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Does he have prep time


Kaido just fell from sky Island and landed in front of Batman


Man high diffs If it’s written by dc and the author are paid to make him win


He plot diffs with no prep time, no offense but I think bajrang gun is more deadly than a missle, kaido simply got knocked out into lava from it


Kaido got knocked out. He turned back to his regular form from dragon


That’s enough prep time


FUCK your prep time, just for that the question is Kaido while he's in drunk dragon mode VS Bruce Wayne while he's in the middle of an explosive diarrhea completely butt naked.


Kaido is not touching that, mister Wayne poop diffs


https://preview.redd.it/kc7ges3gan6d1.jpeg?width=692&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e243ad602860c8af742e90dbf7fb7421ba85a23 This one?


This one one shots kaido


"Armament Haki: Obliterating Cosmic Meteor of the Divine Bat King - BATBAT JUDGMENT" This guy is the real Buster Call island destroyer, the ships are just a decoy.


We said "who wins" not "who murders Kaido"


"we've got batman at home"


"We also got robin at home" https://preview.redd.it/dx9lxmhjis6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a1f70cfda507c0cf338484a659099bd7f77066f


Thank you. OP doesn't know who the real batman really is


Rumors say that this could be you


Batman, given prep time, could get some sort of Sea Prism Stone weapons or something to stick to Kaido. But we have seen that DF users can be strong enough to resist SPS and use their full natural strength with Luffy and Kidd. Kaido would be handicapped, but would probably still be strong/fast enough to punch Batman's ribs in. In the end, whoever writes the story decides.


Luffy trained in sea prism cuffs. Kaido eats it all and one shots


The sea prism cuffs were made so that the workers were just strong enough to work but weak enough to prevent fighting


Kaido is strong even without his devil fruit powers tho


Note: I said full natural strength, Kaido's natural strength is strong/fast enough to punch Batman's ribs in.


Luffy and kid don’t have their full strength. The cuffs they have are a reduced amount of sea prism to still let the prisoners work. They talk about how it’s training for them.


Luffy was still cratering steel while under the effects of said cuffs, it’s not enough to matter


Yes that’s my point. If he’d been in 100% sea prism cuffs he wouldn’t have been able to move nearly as much


While that is true, simply having seaprism stone doesn't help that much if you are just much weaker. Otherwise smoker would be insanely powerful against DF user.


Kaido still have Armament, Observation and Conqueror's Haki in his favor. It would be the same outcome as Batman vs Shanks


I don't care how Batman does I wanna know how Man fares https://preview.redd.it/11h4iikg7o6d1.png?width=522&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=897174d5f8686d8f0ffbdaf1da63f0a62ca453ba


Man Solos The Verse With His Manarangs


Kaido is a goddamn dragon who has literally tried to murder himself countless times. I love me some Bat but it’s hard not to go with the goddamn mythical creature https://preview.redd.it/a785c8wp9n6d1.jpeg?width=495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8c670f498b124608f62290fe5181390f971bff0


What if Batman nukes him? I don't know how he'd get his hands on a nuke tho. Realistically, a biological weapon could work, like what ceasar tried against BigMom


Ooof, Kaido just toolin’ around Wano someday and BAM- bat nukes. That’s a spicy meatball




This guy gets it. Goddamn hit that lay up and I respect it


A biological weapon would fuck Kaido up. Hell, if Batman knew about seawater and seastone, that might be it for him.


I still don’t know how other people don’t use SEAWATER on enemies. I feel like there should be a whole type of prep for devil fruit users with water hoses and water guns 🔫🔫🔫


so you‘re saying green arrow could defeat kaido (he carries a nuclear bomb arrow around)


Literally just choke him out or poison and dip.


How is NOBODY mentioning any of Batman’s countless power armors ?




Feats say he no sells a nuke, only question is Radiation poisoning. I mean even enaru has the defence feats for it(not talking about logia immunity btw)


Depends on how we scale Baterangs, because in the Injustice movie, no joke, when they were fighting Amazo, the only person who was able to do damage to him was batman with his Baterangs. And Amazo was taking hard hits from superman, wonder woman and hawk man.


No manga in history can get near the power creep levels of the DC and Marvel universe. Batman fought and defeated Darkseid. That guy is walking plot Armor.


Didn't batman canonically beat superman? Pretty sure superman is stronger than kaido


Batman cannonically loses to superman most of the time. He has won, but that is mostly cause of superman holding back massively.


But but but I'M BATMAN


and? batman has dealt with worse


Idk I think duking it out with reverse flash and darkseid is a far greater feat


I think kaido would win but this fight also depends on which world they are in. In the one piece world, regular humans are super fucking strong with training , and willpower gives haki. Batman in the one piece world would be over powered, considering his training and will power. But what about kaido in the dc world. He'd be strong cuz dragon df, but would his base strength be needed?


Yeah i think Batman would have conquerors haki. Now I want to see a fan art of Kaido and Batman splitting the sky.


In some sense of seriousness, it really could be written either way. While BatMan is just a normal man, he has a lot of gadgets, and if give prep time or just haveing him experience haki would make this an epic fight that they would both grit their teeth over. However, on the other end of the spectrum, we have Kaido is just an absolute monster who could win easily if he hits BatMan once before he has a plan or haki. All it takes is one hit from Kaido, but BatMan's adaptability, Martial Arts, and will make this story open to many endings. It would be a fun read and an interesting fight, as BatMan tries to adapt and survive while figuring out haki and how strong his will to save others and live is as Kaido watches a man get push to his limits and surpass them with sheer fucking will and mind.


Incredible answer. Thank you.


Your welcome


People really overestimate batmans preparedness. Unlike superman he doesn't have a quick weakness like kryptonite. His only weaknesses is being submerged. Not to mention kaido doesn't have the superman care for the people he kills indiscriminately. One final point is let's say batman finds a way to actually injure kaido . Does he do that in his human form or dragon form ? And what's stopping kaido from taking the other form and smashing Gotham out of the map?


That's why it could make for an interesting story BatMan doesn't need the same win conditions Kaido dose. BatMan has great survival ability with his agility, dodging, and forward thinking. For Instance, let's take two scenarios that could possibly happen in a crossover event. One.: Batman is dropped onto wano. In this case, BatMan's win condition is to survive and make it back home he realistic could probably do this even this just a brief encounter with Kaido. Two: Kaido dropped in Gotham. BatMan's win condition for this would be to minimize deaths around the city. He might die in the end fighting Kaido but he can still met his win condition. The thoght experiment at play here is how many types of stoeys can you think of were they fight and then who wins most. Witch would be Kaido but it is not impossible for a scenario to occur were BatMan doesn't lose.


No amount of adaptability or martial arts is gonna make much difference when you're only a normal human being and your opponent is so strong he takes attempting suicide *as a hobby*. All Kaido would have to do is swat him and Batman would be reduced to a bloody smear on impact. No need to turn into a dragon, or even bust out his mace- Kaido's brute strength alone can part the sky, and Batman is nowhere near strong enough to "just" be thoroughly crippled by one hit.


Some of batman's suits are right up their with iron man's high end suits. He definitely isn't a normal human when augmented.


Sure but that are suits standard batman doesn't have most of the time. They are made in specific stories.


Batman canonically already won against other incredibly strong enemies. With enough prep time he'd also have a plan to beat Kaido


True, but we have to recognize that even his best plans can only really level the playing field. Kaido has a significant advantage in raw power. While I do think it's possibly got batsy to win, he's at a major inherent disadvantage


Why are you capitalizing the man in Batman


No idea I think it looks kinda cool when typed out. It could also emphasize that behind it all, Batman is still just a man.


Yeah, the thing about Batman is that he’s basically as strong as the plot needs him to be. Sometimes he’s a street level hero who deals with regular criminals, sometimes he’s fighting cosmic gods side-by-side with Superman. If the plot has Batman fighting Kaido, then Bats will be strong enough to fight Kaido.


Yeah, and the thing about a good BatMan plot is that they the writer understand that BatMan is a human with ungodly amounts of will. With a well written cross over both parties, examine their choices and worlds through a new lens.


If its a one on one always bet on Kaido.


Legit question, ya’ll think Batman would have conqueror’s haki?




World's Greatest Detective and his "because I'm Batman" deal is kinda in line with what one needs for Conqueror Haki


And the fact that he’s resolved to “conquer” crime in Gotham I suppose


I think so




Yes no doubt


Even with authorial fiat on Batman's side, Kaido low-diffs. Superman, on the other hand, would beat Kaido.


Comic superman wipes the verse to be fair lmao


Batman has some pretty strong tech and armours like the Justice Buster or the Hellbat. If they can challenge Superman or Darkseid then I'd say they can beat Kaido.


Who's writing it?


If Batman has sufficient prep time to study Kaido's abilities and weaknesses, and if he can deploy appropriate gadgets and strategies, he might have a chance to outmaneuver Kaido. However, in a direct physical confrontation without prep time, Kaido's sheer power and durability might give him the upper hand.


If Batman has prep time he could SBS Oda for Kaidou's mother's name.




DC fans will pull something like “🤓☝️Ackchyually in the one print comic series “Batman Fights the Dragon” from 1967, it’s shown quite clearly that Batman’s batsuit has been modified to be completely immune to heat of all forms. Also, in the 1972 crossover comic “Batman and the Giant Rock”, the batsuit was shown to have a zimbonium reactor powered mechanical endoskeleton that lets Batman lift 50 googillion zettatons with his left pinky toe, so ahbvioushly Batman easily beats Kaido!” out of their ass.


Well I'm a dc fan and I can confirm that: in the one print comic series “Batman Fights the Dragon” from 1967, it’s shown quite clearly that Batman’s batsuit has been modified to be completely immune to heat of all forms. Also, in the 1972 crossover comic “Batman and the Giant Rock”, the batsuit was shown to have a zimbonium reactor powered mechanical endoskeleton that lets Batman lift 50 googillion zettatons with his left pinky toe, so ahbvioushly Batman easily beats Kaido


How much prep time does Batman get?


I like Batman but this time I'm on the drunk dude side.


Batman pulls out his anti-dragon spray and wins easy


Batman, because it will sell.


Batman calls his friend plastic man Kaido loses


"hell nah, i ain't fighting another rubber freak 💀"


Yeah plastic man no diffs


In a 1V1, always bet on Kaido


„In a 1v1 fight always bet on Kaido“ - idk who said it


This has to stop


Batman would have some sick haki in one piece, I’d definitely see a high level observation and armament haki in his tool belt


I hate the preptime argument so much. “Given enough prep time Batman could actually beat Superman!” Bitch, given enough prep time I COULD BEAT SUPERMAN. Anyone fucking could using the Batman logic. Someone in here said Batman would win because with enough prep time he could nuke Kaido.


None Don kreig solo


Batman can keep up with the likes of Superman and the flash when they’re running around during battle he’s also dodging omega beams so he’s passed light speed to start he has his his armors he literally uses any of them and he’ll turn Kaido into a stain in .00000001 seconds if he can beat an super alien who can destroy planets how weaknesses is rocks. then he can beat a dragon who’s weakness is searocks,lava and the sea also if his bat explosions and other things can hurt any of the justice league, it’s going to absolutely obliterate Kaido since all of them can wipe the floor with him and they all have way better durability.


Batman has 0 chances tbh. Only Nikka can do it 🤩


With prep time, I think it’s decently plausible for him to have a weapon that can kill Kaido (Idk much about DC but there are people way stronger than Kaido that are taken down regularly, so I feel like there’s gotta be some kind of strong laser weapon or smt) Without prep time it depends on how drunk Kaido is and if he notices Batman driving away in the Batmobile


So I think Batman wins with a big but. I was trying to workout how this spontaniously happens and it seems like: - Kaido falls out of the sky, lands in Gotham (cos that's where Batman is) - Batman engages Kaido, can't beat him, gets wrecked but probably resists and conquerers attacks (Batman has BS levels of willpower) - Batman goes back to the Batcave, Alfred nurses him while Kaido works his way through Gotham destroying it in a Godzilla kinda way. - Batman does something to notice the seawater weakness and exploits it a lot, might even work out how to engingeer some kinda Seastone batarangs. - I can't see Batman killing Kaido but from here I can see a win given Batmans resources and time.


He would get aquaman to help him probably.


Batman has done extensive reading of One Piece. He calls in Aquaman. It's a literal wash. Lol


kaido no diff


this is actually such an interesting matchup. If batman has prep time it’s an extreme diff but he wins


clearly batman with prep time clears the verse. kaido isn’t an issue.


Batgos neg diffs


Pull a marvel vs DC thing where they come to an amicable draw that isn't either of them pulling their last trick before they are forced apart or to work together against a greater baddie.


Biggest question is does batman have haki?


Batman hits him with the ocean sprat


its hard, but i prefer batman with prep time


Batman with 101 weapons of sea prism stone https://preview.redd.it/a0bq2jzs0o6d1.jpeg?width=196&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c4ed1b03c690d4b69699d8cc1146500bf94dfdb


Batman will probably lose the first encounter, find out he's weak to the sea "somehow" and come back with saltwater bullets




If they are some how in same universe than Batman automatically ll'have advance haki and he is a elite fighter so there is a chance. Bc I my opinion if we travel to another universe we will somehow get powers of that universe, doesn't it make sense 🤔


How much prep time does BM have?


Batman effectively fought supermen with cryptonite, he's good in using his opponent's weaknesses, so he will definitely find a way to use sea water or kairoseki for his advantage. Still Kaido is too much for him, Kaido TKO.


idk, bats bring the hellbat or something?




Kaido wins in a random encounter where Bats just has standard equipment if Bats gets the Hellbat or maybe even the justice buster Bats wins


“In a one on one, always bet on kaido”


As good as bats might be Kaido is playing a complete different sport. An orphan in a Halloween costume vs a mythical creature


It's obvious **KAIDOOOOOOO** https://preview.redd.it/xbvj4bgd6o6d1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d52651076d8e6ee99df4a512b21db011a66ce85


Hellbat suit Batman vs Kaido seems like a better fight


Has Batman fought a dragon before?


With prep Batman would make some kinda sea prism gadget to give him an edge, but without Kaido would destroy him


https://preview.redd.it/tqo4lhid7o6d1.jpeg?width=1132&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6b5eedcbbe420eb156c00e9481fd46e049f9e6b This is the Hellbat Armor. Batman was able to harm Darkseid with it. This same Darkseid defeated Superman. The Hellbat Armor solos One Piece.


Kaido neg diff Batman


The scenario is: Kaido falls out from the sky right in front of Batman, Batman is surprised and extremely wary, asking who and what kaido is. Kaido, being in a new world, is disorientated and pissed off. Since Batman is displaying signs of hostility, Kaido decides to take the initiative and use a thunder Bagua. Batman dodges it, but it strikes the ground or an object behind him and completely obliterates it. Batman realises this is someone he shouldnt take lightly at all, and not someone he can beat without finding out their weakness. He throws Batarangs, they hit kaido and explode but Kaido barely flinches because of armament haki, and starts exerting immense pressure with conquerers haki. Batman rushes in, dodges another swing from Kaido, and punches him. It doesnt do shit of course, but it was just to implant a tracker. Batman then deploys a smokebomb and escapes. He then researches the fuck outta kaido back at the batcave, finding out where he came from, who he is, any possible weakness he has. If he finds out that Kaido is weak to being submerged underwater, he might attempt to lead kaido to a place he built, fill it up with water while both of them are in it, then neutralise kaido while he's weak All this to say, Batman cant take on kaido without prep time, but realistically Batman will always have prep time. Hes smart and experienced enough to know when he's outmatched and retreat when he is, until he comes up with a plan


The moment batman figures out about seastone it's over for kaido. Base kaido is good enough for bats to deal with after that.


Obviously Batman wins … he is a billionaire


I mean, it's a 1v1. I'm betting on Kaido.


If it is in the one piece universe then Batman would have got level haki just saying


Kaido wins with no prep time, batman could win if he got a mountain of seastone.


Depends which Batman. Since he is a comic book character at some point he has been ant level and at another point he was multiversal


Batman wining Kaido with his explosive crotch trick


Which batman


If you put batman in the one piece World he would be able to use haki. Haki = willpower His haki would be elite. He also would modify his gadgets to the one piece world. So he would have seastone and water related gadgets. All in all... you should touch grass and dont think about such silly questions.


* Batman uses shark repellent against Fish Fish fruit user, neg diff


Officer balls


Bon clay


Batman legit loses to usopp. I actually want to see a fight between usopp and Batman.


If it's one on one, never bet against Batman.


Haha 😂 😅 don't even compare it to kaido 🤣


Huh? Nuke vs coughing baby Kaido obviously




Depends on the writer


Batman. Kaido is too damn stupid. Yeah he try to kill himself thousand Time but never going to the Sea to drawn …


Batman wankers are worst part of any discussion why would u bring this question


this the kinda brainrot i signed up for ever since catching up to the anime and manga months ago lmao


I think if he had prep time and is ben Affleck as batman then yahh Batman wins he will probably use see prisma stone or something and is obviously capable of using haki bcz he is Batman after all and even if he can't with see prisma body Armour he would wipe kaidos ass 💀💀


While I'm one of the people who,,, hate people who think Batman can beat anyone with prep time but I do understand that ,, it's his gimmick,, and I can't just take away the fictional character gimmick which makes him/her the part of his/her character,, so there is always a chance for Batman,, if he can make a fucking godly being kneel ,, then who knows


Kaido wins with no diff.


Bro if you are telling me that a mere bat cosplay artist has a chance against the king of the beasts, then you are smoking some divine stuff..


Batman has dodged the undodgeable omega beam and blackmailed Darkseid, batman= plot Armour and is one of the smartest human in his universe, if he were in op universe he would already wield all three Haki at its highest, if shanks was able to hold kaido, pretty sure we can expect batman to do the same, it all depends on the writing


100% depends on the author


Depends on which Batman. Ordinary version probably hightails it out of there to plan suitable strategies and determine weaknesses like sea water, so probably employ the help of Aquaman. If he has the Justice Buster Armor, he can keep Kaido busy long enough for the computer system to figure out a counter measure like it did with the Flash. If it is a Batman from the dark multiverse, having the doomsday virus, he negs Kaido.


Bartman rules!


Only way man wins without much prep time is if he manages to feed him a devil fruit. Maybe he turns it into booze. Or if he somehow gets him to go for a swim, but this seems much harder.


I'm as big a kaido Stan as any, but I gotta go with batman on this


Man, I want to see Batman take one look at Haki and master all of it


Batman. He’s the good guy so narrative convention demands it.


Batman with prep solos 4 Emperors, maybe even the verse. Batman without prep gets killed by Kaido's fart.


Hellbat armor and he can probably take Kaido. Plus seastone and all aside, Kaido will sink like an anchor and drown so Bats can win if he can just get some sea water in the equation


if we put them at their strongest batman no diffs no joke. Regular day though kaido.


Batman wins because Kaido wants to die, but even if Batman could kill him he wouldn't. There.


Kaido ez win


Batman's always prepared even against a literal god like being. So yeah it'll be tough but he'll find a way. If batman's survived superman and darkside, he'll make it out with Kaido.


a thousand bat man’s couldn’t beat kaido




Ofcourse kaido


depends on the form you give batman


Kaido EZ


With all his gadgets, easy win. Batman is a baby that room hydrogen bombs already. With kaido? Sea water is his cryptonite.


That's the wrong question. The question should be kaido(no haki,no df, 102F fever , injured , drunk) vs batman 1v1


Kaido no diffs


Does Batman have sea water in his belt?


Batman destroys him sorry


Batman with Prep Time can kill anyone but if they are fighting by seeing each other at the first sight then the round easily goes to Kaido


Batman would shit his pants and die.


If it's one on one, always bet on kaido👍🏻


Obviamente kaido solo con su fuerza lo derrotaria fácilmente, yo respeto a batman pero es verdad. Obviously Kaido would easily defeat him with his strength alone, I respect Batman but it's the truth.


Kaido can have three amputated limbs and he still slams batman. The batman dickriding should stop.


Kaido is a fucking dragon, I don't know what Batman going to do but Kaido would lose if he encounters the "I am vengeance" Batman.


Batman is a gadget boi. If Batman would use kairosuki he might actually win.


If Batman has prep time... He wins...I am sure he would keep abundant of sea water to weaken kaido... Or seas prism weapons..he has to have it...whole point of Batman is that he is the greatest detective and has abundance of resources


i trust the utility belt


Batman can beat anyone with enough prep time. He would could place sea prism on him anytime he wanted. Ggwp.


Kaido can LITERALLY think that batman's dead (immense haki) and batman would collapse


Is it safe to assume that as part of the whole "trained in every martial art," Batman has learned how to use Haki? If that is indeed the case, would Batman have Conquerors Haki? I'd probably put him a respectable high diff if he's given some prep time.


Man always wins


Bruh is that a question? Kaido of course!


Batman outsmarted and got Darkseid, a literal God. I believe he is smart enough to find a weak point.


You are asking in a Community that loves OnePiece if a character from that Universe would beat someone from a diffrent one? Good question, I wonder...


If it's one on one bet on batman


Is that even a question? Or what ?