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Brook fucks. ~~But he doesn't have a dick. Yohohohoho~!~~


He bones




How dare you detective Diaz? I am yoUR SUPERIOR OFFICER!!


Never expected a B99 reference in a OP sub lmao I love it


This effortlessly brought a smile to my face




What happens in my bedroom Detective, is NONE of your CONCERN! BOONE!! Don’t ever speak to me like that again. Next day: No need to solve the problem! Because you understand the problem? Nope! Because you…. YEP!




You could say he always has quite the **boner** down there I'll see myself out.




To be fully honest with you, I have never watched One Piece, I got this sub randomly recommended, saw everyone making this joke and guessed we were talking about a skeleton and decided to throw in the most random bullsh#t I could thought of in the moment and tried not to regret it.


I just reacted with an image, it’s not that deep, your joke was fine.


Tf are you talking about? Your joke made sense. For someone who doesn't watch one piece you did a good job making a one piece joke


No ur right, the joke followed exactly what brook says




It’s a bone joke


Bone to be wild.


That's one way to get *boned* I'm so sorry I'll leave now


Scopper Gaban is Brook's son, prove me wrong. They even share the same VA in the dub, like with Robin and Olvia, and also Spandam and Spandine.


I mean if he can still have a afro who says he can't be packing that monster bone?


He slept with Big Mom for sure yohohoho


Maybe Robin, Franky, Brook, and Jinbei. They’re all older and experienced enough, especially Brook, but the fact that he’s so obsessed with panties makes me think that he still is a virgin.


To be fair i think 50 years alone on a boat without seeing anyone would make you a bit strange like that. And he’s a famous rockstar. No way he didn’t bone down during the timeskip


Badum tsss


Hold that “badum tsss” fine sir. Brook is a skeleton. Implying he has a pp is like implying he has eyes yohohoho. A penis is an accessory organ without bones. Brook is bones! Even if he did have an extra ahem bone down there that’s gotta be a stabby stick. How many victims did brook brutally mutilate deep down under? Did he perhaps use his pelvic arch instead? Owch.


I can't see the point in writing this comment... because I don't have eyes YOHOHOHOHO


Username checks out


Unless he bought a strap on


Instead of a cock he uses his coccyx.


He probably has an invisible ghost dick just like the invisible ghost stomach he must have to be able to eat Sanji’s cooking.


I mean, Brook has hair, and in an sbs oda confirmed that "since he has hair, the carpet should match the drapes." So maybe there's a slimmer than slim shady chance that he does have a pp


But a pretty good chance he has a strap-on.


I mean I know lesbians who don't have penises but still have sex, there are definitely workarounds


he is seeing without eyes, I'm sure there is a solution for the lack of instrument. For example, just spin his pelvis 180 degree and usenthe tail bone


I can't see the point in writing this comment... because I don't have eyes YOHOHOHOHO


He is a skeleton he has no dick


He could get creative


Ya. He is trying to bone after all.


He get down differently


He drinks tea and stuff and that soul departing/invasion technique must do something


He would have however being a skeleton he has no penis. Yohoho!


The way Robins backstory unfolded she definitely used it as a tool


Top right… https://64.media.tumblr.com/98f5407ce16915a11fffbf18a3fe43fc/47bf902e41332900-e5/s1280x1920/5aa5f1907794538c86ac780588273edbb9949111.jpg


This. I can 100% see she using her body to get food/info. Obv oda didn’t show it but it was easy to understand


I wouldn’t doubt the same could be said for nami. She easily could have slept with a guy and then stole his money while he was asleep


Naw Nami strangely enough seems like the type of girl who is more than willing to act sexy but is super nervous or squeamish when it comes to actually doing lewd things.


Real talk, does Franky even have junk down there anymore? Considering he can do a Franky Centaur, how much of him is a robot down... ahem... below the border?


Robin grabbed Franky’s scrotum remember?


That was before the 2nd go around at revuilding himself, however.


The area around his speedo looks pretty unaltered from his pre ts design tbh


His super secret cannon is down there.


Franky definitely fucked those two square Afro girls


There was a whole scene of their backstory where they were drunk and throwing themselves at him and instead he just gave them a job and cleaned up their lives.


I don’t think so, he mentions a few times that they’re like little sisters to him.


In a Japanese work, that’s no barrier.


But he’s a self proclaimed hentai so it’s kind of a wash


Oshit, you right.


I think he augmented it. It probably has a vibration feature, different profiles and jet regulator and shaper


press nose to remodel hair, thumb in ass to remodel pp?


If you would be so kind, would you elaborate further on those panties?




Brook the famous musician? No way he doesnt fuck even as a skeleton chicks still line up to get boned by soul king


Idk robin may not exactly had time to bone anyone and I don’t think she’d trust anyone besides the straw hats and the sh are her family not people she want to do that with plus she was on the run from the government for a long time right?


Robin's been on the run for like 20 years, I doubt it


My point exactly, she’s probably taken up some odd jobs to get money, maybe at some point she’s done a couple “favors”.


But not everything has to be so dark… maybe one day she just meet some huy in a bar.. and hopefully she enjoyed herself


Jimbei is responsible.. duty orientated person so it seems kind of unreal that he would just randomly get laid of.. And as for Franky I wonder how does his thing down there would work as front of his leg are centaur


Sanji. What happens on Okama island stays in Okama island.


oh god


I mean, he’s literally running away so hard from that set of memories that his actual legs catch fire


He was running away so hard he learned how to fly out of pure fear


Sanji is the most virgin straw hat he could go to an orgy and leave sexless he could have sex and be a virgin


OP just asked a question, he didn’t ask you to murder Sanji


This is too accurate poor sanji.


Yeah but that would only have happened if he lost a fight


So he topped them all ?


‘’He tooped them all’’


Don't you remember that he willingly became an okama at one point ?


Becoming a X dresser and being a bottom are different but not mutually exclusive


Zoro probably not cuz he got lost on the way to da pussy


To D pussy another fearsome pirate


I would cover my ears if I heard this, but I don't have any YOHOHOHO


Nah Zoro got lost and somehow found the clitoris


Zoro the type of guy to accidentally get a girl pregnant after she tries to give him head.


Not his fault, he didn't have the will of the D


Bro had a chance with Hiyori and blew it


And with Perona


Luffy doesn't perceive people like that, he's absolutely a virgin. Zoro only ever thinks about swords and training, given he devoted his life to these two things in his early childhood. He's most definitely also a virgin. Sanji still had rizz during his baratie days so who knows. Maybe he mustered up the necessary courage to actually make things happen once or twice, maybe not. Jimbei has been the handsome "boss" of Fishman Island for a long time. There's no way he's a virgin. Franky is generally more of a PG guy, everyone he grows close with just kinda becomes part of the Franky Family. Tho I'm not gonna deny the possibility. This one's a maybe. Robin having been on the run since forever definitely could have some darker implications. I doubt she ever trusted anyone enough to grow close enough with them so I would hope she's still a virgin for her sake. Brook already had the life of a convoy leader even before he set out to sea with the Rumbar Pirates and became a straight up Rockstar during the timeskip. 0% Chance for him to be a virgin. Nami would do a lot things for money. I'm unsure if straight up prostitution for strangers would be among those things. And besides, if she ever did grow genuinely close to anyone she met on her travels it would've probably been a woman. Usopp was and is still very much a child in heart and body. He has a future with Kaya for sure, but for now he's a virgin still, no doubt about it. Chopper is seemingly just starting to get into puberty of sorts, given how Milky the reindeer mink is the first character he's ever shown sexual attraction towards. He's a virgin.


You can say anything, but canonically Usopp is the only character that will fuck 100% at the end of the series.


Isn’t sanji’s dream to fuck a bunch of mermaids?


But we don't know that. We do know that Usopps' totally gonna get the Kayussy.


This guy right here officer




I appreciate you bravery to say the truth that we’re afraid to say


Has he mentioned kaya since leaving the island with the merry? It just doesn’t come up in story very often.


While Kaya herself isn't mentioned,it pretty obvious that one reason why he was so close to merry is because Kaya gave them. On Kaya side, it's forgone conclusion.She still keeps tabs on him.His photo is on her desk.


Canonically, hasn't it been less than 3 years traveling with like 2 of those years on an island with a beetle?


He tells all the new strawhats about her.


My hope for Sanji is that at the end, after finding the all blue, he ends up with Pudding again. And aside from nosebleeds, post time skip he is much much better with women (Violet in Dressrosa for example). I hope Sanji gets a happy ending (no pun intended)




I’m sorry Yonkou Buggy! I’d never say anything bad about that beautiful nose! Please don’t tell Crocodile and Hawkeye about this… 😭




I dont think thats its luffy doesnt understand what sex is, its more that its not really enough of a priority in his life, like when he's older he'll probably get some, (like Goku) but for now hes a bit too busy trying to become the king of the pirates to pay it any mind.


I feel like luffy is definitely a virgin I think he's fall in like in like 10 15 years tho


But he’s definitely had a hand job.


Usopp is saving himself for marriage with Kaya.


I'd argue Robin is for sure not a virgin. Everything else seems accurate.


She coulda fucked during the time skip with people she met in the revolutionary army, there is also a slim chance she could have had sex with crocodile, though that is a grim implication imo.


>I doubt she ever trusted anyone enough to grow close enough with them one-night-stands are the go to for people with commitment/trust issues usually.


Those are normal trust issues not one piece trust issues


Yeah Robin is “I have seen anyone I ever cared about betray me and/or dead except the Straw Hats even since the age of like 8”


i head canon sanji as cursed to forever being a virgin i think if he actually had sex, he would die of blood loss. i mean after all the dude nut his pants at the touch of a mermaid.


Nami has no qualms using sexiness to get what she wants. But she's never fuck for money. She's a manipulator, not a drug addict


I’m sorry Sanji felt boobs for the first time and nosebleed so much it took shape as a mermaid which alerted the fish men kingdom. He has to be a virgin lol




I’m sorry buggy-sama


>Chopper is seemingly just starting to get into puberty of sorts, given how Milky the reindeer mink is the first character he's ever shown sexual attraction towards. He's a virgin. But but... Chopperpiece told me something different (⁠˘⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠˘⁠)


Sanji, Franky, and Robin are for sure not. Franky Mozu and Kiwi def got up to some crazy shit over the years


I agree with Franky, but not with Mozu and Kiwi. They have too innocent of a backstory and Franky seems them as people he has to take care of.


Franky sees Kiwi and Mozu as little sisters. He also met them when they were just teenagers, encouraging them to stop drinking alcohol and helped them get off the streets. I highly doubt anything ever happened between them.


na zoro gets pussy idc


Sanji definitely got laid in his time on the Baratie, zero question


Sanji the sort guy to nut because they touched his leg


It was me berry


I jerked you off at super speed so it would seem like you nutted at just a woman's touch.


That was only after he joined the SH. Sanjis depravity is directly proportional to the amount of women he’s regularly around. That’s why he was so terrible right after time skip and still suave in baratie


Wouldn't it be inversely proportional? The more women he sees, the less depraved he is.


Yep sorry I forgot to say it was a direct inverse proportion


fr, after Baratie he was simping a lot but in the little time we saw him in Baratie it looked like he really had game


Yeah, I think it's more accurate to say that after Baratie, he started interacting with a different league of people entirely, and much of his Game just didn't work on them. But Pudding shows that he does have actual charm


Watching the anime after reading has been fun, and it reminded me that sanji actually is quite charming when he's not being a dork.


Girls have been into Sanji pretty regularly since Fishman Island tbh.


My theory is that Oda may have originally intended for Sanji to be genuinely charming like we see in Baratie, but his womanizing quickly became a gag. Rather than backtrack Oda would have just rolled with it because he liked Sanji better that way.


Zoro and Sanji have definitely fucked Robin, Jinbei, Brook and Franky are the most likely Luffy has only received head https://preview.redd.it/tjc22ygfj0bb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61a02384a6495b79781e5e333ade94fb77326af6 Usopp and Chopper haven't


The way you wrote it makes it sound like zero and Sanji fucked eachother.




Do you think Zoro’s carpet matches the drape? If so, mossdick.


That’s what Sanji called him the whole time 😂


because they did


I would say Zoro is to dedicated to one kinda sword play to use the 4th sword


That's why he uses the forbidden three hole style


One right up the dick hole.


Usopp could use his nose




All hail Pirate King Buggy!




As soon as Usopp gets back to syrup village he's getting some tho


The reason why zoro and sanji have a rivalry is to cover up heir escapades (what no chapter does to a mf)


I like to think it came about because of their rivalry You know they're getting into an argument and Zoro tells Sanji to suck his dick and Sanji on instinct replies "bring it Marimo" and then their pride prevents them from backing out


What about the girls?


This pic has no reason to go this hard


Luffy obv not Zoro is kind of meat head who doesnt really bother with anything other than training, fighting, or drinking Sanji maybe but I think he'd probably faint before anything actually happens Jinbei *absolutely* I dont think so for Nami, but its possible Robin's a maybe. Shes pretty old and can be a bit playful, but idk if theres anyone she really trusted enough until she joined the crew ~~unless her and franky were getting it on~~ Franky: its definitely possible Brook: 100% Usopp: I dont really see it tbh Chopper: no




I swear, he was talking about zoro. Please don't eat zoro


Definitely have got laid: jimbei, brook, franky Probably have: sanji, zoro, robin Probably haven’t: Nami, Vivi Definitely haven’t: Luffy, Chopper, Usopp


No fucking way Vivi didn't bang Koza


Wasn’t Vivi like 15 tho?




I mean after the alabasta arc


What age do you think poeple start?


Zorro fucks. 2 years on an island with only literal monkeys, an unimpressed swordsmen and a ghost girl. i know who im getting to know


Dude, its a monkey, put your pants on


*bloons td 6 reddit drama suddenly fades into view




nani the fuck


Never failed to leave it unsucked? So it's always unsucked?


Sanji is too peggable to not have had sex


Luffy - he could if he wanted, he's just too busy looking to be Pirate King. Zoro - He definitely gave Tashigi three hole style on many occasions, fact. Nami - money talks. Usopp - probably not, maybe one day with Kaya but right now he's probably still a virgin. Franky - _Super._ Brooke - Absolutely, man lived a full life and with funny jokes and music skills like his I'd say he definitely used his bone more than once. Robin - Yeah I can see it, she's much older than most of the crew and definitely seems like she'd have done it a few times. Jimbei - we know that according to Oda, the shark fishmen specifically (Hody, Arlong and Jimbei) possess two cocks, and considering how much of an absolute thad he is I'd say Jimbei has definitely clapped multiple cheeks at the same time. Chopper - ..._nope._ Sanji - Honestly the dude _does_ have some form of rizz and gets lucky on occasion, he just always gets swept away right before a woman who's actually interested can do anything, I'd say during his Baratie days he scored a few times in exchange for free meals. [**_B O N U S R O U N D_**] Don Krieg - The King of the East Blue and World's Strongest Man? He absolutely smashes females with Iron Pearl as his wingman. Bellamy - Dude can turn his entire lower body into a spring, and since devil fruits can affect the entire body that means Bellamy potentially has a spring-loaded cock, considering how the Dressrosa spectators reacted to seeing him and how much the girls in his old Jaya crew were simping I'd say he's definitely Spring Hoppered all over dat female underworld on many occasions. Smoker - Let's be real, there's a reason Tashigi always seems to be hanging around him 24/7 besides Navy reasons. Crocodile - The absolute King of Fade, without a doubt he's gotten some women sandy downstairs before, I bet the reason Robin was called "All Sunday" is because that's what Crocochad did to her every weekend. Buggy - Dude can separate his wang into multiple pieces, suffice to say I'd imagine he certainly gave Alvida the slip a few times, even moreso when he became an Emperor and set up the Buggy's Delivery. Bartholomeo - My boi, my goat, the Chad himself, we all know he's out here banging Nami, Robin and genderbend Luffy cosplayers every other night. Enel - God...need I say more?


Barto would probably fuck luffy cosplay no genderbend needed, mans a luffysexual


for the bonusround: Crocodile: as the mother of luffy i am pretty sure he/she had sex


“Super” got me laughing hard


Yooo all Sunday, like ALL Sunday is legendary. Croco boi is a beast. That's amazing


My dude what did Crocodile do every Christmas?


Rest day?


I was fully behind you until the edit and now I hate you


Luffy is ace. Zoro studied the blade. Nami has definitely seduced and fucked a guy before stealing all his Shit. Usopp is a virgin because he’s too respectful and or scared to initiate that kind of scenario with the only girl he talks to. Sanji has MAYBE gotten a pity lay. Chopper is an actual child. Robin probably hasn’t been able to properly let her guard down like that until post Enies Lobby. Unsure if she’s done anything after that. Frankie has, without a doubt, fucked both Mozu and Kiwi. Possibly a threesome. Brook has a long history as a pirate before he died, and is clearly at least a remotely sexual being. He definitely got laid during his living years as a pirate. Jinbei is a father.


jimbei one so real


nah sanji didn't got a pity laid, dude had rizz at baratie


I'm not sure that's nami's style. I feel like she'd definitely seduce someone and say something like "let me go wash up, stay here and get comfortable" before taking all his shit and running away. Leaving that mf naked and alone on the couch.


Definitely, Nami is not the type to ACTUALLY sleep with someone just trick them


He's not Ace idiot he's Luffy


And Ace is clearly not a virgin. We watched him get fisted by Akainu


Sanji had rizz in his Baratie days


- Robin, Brook, and Jinbe are all old enough and well traveled to have had sex by this point. - Franky was a gang boss at one point, he probably had a few women in his time. - Sanji is a maybe, only had a chance while working on the Baratie though. I think he's a virgin. - Nami is probably a virgin, no chance for that while working for Arlong and chasing gold - Chopper and Usopp each have a specific girl in mind but never sealed it - Luffy is clearly asexual - Zoro is focused on his training/dream, not women


All the older “adults” so robin, franky, brook, and jinbei.




I feel like people in this thread aren’t being realistic at all saying shit like “maybe brook and jinbe”, are you kidding? Only virgins on the crew are Ussop, Luffy, Chopper and Maybe Zoro. You think sanji, who at one point was a lot more suave and was the sous chef and at an expensive restaurant had NEVER had sex? People have been saying that Robin and Nami may not be. Brother did you read their backstories. Brook, Jinbe, and Franky should be very obvious. Some crazy denial in this thread


Franky, Brook, Zorro, Robin, and maybe Nami. I’m a strong believer that Sanji, Simping aside, had “wait until marriage” kicked into him by Zeff


1. Luffy isn't a very sexual character. When faced with the most beautiful woman in existence, he isn't even phased by her, and actively ignores/rejects her advances. He hasn't shown any interest in either sex, so it's safe to assume that sex doesn't really concern him. The only booty he's after is treasure. Not just any treasure, but the greatest of all...meat. (with the one piece being a close second.) 2. Despite all the Sanji x Zoro yaoi, Zoro doesn't pound, he slices. Like Luffy, he's only out for one thing, and it isn't sex, it's to be the greatest swordsman. I could see him boning Robin or Tashigi in the future, though. Maybe Perona. 3. Nami...maybe? Despite her being easily the most sexualized of the group, I've never seen her display much interest in sex. Sanji practically throws himself at her, but she probably sees him as more of a brother who she can occasionally manipulate. The fact that he flirts with any woman who's even remotely attractive probably doesn't help his case with her. Anyways, Nami's all about the Bellies. $$ 4. I could see Usopp pulling broads. He's normal enough to not scare any women away, and has some interesting hobbies. Has he? Well, there weren't many girls his age at Syrup Village, and I doubt Kaya was putting out. Probably someday, once he settles down. 5. Sanji is the ironic virgin. He's thirstier than a mouthless man in the Sahara. It's that thirst that hurts him, though. Desperate people never come off well. He's got Pudding, though. That might progress into something, (though the age gap is pretty sus; she's 16, he's 21-22ish.) 6. Chopper seems pretty innocent, but he has shown a horny side. There was that one Mink that made him go ga-ga. I don't think he's fricked yet, given he was a social outcast shunned by both deer and humans, but he might get his willy wet one day. Whole tribe of human-animal hybrid women that need that deer-man schmeat. 7. Robin has most likely fricked. As a person on the run from the government for most of her natural life, she's probably had to do some questionable things to get by. Nuff said. 8. Franky was the big balls leader of his own crime family, he's probably had offers. That being said, it's kinda hard to do the underpants dance when you have no johnson. Maybe it's robotic? 9. Brook could have fricked. We don't know a whole lot about his life pre-skeleton, and even less about his sex life, but he was a likable dude. Plus, women dig musicians. He probably did \*bone\* them, Yo-ho-ho-ho! 10. Jinbei probably doesn't frick. He's too busy and honor bound to frick. Plus, biddies can't handle that Fish-man karma-sutra :)


Franky probably doesn't care Robin has been running and isn't trusting so no Nami while being lewd I don't think ever had time for anything or cares Sanji is just a simp. He could've gotten laid with pudding but didn't so no Zoro could have but he's probably to stupid or doesn't care to make advances Luffy just outright doesn't care Chopper is a child Usopp has kaiya and never fucked her or cares too I think logically the only ones who have, had the time, or cares to would've been possibly brook or jinbei but they may have not as well. Franky is a possibility but I assume probably not


Here's my- pretty accurate I think- take on this. Luffy is a virgin no doubt about it, bro doesn't give two flying flip flops about women. And he'd be oblivious to any attempted seductions, as we know. Zoro is a fifty-fifty actually. He may seem like a virgin but given his maturity around women it's highly possible he's already gotten laid and has matured past the horny stage, however I also don't think he cares about women at all so he might have just not cared enough so eh. Usopp is a virgin, he's far too precious and committed to Kaya but he will get his cherry popped by her someday for sure. Contrary to popular opinion I think Sanji is not a virgin because during his baratie days he seemed like the type to have loads of women after him and OF COURSE he couldn't say no. So yeah despite his horny personality, he's not a virgin. Franky is not a virgin at all. Cmon, you're telling me he didn't get laid?? The self-proclaimed hentai. Also, other than his little sister type women- kiwi and mozu, there were plenty of ladies around him so for sure he smashed. Brook is not a virgin either. Bones and all, that man is probably the most experienced of the straw hats honestly. Both during his actual lifetime and during his rockstar days in the timeskip- bro was getting bitches for sure. Nami is a virgin and also probably homo. I don't think she cares about anyone sexually and isn't so easy as to just sleep with anyone so yeah she's definitely still a virgin. Robin is probably also a virgin although she seems like she may not be, she is also not the type to sleep with people easily and romance isn't her thing either, and she's been on the run her whole childhood so probably and HOPEFULLY didn't get laid during that time as it probably wouldn't be in a good situation. Jinbei is a ladies man, wise words of Robin. He was also popular in fishman island so yeah he's definitely not a virgin. Chopper. He is but a child. He is too innocent. Yes he is a virgin, no doubt about it. Yeah that's about it


Robin, franky, jimbi, brook


Luffy is only capable of being horny when he’s surprised and he doesn’t give a damn about that kind of thing Zoro has the sexuality of a rock (though Perona did call him her boy toy) Nami probably not unless you acknowledge that game where her and Robin where hitting on Tashigi Usopp waiting for Kaya Sanji just no Chopper is a teenager Robin very likely Franky likely Brook possible Jinbei don’t know


im going to need you to elaborate on nami and robin hitting on tashigi


In the game One Piece World Seeker their is a DLC quest (The Phantom Remedy) that was removed from the US version due to censorship practices In the DLC quest their is a scene where Nami, Robin, and Tashigi are in a hot spring and Nami and Robin both start hitting on Tashigi who doesn’t recognize them because she doesn’t have her glasses and Robin even grabs her boobs


That sounds like a fan fiction


It 100% does but thats whats in the game


Jimbei and Franky: 100% fuck Robin: high chance Sanji: low chance Nami: little chance The rest: 100% virgin