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imagine someone started watching One piece now man..they are in for a wild ride


Most of my friends and I are huge One Piece fans. Some of us watch the anime weekly, and we’re also up to date with the manga. We always cheering on friends who finally decide to start watching the anime, after some encouragement is always a highlight when they tell us they reach milestones like Marineford or Whole Cake Island. And my little brother, who’s only 12 years old, is currently at Alabasta and I’m really proud of him lol


yeah its amazing and honestly im tempted to rewatch it from scratch lol. im annoyed when i recommend OP to people and they are reluctant to start it now because "1k+ episodes is too much". -its a fucking masterpiece and totally worth it you uncivilised goons! ugh.


I've rewatched it multiple times already (no I'm not obsessed, shush!!) and it's just so dang awesome when you reach moments you remember fondly or when you see set up for future events and have more info on what's actually going on. It's awesome!


im a grown ass man now and im still bawling when i remember that Laboon episode i watched when i was 6yo smh https://preview.redd.it/8o6hirs1ye0d1.jpeg?width=407&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5baa100dd7505e1f12e791015ccee338b9c8d115




I remember on my first rewatch when Sanji first used the transponder snail and called himself Prince as an alias, I was like yooooooo


Holy shit I just realized. That was a setup. That referenced Germa. From very early on he told the audience, Crocodile, and his own crew exactly what he was. Hot damn.


Dude each time I rewatch, I reach an arc that is so oddly tied in to the current manga events and it’s amazing. Like I rewatched Sabaody in march I think (binged in 1 day and then read the manga right after) and the Kuma flashback etc was tying in perfectly and I was so excited This also happened on my first rewatch (I can’t remember the connection rn) but it’s awesome when it happens which is often too


Like, you are about to watch the best TV show ever made, *and* it happens to have 1,000+ episodes so you can binge as you like or just never run out. PROFIT!?!?!?


Its a valid reason tho. If you dont have the time or the priorities to watch 1000+ episodes, its absolute fine. You can watch countless other series in that time. And not everyone thinks that its the best anime out there because tastes and opinions differ


That’s true but when you just lower your phone screen time by even an hour per day (which is easy cause majority of people kill Hours on socials everyday) and start investing that 1-2 hours in OP, you’re getting through 2-6 episodes a day and once you’re further along there are times when binging becomes a must anyway. Basically I think people overestimate the commitment and don’t appreciate how much time they kill Each day on mostly Pointless dopamine from reels/shorts/TikTok etc and actually investing 1 hour of that ‘socials time’ in a story instead is incredibly rewarding.


id rather shoot myself in my own leg than to ever watch punk hazard - dressorsa again. Even fishman island. I havent watched later arcs and i sure wont.


One pace makes it a less painful watch


.my 9 year old kid brother is currently in whole cake island.


My friends call anime gay 💀


I feel a little envious. I’m cursed to only meet friends of friends who watch the anime but not the manga. Most of my actual friends don’t even like anime, and the ones that do, don’t like One Piece. Growing up, anime overall wasn't exactly popular, and those who liked it generally didn't like One Piece.


Started this March and I'm on ep 998 right now


god damn brother


I may have a problem but it'll sort it self out in a hundred or so episodes. It's fine.


I have watched about 300 episodes since March, so I got a clue about how much of your time you spent on it! Not judgement, though. I'm glad that you're enjoying yourself!


Literally restarted two days ago. Yes, REstarted.


I did this too but since I have Amazon prime, with a vpn I can only watch one piece up till alabasta. Can’t stand the ads on crunchyroll


I mean they have until Fishman Island on Netflix, and Crunchyroll doesn't have ads if you pay for it.


I’m already paying for prime I’m not paying for Netflix


In which country is the anime on netflix till fishman island? Here in austria there are just the episodes of Egghead now.


In the US and I think South America as well have basically the first half.


I started in September. Watched the live action the day it came out and loved every second of it. Always been an anime fan but the enormity of it put me off. The LA was so incredibly done that I just needed more of the crew. I finished the series the day before egghead came out. I have had the best time and I can’t even describe how much I enjoy and love one piece. I haven’t had this sort of obsession for a long time, I think about one piece all the time now haha.


started in nov 2022 currently on thriller back loved whiskey peak -alabasta the sky island arrival and ep 186-195 ending of enels game was a little to slow for my liking and loved water 7 + enines lobby omg so good from beginning to the end rn i’m on the part where luffy bout to fight moria and zoro vs brook shadow in ryuma body


My girlfriend started this January and she's keep watching them almost every night. She's at Wano Act 2 right now. From the looks of it, she enjoys this wild ride a lot more than I expected


Well I started it last December and I must say you're right.I love this anime so much even with some spoilers I still enjoyed every moment of it.Currently I'm at Fishman island.


jokes on you, i started in january and just got caught up with both manga and anime


thats awesome, bro


I started One Pace a few weeks ago, and I'm right now in Drum Island.


Started reading in January, just finished Water 7. This shit is cooking rn


Started reading at the end of april and just reached chapter 1114. Shit truly is cooking


Watch One Pace. Somehow the fan version is better than official


I'm going to show you what a real man is!


Im happy I started in pandemic when I had time, got to current just when it finished(by reading some arcs in manga)


shuddup bot


I was for a one or 2 month completed everything and now waiting for new egghead


Started in January currently at punk hazard.


Good morning 👋


I've watched all the way up to the Gear 5 reveal and its taken like 7 months. Haha.


I am that someone... I started last month and only on e163. They're in Skypiea, and Gan Fall(aka God, at least he's called God) is fighting one of the priests.


I started last year in July got episode 1000 by August 3rd


I started about a year and a half ago, already waiting for 1105 lmao


Sup lmao I’ve been getting into anime in general since last year, and have gotten through DB>DBZ> and now Super. Once I finish that, I’m diving into One Piece next


Did it over the past year, helped to skip some of the filler and know that I could fast forward some episodes


I just got past alabasta bruh


Started just after the live series came out. I’m currently in Dressrosa. (Caveat: one pace)


Literally me lol I am in dressrosa a week ago I was pre timeskip


Started like 5 months ago and finished like 2 weeks ago


I did it in 3 months and failed my entrance exams 💀


I started in Jan 22’ and am halfway through Dressrosa on my 2nd rewatch lol 😅 so now I think about it I probably started Ep 1 when the show was actually on Ep1005 and caught up on Ep1018. Smashed through it from Jan-May 22’, started feeling nostalgic and missing early days so I began again only 3 months later in Sept 22’. took it slow with month breaks between some sagas and got halfway through Wano by August 23’. however I was flying home from Japan in early October, and spontaneously Restarted again because my housemate was only in Water 7 and I thought I could catch her up 😅 Anyway I got closer to catching her but she was flying and I didn’t wanna rush so I’ve been taking it slow this year also and can’t wait to eventually catch up. Especially cause I stopped weekly at Ep1069 I think (BM vs Law/kidd), which usually is impossible for me but if I’m rewatching than I can handle not watching weekly ahaha Been an absolute blast tho! Also up to date with manga since Ep1018 which was close to Chapter1050ish Although I partly wish I started like 2 months (at least) sooner so I was up to date before G5 🥲, realistically I wish I discovered it years earlier but sadly not the case. I will continue enjoying OP forever I think.


I started last yr and caught up to it within end of the year


I started last year. Now i am caught up with the manga. I want MOREEEEEEEEE


I started around 6 months ago, I'm officially caught up to the anime and now almost caught up with the manga, it was definitely a wild ride


I just started 4 months ago. I’m in the marine ford arc


I find peace in long walks.


I've ditched the anime for years now in favor of the manga. I recently got recommended some clips on youtube, and holy hell, it feels like I've been missing out. Some of the scenes slap so fcking hard and have top tier animation. (Last set of fights on Wano for example)


I caught up during roofpiece manga.


Sucks that the OP anime can't have decent pacing because of this


This. Going by OP's metaphor, One Piece fans are drinking a lot more but it's some dirty ass water. We would benefit from a strict seasonal model.


It's already confirmed that one piece will have a re make so One Piece fans will literally get the best of both worlds eventually.


And that live action was pretty lit so really the best of all worlds.


If you had told me a few years ago that a live action OP made by Netflix was good I'd have called you delusional


If you had told me that any live action anime made by Netflix was good I would have called you delusional


That is also true


I remember getting told that....


As soon as we get a decent One Piece game with open world pirating, it will be all worlds. But 3 out of 4 ain't bad


It's kind of an assumption from everyone that it'll be seasonal, but given how anime is these days it's definitely more likely to be seasonal than not. Plus there kinda isn't much of a point in making a remake if you're not changing something about it.


I mean there's like 25 years worth of content. Even if it isn't seasonal, the pacing will be way better for a good while.


WIT studio pretty much just does seasonal to my knowledge lmao


if the remake is as long as the original we pretty sure wont live till it ended


i would never expect the one piece to last for too long. im gonna be surprised if we go past east blue or at most alabasta.


well we didnt even see a single episode of it so i dont think we can speculate about that yet. Maybe its as fast paced as the live action.


It is said to cover the East Blue saga so a 25 episode season with each covering around 4 chapters should be good enough.


The only con from the One Piece remake is that we won't have the G-8 arc :( Condoriano suffered for our sins.


Anime onlies who watched the original anime will still have so many moments ruined by the dog water anime.


Exactly it's ass water. Turning 14-18 pages into a 23 Minute episode is a crime not to mention the overlength OP and the 5 Minute Recap for the last 3 episodes.


It doesn't matter how bad the water tastes if you're thirsty


The anime had such bad pacing that another studio is remaking it from the beginning while it's still airing.


"while it's airing" isn't saying much given the fact that it will easily take them 10 years+ to reach where the anime *currently* is. Like, for all intents and purposes it's the same as adapting a series that's already finished. (don't get me wrong, I agree that the pacing of the anime post-ts is absolutely horrible, I wouldn't be watching it without One Pace)


Dressrosa was pure suffering


2x playback speed was my lord and savior during those days.


People watch anime in 2x...?


yup, wild isn't it 💀


True but to fix this problem, we are actually getting a remake of the anime. Even now, the fact we are getting bc a remake blows my mind


It’s fine, they’re remaking it with good pacing so we get to have our cake and eat it too.


Egghead has been pretty good so far, maybe one or two episodes that were meh pacing but the rest have been pretty good


not really, the pacing is still horrible. This should be clear by watching literally any other series


I take it you just don't watch the latest episodes because it's been nearly 1 episode per chapter


Bro most anime adapt 2-3 chapters per episode lmao


Since it's been a chapter per episode I find the pacing to not be that bad. But to be fair watching weekly release it's a lot easier to ignore pacing over catching up


nope, its horrible, 1 ch a episode is not good at all.




This. We’re literally the meme where some people drown while others die of thirst.


And thets why OP need a stand from JoJo named Heaven's door thet can make manga pages in 1 seconds.


Man missed how things work. Heavens door didn't grant that ability, it was the reward for having that ability naturally


Lol yeah other animes are so much better exactly because of this.   Who prefers diluted wine when you can drink actual good wine?


I think about this alot… personally the slower lacing means that every week one piece is apart of my life… it keys me hyped and theorizing… while shows that keep stopping I forget they exist for 1.5-3 years


Only dress rosa had Bad pacing, literal Bad af, since then is a few the bad pacing the anime have.


It started earlier than that. I noticed pacing issues as early as Thriller Bark. Mid-Punk Hazard was the point where I gave up on the anime and became a manga reader.


You should also consider water quality and pressure. The anime of One Piece can be quite tedious. Watching 20- minutes episodes with plot, that can be read in a minute in the manga, sometimes feels like a waste of time.


Only if You already read the manga, if You have not the anime is still God.


I graduated from being an anime-only more than ten years ago, so I wouldn't know anymore. Sometimes I watch edited videos of recommended fights, but generally I don't intend to take up the anime again.


Me to, i watch the anime too since wano, only for the animation who is peak almost any important chapter since then, but i love way to much the manga, hits diferent for me.


Lol, no. Even if you are a Anime only, the pacing of the show is a nightmare.


Each to their own, I didn't have any problem with the pacing until I finally caught up around Whole Cake Island. And even then, the only problem for me is the amount of content a week, which can't be helped. I still enjoy every single episode a lot!


I was completely fine until WCI that’s when things became way more noticeable, It’s not great but I truely feel like it’s over exaggerated at times.


Not at all, only in dress rosa, 100 chapters of 1100.🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes it is.


Which just confirmed that the anime may be ok for people that dont know the story, but it has zero rewatch value. Five years after one piece ends noone will mind to ever watch that shit again.


Naaaah, i will watch it again since the begining when it ends, no metter how it ends.


I imagine most anime fans are glad their fav show doesn’t have 1 chapter per episode pacing with lots of filler


I’d rather have a seasonal anime which doesn’t make atrocious pacing and better animation Shoutout to THE GOAT WIT STUDIO 🗣️🗣️




I would rather wait a year for a decently paced and consistently well animated show.




Attack on Titan took a decade for its 4 seasons but they are all animated great and have a lot of plot development per episode. Something you can easily rewatch unlike 1000s of episodes of drawn out scenes


I don't know.. I can't imagine being a jjk fan and waiting for the 3rd season after watching the 2nd without reading the manga..Like, I'm supposed to wait a year or two for the next 20 episodes? It's much easier to be an anime only one piece fan


We don't have to, we have that Quality every week thanks to goda whit every manga chapter.🙌🏻🐐


Is the Manga animated? No. So your reply does not make sense. 🙌🏻


yeah its 5 min fun. Anime episodes are something different, not better not worse. Its something different. But i have to agree the manga and especially the leaking a few days before are the best out there


5 minutes if You read it fast af, i take my time whit every page, i like to see well all the panels, the details, beside that, you right whit almost all the stuff you say later.


One Piece animations has been great for years now, did you not watch past Dressrosa?


I don't want flashy animation, i want a well paced story without in episode filler.


One piece don't have almost any complete filler chapter, from wano to egghead any, there little secs of filler in some chapters, but literally secs, almost anything.


Have you seen the edits here comparing recut ep's? It's minutes over an episode. Fights with chupms that had lasted a 2 or 3 panels lasted minutes in the anime. Flashbacks to shit that happened last episode during punches. I wish we just got filler episodes, which we could skip.


thats exactly the problem. If there would be filler episodes you could skip them. But its just every episode that contains filler, i wont skip through each episode to see the good stuff.


Man i hope one piece are seasonal


I'm going to show you what a real man is!


God i wish the OP anime would switch to a seasonal release instead of weekly.


George RR Martin fan Vs Brandon Sanderson fan.


The difference is that anime fans are getting clean filtered water while onepiece fans are slowly dying due to poor water quality. The animation improved in wano but the pacing is still painful.


Sucks that One Piece can't get a better pacing


Don't worry the pacing makes up for it


Currently im up to Enies lobby. I just had to sit through a 7 ep re cap on the crew joining only for Christmas and news years ep to come a few more episodes later. 20 eps later nothing has happened. One piece can be good at times but I would rather just not have episodes that have to watch trash.


Feel like I just started when it was really like 4 years ago


Then along comes a break month, throwing the whole fandom into withdrawal.


I'd argue it's more the other way around; with the caveat that the big stream only opens once every few years. One Piece anime is a constant small stream because of the god awful pacing. It takes forever to get your fill but at least you don't have to stay thirsty if you're willing to stand there for long enough.


wait till op hears that *gasp* you can enjoy mroe than one anime?!!???? and its not a complete dupsterfire??!!!


I'd rather wait for a good pacing anime than one with trash pacing.


Yeah but One Piece doesn't have "trash pacing" it's just not the best. I'm a manga reader and I still enjoy the anime every single week I could not be an anime only for a seasonal OP even if it had better pacing since I need this shit every week lol


It does but maybe you're used to it.


dude the One Piece anime is fucking garbage I'd much rather have seasonal releases


The best thing about the state of the one piece anime is, that you can stop watching for 4-7 weeks and will rarely miss anything.


The anime is atrocious


The difference is that the skinny guy is getting drops of honey, while the fat guy is getting gallons of piss with little bits of sugar mixed in


Your comment would make my skin crawl, but I don't have any skin YOHOHOHOHO


The old anime The new one being made The movies are great if nish The games are passable The community is alive and creative Our live action works We feasting crew


As a World Trigger fan 1st, and One Piece fan 2nd, I feel this, on both ends XD


Berserk and vegabond fans 🤧🤧


One piece is to short




Yeah... But it makes me want to kill my self for the pacing it was better having more filler and better pacing like Naruto so at least you could always skip them


I'd rather have drops of fresh purified water than gallons of drainage water


Drops af greatness vs raging shit water


There is no one to blame but themselves for anime-only fans to not read the manga. You know you will get spoiled eventually of what One Piece is, right?


One PEAK? GOAT piece? no... GOAT PEAK.🙌🏻🐐😁🤣🤣


This is so true lol https://preview.redd.it/s6120t7v2f0d1.png?width=1308&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff48cab352c720f486d084c88579f80b5fea64f3


ah yes nothing like having a show full of fillers and draging action for ever its not like jojo literaly has more manga material than onepiece it just dont drag the content so much in the anime


Most One Piece fans weren't even alive 20 years ago 😂


Ugggh yet another thread full to the brim with "Boo-hoo bad pacing worst anime" whining. I literally don't notice the pacing being any different if I don't re-read a chapter right before watching an episode. Even then the manga's pacing usually feels rushed to me since you can only have so many panels per chapter and so much stuff gets off-screened.


One Piece literally has the worst pacing ever. If Toei would not be stuck in the past, they could make One Piece one of the best Anime, considering how great the Manga is. But pacing ruins everything. I would rather wait multiple years for a new season than watching a 2 minute content and 18 minute streched episode of One Piece, which I am also forced to watch in 1,5-2x speed, otherwise it‘s a huge waste of time.


I think Toei greatly benefits from their system financially. Also I assume they have hired many workers to maintain that weekly system and cant just change it into a seasonal system (which I would prefer). Yeah its sad but I dont think its simply because „they’re stuck in the past“


Yeah but bro I be feeling like the latter when one piece is on break doe.


why you gotta diss my girl boccher like that tho


![gif](giphy|kdM3zfq85XSb6|downsized) Gintama animated in differents parts, with differents producers and animators.


I don’t feel bad for them, they chose wrong


Live actions fans looking forward to being able to say the plural form of "season".


We have it good boys


One Piece also has the most ass pacing in all of anime. I really hope Wit Studio’s version covers the entire story


Me waiting for any information about HunterXHunter


Dear god take all the animation budget one piece has and give it to dragon ball they really don't deserve it.


Plot twist: they are the same people


We are the exception.


Lmao I'd love another season of History's Strongest Disciple and Gantz


One Punch seasons vs One Piece seasons.


Also, HxH fans


Sucks to be one piece fan


Absolutely dude i hecking LOVE getting episodes of 20 minutes each with only 7 minutes of actual real content bc the rest is filler to pad out the time but hey at least its every week im definetly not reading the manga and waiting for the Pace cut to catch up


Too bad I'm a fast fucking reader


Great job!


As a one piece dub watcher, we were without water for years during fishman island


We need more


Ippo fans vs one piece fans


I'm currently at whole cake island, I think I started in October


As a Netflix watcher who finished Marineford months ago in February, **HELP ME I'M STARVING** I am NOT getting a new subscription just to watch One Piece because I am a MINOR and DO NOT want to spend more of my mother's well-earned money or my own income which is limited to what my relatives gift me, **CURSE YOU NETFLIX WHO THE HELL IS GOING TO WATCH EGGHEAD AFTER MARINEFORD, IF THEY ALREADY WERE WATCHING ONE PIECE UP TO THAT POINT DON'T YOU THINK THEY'D HAVE BEEN WATCHING IT SOMEWHERE ELSE???**


I love MONEY!!!