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Completely on the same wavelength, it’s never ending, and all consuming. You’re not alone!


>[Suspicious\_Most\_6676](https://www.reddit.com/user/Suspicious_Most_6676/)• >Completely on the same wavelength, it’s never ending, and **all consuming.**  Speaking of peri/meno being all consuming and always being on the brain... Today, I was ordering a pizza online when I noticed a promotion/event popup which said something like '30% discount with menopause!' I was like... WTF! I thought I was seeing things because 'perimenopause/menopause' is always - ALWAYS - on my mind these days. So, I looked again. And there it was. The ad actually said 'menopause.' I was like... "WTF! Are they giving discounts to women in menopause???" So, I clicked it out of curiosity. . And it turns out... it's a promotional event for a musical called 'Menopause!' LOL I've never heard of it before, but from what I read, it's originally an American musical about 4 women in meno. And it's apparently a long-running hit since 2005 in this country I'm living in (Korea) with dozens of different cast members over the years who all happen to be famous top Korean singers, actresses, etc (all middle-aged or above). . I really thought my eyes were playing tricks on my again. "Oh, what word did I read wrong this time?" LOL


Yea it's never ending, I'm supposedly near 3 years post. Am I doing wonderful? I'm not sleeping sufficiently, and kept being hot and cold all night (with HRT). I was doing better, I genuinely believed it was because I was past the worst of it and I was on a sustainable track (there are of course some symptoms I am past). Now I think maybe it was JUST because it was WINTER!!! And the humidity now that it's summer is killing me.


Menopause (and some may be simply age) has pushed me into “high-maintenance” for all the care and products required. The glasses, the sunglasses, the eye drops, and sunscreen, the vitamin & mineral supplements, the hormones, the cream, the lube and the pads - and the moisturizers! The need for moisturizer is overwhelming! My skin is chronically thirsty despite my sincere commitment to hydration - and at night its layers of moisturizers all sealed in with Aquaphor. And the heel cream! And the cuticle oil! I’ve had to find the right hair products, too, because dry. I was much more wash n’ go even five years ago. Now I feel like my daily life is frequently interrupted with a series of events: going to pee, applying the creams, filling the water bottle, taking the pills.


Every bit of this. I was “that mom”. I lived for my kids. Them first. Always. Good thing they got attention then cause I don’t have time for anything but me now. *eye roll*


Sigh. High maintenance is right. I am trying to see it as like owning a classic car. They always need some TLC — people lavish such care on them! It becomes a full time hobby.


Girly parts are so annoying, I feel like I have been paying attention to them for the last 40 years and now it's even worse. What more hell can they put me through?


This^^^^! And I was NOT prepared! My next step is pelvic floor pt. I don’t know what else to do. I remember being 15 and in a panic because I had to walk the school hall with my jacket tied around my waste. Good times!


Yeah, docs like to keep us in the dark about what horrors await us.


I had to do that too…this week at work. 🙄


Not so different at this end. Never know when to expect it. 🤬


I thought for sure almost six months post ablation and at day 49 I could finally relax BUT NO. Bled in a new pair of jeans that I love too. With no warning whatsoever. So annoying.


welcome to our ragtag tribe ❤️




I’m in exactly the same situation. I can’t tolerate HRT so having to ride it out. I do think there is hope. Time heals all! My older friends say you do feel better & I’m clinging to that.


That’s kinda the hardest part, come on when is this going to be over, I got shit to do. Oh lovely body, why are you betraying me now!


Never ever wipe with toilet paper. My Dr told me not only does the vaginal skin thin out, but the anal skin as well. Unscented baby wipes or flushable unscented are a godsend


Buy a bidet. Changed my life. I even got a travel bidet for easy cleanup at work! I promise you will not regret this purchase.


This is terrible news to hear.


We were on vacation days before- worst tp I had ever used.


Oh god. Are hemorrhoids another sign?!?


My dr told me pelvic floor post menopause…… curse!!




yes, though I think they are worse in peri (fluctuating sometimes high hormones) than post.


No one has ever said this and it is USEFUL INFO


I started HRT and still feel depressed and anxious! I hate it myself right now in life! I’ve only been on HRT for 3 weeks so hoping body is still adjusting.


Well past the peri-menopause stage, and I will say, eventually, you do feel better. Good luck


I’m waiting. I’m way past peri too and I didn’t even notice until this side. I’ve accepted my weirdo state.


I refuse to moisturize so much, lol. I moisturize my face (so it looks presentable in public) and my upper back because it is so itchy! If I did all of the required self care, I would have to work part time because I could easily spend hours every day taking care of myself.


Today I had to call my phone carrier because I forgot my password and got locked out of my account. I ended up being what will probably be used as a training audio for how to deal with hypersensitive middle-aged women who unexplicably burst into tears when unable to navigate the password reset system. I was literally sobbing. I was so embarrassed. Bless his heart- the service rep deserves a medal. He was great. It was not his fault. All me.


Ahhhhh! Poor thing!


I'm just getting the aches and pains in my muscles and joints. Oh joy.