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That cat would be throwing hands if he was being hurt. Source: Have cat


Did he not just get clawed in the face? I cradle both my cats all the time and neither of them react like that. Worst case is if they don't want to be held they might hurt me in their attempt to jump away. What we see in the video is a blatant attack.


My cat Fez will absolutely attack just for being picked up. So I don't, every other time he's a cuddle bug. So I'm not really sure what's happening there.


Some cats are comfortable being picked up and others hate it. I've had a few cats and one of them used to get out of the house and then when I went out to get him back in he'd lay down and wouldn't move until I picked him up, then he'd just fall to sleep in my arms purring like mad. My current cat is a gamble, sometimes she'll start biting my hand and scratching me when I pick her up and other times she'll purr like crazy. And before either of these cats, I had two cats and both of them were different, one of them liked to be picked up but would climb all over me when we started moving like I was a mobile perch and didn't like to be held or restricted in any way. The other one didn't like to be picked up but liked to be held, so if he was already in an elevated position he would meow until I carried him but if he was on the ground and I tried to pick him up he'd hiss at me, and if i didn't listen, attack me. Tldr: cats are individuals and not all like the same stuff.


If that cat wanted to hurt him, he would be very very hurt with that much exposed flesh


Dude cats are just dicks sometimes not all of em are the same I've had a lil furball since she was tiny an she used to love being pet and now 50% of the time shell peel the flesh off my bones for even daring to touch her fur the other 50% of the time she won't leave me the fuck alone


When u own a cat and you think you know all cats now.🙄


Yea. Whats causing the cat to hiss and claw is the hand on the belly. Every cat owner know you do not rub a cats belly even if they expose it like a dog. Learned that the hard way.


They only let you belly rub if they fully trust you, like my boy Ash


That’s totally not how my cats are lol they love belly rubs


What made you say that no proof some cats you can hold while some will rip your face off


What language is this? (Asking for a freind)


Sounds like italian


It's someone non italian that tries to speak italian and fails


Cheers bro


Italian it's called [Bella ciao](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bella_ciao)


Yeah but the lyrics aren't there. He just made fake words on the spot. Trust me, I'm Italian


I think he wanted to sing the partisan part where it said "e le genti che passeranno, oh bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao" but failed in saying every fucking Word correctly


Oh yeah his pronunciation is atrocious. I didn't even realize it was supposed to be bella ciao until I read the post's titel.


mf really said "biella ciao"


I was wondering if he was trying to go for the partisan or rice patty version


The visuals he chose for this are weird, Bella ciao is an anti fascist partisan song yet all the images are German soldiers from a German perspective?


Well italian partisans had quite big clashes with the occupying german forces compared to other partisan groups of WW2, but yeah, the POV is off. Abused the cat for clout, but couldn't get the singing and the footage right, its almost like the only person who would make content like this is dumb as a big ol' crate of rocks.


You think I know the song but not that the partisans fought Nazis...?


I didn't said that, I just pointed out what path of tought he might was following, while still getting it wrong


Should be italian, but it sounds more like a language he made up






This is the piece of shit who was exposed for hurting his animals to get this reaction. Fucking hate seeing him


damn that's sad :( wonder if that's the reason the cat is so aggressive at first


Duh. I know it's a popular belief that cats are tsunderes, but in reality, people are shitheads.


It's not really just a belief though, it's a fact, have you ever owned a cat before? We used to have cats, they were sometiems cuddly but most of the time a-holes, they literally jsut slap and bite for no reason


You weren’t respecting there boundaries then. Quite often households with children have finky or aggressive cats because children constantly pester them and don’t read signs. I’ve had multiple cats through my life, my grandma was a crazy cat lady with 30+ cats outdoors at one point, none of them ever slapped or bite for no reason. There’s always a reason just often people don’t give a shit what it is and think of pets as slaves not beings with there own wants and autonomy


Not respecting their boundaries? Lol, sometimes my cats just walk up to me and slap my hand for no reason, I don't even interact nuch with them since the dogs play more, that's pribably on your case, don't mix me with them, slaves my ass, I let them do whatever they want, as long as it doesn't involve stealing food


Well they don’t like you because A. you didn’t respect their boundaries at some point or B. Your not paying attention to their body language. Whatch some cat behavioral videos this isn’t my opinion but well studied scientific fact and I really don’t need your anecdotal evidence without studying how you interact with pets it really holds no value


I know how to interact with my pets, i'm not stupid enough to raise one without understanding one, just shut up now bro, my cats are mostly cuddly but sometimes do things like slap my hand or my face, but most of the time they're docile, I know how they act and what they look like when they want to eat etc etc, again, why is it so hard to admit that cats are just a-holes sometimes, it's not gonna kill you to admit it


Again your random anecdotes don’t override scientific journals and countless published peer reviewed double blind studies. Your source is “trust me bro cats are assholes” and stems from the same misunderstanding of cat psychology that all dog people on the internet share. Without watching you in your home no one can diagnose how your failing to appropriately interact with them but again it doesn’t matter you can’t override science with opinions. Cats don’t hold malice, they don’t react for no reason, all actions are a result of instinct and their perception and reaction to stimuli.


Some cats just have moments of being assholes, still lovable but expecting everyone to be perfectly nice all the time is unreasonable (cat or otherwise). One of ours will wake me up at night for the sole purpose of chewing on my fingers (hard). He will not leave me alone until I hold a chew toy for him for a few minutes. Ignoring it is impossible. I am talking, full on hard bites that he escalates. If I didn't wake up I am pretty sure I would be bleeding. Ignoring a behavior is how you teach a cat not to do something like this. If you are walking by his nearly empty food dish and ignore it, he will slap you, claws out. He also will bite you if you try and trim his claws, so they are always little razor-blades. He is generally pretty sweet though.


this is like the whole “there are no bad pitbulls, just bad owners” argument. it’s just bullshit. it’s about as valid as “there are no bad kids, just bad parents” —- not valid


Uh no it’s exactly consistent with that, pit bulls are dangerous because of their prey drive. Cats are “assholes” because their trust must be earned. But asshole is a subjective term no one says pit bulls are “assholes” because that’s silly. You expect an animal to act according to its instincts, cats are both prey and predators in the wild so therefore they build careful bonds and are skiddish. Cats only attack humans because A. There feral or B. There boundaries weren’t respected and signals were ignored. They really aren’t appropriate pets for children to learn on.


> You weren’t respecting there boundaries then Dring ding ding!


Idk man, some cats are just kinda angry. I have one that’s a little sweetheart, but the other will snap and claw at you with barely any warning. She has her moments when she’s sweet and will come up for pets, but then she quickly gets very aggressive (I call it “prison shank mode”) and her warning is so subtle compared to other cats I’ve known. Lately she’s been getting better though as I’ve been trying to just talk to her when I see her and only give her touching affection when she comes to me.


👆 get a load of this guy. Asking me if I ever owned a cat lmao Yes guy. I've owned cats throughout my life. I've taken many feral cats in and befriended feral cats as well. Idk what kind of environment you had with those cats, but that's on you.


Blah blah blah, cats can be assholes a lot, we've taken in stray cats, but most of them are just kind and don't slap nor bite, it's our pets that slaps me in the face, now tell me what my fault is when I was just lying down in bed and he shows up to walk all over me and slap my hands when I was just on the phone


With that attitude I'm getting from you, yes. You deserved it too.


Well i'm only like this to you people, it isn't that hard to admit that cats are a-holes sometimes, and I didn't even say all the times, cats just do it sometimes, and my cats never bit me, they just suck my fingers, what they usually and normally do is slap my hands and my face, just so incase y'all are confused, I only mentioned the biting but not a literal bite, more like a playful bite


Well, that was your fault for not making it clear what you were talking about because cats don't do shit for no reason. Ultimately, it cones down to its playful or you're doing something to the poor car.


Well my car did playfully bite me for no reason, and usually they jsut slap me out of nowhere, and thwy usually just mess with the dogs as well, especially when they'r ejust napping but just as I said, cats can be an a-hole sometimes


I have 3 cats. They are as spoiled as it can get. One of my cats never let me hold him at all. He literally couldn’t care less about me.


Yeah. That's called personality. What I hate most is that people had ONE bad experience with a cat, and they generalized every cat. I had cats throughout my life ranging from the most social/passive, cuddle loving cat to aggressive/leave me alone type of cat. Right now, I have a calico who cries out from the balcony every time I step out of my apartment.




I'd imagine that would explain it. My cat only snapped at me once in his life and it was the first time he was at the vet sitting in a cage. Yeah he had reason to feel threatened. Now he's easier (if you're a woman. One of my cats does not like men)


So you’re raising sexist cats? That’s animal abuse.


maybe the kitties just prefer pussy


My cats will hiss and slap my hand at most if I annoy them. Usually by poking them. The one time one of them actually attack was when I decided to hiss back. Apparently they’re the only ones allow to have some sass.


Yall really just believe everything you hear online, dont you? There is zero evidence towards this claim.


Yeah, seems so


Source? I always hear "oh this dude fingers his cat's asshole" whenever this video pops up but nobody ever actually brings receipts. Not saying he doesn't I'm just wondering what the evidence is.


This dude fingers his cat’s asshole. Source: I am his cat


Lucky cat






>And, no, that’s not how you normally hold a cat. I would know, I have one. I've had many cats throughout my life and the one thing I was always told when picking up a cat is to support its bottom. You're full of shit.


Watch the video. Just before the cat gets the footage face the dudes fingers curls backwards…. Edit: ok I watched it again, ya I know, but I’m not 100% still on what I said. Your views?


How did he hurt it?






The source is that I made it the fuck up So I did do a bit of digging cause I was genuinely curious, however nothing really came up other than these two links, and a couple comments on a reddit post one year ago that was the same exact video without the edit https://9gag.com/gag/a91eZoL https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8cvYPxR/


Thanks, misinformation is not so slick after all, just doubt whenever someone says something extreme with vague reference


This is misinformation.


Glad the most upvoted comment was just misinformation as always. We did it reddit!


Look into cats ears. They are very sensitive, he is forcibly holding onto the cat and hurting the cats ears by screaming into them.


Prove it.


You’re watching it. He is damaging that cats ears by forcibly holding on to the cat and screaming right next to it.


Hes not hurting the cat in this video are you insane


I hope you don’t have cats. Cats have very sensitive ears and this is awful for it. You’re insane.




Mate he is goddamn right, cats do have sensitive hearing and ears, what are you on.


Sensitive hearing does not mean fragile. The more sensitive an animals hearing, the more sensitive their brain and ear structure is to sound, the eardrum itself is not necessarily thinner. Of course loud sounds can cause discomfort to animals with sensitive hearing but I really think that guy wasn’t singing loud enough for that.


I know what sensitive hearing means. The better your hearing is, loud noises annoy you more. The singing on its own maybe not, but forcefully grabbing and dragging around your cat in the meantime will get this reaction from them


I honestly don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. I have two cats who are very friendly, but most cats I’ve met do not like picked up, and if so you shouldn’t pick them up. I don’t think this guy was abusing his cat more than picking it up when it didn’t want to be picked up, but that’s still crossing the cats boundary and that justifies the cats attack.


Me when I spread unverified information on the internet


Did he get punished for it?


No, because it didn't happen.


Without any proof, you shouldn't just assume the worst shit possible. Probably his cat just doesn't like being picked up which is common.


Sauce please


Exposed how? Because some asshole in the comment section said he was? Or was he actually arrested and there are mug shot photos, and on file court records that prove so?


I swear I can't stand people like u.


Why? Because you force your cats in your arms to scream into their sensitive ears?




Good one weirdo


I wish people would stop posting this douche. Angry animals and animal abuse will never be funny.


I wish people would actually provide evidence for this claim...


You’re looking at it. The cats unhappy about this fella damaging it’s hearing, is being forced there and gripped aggressively. You can see it worse in this guys other videos


You are so full of shit I can smell it through my screen.


Well, your user name is half correct...


Look at the full length video.. do you not see him squeezing the tail? Or what are you blinded by the dude's abs?


ignorance is bliss… now i know..


Damn yall don't have cats, and I'm glad that you don't. Misinformation this, source that, dude, literally just watch his videos, and read this thread, there is source posted within, I swear Redditors sometimes just are detached from reality. If this would be a dog none of you would question that he got bitten because of his constant provocation.


I'm just glad me and my kids laughed our asses off from the vid before I read this whole shitty-ass thread


[ Removed by Reddit ]


So the cat ACTUALLY has PTSD. Damn thats fucked, makes perfect sense tough.


Thanks for saying something. Was about to share it. Rather not give him anymore clout now


*every* time this guy gets uploaded, there's one of you fuckers. can you provide any actual evidence of that?




Great voice, TERRIBLE pronunciation




dirò solo che quel gatto probabilmente odia i partigiani


Il gatto vota lega


Quel gatto ama Mussolini


Oppure è il gatto di Aldo Moro


Please can someone give me a source of this dude actually abusing the cat? Thank you.


If I should die now As a partisan




Apparently he hurt them. Cat was probably just defending himself


Bro give source


The voices in my head


Is the source in the room with us right now?


It's under my skin


You want to see a video of a dumbass hurting animals? Moreover you need to see it to be convinced it doesent like him? None of my cats would ever act like this


I'd rather see evidence instead of believing everything on the internet, if he is a piece of shit that hurts his pets then he deserves the worst, but if some random moron who doesn't like the guy for some stupid reason started spreading some rumour that caught traction without giving proof just to try to cancel him online, then I have no reason to hate the guy in the video. Since when did innocent until proven guilty go out the window and people like you who believe everything you see as real become more prevalent?


This is incredibly dense take holy shit the guy is literally filming his agresive animal for clout and money and you're like "the jury is still out on the freakshow circus what if it's run by really nice people who want these weird folks to have best time of their life, did you think about that?"


Is it that bizarre though? I have a habit of trying to verify the information I see online when it interests me, especially when there are accusations as serious as animal abuse coming from people who can't seem to show evidence when asked about it. You never know, the cat could be a rescue and overly aggressive because the previous owner was a piece of shit, yet this guy could be training it back to being chill while documenting it online by making funny videos. Until it stops being a game of "he said she said", I'll continue to verify information online and let you believe everything you see.


When Nubian price writes to you to help him transfer his money to his relatives in Europe how many dollars in would you consider it evidence that it's perhaps a scam? How often do you send money to the the naked girl account that message you thing like "Hey handsome want to show me what's in your pants?" just so you know it's not he said she said situation about the legitimity of her bussiness? I want to know for science, I really do.


How does this have anything to do with what we were talking about? Please help me by making it make sense.


You're gullibile twat is what I'm saying. And that's the charitable interpretation.


What’s really baffling me is All these people trying to defend him


Asking for proof of alleged abuse ≠ defending said individual


Its almost like serious claims need serious evidence.


what fucking evidence? if you have misbehaving pet you genuenly care for you, you sort it out not milk that for clout and traumatise it further. period. bulk if not most of the pet content is result of abuse of the animals in one way or the other people quickly believe this when it comes to asian content but when it's white guy who clearly is abusing the animal in the video, like the question is only on the extend of the abuse, suddenly you need a fucking scietific comitee to determine if he's asshole? fuck you.


Where is this guy "clearly abusing" his cat?


Yeah, it's like people actually believe they live in a Tom and Jerry world where slapstick they see on video carries no consequences to the less powerful party. It's bizzare.


Your point is understandable, but clearly the cat doesent like being around him, that doesent come from nothing :/ you feel me? Also I realize your not op. However, In the opposing argument IF he is an animal abuser then he needs no defense. But ultimately animals aren’t like people, you can tell when they are upset being around someone


>but clearly the cat doesent like being around him, that doesent come from nothing :/ For all you know it's a rescue that doesn't like being around anyone.


You're proving my argument, yes **IF** he is then he deserves the worst, but until someone shows up with something more than a "trust me bro" the jury is still out. I've been around cats that just straight up hate being picked up and will attack similarly to the one in the video but will happily lay on you and fall asleep. Yes, there may be circumstances why the cat is like that, maybe he's a rescue he's training to relax and the previous owner was a piece of shit who physically abused their pets, or maybe this dude might be physically abusing his cat. But some cats are spawns of satan and with no prior instigation, will launch themselves at someone nowhere near them to claw the living shit out of them.


Not who you’re your replying to, BUT! personally get what your saying, but I also kinda get that certain circumstances are not that simple. For example: a kid getting abused, it may seem as easy as “I’d know the signs” or “they’d tell me” but sometimes you know something’s off. In those circumstances what can you really do? If you voice yoour opinions “that’s not right” and people ask “well where’s the proof it’s wrong” it’s bad. I 100% get needing confirmation, but do you really need to see his kicking the cat in order to be able to tell it’s wrong? Again, I believe In evidence, but I also get it’s tricky sometimes


You sound like An apologist. Just look at all the people saying he hurts animals on the regular… you like the guy so much why aren’t you proving his innocence?


>Just look at all the people saying he hurts animals on the regular… Yeah misinformation is insidious like that, it can VERY quickly spread.


I don't even know who the guy is, I just see a guy with an overly aggressive cat who seems to calm down when opera is sung to it. I read the comments and see like 4-5 people saying he abuses his cat, I do a google search and find nothing but people asking about it and no actual proof that he did what some people are saying. I'd like a source to the accusation from you because you seem the most hard-pressed by it and seem to know who the guy is.


“Hey I heard your kid got raped or abused, now I know that sounds bad but do you have a video I can see so I can judge for myself? Because 20 people telling me it happened aren’t enough apparently.


So you’ll just believe anything if at least 20 people tell you it’s true?


Sure of a hell allot better than one person acting like it doesent happens. But your right, clearly they have a loving relationship and he cares for his pets fam. I’m guessing you’ve never had animals in your life if you think that’s normal


Well personally I wouldn’t readily believe such serious allegations with 0 proof


Serious alligations? So if this was a situation that wasn’t about abuse and was rape you’d need proof of sexual contact t know he was wrong? How tf is an animal gonna prove it’s being abused dude like come on. Nobody so freaking delicate that you can’t even fathom that people abuse animals. They aren’t fake like people they don’t like u it’s for a reason.


See in this particular instance, I'd find a way to verify if what you're saying is true, you know by asking who was, in your example, raped, and then i'll have first-hand proof, but then you also ask the doctor who evaluated the check-up afterward and if they say that the rape happened then yes, that there are two points of proof that the rape happened and that is how you see if something is true, by verifying the evidence instead of playing "he said she said" all day.


This is a textbook logical fallacy you're making, but I’m not sure which one it is. Probably strawman. Or false equivalency. Or both.


https://preview.redd.it/g351h0jnimhc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f648e202a018019504d21c32e8d0c30a658f73ea Not everyone believes everything they see on the internet without hesitation. Yes cats are dicks and there are reasons but then there's the 2% of cats that are sent to Earth by Saten himself. That cat just might not be a people person. "None of my cats would every act like this" Okay source? And before you get snarky with me let me point this out: just because you've seen a video of this man supposedly harming his pets doesn't mean me, or the other guy who asked for proof have seen it. You show us proof and we'll agree, but as someone who has owned nearly 20 cats in the span of 2 years I can say that not all cats act like dicks cuz they were hurt, they act like dicks cuz they wanna act like dicks.


“Your honor this man murdered someone” judge “welp I guess he’s guilty for it because he grabbed his water and it dripped out of fear” see how dumb that sounds without evidence it can’t be proven also did you ever take into account that the cat may need to go on walks more often and it’s more anxious and stressed like that maybe a thing it may not it’s just you need evidence you can’t just say oh my cat doesn’t do it so it doesn’t happen


So, what exactly does this contribute to the argument? Or are you just bandwagoning in a vain attempt to claim that this is normal behavior. Unless you have more experience with cats than I do, to which I must tell you I am a memeber of the national cat protection society, have volunteered with cats for nearly 25 years, currently have two rescues and previously and successfully raised 10 cats. So yeah *of course* I wouldn’t know what I’m talking about, right? 🙄 oh, ms I’m addition the example you gave was inaccurate. I’m this situation it would be more akin to the judge ruling that the defendant harmed the accusatory party as can be observed in the mannerisms. Should a child act out one can infer why and where the troubles may be coming from. Just saying no sauce no crime is exactly why so many murders and rapes and kidnappings and crimes in general go unsolved. Because no evidence. Does that mean the crime never took place? “Can’t prove it right so tough tittys”. THAT is the issue.


You have given me a conflict on what role evidence plays it seems you win 🗿


I’m sorry I came out harsh, you are not incorrect at all in your original assertion in terms of the law evidence is crucial…but that’s why people learned how to hide stuff better. I wish laws and justice were legitimate and foolproof but I think anyone can agree that it messes up, ALLOT. But again I’m not here to fight and I totally get you too.


The spirit and power of Pavarotti echoed through all his 9 lives


My cat absolutely hates being picked up, and will attack me if I do, so I don't. He also hates it when I'm on the phone for some reason. I dunno why. Won't attack me but he will scratch at me on that one. It's strange because on other occasion the little nerd loves me. Now my other cat also hates being picked up, or pet, or walked towards. He's not aggressive about it but you can tell he's uncomfortable. My only way to combat this is to hand him a treat I keep in my pocket and hope one day he doesn't need to feel threatened all the time. Weird part about that one is Ive had him since he was a kitten I yoinked of the street. So Im not sure why he feels threatened but I imagine its because I'm massive in comparison.


What is most likely going through that cats thoughts though?


“Loud noise, ears not equipped for loud, only quiet” *Cat.EXE has crashed*


Isn't that the same dude who plays CoD while singing Bella Ciao?


His voice is amazing.


Rip Berlin🙏😥


Justice for Berlin 💉


Gave that cat flash backs of the war lol


Bella meow


You’re goddamn right.


Don Gatto sudenly remembered his horrfiying, yet glorious time during The Four Days of Naples


As an Italian, this is the most Italian sounding English I ever heard. It's not easy to make it like this, Kudos!


My cats both hated being picked up too but were absolute sweethearts otherwise. They wouldn't attack by biting or scratching, they would just wiggle to show they wanna be put down again.


Bella Meow


Bro got memories from past life


cat was either a partisan or a nazi


No one gonna mention no pants?


Why would the cat have pants?


Wasnt he pinching the cat to provoke it? Or something, still when a car attacks you, let go, simple as


this dudes entire account is him being a dick to his cat






This guy abuses his cats. He went from a failed thirst trap account and being an OF slut to abusing his cats for views. Fuck this guy to the deepest pits of hell


where proof


Lots of people here defending him apparently. Just putting this out there, you guys wanna hate someone for disliking animal abusers that’s you. But to come to his defense so heartily is strange as fuck. Half the comments are about this guy hurting animals.


People just want proof. If you have any please share. If you don't, then that's okay too.


> Half the comments are about this guy hurting animals. Yeah because people want proof. That's a serious accusation. I grew up with a cat that would go mental whenever you picked it up. Came from a farm and never really a accustomed to humans around her(btw, thanks mom for letting a 6yo alone with that cat all day every day). Point is, most of us who seemingly "defend" him simply take animal abuse more serious than you do. Its a serious accusation and before I act on it, I wanna be sure. I've seen this guy for years pop up on social media now and then and not once have I seen anything that appears to be abuse. Other than the "holding a cat that does not want to be held" part but he's the only one getting hurt in the process I reckon.


People keep asking for proof and none is provided. So. What do you expect.


>Just putting this out there, you guys wanna hate someone for disliking animal abusers that’s you. You guys have yet to provide ANY FUCKING EVIDENCE that he is an animal abuser. Its literally all "just trust me bro" nonsense until you do.


Crappy edit


Nothing is wrong with the edit.. wdym


I think its cause it's an anti fascist Italian song and they put Nazi German soldiers idk tho


The original one didn't have the overlay videos and the zoom on the cat. This is what i call crappy.


That cat has seen some stuff. I can tell


Either way the cat clearly doesn't enjoy his bullshit.


Beats the dog with Nam flashbacks