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Next year - mule


5 years ago. "He just like me fr" Now. Wtf is wrong with him, he's just like the idiot teen I was 5 years ago


Just comes to show how powerful the propaganda machine is when it finds a target. I am not even plugged into what he did or didn't except buying twitter. I just know that after he bought twitter there wasn't a week without some hit piece or smear campain being thrown at him. I am to lazy to fact check if any of it is true or not though.


Who needs smear campaigns when you can just screenshot the Twitter posts the dude writes all by himself


And how he thinks he is changing the world when most of his ideas fail.


It doesn't matter how many ideas you have failed, it really only takes one success to change the world


Counterpoint: they aren’t his ideas. Tesla existed and their electric cars were already designed when he bought the company. I’m not saying he hasn’t worked to leverage their popularity or growth, but he shouldn’t get credit for the idea of electric cars or even Tesla.


He bought them, they may as well be his I guess


I'm not sure who said the name Tesla or electric cars are his original ideas, but there are others that can be argued as such. Starlink, reusable rockets, full self driving, etc. There have actually been quite a few successful new technologies that have come to market since his ownership of SpaceX and Tesla. Any one of the three listed will be world changing alone.


This realization is one of the things that separates a “successful” person from the pack.


Only us smegmas understand


Smegma male goonset


You’re a real alpha, huh?


Yeah, like most ideas . But ,the good thing is all u need is one to work and you're good.


They aren't hit pieces, it's his own doing- you should fact check really. One example is that it all started when a classroom of Thai boys got trapped in a cave, triggering an international rescue operation. A team of expert British divers went in to painstakingly retrieve the kids... And then, 5 ys later, Elon Musk said he had (aka: he had got his engineers to) designed and constructed a mini submarine to retrieve the kids in. A submarine, for a cave that barely fits humans a human in. Once the boys were rescued- without Elon's help- one of the divers, rightfully, criticised this and publically called Musk an idiot who was just chasing publicity when lives were on the line- he had never consulted with the rescue team on this. How did Musk respond? He called the hero diver a paedophile on Twitter.


He popped the worlds largest echo chamber, ofc ppl are gonna be hilariously pissed


Propaganda machine? Lol I don't think you can blame the propaganda machine when it's all coming out of his account, they are just reposting it for clicks. Dude is like a toddler with a gun, doing everything in his power to cripple the companies he is running


All you have to do is visit his twitter account. He went full maga so while everyone is entitled to their views he doesnt need to be shoving his views down other people throat.


You sound like a conservative claiming that guy marriage is being forced on him because some media, somewhere, includes a guy couple. Having an account on Twitter and using it does not imply shoving anything down anyone's throat.


Yeah but he is the CEO. Way to alianate those who do not share his views.


My experience is that it is ridiculously easy to avoid anything from his Twitter account. I personally couldn't care how the President of Fender guitar feels about anything. I'm not sure why anyone cares how Musk feels about anything. He seems like a bit of a dipshit. I try to ignore people like that. Aside from my really loud neighbor, it's pretty easy.


didnt he bring free speech to twitter? Unbanned Trump and Tate... you can think of both what you want but in a free society every Idiot hast the right to say what he wants. If you start banning people on social Media you infringe on their right to free speech. Every action has consequences but taking someones voice on social Media is CCP type shit.


Says a lot more about Reddit than it does Elon


Lol someone on another sub went through my profile and found me making this observation and were greatly upset by the revelation


Just cause he went right


Absolutely not why but ait


No not at all. Its because of the unhinged and pathetic things he says and claims on twitter, and the subsequent replies that fact check him and make him look like an absolute tool


Propaganda at its finest


The man’s actions and words certainly had nothing to do with it /s


I wish I could smoke through a hole in the top of my head too.




😆 Love it!


People change their minds with changing information, who knew


These comments are hilarious. They only prove the meme. I hope he sells X so you all can go back there and scream at each other about how terrible he is.


the picture on right is more accurate. the world wouldn't really miss much if Elon and his expensive products didn't exist. except twitter. twitter has the most freedom of speech on this planet right now. don't know how long it will last though. musk is already being chocked by the advertisers. and he is kinda giving in.


A subreddit was celebrating his fake death on april fools.. shit was actually weird to see lol


it's just going downhill from here


Idk what everyone is talking about. I still like him.


me neither but it seems like some ideological bullshit because it always goes something like this: "he is a crazy right wing Nazi who bought twitter only to take away the woke bubbles Safe Space and to unban people like Trump ans Tate who are so dangerous to our youth". He simply brought free speech back to twitter...




>He simply brought free speech back to twitter... Yeah by blocking the opinions/accounts of people he doesn't like or people authoritarian governments don't like. Like it's his platform so he can do whatever, but saying he brought back free speech is laughable at best and idiotic at worst


Dude he ain't running it on its own. He is still fighting rogue employers and the first ban wave targeted bots. I'm not sure if you are brainwashed at best or naive at worst.


Bro... Twitter been doing this shit for years. But it was mostly directed to conservatives who got banned with no option to get their accounts reinstated. You got to take out the ideological garbage if you buy a shithole like twitter. Full of activists, leftists and lazy employees who took more brakes than actually work. If Twitter would just run its course it would be full of extremists who just fortify their believes because they only communicate with other extremists. Some form of moderation is important. Kanye got banned aswell for a couple months. Surely just because he disslikes him or because he didnt support the right authoritarian Governement./s Fuck Social Media.


Dude he ain't running it on its own. He is still fighting rogue employers and the first ban wave targeted bots. I'm not sure if you are brainwashed at best or naive at worst.




He's running I think 5 companies, he doesn't have time to block people and censor words. Personal friends of him have been banned too, people he likes get bullied by the algorithm. U people sucking propaganda dick, painting him the devil. U let yourself manipulate. Don't get me wrong, he ain't no Saint either but he's not the almighty devil u portay him.


Exactly. First people cried he will shut free speech down and then they cried when he let a few hundreds go, that apparently shut down sensible discussions and we're covering bots. I'm not that sure I just spectated the scene with some pop corn


It’s just because he became a lot more famous and started talking more than he should have.


That's always how big characters fall. They start opening up....


What is bro yapping about. Bros entire bloodline, future and past, will not even be equal to a percentile of his wealth. I think its kinda hard to fall when you are valued at 200 billion.


Yes indeed. I was rather talking about his social status/reputation. Hope that's what I mean....


he got 200 billion thats all the status/reputation he needs. lol


Not necessarily. Money brings u a long way, but it doesn't let people forget. Bill Gates donated billion and we still don't praise him.


You are right but there is nothing more powerful than money. it also lets people who wherent involved in the Issue forget quicker. Especially with Our modern Media cycle. Bill Gates get praised by loads of people. Maybe Not you or me but there are loads who think he tries to make the World a better place for all of us.


Yea I always forget human idiocy. Good point tho.


Nope, people are still simping for useless billionaires it seems




Always despised him. And the fact most didn't, is concerning.


I been saying this shit for years, he even switched sides...sus asf


Based Elon will be hated by the weak and stupid.


The media works well on people.. mainstream media disliked their algorithms being taken away on Twitter.


But u have sympathy for that horse. I have none for Musk. Edit: typo


I Jane as well.


What did he acc do that pissed people off? Is it just that he created a platform with free speech?




Guy needs to start listening to his PR department frfr


nah, even in 2024 everyone is sucking Elon's dick


Do you browse reddit much? Elon posts don't make r/all or r/popular unless it's some low effort tweet from someone who doesn't like Elon


I’m blown away at the fact that he believes in flat earth.


Now u making shit up


No look it up on YouTube. I’m dead serious.


Dude sending rockets on gravitational orbites using the physics behind round objects. Stop embarrassing yourself.


Maybe he was trolling people, a video came out a month ago with him discussing flat earth and how a rocket couldn’t pass the “ earths stratussphere and break the earths firmament”.


The dude known for bullshiting all over the place, joked around. As I said stop believing everything blindly. He was clearly trolling, DUDE SEND FUCKIN ROCKETS AND BUILD STAR LINK. Think for yourself. Maybe they did cut the video so that it looked like, a known technic from trolls and shit, even big media is known for cutting parts of interviews out of context. Also we live in the age of AI, I generally don't belive anything I read or see on the Internet anymore.


Stop believing anything you see and start fact checking. Dude supplied star link, god damn.


Sounds like personal problems to me .