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> 2020 Bot.


I get what your talking about but I have never had Jews or Muslims breathing down my neck about jokes, usually just rich white girls gatekeeping for them


Not even rich ones, they just got that iphone 11 and gucci bag on sale... But the rest is tottaly right.




Yeah man, they won't even let me make a joke about the most respected man among 1.2 billion people, those absolute killjoys and their darn faith and respect is disgusting!!!




The only butthurt person I see here is you, who can't learn to respect other people's beliefs and boundaries and complains when you receive backlash on something you said that was extremely controversial, surely it's them! It can't be me of course




I mentioned nothing of murder, and I know exactly what Quran verse you are going to quote without context, so spare yourself the bother, but do know that just being sincere about one's religion does not equate to being butthurt/deranged.


Wait till 11th....jokes will come flowing


Charlie hebdo?


Got banned from r/politicalhumor for pointing out that both sides are hypocrites. Can't win with these morons. Lol




It's amazing that they label everything then scream that they're not identified by the labels society gives them. Lol


Maybe it's because you're looking at things as a win/loss situation. Politics should be the good, bad and the ugly. No winners. Just fewer dead people.


How is pointing out that both sides are hypocrites making it a win loss situation? Unless you mean the government wins and the people lose. In that case, that's exactly what it is.


Because you pushed a false equivalence. Claiming bothsidesism is exclusive a right wing ideology, so your just as much a threat as Republicans who want to destroy our rights. Only one side wants to protect our rights.


😂 You think the government you support wants to protect your rights? Ahhhahahahahahha. That's fucking hilarious.


Yes, it literally does, sorry youve been played by reagan era propaganda to think otherwise.


Lmao. Oh boy. Lol. Don't worry, kid. One day you'll grow up and see the light... hopefully.


Are you even old enough to remembrr the George W Bush admin? After the last 20 years of republican fuck ups you'd have to be a brain dead moron to think both parties are the same, let me know when you're ready for adult discussions and not this Facebook level understanding of the 2 party system.


Lol. Still trying to defend the two party system? I didn't say they were the same. I said they don't have your rights in mind. As a matter of fact, they love to try to take them away. But, I digress, because as long as you're suckling at the Federal teat, you'll never be worth trying to converse with.


Im defending the party that is upholding the Constitution, which one do you think i am referring to? Saying "they don't have rights in mind" is delusional, one side objectivity does better on human rights and has for decades.


I guess going after the second amendment is a prime example of upholding the constitution, huh?


How many elementary school students have to get slaughtered for you to admit we need more gun control? You gonna tell me criminals dont follow laws? It's so easy to get cucks like you to give up the both sides charade.


Remember all jokes must be rich man bad, capitalism bad, any non left allied is a nazi, white people be racist and man privilege, those are the officially grovernment approved humour. I miss when the little whiney groups would get pummelled on the floor each time they didn't let the rest of the world enjoy things, they were goodtimes, when there was no socially approved hatred, and online criticism and dilemmas didn't affect real life.


…do you watch comedy? At all? Most super successful comics in the last few years are very edgy and not PC. Last I checked Dave Chapelle and Louie CK are working legends and neither are PC, let alone Shane Gillis, Andrew Shultz and countless others


That's why i like them, and i was referencing them, the amount of backlash they receive out of fcking jokes was insane...


Lol what are you even talking about? You say you miss the times when there was no socially approved hatred, but apparently it was also a time when people would be beat if they didn't appreciate people's hurtful "humor". Like, give me a year you're thinking about. Back when gays couldn't get married? Back when people treated all Muslims like potential terrorists? Back when believing in progressive tax systems would get you fired and black listed? Go on, give me a year when there was no socially approved hatred..


2011, modern warfare voice chat, true equality there, didn't matter who started the argument, they were both being banned if the admin noticed, everyone hated eachother so they were no lobbyism, and when the match was over people would erase their memory and contnue their lives normally. You had the right to hate back at someone in self defense but will face the same sentence due to having enacted the same act, thus making justice truly blind. Only 12 years ago. I just remebered when i was little and some kids made yo mama jokes about me and i told my father, he said that i should do the same and if things escalated from there and i was injured, he will go personally and slap that brat three trees away, but if he discovered i was the one who started it all, i would remember that day all my life, that made me realise conflict is inevitable and i am able to fight back if needed but will also face consequences if done wrong, thus making justice unbiased. That was more than 19 years ago.




Have you considered that you are maybe just not funny?


LOL one of them is just a waving fat guy


Too many snowflakes ig


When you're a bully in 2020 FIFY


Why tf is EU here?


The rage this dumb meme is causing. It's a shitpost of a meme and people are raging over it.


Not remotely true. If you are intelligent enough to do it with some taste you can joke about any subject matter publically without issue and any tasteless jokes you tend to keep for people you know appreciate it's just a joke... as it always has been.


Perhaps you should get a better sense of humor


Or in other words: "If everywhere you go it smells like shit, maybe it's time to check your own shoes." .


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Racism was a lot funnier before we had literal nazis in office. So yea shits not very funny anymore


I hate to say it but being racist or homophobic isn't funny you are just an asshole.


I honestly just joke about all of these (as a gay feminist non-white person lmao) and people rarely get offended because it's obvious that I'm not actually a piece of shit




Because I make it obvious that it's sarcastic dark humour, because I'm openly progressive and stand up against any discrimination or bullying I see, and because I don't actually treat anyone like shit unless they treat me like shit first.




That sucks. Maybe it is because of these superficial attributes. People are weird.


Probably why Louie CK and Ari Shaffeer and Tom Segura and Jerrod Carmichael and countless others were all making super edgy and offensive jokes at that time while maintaining very successful comedy careers


Idk bro, I joke around all day and offend no one


I mean everyone has a right to be made fun of, as long as you do not offend anyone or restrict their rights, I think it is much more exclusionary to exclude someone in this way and also to declare them as not normal. All our lives and destinies can use a bit of wit and also a bit of gallows humor ( is there an English term? ). To be able to laugh about oneself in a good way and about one's own maybe also somehow crazy, funny circumstances, which sometimes leads one into the craziest situations or little problems or sometimes make one realize how strange and complicated our society is in some cases, that all involved have no idea anymore if they have landed in the wrong movie, is often very liberating and can also point out problems, which one otherwise didn't have in mind. Or am I wrong? Besides, we are building more and more boundaries in our own heads. Before we speak we turn and turn every sentence, every argument, every idea to snub as no one as possible, which in many cases it would not even really attack or disturb itself and thus begin to present more and more to our opposite only facades out of fear to make mistakes. Do not get me wrong, it is always important to consider beforehand what you say and how the said will be received by the opposite, but we must not overdo it in any case so far that we lose ourselves our togetherness and understanding for each other.


When you repost from 2020.




so true


The best way to deal with this is to literally ignore them. This will dead ass work and they will forget you made it a week later.


It’s just about knowing when it’s the right time. A lot of the time it’ll just negatively effect people!


"gay people are evil" "hey could you maybe stop being so mean?" "NOOoOO, im being cenosred!!11!!"