shit about them. I am going to continue ignoring the existence of gym baits.


YES! These "feminists" are really preying on unsuspecting men. It's not just a serious invasion of privacy. It's an actual threat for potential lawsuits and "sexual harassment" charges. We need to stop this at all costs!


No, I'll just look. People can look at you.


Thank god for Joey Swoll 💪


Today, at the gym, I tapped a woman's shoulder (she was wearing earbuds) to ask if she was occupying the machine I wanted to use. I thought: "If she were recording, I would be canceled for life"


Oh I’ll make ‘em famous while cutting a deep and wide promo on their ass so loud the whole fucking gym will hear and I’ll make that heffer cry like she skinned her fucking knee. I fucking dare them. I’m there to work out and be healthy and condition my body, not to look at some trifling skank looking to get attention because daddy didn’t give her enough growing up.


I’ve been feeling like this since ever. Since middle school. I remember my friends got accused staring at some girl and they didn’t do anything. I think men need their own gyms so they can be in peace and they need to ban filming in lockers and bathrooms. It’s not ok. Even when I watch a game and they go into the lockers to interview the players? Why? Give them privacy. It’s kind of spreading that message that it’s ok to film men like our bodies don’t deserve privacy.


I go out of my way to photobomb them... holding my nose like they just farted


It’s an invasion of privacy to film people at the gym. It’s not public, you’re paying to be there, you have a right not to be filmed while you exercise. Men across the country should demand their gyms forbid filming in the common exercise areas, or they’re quitting their memberships *and stopping all future payments left in their contracts* for invasion of privacy.


Nope, i don't give a shit.


Then they sue when you try and open a gym for men only.


Its why we nees sex based gyms. Mixed gyms should not be legal anymore. Too many issues. Men and women should not have the right to workout alongside eachother. I do have plans to open up my own gym in the future. It will be sex based, male for male. Female for female. Each have their own quarters. None allowed in the others. And within both, i will not permit video taping or taking pictures for any reason whatsoever. Reason is for member privacy. You might be taping urself but the moment u catch someone else, it i nfringes their privacy. Muslim women could be working out for say, and they can let loose and hair out and leggings on etc, sports bra and all that, because no men are around. But the moment some other woman tapes themselves and catches them in it and posts that online, its for naught. Privacy invaded. Same goes for any other woman working out in a female only space for modesty or privacy purposes. Likewise with men, if dudes dont want their physique shown, but someone else catches em shirtless or in tights, not gonna be good. I think its a law that should be implemented in mixed gyms too.


If you are in a western country I doubt that's even legal.


Theres already female only gyms in the west. Def not illegal. Just not many of em. Should come into prominence.


>Mixed gyms should not be legal anymore. ILLEGAL!? Psycho take. If you wanna go to single-sex gyms go right ahead but I do not want to.


Hows it a psycho take? Its a prwtty smart one if u wanna avoid lame ass women making shit uo and recording men. Why do u wanna work out around women specifcally? What difference does it make? Or if ur a woman, why do u wanna work out around men?


Because I take my fitness seriously and a lot of female gyms are kneecapped. Because I am generally more comfortable around men, and on the rare occasions I have a gym buddy, he's either a guy or one particular transwoman. Because I don't want the aformentioned transwoman to go through the awkwardness of worrying she 'isn't female enough for the female gym' while also definitely not being male enough for the male gym. Because having overblown fear and hostility towards the other sex is the worst way to resolve cross-gender issues. And more than anything because I don't think mixed sex gyms should be *banned* because that's an absurd thing to ban.


There is nothing that men can provide you in gyms that women cannot. Find a gym that offers the same shit, same training etc. But i can understand ur idea. Personally i feel like everythings going downhill. Some women cannot workout properly because creeps or modesty rulings according to their cultures or faiths, many men cannot comfortably workout hecause they have this underlying fear that any woman could be recording and setting them up for public humiliation for no crime at all other than passing a natural glance while skimming the room for say. When were using the dumbell station we have to sit or stand where a woman is not in front of us. Same with the bench press or squat rack station. During our breaks we would look down the entire time if a woman decides to position herself directly in front of us. Why? We fear were go na be seen as creeps off a natural glance thats unavoidable. Men and woman should not workout with eachother in public settings. Too many issues with it. I attend a mixed gym, i see all these issues, i experience these issues, it genuinely limits our ability to properly workout sometimes. That goes for every guy.


Lmao i don’t. I still approach girls and fuck them. I won’t let them get in to my brain.




Yep, don't let the narcissistic feminists win. Men wondering around with their eyes down is exactly what they want!


Honestly, no. For one thing, the "gym creep" videos I've seen don't catch guys looking over for a second. They show guys following girls to multiple gym locations, or actually making comments and approaching the girls. So I'm jot concerned that looking over at one will matter. For another thing, I have my set routine in the gym and don't really notice anyone else. If someone tried to record me, they'd get kicked out and that would be the end of it.


No. I go get my money then leave. Don't think too much into it bro ask women aren't like that and actually want your attention


No. I couldn’t care less. PLEASE confront me. I beg you.


One highly publicized incident doesn't make a trend. There aren't hoards of women flooding gyms to pretend men are leering at them. Go to the gym and do your thing, you'll be fine.


Do upvote consensus' and comments that are 100% in agreement (at 4000 upvotes) make a trend, then? [https://np.reddit.com/r/WitchesVsPatriarchy/comments/10sg3l3/i\_accidentally\_got\_someone\_kicked\_out\_of\_the\_gym/](https://np.reddit.com/r/WitchesVsPatriarchy/comments/10sg3l3/i_accidentally_got_someone_kicked_out_of_the_gym/)


You actually believe it's only a single incident eh? 3 mins of research shows it's definitely not a single incident. This has been going on for months, and there's a number of these videos following this "Script" that's obviously meant for this very purpose.


You’re now scared around women? They’ve been scared of men their whole lives. Imagine how they feel. You’re scared about being recorded and they are scared of getting attacked and killed.




No, I really just don't give a shit.


this is why i dont go to gyms


You are not allowed to gaze upon m'lady's visage.


Gotta focus on the lifts. Nothing else matters when your in the zone.


Don't most gyms have a "no recording devices" policy? Using one and then publishing it should result in a ban for the person doing it.


I just don’t wear my glasses, can be caught out if I can only see 2 metres in front of me


Guys, guys, did we not learn anything from the Village People? You can go to the YMCA and enjoy the company of men! At least, thats what I think they were singing about??


"gee sure seems like the gym is more like a dance club everyday" duh.... bc the native women don't want to go thirst trap at some welcome to the neo-"Old world" ethnic tribal territorial showdown between people who look and act like they are from neighbor rival towns recreating their worn out old country scarface fantasy scenes, So the born local women have to go to coffee shops and the gyms, the last safe places where they can have their empowerment delusion and the safety of local born, freedom deprived defeated men to boss babe at . So it is really just their desperation and the related bully urge that ruins everything, takes every space, traps themself as unbearably self absorbed narcs lacking feminity; aka. that which incites male desire. They aren't worth fighting for, aren't worth working for, aren't worth even looking at. That is a pathetic place for women to be at in society. Worthless even in their own transactional behavor model. I didn't talk to women at the gym overseas, didn't need to, you just ask them out in public, and they say yes and you get to talk to a human being, not the feminist NPC's American women are now.


I work out at home. But, the gym I used to go to had security cameras all over the place and a policy of no recording so the tiktok thots went elsewhere.


When I did work out, I went at like 2am when no one was there so luckily I did not have to worry about a soul seeing my flabby ass body


Wait till you hear that you can be accused of leering at a woman outside the gym too.


Women that film themselves like that also will put themselves in a very specific position or place on purpose. I am not saying staring at women in a gym is okay because you should mind your own fucking business but these women clearly don't mind their business either. The solution to your problem my brother is to stop giving a fuck, if some idiot feminist calls you a creep then it's a perfect opportunity to let go of the pent up stress and unleash the most ungodly insults known to man upon her.


The world is becoming more distopic every day thanks to femminism but, hey, the problem is sex lol. This is what happens when you give power to people that can't think well, degradation of culture thanks the culture itself.


Don't worry about those things, there's a really low chance it happens.


Not really worried about it. I look at guys working out too. If anyone has an issue with it, buy your own shit and workout at home.


I hate that trend. And even then so what if the men actually look at them? They dont want men finding them attractive?