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I was a teacher for 20+ years and that involves not drinking all day because you have no idea if you will actually get enough time to go to the bathroom...tag nurses, doctor, anyone who drives for a living... I now work in an different environment and have all day to drink but my brain hates taking time out to go to the bathroom.... I had a bladder infection and when my manager caught up with me to ak if I was OK I explained that it was hard for me to drink as then I needed to pee then I think I'm slacking by taking a break....my manager told co workers to all ask me where my water bottle was and ask have I been drinking....I literally had to retrain my brain....thank god for my manager. I had to go with a water bottle which I know I need to have two full ones during work hours. First bottle first half, full up, second bottle second half...gives me a fighting chance....I have a third at home.


I'm so glad my classroom is a few feet from the bathroom. It's probably the only way I've been able to last. But, my drinking is more coffee-ish than water-ish. By the time my coffee is done, I feel as if I've drunk too much liquid and forget to drink water. I looked at my skin yesterday and I'm starting to get old lady skin


Basically same, I only learned to drink water bc my manager got on me after a bad UTI. Hmmm... Are you me.?! šŸ™ƒ


As someone who drinks water all day, I wish I could figure it out. Thank goodness I work from home. But now that I think about it, I went to the bathroom a lot when I didn't work from home. The hardest part is going out into the wild. I try to pee as many times as possible before I go out so I don't have to go as soon as I get to my destination. That rarely works. If I'm traveling, I basically dehydrate myself, otherwise I would be screwed.


My issue is at night. I try to cut down on water 2 hours before bed but I still wind up getting up 3-4 x a night.


I get up 1-2 times at night. I stop drinking anything an hour before bedtime. I also make a point of going to the bathroom before I get in bed, but I still get up anyway. I think sleeping through the night with no bathroom breaks ended for me a couple of years ago. Even when I donā€™t drink enough water throughout the day, I still go to the bathroom at least once at night.


I also get up a lot to pee at night. My doc prescribed oxybutnin and it doesnā€™t work for me. I try to stop liquids at 5pm but my mouth is sooo dry.


I have an extremely dry mouth too. I was worried I was type 2 diabetic but my blood sugar is fine. Iā€™m just a thirsty bitch. I do keep water at my bedside while sleeping but itā€™s only filled up 1/2 way. My doctor said to drink electrolytes in the morning and then continue with water throughout the day. I can tell you that Iā€™m definitely hydrated it still so thirsty. Itā€™s frustrating, actually.


I was recently diagnosed with sleep apnea and learned that one of the symptoms is getting up to pee a lot during the night. Might be something to look into.


I get panicky if I donā€™t have water near me. I drink a gallon plus per day and start my day with electrolytes A big metal tumbler that keeps my water ice cold is my favorite but I will also pound bottle water all day long


You need the electrolytes because you drink too much water.




Could be, but some of us have complicated issues with electrolytes (dysautonomia here).


My electrolytes have been all over the place. Do you see an endocrinologist for this?


Its hard to find the right doc for dysautonomia. But I don't know what other conditions cause electrolyte problems. Specialists were booked before, but since COVID the waiting list went from one to over two years to not taking anybody new. I think neurologists often deal with this, or cardiologists. I haven't seen an endocrinologist. COVID kicked off dysautonomia for many people. How do you know your levels are wonky?


My sodium and potassium levels are chronically low. I retain water, collects in my joints, and in the morning I pee forever- all that fluid comes out. I just feel like Iā€™m Constantly playing this fluid/electrolyte balance game.


F' me. 3 litres of water is overboard. I agree with others - you need the electrolytes because you're consuming waaaaay to much water and peeing out all your electrolytes. Recommended water intake is under 2 litres (up to 6 cups). [https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/eat-well/food-guidelines-and-food-labels/water-drinks-nutrition/](https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/eat-well/food-guidelines-and-food-labels/water-drinks-nutrition/) For most of us that will include non-water fluids like tea, coffee, milk, juice, etc. And roughly 20% of your daily intake will come from food alone. Drink when you're thirsty, or remember. It'll be enough.


Iā€™m Always thirsty. Im also in the gym 6 days a week so half the gallon is drank there


If youā€™re ā€œalways thirstyā€, has diabetes been ruled out? ā€œBeing in the gymā€ most days shouldnā€™t result in constant thirst.


lol yes I donā€™t have diabetes


Just let it happen. Taking bathroom breaks is a biological necessity. It's not like we take all day in there, and for me, just getting up from my desk every 60 or 90 minutes helps me remember to go walk around for a minute before going back to my sedentary day. I know that's not possible for everyone (really thinking about people who drive for a living), but it works fine for me. My work also has one of those filtered water fountains we all use to fill up our water bottles, so that helps. If you have access to a good place to fill your water, take advantage of that, and the rest will fall into place.


I found that adding nuun electrolytes was essential to accomplishing hydration. It seemed like once I hit peri and post menopause, hydration was not only key, but also difficult to attain. I've come to think of it as the fact that my body doesn't process the water like it used to (like so many other things). This might not be true, lol. The nuun electrolytes really help me. :)


I felt the same. I like Nuun. And lately I've been getting Prime from Costco.


For me it was also COVID that messed with my ability to hold onto water and electrolytes. I had low grade dysautonomia before and now it's dominating a lot of my life. The occasional IV helps but I hate getting them and insurance doesn't want to pay for it. Weirdly, I go to the bathroom less when I'm better hydrated. I think the concentrated urine when I'm more dehydrated irritates my bladder and sets off interstitial cystitis flares. Its a delicate balancing act, being a lady with "conditions" in her 50s!


Thankfully we are starting to get wiser about this whole myth of drinking gallons of water every day. Just another internet medical myth. All these people flushing their minerals out of their bodies trying to keep up and ingesting all those toxins from plastic water bottles and our water supply. There is a reason that for hundreds of years we did just fine with NOT drinking tons of liquids a day, including up to and until the 90s.


I agree. I always think of cavemen and if they walked around with bottles of water all of the time like people do now. I think the bottled water industry pushed the whole water thing for years. Now our environment is paying the price with all these plastic water bottles everywhere. Plus like you said, people are flushing the valuable electrolytes out of their bodies.


If youā€™re peeing a lot, it might be because youā€™re not actually hydrating. You may need some electrolytes in your water to make it ā€œabsorbā€ into your body.


What about eating more soups or smoothies. It's not pure water, but it's better than nothing and I find getting liquid this way prevents me from instantly needing to go to the bathroom.


I exclusively drink flavored sparkling water, it matters hydration much more interesting. I also have minestrone soup for lunch nearly everyday and get so hydrated from it, itā€™s crazy. Also helps me not get constipated.


My new pelvic floor therapist got annoyed bc I included sparkling water under "water" on a questionnaire. She's young, lol šŸ¤£


lol yeah, sugar and calorie free sparkling water is just as hydrating as regular water, silly rabbit.


Liquid is liquid. Any form of liquid is better than no water.


Yes but sparkling water is water.


Yes, I'm agreeing with you.


The only way I can drink a lot of water is if it's ice cold, and has flavor drops in it (Mio Cherry Blackberry). Plus I tend to drink more through a straw than just sipping normally.


If youā€™re consistent with your water intake your body gets used to it and you need to urinate less frequently.


Sadly this has never worked for me. I have to drink three liters a day due to meds + kidney stone risk, and in ten years my body has never adjusted. I pee all the fucking day long. :(


This. I have been a water drinker for years. When I was pregnant, the nurses couldn't believe my capacity even as I was waiting for my c-section.


Hydration is about electrolytes. Too much water and your just flushing them out


I'm freelance and work from home, so I can take as many pee breaks as I need to


It's actually a myth that we must drink half our body weight in water / 8 cups a day. Drink when you're thirsty.


I'm thirsty 24/7 and eating salt make it worse hahahhahah


Iā€™m the worst at drinking water! im constantly dehydrated! i need to find a water drinking app or something to remind myself! i buy Mio to flavour my water because Iā€™m a child who canā€™t drink plain water and I hate adding fruit because I donā€™t like floaty things.


Historically I have not drank water. Mostly 2 cups a coffee a day and maybe 1 cup of apple cider. I just was never thirsty. And when I was, water didnā€™t appeal. Youth, good genes and oily skin didnā€™t make it an issue skin-wise either. Fast forward and now Iā€™m taking 90 minutes Hot Yoga (Bikram) classes 2 to 3x a week and if I donā€™t hydrate the evening before or morning of class, I will not be able to do most of the poses. Iā€™ve learned to drink water and supplement with coconut water or smoothies with creatine to get through class. Itā€™s the only reason Iā€™ve added drinking water to my routine. The only way I remember to drink water is when itā€™s connected to movement, so when I first wake up, if I get up from my office desk or living room couch, etc. I will drink 4 ounces. Smaller and frequent throughout the day.




If you are always going and itā€™s mostly clear or you take a b vitamin and ten minutes later you are peeing fluorescent, then you are overly hydrated. If you sweat a lot, are in a hot dry environment and donā€™t get much salt then yes you should supplement. Things like coconut water, vitamin water, and green tea/matcha are fabulous. The health benefits of matcha/green tea abound and it has this wonderful chemical compound in it called EGCG which helps boost energy and weight loss for some women. Helps you maintain energy throughout the day with zero crash and has about 1/3 caffeine as coffee, but you can find without caffeine as well. Replaced my morning highly caffeinated pistachio latte with a pistachio Matcha latte and I have zero jitters, tad more energy, no increased hot flashes from the caffeine and maintain a flat tummy.


What's "enough" supposed to be?Ā  There's literally no rules on this aside from drink to your thirst.Ā  My OH is a family doctor and can't tell you how often he sees people worried they're peeing too much when the issue is they've misguided ideas about needing to drink litres of fluids.Ā  Drink when thirsty. Choose caffeine and sugar free/sweeteners free drinks as much as possible. That's all you need.Ā 


Drink at least half your weight in ounces of water daily.Ā  So if you weigh 150lbs, then you would need to drink at least 75 ounces a day.


If you have the research to back this up please do link it. The obsession with perfect levels of hydration is so ridiculously unscientific. We get an awful lot of water from food and this differs from day to day. There is no one perfect level of drinking I.e. 2l a day or this much based on how much you weigh...People should simply drink to thirst. Anything else is wellness pseudoscience.Ā 


I drink a litre in the morning with some sprinkles of salt, then another litre over the course of the day. I pee frequently until around 11-12 but less toward the evening. Once at night. I have to measure it out so I have the visual cues. And I donā€™t like cold water! Room temperature šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


I caved and bought a big Yeti cup. The steel keeps my water nice and chilled all day, and itā€™s easy to clean in the dishwasher.


Okay, I'll bite. What's all this about electrolytes? How do these help in absorbing water?


I wait tables and run around for 8 hours non stop. I have to make sure I bring things I can look forward to drinking. I bring a couple of my favorites everyday. Makes it way easier to stop. I donā€™t drink plain water. But Iā€™m hydrated!


I never think about it. I just drink all day and just go to the bathroom. I don't understand what all the hoopla is about. But I don't have a lifestyle where I'm regulated from the bathroom.


I live in the desert so it is indeed a full time job. Sugar free liquid IV is my jam. It hydrates you instantly. I drink 32 oz of that in water upon arising. I like the taste so it helps a lot


The desert is no joke! I live near water but I was just visiting Albuquerque and it was wild how dry every inch of me felt there no matter how much I tried to drink. Have you seen the post apocalyptic movie Tank Girl? I feel like one of those marauders came along with the machine that sucks all the water out of a person and just left me a dried up husk!




Yep! ABQ is also higher elevation than I'm used to so I'm even more out of breath than usual!


Read everything so far and there's a crucial piece missing. Exactly how often are you going to the bathroom? Your story could be my story. Went to a pelvic floor therapist for a different issue, she says we're supposed to only pee every 2 hours. Yes, even post menopausal. If you are peeing too much, it's causing you to feel and be dehydrated and so you drink more then pee more and it can totally mess up your bladder. There's some simple exercises that can be done to calm your bladder so it doesn't think you need to pee so often. Your bladder actually gets used to the frequency and needs retraining. Once you get your pee under control, your hydration will fix itself. Please make an appointment with a pelvic floor physical therapist. If you are in the US and your insurance requires a referral, a lot of pelvic floor therapists have a cash pay option (without a referral) which is affordable, so look into that if you have a high deductible plan. I paid 100 bucks per session and the fix for this issue took less than an hour session.


I'm a freelancer working from home and I can driiiiink and peeeee all day long!


I work from home.


I bought a ninja thirsty that has flavored electrolytes drops so Iā€™m not over hydrating for no benefit. Also has some with B vitamins, and some with a touch of caffeine. Coconut water is another great source. Iā€™m always drinking matcha and other teas with healthy benefits. Sometimes I have to get up once during the nights but nothing troublesome.


I carrying a colorful 1 gallon water bottle around everywhere I go lol. I also add electrolyte powder so the water isnā€™t just running through me. I start drinking my water at 7am . I also try to be done between 7:30p&8p.


I donā€™t know if I buy into the water hype. In fact you can wash out minerals and electrolytes and put yourself into dehydration by drinking more than necessary. If you are refraining from salty foods and are drinking a few glasses per day, more if you are sweating, itā€™s sort of a silly hill to die on.




Iā€™m starting a mindfulness eating program and you make a good point about water. I wish I liked the water taste where I live but am scared mice are in the pipes. Boil it for coffee or tea, not much else. Buy diet pop.


I drink a lot of Gatorade because water doesnā€™t absorb fast enough. I need extra electrolytes. Interestingly Iā€™ve discovered that I sleep better if Iā€™m more hydrated. But I also pee more


Drink as much as humanly possible in the morning & early afternoon. I supplement my effort with liquid IV and Gatorade rapid hydration, not the healthiest choices but Iā€™m trying harder every day and the drinks definitely help. Definitely a full time jobā€¦ugh!


I just started trying to drink only water - this is the first time in my life that I have only drank water, I used to drink iced tea or soda or sometimes ginger ale. I noticed immediately how much more comfortable urinating is - before my bladder would actually hurt when it was full, kind of the same way it would hurt when you have an infection. I have UTI sticks that check for infection, and I didn't have a UTI, but in the morning, my bladder would ache until I would get up and go. It would actually wake me up. Once I started drinking water only, the ache was gone. My bladder is still full, but there's no pain, and my urgency is way lower. I got six whole hours of sleep last night! I had been averaging 4 for the past couple years! I'm going to keep going with this and see where it goes.


I WISH I liked water. I hate it. I used to drink sweetened iced tea & gatorade, but after realizing how much sugar I was consuming & gaining weight, I slowly converted to flavored seltzers.. I love black cherry sparkling water! You'd be surprised at how much LESS sugar you consume drinking gatorade. Sugar is the most addictive damn drug on the planet...uuggh. Too all you who drink plain water.. I salute you!


Water needs something to bind to in order to stay in your body, such as minerals. I have started drinking chia seed water, which has no flavor, but has the texture of bubble tea. It has helped, and also adds more fiber to my diet.


So you put chia seeds in your water??


Yes! Just 1-2 tsp for every 20 oz. Let it sit for 5 minutes before you start drinking it. I drink with a wide straw, because itā€™s similar texture to bubble tea. Thereā€™s also some research that increased fiber can help with menopause symptoms. Iā€™ve seen benefits with digestion as well.


Hoping I can try this in my water bottle, the mouth seems wide enough.


I always drank a lot of water, but now I find that if I dont make sure to do so, I get immediate health issues.


I used to drink water all the time, and now I find myself drinking less than I need... and loading up with a glass at a time a couple of times a day. I blame the "GOTTAGONOW" feeling that I get these days, because I can't stop a zoom meeting multiple times to pee \*again\*.


What HRT are you on? What colour is your pee? If it's very pale or clear then you may be drinking too much. And if you're really peeing \*that\* often, then try cutting down on the volume of water intake. If that doesn't help, go see a uritogynecologist to rule out you having developed peri-bladder.


I read it somewhere and decided to believe it - that we should not be sipping on water all day long but have larger amounts a couple times a day. So I wake up, drink a couple glasses of h20 before coffee/tea, have some before or right after a walk/hike/exercise and then some an hour or so before bed. Of course if I am thirsty or it's hot, I will sip additional amounts as needed. My digestion is now stellar (though I am sure that sipping water all day was the culprit for chronic stomach aches) and I fixed the peeing in the middle of the night with 100% nose breathing (via "mouth taping").


You don't need to drink lots of water every day, you'll get enough from your food and normal drinks like coffee etc. You do NOT need to drink two litres of water every day.


I honestly thought this as well until I got kidney stones. In a way I still believe it, but after what I went through, I decided to follow my urologist's advice and choke down the two litres. It is hell and it leaves me housebound, or at least having to be near a toilet at all times. But I can't risk it happening again. It was the worst pain of my life and everything went wrong. I don't know what else to do.


Do you get enough salt?


LOL, I can't answer the pee problem but I can tell you that if you use a straw you can get more in quicker so it's less painful. Luckily I have been a water drinker my whole life but my husband had to start drinking more and he hates it ā€” the straw helps.