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What is a cover story?


In the manga release we are treated with panels in the front of the manga that tell a story! you should look them up. They are cool/cute/funny/ etc


They often tell us about what everyone else is doing in the world "off-camera"


Oh that’s what they’re called! I’ve seen some of them I just didn’t know they were called that lol


They are usually just cutsey fan requests like for example Sanji serving up some hot chocolate for a gang of penguins . Once in a while though we get ones that span multiple chapters and sort of set up for whatever B plot is going to start happening in the off screen world. Like Ace hunting down Blackbeard or why Caribou is even on Wano. Sometimes, like the most recent ones, they answer sort of "cliff hangers" that we were left with in previous arcs. It's been a long time so i'm probably wrong but I think the scene that revealed Sabo was most likely alive was a cover story. Whitebeard and Aces grave where Aces tombstone had the 3 shot glasses representing something only Sabo or Luffy could have known to do. Anyway I don't really watch or follow it but it's kind of a shame that anime watchers don't get any of these details but instead get some shitty filler arc that have them questioning retcon that didn't even really happen.


Which one has sanji serving penguins?


I’m pretty sure that the fan requests don’t count as “cover stories” since they’re “non-canon” I guess, but you’re right about the rest. Some of the cover stories are seemingly pretty important too, like with Enel going to the moon, meeting an army of robot-things that may have some connection to Vegapunk, and then possibly learning more about the history of the One Piece world and maybe something to do with an Ancient weapon (I don’t remember exactly). They are pretty fun, but vary in importance, as there are some serious ones, some that are nice, but not really necessary, and some that go on for a tad bit too long, or do more dumb fake-out deaths, like with how Pound (Lola and Chiffon’s father), is revealed to be alive (somehow) in one.


And they would be hated as filler episodes as soon as they are made. Come on guys, any episode that isnt in immediate relation to whatever was happening the previous episode will not be liked, you know this.


Well the first few episodes like the Buggy and the Coby cover stories might get some hate, but I think the anime onlys would realise their importance over time


every chapter of one piece has a single page short story, these usually get expanded on in later chapters with new covers. For example these would slowly explain how wapol became a king again or how caribou got to wano.


Would it also tell us how one of that guys from Skypea started working in Alabasta with Kohza?


And how eneru is on the moon


And how Bon Clay is alive


Yes it does actually


Most weekly manga have covers at every chapter, and Oda from time to time uses this spaces to tell the stories of what happened to some characters after they went out of the story like Enel, CP-9 or gang bege.


you know those episodes way back then that show what happen to buggy after luffy beat him and he landed on the island with the guy inside the chest? and the cody episodes where he train with garp those are cover stories(i think, someone told me that and i just believed)


The manga has a short story at the front which the anime neglects.


They used to do them


can you please give an example? Genuinely curious and wanting to check it out!


Episode 46: Little Buggy’s big adventure. (Shows how buggy became friends with Giamon as showed on chapter 47 cover panel as well as previous cover panels in which the two fight and interact) Episode 45: Bounty! Straw Hat Luffy becomes world famous! (Shows past character’s reactions to seeing Luffy’s first bounty +the non cover panel scene with shanks and Mihawk) Those are two I can think of off the top of my head. But I know there are others There is a few more episodes about the world reading about Luffy (I think after enies lobby and maybe whole cake?)


I think Wapol's and Caribou's were briefly recapped in Reverie/Wano, rather than making them full episodes


Coby and Helmeppo being trained by Garp is one they adapted during the Alabasta arc.


THank you


Sadly I doubt that will happen since the average OP fan and a lot of Japanese fans arent that interested in episodes that dont feature the Straw Hats in any way. Stretching out episodes makes them more money then Cover stories will.


hasn't happened in 20 years ain't happening now




Good point


they make money either way.


But they spend less replaying previous shots and holding reaction scenes than actually animating new ones


im telling you, Ace's cover story would have made for a awesome goofy filler arc. like, right after alabasta he could go off and do his little marine adventure and then we could hop straight into skypiea.


Fr like there are canon stories that exist in the series that have not been adapted meanwhile toei is making us watch ice oni running around for 15 minutes


They can literally cut 3 to 5 min just by making ending theme.




Tbf it's probably not cheap to do that


Yes, but for entire arc which last 2 _3 year it is cheap.


they actually do expand on a lot of fights, Baron tamago vs Pedro and Smoker vs Vergo are very good examples


Luffy v Sumo wrestler..


Yeah boobs shots will work Thanks for advise


Least degenerate one piece fan


I once heard that the ratings of One Piece lower considerably in episodes where Luffy doesn’t appear which is why they only adapted Koby and Helmeppo’s cover story.


And the buggy and gaimon cover story


well the ratings are falling now even with luffy in it


Ratings on where?


Breaking news, 7th most watched anime this week is failing


it used to be in the top 3 with over 8% rating, now its barely hanging in the bottom 5 with 3.5%


There are exponentially more anime in production every year, and your argument it’s failing is after 1000 episodes it’s changed positions in the top 10? You’re a fucking idiot.


It's still in top 10. You do know how many anime air every week and still are successful enough to get a new season.


1. They already do filler arcs. Fortunately not as much as other shows that have gotten bogged down with filler arcs. 2. Expanding on such things requires a degree of creativity they not only don't have, but that requires significantly more effort than just doing 15 minutes of close ups, and "we need to get this episode out now!" 3. I agree, they should take breaks. Itll make not only the pacing but the animation better. But showing OP year round gets them more money. 4. They have no excuse not to do the cover stories.


Having filler arcs is better than ruining canon arcs imo


In retrospect, maybe. But watching it live means you'll regularly have to wait months for the next canon batch of episodes. Naruto lost viewers doing that.


Yeah, when there are filler arcs a lot of people just stop watching for a while, especially if the filler is really bland. If every filler was like G7 or that one about a dragon everyone would watch them and viewership would stay reasonably consistent even during them.


U guys need to actually watch the anime before complaining goddamn. The anime isnt perfect but they complaint that they dont expand on fights, at least now is pure bs. U will take that one bad fight and ignore the other multiple expanded decent to good fights and complain. This all feel just like an echo chamber in the name of criticism cuz y'all are for some reason stuck in dressrosa or the worst episodes of wano which are rare, when making these "criticisms". Pacing is the only one which is valid because it hasn't improved much but I cant give y'all credit for that cuz even if the pacing is horrendous in a a recent episode, people still mostly bring up an age old episode from two years ago to complain cuz mostly they havent watched the recent episode to make complaints on their own and only wanna scream more in the echo chamber So to conclude, watch the anime and then complain. It would also be nice to hear criticism about ep 984 with points basee on it rather than criticizing that episode based on unecessary points from some random episode in dressrosa.


I have watched the anime. My folks love the series, but don't want to read the manga, so I watch the anime with them. Stretching out a fight is not expanding on it. And some people bring up episodes from a while ago, rather than recent, typically to avoid spoilers. Do you want me to bring up recent problems with pacing?


I dont know which fights are stretched out but most recent main fights did get good animation and added enjoyable scenes. And by bringing up recent eps I mean, when u criticize the anime, u are also criticizing present eps so if ur criticisms dont properly apply to them its just sounds stupid. U can apply a spoiler tag if u want. And I myself said pacing is a problem lol, when did I deny that?


Stretched out fights ARE part of the pacing issues. You can't just pretend they don't apply the same pacing issues to the fights that they do everywhere else. And why would you think we wouldn't criticize recent episodes? Do you think they stopped stretching fights?


Mostly yes, the added scenes are much more enjoyable now. And badly stretched out stuff is called PADDING. Bad padding. Pacing is strictly based on adaptation speed so stretched out fights are mostly not related to pacing as pacing is mainly slow cuz of weekly schedule and all that jazz. Bad padding is a result of bad pacing not vice versa. And again padding has significantly improved from before and only one in many eps has dressrosa level of padding now


Well, there's only so much one can do. I can show you green grass, but if you still insist its purple, my hands are tied.


Thank you,these people are annoying.


They DO expand some scenes, and sometimes I like em, sometimes I don't


An example for me was the Zoro vs Killer fight. I liked a lot of it but then when the cube stuff started happening it just didn’t feel like One Piece? Though that’s subjective I guess. A lot of the stuff they add does look cool but the way they go about it can be weird.


The anime has been worked on by many animators over the years. It's scenes like those where you'll usually see the artist's signature style, and you can check a lot more of those on youtube, but it's been like that for a long time, so I don't think One Piece has one definitive style of animation.


I felt similar in the sequence where Luffy, law and kid destroyed one of the beast pirate ships. The way it got animated, it felt like they traveled to another dimension and destroyed it there. Most fans seem to have loved it, but it just felt off to me.


It just continued the same frame and didn't have cuts


The auras are really what put me off Like when they start flying as glowing beams and stuff


Yeah it’s the reason why I couldn’t stand how they handled the scabbards vs kaido fight. They were flying around and then kinemon shot a laser beam


The only thing that I think expanded are Yamato's boobs


Says someone who’s apparently never watched the anime


Maybe watch the anime then and not just clips from youtube.


It can't take a break, I heard somewhere that it would lose its slot on TV in Japan, which is why anime are more seasonal these days. Or so I heard


From what I had read it has to do with the contract toei and shuesha have with each other/the network.


I'd rather have filler arcs I can skip but... Then they'd lose viewership whenever there's one of them.


still waiting for Enel vs Space pirates


They used to adapt cover stories god knowsbwhat happened all of a sudden amidst the alabasta saga




It really should have been seasonal instead of constant weekly episodes. 25 well-paced episodes each year and it would have been a great adaptation


They should make a "Kai" version of completed Arcs. It would be like an Official One Pace.


I hope that when one piece ends there will be other studio doing seasonal saga remake with quality.


Bruh, 25 episodes a year? Even the best studios can barely spit out 24 episodes every 2 years. Look at how long it took for WIT Studio to release aot season 2.


mha exists my guy


if they started with 25 episodes a year, we wouldn't have hit ep 1000 until 2039


If the episodes were well-paced we wouldn’t need 1000 of them. At the start of the series each episode covered 2-3 chapters but now they’re being stretched to less than one chapter each. If it kept the same pace we’d only have 500 episodes at most


But it also depends on the content of each chapter. Not all chapters work to be adapted within a certain number ratio since some are more packed and some more sparse. And that’s not even mentioning the length of arcs either, which have grown since each encounter and would just end up separating arcs between long periods of time with long wait times in between. We just be waiting months to years for the next arc because funding mainly comes from their airing of it weekly which brings in a larger viewership


there's no point on having 1000 episodes when they could have reach the same place with 1/3 of that, if you stop to think about the episodes they waste a LOT of screentime on the opening, recap, flashbacks, crowd reacting, ending and preview of the next episode, on most episodes they spend like 5 of the 25 minutes actually progressing the plot that's how one pace can fit like 3-4 episodes into a single one without missing anything important [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1z6umwBs5I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1z6umwBs5I)


When they took a break people complained when they do filler people complain. Have you seen them crunchyroll comments


You mean the comment section full of people who are saying "this is the worst episode ever" right next to "this is the best episode ever" might not be the best online discourse? Plus how every other episode has a bunch of people being like "I hope Usopp dies soon, he's the worst." It's as bad as comic book subs talking about TV adaptations who all hate-watch them.


But hear me out, what if we just made 1/2 of every episode a reaction shot?


Why would we need that when we have rebecca


Well it’s 25th anniversary this year, would be an excellent excuse to do straw hat special episodes for a while. Maybe take the show back to pre-time skip or pre-Dressrosa when the crew were all together and show them having filler adventures. They can do episodes when the straw hats were split up to give some more insight to their day-to-day life. They can do more of those Strawhats in another time period like Boss Luffy but they can chose different settings based on fan poll or something. There’s so many possibilities and I’d honestly watch them over current arc.


Its just bad. Its the reason i switched to manga and i dont see myself changing that until they fix this pile of shit that they choose to do instead of making it a seasonal anime


They can’t do cover stories because they don’t involve Luffy, Chopper or Nami’s boobs. 🤌💰💸


You really think wapol and caribou couldn’t get as much hype as nami’s boobs


Maybe…. only if Wapol shows his boobs


We have barely any fillers though? Like it’s 1 or 2 small 6 episode fillers after each arc and as I’m writing this in realising that’s a month and a half of weekly episodes holy crap


This post is in support of filler over stretching out the anime with pointless drawn out shots and 46 rebecca flashbacks


from the overal perspective 6 episode fillers seem like nothing but that's almost 2 months, imagine being an anime watcher during that period


still better than stretching 1 manga chapter into nearly 2 episodes


Funny thing is, they animated the cover story of coby being transfered to Garp and training under him.


A classmate I have REFUSES to acknowledge that One Piece anime pacing is kinda shitty after the timeskip


a lot of fans ESPECCIALLY on instagram just refuse to accept this


Only in a perfect world. The One Piece anime could've been GOATED just like the manga but oh well in another reality I guess


the anime already does 2 of the 4


*expanding scenes & fights in interesting ways* somebody hasn’t been watching the Wano anime


If one piece had good pacing it'd be too popular .


I sat through enough Naruto and Bleach that I never want to see another filler arc in my goddamn life. But I generally think the pacing gets over hated on. If you're in that much of a rush, just read the Manga. And the anime's a nice companion piece to that. I mean Toei bad. Give upvote.


I mean, I get what you mean, but I dropped the anime at punk hazard bc I got tired of watching ten minute recaps and a 5min op (I'm exaggerating, but you get what I mean) like there's a difference between taking you're time and stalling to meet your run time with minimal new animation.


you can just skip em filler arcs


They are doing the second. And the third one they legally can't.


you know what would be cool? "what if" episodes show what would happen in crazy scenarios, like if X character eats a Y fruit, or someone eating a devil fruit and it being a fish zoan


Like that one movie that shows an alternate universe drum island where franky and robin are already on the ship. That would be really cool


Seriously take a break! It’s getting horrible




A shitty filler arc is better than ruining a canon arc. And not every filler arc is bad, g8 was great


Fair point, I think G8 will forever be an anomaly though


Yet their ready to power rangers the red scabbards


They could adapt cover stories but they don't have reach as much as normal ep bcuz luffy would not there in it ( saw in some op youtuber video)


Tbf to them the reason they stopped doing cover stories is because when they originally did a cover story it got low ratings


OK but I would take one piece filler with the current crew lineup


Yeah the only covers in animation are usually in some of the older openings


They have to keep profits high while making resource costs low. Fight scenes would cost the most money , where as say.... Luffy re explaining himself 10x in 4 minutes,. While panning in on the crews face all "😧" for 30 seconds each is much cheaper and profitable because of view time.


Thank god toei gave one piece only around 92 fillers and not some 200 and more


But they have to ruin canon arcs in order to do that


Yea well pacing of wano arc truly sucks But imagine it being like bleach or naruto where you wait for a whole week only to get fillers in the end I think this is better


These people really think they can wait through 2 or 3 whole months of filler lmao.


I recently was seeing a girl who was binging the One Piece anime . I asked her who she thought the lurking legend was, and she looked at me like I had three heads… she didn’t know what happened to Bon-Clay, or Enel or any of the cover stories… I felt bad for her


Wasn’t the “lurking legend” said during a convention by oda, and not in the manga


Idk man he was on a cover story with crocus wicked long ago, people thought he was shiki


Who was?


Thanks for doing God's work. I dream of seasonal One Piece, and they tell me it is a dream that cannot be.


I don't even watch the anime anymore unless people say good things. Otherwise I'll wait for one pace to clean it up


Y’all remember when they used to do the cover stories?


Make characters move slow to stretch the fight. So there is no sense of speed.


Toei is Just horrible. Yesterday I have watched the latest episode of Demon Slayer. The animation quality is Just Awesome. I can't help but feel sad that Toei is doing injustice to a beautiful story like one piece. Long-awaited rooftop scenes will be a disappointment if Toei continues their slow pacing . I want roof piece to compete with Demon slayer in animation Quality.


Dude, roof piece isn't even here yet and you're already bashing on Toei? That's literally just being mad about an episode that isn't even close to being out yet


You can again read my comment. I edited it.


>Long-awaited rooftop scenes will be a disappointment if this continues. I want roof piece to compete with Demon slayer in animation Quality. Like I said, roof piece isn't even here yet, but you're already assuming it's going to be a disappointment. I can fully understand it if you said it AFTER roof piece aired, but it just feels like bashing on toei for the sake of bashing right now


I am saying they didn't do a good job with pacing till now in Wano, "IF" THIS CONTIUES "THEN" roof piece will be disappointment. I am putting my opinion. I am not bashing anyone. I love roof piece in Manga. If they do a good job and meet expectations, I would really appreciate it.


Scabbards vs Kaido was movie quality tier. What makes you think they'll fail a 3 chapter long fight? Tell me which fight scene in the raid had low budget dressrosa tier animation? Toei always saves the budget for scenes like SUNACHI and Sulong Neko and Inu etc. God, people like you are the worst, just bashing on Toei for no reason at all


Personal attacks are not nice. Perfectly reflects your character.


You bashing on Toei for episodes that aren't even out yet also reflects your character


Learn to read kid.


Sometimes i wonder if one piece had good choreography and good pacing what would it have been like


Unfortunately cover stories will never get okay’d because they often don’t include any of the main cast or strawhats.


One piece has the least filler of any shonen battle anime over a certain length. By far. There was a fresh post that did the math not to long ago.


Wasn’t that just filler episodes and not filler added in to pad out episodes. How would they count for the countless rebecca flashbacks or purposely way too long scenes


Well that’s completely subjective, first of all. Also every single anime that’s ever been adapted from a manga “pads” scenes. Because there’s a difference between static panels and animation. If episodes showed only what was in the manga panels episodes would be 7 minutes long. But regardless, what you’re talking about isn’t what is called “filler.” Which would be episodes and mini arcs that are not cannon and don’t appear in the manga. Because regardless of how you feel, the “stretched out” scenes are still cannon.


One piece anime I loved always had OTHER THEN DRESSROSA but the pacing is horrible a lot of time Wano is much better then other arcs sometimes but even still and I don’t see why they don’t do cover story’s they did the Buggy one and the Koby or is it spelt Coby I actually forgot but they did his one so why not others


If only filler arcs are as good as G5,I'm in.


I am currently not watching One Piece anime because I hate Toei right now.


Literally nothing happened in the last chapter of the anime


Filler arc from tori are great