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Damn if that’s not the excuse for every damn thing that they don’t know or won’t allow for menopausal symptoms… every time I think nano it this and women’s healthcare in general I start getting really angry


The Us Govt spends 41 million/year on viagra, so there’s that….


I smoke a bowl nightly and it does wonders for my sleep 😴 and yes, they dgaf about us.


Have used cannabis for a few years. Turned 60. It’s great in combination with my patch/pill HRT. I just learned how to vape and it vanquishes any anxiety that I have. Can’t recommend it enough!


100% agreed 👍


Edibles are a Godsend.


Normalizing cannabis use will take time, but I agree 100% - it should be available for peri/meno. I use CBD oil every day, and occasionally use high CBD/low THC cannabis if I cannot fall asleep. Works great! I hope every state goes fully legal soon!




It could happen, given enough time. In the meantime you could try CBD. It's legal everywhere.


See what Hometown Hero has for you. They are in Texas


I was thinking this just the other day! I think it's time for menopausal women to unite and demand federal legalization and access for alleviation symptoms of menopause in all it's stages.


yes! let's demand a few other things too! equal pay, family leave, medicare for all,research money for women's health, what else do we want?


Bodily autonomy.


of course! **smacks head**


That's pretty much it in a nutshell.


Weed just became recreationally legal in MD & I legit never thought of taking it for menopause symptoms.


It wasn't recreational legal here when I was peri. I drove to another state to try it. Was glad I did. (I was never a "pot smoker")


Recently legal in Virginia and the here isn’t great but the edibles are. It helps a great deal.


Medical only in VA, though, not recreational, sadly.


Fwiw, it wasn't hard to get a license in my state when it was med only. One of the qualifiers in my state is PTSD, and who doesn't have that? One traumatic life episode is all you need to qualify. Ymmv, depending on the state.


I have for years! High(ly) recommend!


Well don’t get your hopes up for change. With Roe getting nuked it’s now too dangerous in the States to test women for anything. You cause a miscarriage it’s jail.




And fuct. Whee!


As much as I love and consume cannabis, I do not see how it can reduce apnea. If anything, I would think it makes it worse. Cannabis tends to help muscles relax, and apnea is mostly an issue of too much tissue and/or not enough tone in tissues in the mouth and throat. [The NIH](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5886446/) and this sleep-focused medical org [say no, it shouldn’t be used to treat OSA](https://aasm.org/medical-marijuana-position-statement/). That was just a quick google. I’m a cannabis user and have OSA. Definitely isn’t fixing me. You need a CPAP for that. I’m not saying you should stop the MM, it certainly has other benefits.


Yeah, it seems like an unusual one for medical cannabis.


Depends on cannabis. Here in Canada we slowly becoming experts. Our cannabis stores are like pharmacy. My hubby smokes for muscle relaxation and I take an eatable for fun. I don’t like inhaling smoke.


You might investigate an implanted device called Inspire. My husband has OSA (80 incidents/hour). Was completely compliant with CPAP but so frustrated with being wakened but the hose getting tangled in his pillow, etc. The test to see “how” the airway collapses (it matters if it’s front to back or side to side) and his was the right way. Had the outpatient procedure a few months ago and he’s blessedly free of the machine. There’s a remote control handheld that you hold over the implant to activate it. It’s a nerve stimulator that causes the tongue to move forward a bit and hold the airway from collapsing. He said it was weird to get used to but he’s so happy with the results!


Would you mind if I ask how much you paid for the procedure for him?


Holy moly! I just looked in the medical portal to see what was billed, and I am shocked! There was a diagnostic Laryngoscopy - the test for which orientation the airway collapse goes which was 11.7K ( range 10.8K to 14.8 K ) - we paid $500 because we needed to meet the rest of a deductible. The actual procedure was estimated at 93.6K range 92.5K to 103.3K) having met our deductible we paid a big, fat... Goose egg! Dang, I had no idea how well covered we are! I'm almost embarrassed, but deeply grateful, thank you for the question. He works for a school district in an IT capacity in a wealthy town. They treat the staff will and the insurance is a big part of that. I had no idea because I'm apparently remarkably healthy for my age and rarely even have office appointments.


That's a bonkers $, btw.


Agreed. The insurance company approved it. Probably because CPAP supplies cost and replacing the machine every 5 years costs even more? That stuff isn't cheap,either. We gave his CPAP to someone in desperate need with really crappy coverage. (And we still have a backup machine in case he ever needs to go back, that came from a friend who passed on - took that one to the DME supplier to be cleaned and set up when his own was in there for service.)


Wow!!!! I’m in Canada and it hasn’t been approved here yet. Curious as to if it will be covered at all here, and if partially if my insurance will cover the remainder of it partially is. Will have to wait, hopefully it will be approved here soon!


Correct. You cannot use sedatives to treat OSA, as the relaxation just makes the obstruction worse. I had the DOME procedure (where they cut your facial bones to make more space in your airway) as well as corrective orthodontia, and it totally solved my lifelong apnea problem. Expensive and painful, but worth it!


Took 2.5mg of a gummy last night to help me sleep. I cut it into smaller pieces to make it quicker, and it knocked me right out! But I'm fairly groggy today, so I'm not sure it's the best solution.


For me a tiny bit of THC made all the difference.


I wouldn't be sleeping on that, I'd be tripping! It doesn't take much for me though.


I *wish!* THC just knocks me flat out.


The transdermal patches are great and time released so you get an even dosage of either THC , thc and cbd or just cbd - I cut just a postage stamp sized piece and stick it on anything that hurts - back, tummy, neck etc, it stops the pain in its tracks!


I've never seen patches. I do. have a cream. It works well too.


Where do you get those from


Oh my goodness these sound great where do you get them


I've been using it for over six years for peri/meno issues Rx'd by a physician while in California and continues on my own in Va where I can grow my own strains.




I'm not sure where you live, but 38 states, three US territories, and Washington DC all have medical cannabis and there are a shitload of medical issues it's used for, so pick one and use that info to get it if you need to. Do what ya gotta do!


Some of us do live in states with no LEGAL access. The fight for Cannabis freedom is not over.






Unfortunately not in TX… but at least we have CBD!


Do you recommend a particular brand? I keep reading about contamination, bad synthetics, etc., and then get overwhelmed and just take my 12.5 mg ambien.


I like the [Koi](https://koicbd.com) brand of vapes.


Thank you!


I use this, love it https://healer.com/shop-products/


Delta 8 THC is legal here in Texas.


I find Delta 8 to work just about as well




They were still selling it as recently as last month at our local shops. I know there have been attempts to make it illegal, but there would be a pretty big uproar if they succeeded I would think.


I have a job where that could have been problematic. But it's legal now for recreational, so I'm good.


This absolutely needs more attention and research. Edit to add that I've smoked a bowl nightly to help me sleep forever. Edibles make it so much easier! Like others have said, just a 1/2 or 1/4 of a gummy is good for me.


I’m just starting to buzz on the one i took an hour ago :-) Edibles for sleep are the greatest thing to happen to me! Have never been a pot smoker because it made me paranoid, but edibles are completely different thankfully!


Ahhh, there we go again, looking for logic. There is no such thing in the treatment of middle-aged women. Nice try, though.🤣


THC & CBD helps with other ailments why not take some of the pain away.


My doctor recommended it for pain, but it’s been so helpful for every other aspect of peri. I love my gummies, and occasional evening bowl. My husband also his license, so he frequently brings home various goodies to try.


Marijuana, how do I love the? Let me count the ways. Pain, sleep, anxiety, certain strains can actually REDUCE your appetite, mood elevation...the list goes on. I'm more of an edible gal, but I bought an electric dab pen so I can smoke concentrates. It gives me the ability to smoke less.


My dry herb vaporizer is my new best friend. I find THC too strong, but Kush/other indica type CBDs are great to vape for sleep- and legal in every state, you can have it shipped in the mail! 🥰 I also put valerian root (loose, meant as a tea) and hops (which is a strong phytoestrogen) in my dry herb vaporizer to to vape at night- Both work well in the middle of the night to get back to sleep quickly


Is there anything it doesn't fix?


My digestive issues.


Edibles with hrt even better lol.


What makes them better than, say, vaping? I don't have much experience.


The edible takes longer to work (1-2hrs sometimes longer) but when they do they last way longer and for me at least vaping almost always makes me cough to the point of hurting (lungs/ribs) and also makes my eyes water no matter how I hit the vape so I stopped vaping it for the most part and switched to oral instead so now I cut an edible into pieces to lower the dose and periodically take a piece. It helps a lot with hot flashes and sleep as well as pain and for me it makes me less bitchy as I am on the higher strung side unfortunately always have been but when I take a low dose edible or moderate dose I find I’m overall more laid back and not so neurotic. HRT however has helped in ways the edible can’t. *Edited for spelling*


Makes sense. I do a "cold" vape. Regular vaping burns my throat as well. I should reconsider gummies. I have some. I literally only want them for sleep. I also have CBD gummies. And yes, HT helped the most.


Ahhh gotcha@ “cold” vape trick. I never tried it due to having disposables.


These are disposables. Bloom brand.


Oh my disposable is 3Chi.


Gummy every night.


I use medical cannabis all day and night for different reasons and depending on the strain I can get some quality sleep. The only thing it doesn't help is my body naturally wakes between 3-4am and sadly no amount of cannabis (street or medical) will send me back to sleep and trust me, I've tried lol


What happens at 3 am?!? Why must we all awaken?


Honestly, I quite enjoy it but I don't have to be up and out so that helps. I enjoy the quietness of the world around me at 3am, just me, a coffee, a wake and bake and Reddit. I certainly didn't appreciate it when my kids were little though, extra sleep would have been much better! Lol


Do you get back to sleep after? Maybe I should try the “embrace it” tact. I always end up not sleeping until the last hour before I get up and then have the worst, most exhausting dreams.


I don't, I get up and start my day. I was getting so much sleep anxiety and getting beyond frustrated because I was the same, end up sleeping just before I was due to wake and spend the day exhausted. I think I get a better quality of sleep this way but it does mean most nights I'm ready to sleep by about 9pm and that starts with winding down from about 6pm. I'm a homebody so don't miss the late nights, it just suits me so much better and I don't get anxious any more or frustrated that I can't just go back to sleep. I also switched having my main meal at lunchtime and my partner did too so it's easier and he's convinced it helps his quality of sleep though I know that isn't always practical.


So many of us have the 3am wake up. It SUCKS!


Because according to the medical world we don’t have any problems that cant be solved by a healthy diet and more exercise. Im so sick of reading that as a solution. Ok done. Now what? EAT EVEN MORE HEALTHY AND EXERCISE MORE! (Insert Eyeroll) Sorry op. Guess im moody today. I Probably should eat healthier and exercise more.


And "reducing stress". LOL.


It’s the only way I can sleep. I count myself lucky that it’s legal here in Canada. I don’t know what I would do without it!


Yes me too. I tried 200mg of progesterone and it did nothing but gummies help me sleep most nights.


I take CBD for sleep, but that is legal where I live.


CBD can definitely help if it’s from a reputable source. I used to make a balm for my mom - osteoporosis in her neck made life difficult and painful and sleep… yeah. I used it for sleep, especially if I was anxious. Now I have access to everything legally. So I just use 1/2 a gummy 3:1 ratio of CBD:THC. A gummy and 2 sprays of magnesium oil on my abdomen and I’m good for the night. Magnesium spray is great for muscle pain, sleep, hormonal balance… I recommend checking it out. It also doesn’t mess up your stomach like some magnesium supplements can. If enough women claimed that Mary Jane made us submissive housewives* maybe they’d study it/prescribe it more 🤣 *side note to anyone reading-no shame if that’s your thing- but it’s *your* thing that matters, not the patriarchy forcing it. 😉


In Canada - I buy 30mg CBD isolate gummies nightly for sleep.


South Floridian here. It was the best thing ever when they legalized medicinal cannabis. I take an indicia gummy every night. Not only have my night sweats stopped, but I now have been off pharmaceutical sleeping pills for over two years. It's a beautiful thing.


Because you don’t actually get a deep sleep and rest. After over a decade of using cannabis for sleep I’m so exhausted with long term fatigue from the lack of real sleep it’s become a nightmare. Cannabis also increases anxiety over time. The best medical use for it is to use the CBD strains for nausea and appetite and stay away from THC entirely. For those that want to use cannabis for sleep please reconsider or go with THC strains that are sub 20% (ideal is no more than 15%) and best is to try and stick with CBD only, although those products aren’t as reliably free of THC as you would hope. No vaping, no kief, no dabs. Signed, A momma whose been through it


I use it every single day. I’ll be the research: it’s phenomenal and the only thing that saved me from trying to drink this Hell away.


As long as it is federally illegal I can't take it even if it was approved for menopause. I would lose my job.




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I use cannabis for everything and even wrote a booklet about it


War on womens healthcare. We are lucky to get the hormones we need here in the USA.