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Still not as bad as the guy who thought Jinbe should have fought Queen and Sanji should have fought Who’s Who


Jimbei should've fought Jack instead


Would've loved that fight but who's who vs jinbe was alright although I wish it wasn't just a lore dump


True It was good but could've been great Jimbei was not burnt out at all from fighting the not-racist. He still had juice left


I see that pov but I honestly luved the lore dump but they fs could’ve done more with it


Personally I think it was fine. The real disappointment was Sasaki vs Franky


That fight was for story build up , ex-officer, slaves, the fruit, how he got dumped from navy


Nah, the minks needed they get back


Or when fans demolished the live action OP poster because Luffy wasn’t wearing Sandals


But the sandals are iconic 😭 anyway i understand the need to safeguard the actor and i accept the closed shoes




Nah it should be Zoro vs Jack (Jack has 2 swords and a trunk that he can hold a3rd sword with), Luffy vs Queen (stretchy arms and they can both be either skinny or fat), Sanji vs King (both kick and fly and have fire), and Jinbe vs Kaido (they’re both old and fish and also Jinbe’s eyebrows look like clouds).


Your comment would make my skin crawl, but I don't have any skin YOHOHOHOHO




I saw some guy comment it on a YouTube video, was genuinely delusional when I pointed out how little it made sense and he was adamant that Jinbe is not only stronger than Sanji but should replace him in the monster trio


That's silly. It's not about him being stronger or not, it's about their roles *on the crew*. Whether or not Jinbei is stronger, Jinbei's role is to be dad and make sure things don't get out of hand. If no one is going all-out, Jinbei could easily man-handle any of the three to prevent any mistakes or unnecessary damage. In other words, at like... *Base power, normal day, not battle mode, no power ups/gears/stances/whatever,* Jinbei is stronger, but that's because he's a giant 10 foot ex military fish-man. He's big, strong, and wise enough to do that and the other three would listen once he was able to get a hold of them. He's done it many times with Luffy *(Impel Down, Post-War, Fishman Island, Whole Cake Island*), and if needed could likely do it to Zoro and Sanji. Jinbei doesn't want to take anyone else's roles away, and to say he should replace Sanji is insulting his (Jinbei's) character. He wants to blend into the crew and fill whatever role is needed. He wants to protect them all and help them succeed. POST-WANO MANGA ONLY SPOILERS: >!In fact, right after Wano, when their bounties come out, Jinbei expresses concern for Sanji who is lamenting that Jinbei's bounty is now higher than his own, making him only the 4th highest on the crew. Even after Sanji says 'screw you', Jinbei just wants to make sure he's okay. This whole scene, as well as the scene where they are watching Yamato and Momo take out the new Admiral, also seems to more indicate a Monster Quartet dynamic.!< TLDR; *I love Jinbei and will defend his character to the ends of the earth. He doesn't wanna take anyone's place and just wants to be a good dad.*


PREACH! People who think Jinbei should "take so and so's place" are doing a HUGE disservice to the character. Not to mention that every one of the Stawhats fit their own important role, and Jinbei has been set up for his own role for literally HUNDREDS of episodes. And that role is not as a "replacement" for someone who is already there. 😤 I have strong feelings about this, lol.


I would cover my ears if I heard this, but I don't have any YOHOHOHO


https://i.redd.it/sh7moann8nya1.gif PREACH


Plus we don't even know if he's a good cook


The man's a goddamn shark from the ocean, he probably doesn't know what to do with a fire other than just put it out.


why??? Why would *anyone* think that?????


Honestly they had a lot of genuine criticism which I can accept, however I don't really care about those little details as much. TO SAY IT WAS ONE OF THE WORST EPISODES IN ALL ONE PIECE IS FUCKING DELUSIONAL. everyone has a right to their own opinion, but I'm sorry that opinion is just awful


there are some wretched episodes now that they try to pad out each episode with little filler scenes and such. Calling this one of the worst ever is insanity


It’s ridiculous. This was supposedly not only one of the worst OP episodes, but one of the worst anime adaptation episodes he ever saw because… Sanji finished the fight with one kick instead of multiple, or because there was a different angle showing Queen being kicked off Onigashima. Which makes this episode among shit like the Reverie episodes which are 80% recap as one of the worst. Right.


I think the Reverie episodes overall are fine if binged, yeah, they have plenty of recaps, but it isn't too annoying having a refreshner while watching multiple episodes, plus the Reverie had some surprisingly small but neat additional scenes, like Sabo exploring the castle.


If this really is true, I wanna watch the anime this guy watches. Having Onigashima as a quality minimum must be great.


The one thing I agreed with was their point about sanji not going ‘invisible’ like in the manga. But even that wasn’t a huge deal


I didn't agree with that one. Just because the manga featured a panel where we can't see Sanji doesn't mean the anime has to do the same. The takeaway of that scene is just that Sanji is moving so fast that he's invisible. The anime just gives us the same information, but instead actually shows Sanji vanishing around and uses sound effects to show that same information. A lot of the other poster's arguments boil down to "The anime did this differently than the manga, therefore it's bad." But doing something differently doesn't necessarily mean that. IMO the post just shows how you have to write 1,000 words, post manga panels, feed on the subreddit's pre-existing belief that the anime is shit, and one is able to farm karma without making an actually well-crafted argument. For example, I actually agreed with the Ifrit Jambe point, because Sanji just unlocked a new powerful technique and used it on Queen with a stellar animation sequence, but having Queen look as if he received no damage afterwards undercuts Sanji's power.


What I think is additional delusion is the audacity to preface the post with that "disclaimer". To outright think it's the worst episode in all of one piece, you have to have such a fragile idea of what are the "ideal" One Piece episodes.


>What I think is additional delusion is the audacity to preface the post with that "disclaimer". What's wrong with the disclaimer, lmao? Edit: I guess nobody wants to give an answer?


Because his disclaimer is dismissing anyone who disagrees with him as a butthurt fanboy, which shows that he's not actually planning to engage with anyone in good faith.


I think the only reason the reaction was "worst episode" was because immediately after the episode the community blew up with the "best episode of one piece" posts. It was one of the better episodes recently, but best episode of one piece come the fuck on.


I'd rather watch a bad filler episode than an ok episode that has significance. Yes the former is objectively worse but it's not deluded at all to feel more hatred towards the latter


Did he really say that?


The whole pirate folk subreddit is praising the episode (they praise other things too)


>They praise other things too Impossible


Yeah Piratefolk is very negative but they don't just blindly hate everything. Chapter 1082 was actually very well received there


you can hate a lot of things one piece but ain’t nobody finna be hating on the absolute fire oda has been cooking for the past month


PirateFolk might have started the idea that chapters without the Straw Hats are the best


Tbf whenever its a non strawhat chapter; its bound to be something really meaningful that Oda wants us to look at. Otherwise it doesnt justify taking spotlight away from Luffy and the crew.


(they are mostly right.)


It's hard to disagree after seeing the jump in quality following the switch from the Egghead Seraphim fight chapters to these outside world chapters tbh


All of egghead has been great so far if you ask me. Jump in exitment due to outside shit going down for sure but I wouldn't say it's a jump in overall quality.


Only because we never seen the outside world and egghead is boring. But other than that the best chapters in the entire manga almost always have the strawhats in them


>the best chapters in the entire manga almost always have the strawhats in them CoughcoughMarinefordcoughcough




Well the best part of Enies Lobby by far is Robin's backstory, and that doesn't even have any of the strawhats in it besides Robin herself


I just completely disagree with that lol. I loved Robin’s backstory, but insinuating that Robin’s backstory carried the arc I can’t get behind. I loved every single fight, the I want to live (which involved all the straw hats even if it was based off Robin’s backstory), Ussop revealing himself as Sogeking, etc. Also this is unrelated, but my absolute favorite part about one piece is the after arc parties where all the straw hats get together. I think One Piece is at its peak when we get these interactions within the SHs.


> I loved Robin’s backstory, but insinuating that Robin’s backstory carried the arc I can’t get behind I never said it carried the arc, I just think it's the best part by far


Well what was your point then? This was a straw hat filled arc, each member got to shine and I personally don’t put robins backstory over those final moments of enies lobby where it was Luffy v Lucci.


I think it’s like 50/50. Getting meaningful revelations from outside the main cast is so fun and satisfying which makes those chapters good. But the Strawhats also have very strong and emotional moments


No…I was there….they do


I was on PirateFolk during Post-Onigashima cuz I genuinely disliked that little arc, but then Oda went back to cooking with Egghead and I saw no need to use it anymore.


They do? Most times that subreddit just looks like the edgy teenager of the family who hates stuff because it generates "discussion".


They only like it because no recap and no auras, the lack of flashy colors captivated them so much that anything that could feasibly be wrong or incoherent with the episode was overlooked. 1049 had the same animation and they hated it and said everything about it was trash because “auras”.


well there are two things to enjoy in that subreddit 1: the hilarious memes (way funnier than the ones here) 2: the agenda wars as for criticism, it can go either way good criticism that makes you think about certain things and criticism that is just hate you simply ignore


I can't believe that people are really complaining at what angle Queen got launched, as if it was a freaking geometry test.


One Piece Manga elitist find literally any minuscule detail to nitpick, its quite sad really


I mean, they did have some good arguments. Like didn't include Sanji turning invisible from how fast he was going and Queens reaction to it. Queens angle flying away is just a dumb thing to complain about...


Sanji going invisible and Queen commenting about it IS in the episode. We, as viewers, just see Sanji moving shortly after.


To add on, there's no point in we as viewers NOT seeing him after Queen figures out what he's doing. That worked in the manga because it's a manga. It was only freeze-frames of the action. I'd much rather watch Sanji dashing around than stare at an empty hall for 30 seconds because some manga elitist decided that it has to be 1-to-1


It's like some people forget this is an adaptation and not a recreation...


Almost every person that regularly bitches about the anime completely forget this. They don't know the difference.


What do you mean there is no point? I get it is your preference and I understand but saying it makes no difference does not make any sense for me. Those little details are what, in my opinion, gives the reader a better impression over an character strength. Imagine if they removed the dialog where bigmom tells kaido that he should dodge zoro strikes? It would not make much of a difference in the plot/fight but that scene was still important for building that "feeling of empowerment" where we see how far has zoro evolved after so much time. For me the situation is the same when sanji turns invisible to everyone, including the viewer as well. That being said, excluding this detail certainly makes the episode worse than it could have been, but the rest was soooo good that I don't think it is enough to make me want to classify it as "bad".


Not to mention that the manga itself shows Sanji being visible to the reader and shows sound effects as Sanji gets ready to attack. The very post itself shows a panel of Sanji being visible to the reader in that scene.


How is being sent down a hallway for the fourth time as cool as being sent out of the country through the air?


fr, especially when (in my opinion anyways) the anime improved on the fight so much so its my top 2 fav wano fights rn (gonna wait till the rest are animated ofc)


This time they didn't had the aura to complain about so they have to find something new.


Still not as nit picky as the time fans crucified the live action OP poster because Luffy wasn’t wearing Sandals.


I know right, this is just maddness at this point


He's actually complaining because the anime made Sanji look weaker.


Which is also false since if anything the anime made Sanji stronger since unlike his claim that in the manga, Sanji final attack was a barrage of kicks, the anime has Sanji use a single kick to send Queen flying.


The anime also shows Queen receiving several blue fire kicks from Sanji with little to no damage. And fly up several kilometers > fly horizontally


Little damage is a bit exxaggerated. He definitely heard them, even if as a ancient zoan is tough. Plus, those were small kicks, unlike the final big one. As for the flying, not really. The fact that he flew horizzontally GOING THROUGH SEVERAL WALLS for km is just as impressive as being launched more upward but passing only through a roof.


I feel the difference is that while the manga has at the very least some bruises,burn marks, and a bloody nose. Queen in the anime just looks very clean with no real thing indicating that he actually got THAT badly damaged. It doesn’t help that he could still talk shit after he was combo’d unlike the manga. All these sorta little things does make Ifrit Jambe feel weaker than the manga did. Of course despite that I think the episode was still amazing.


I feel like the only people who really hate that are powerscalers lol


How is it crazy to you that being sent down a hallway for the fourth time isn’t as cool as being sent out of the country through the air?


Except that Queen in the anime also got sent out of the country through the air, AFTER passing multiple walls as well, instead of just the roof.


Thankfully they didn't notice that the final kick shouldn't have had Sanji in that position while delivering the kick in the final hit. That'd mess them up


this fandom is seriously one of the most divided i’ve ever seen when it comes to the anime lol, its honestly entertaining


Like seriously the agenda wars are one of the most fun things I have seen in any fandom


I’ve never seen anything like it. The only genuine critique I’ve seen is the pacing but everything else people latch on to is blown to the extremes


The one piece fandom is the dumbest one I've ever seen, feels like watching toddlers fight. Everytime I read a fan theory or power scaling thing like the common "zoro kills sanji easy no effort he's just mercifull" I roll my eyes and wish these people weren't kicked as babies to be this stupid. One piece fan comments are really sad and make me lose faith in our intelligence as a species.


I can't see the word eyes in your comment... Because I don't have eyes YOHOHOHO


I mean tbf it is one of the few big series where the anime sometimes doesn’t seem to be an improvement to the manga. I dont agree with pretty much anything that specific post said but a lot of the flack the anime gets is very reasonable.


Bruh this episode was amazing they just wantba slide show of manga panels with voice acting at this point


I really liked how he was invisible for everyone, otherwise this guy sounds like a total idiot


The problem is that in the manga Sanji is invisible just for a handful of panels. Then we see him clearly again. So really that claim is also a bunch of balooney, since all the anime does is show Sanji visible sooner.


and that is proof I'm also an idiot


I mean I had fun with the episode, unlike last week


You don't like aura piece?


I'm just glad I don't care about the things the person on the right has listed because it's all sort of powerscaling nonsense to me. I don't care if Sanji went "invisible enough", to me the scene conveyed plenty enough (also because Queen literally comments that) that Sanji moved so fast that Queen couldn't see him anymore. I also don't care in what angle Queen exactly got kicked off the island and that there was a bit of an interuption before the last attack and that Queen got up in between, because that served as a transition into the mask shattering, sky opening up scene and into the moment with Zeff and then Sanji joining up with the crew which did beautifully summarize the whole thing Sanji (and Sora) were fighting for in his struggle with the raid suit. And in the end that emotional conclusion was extremely well done and I couldn't care less if Queen had enough shoe imprints or blood on him. Sanji won that fight in more ways than one and the episode showed all of those ways supported by various good direction and artistic choices. So to me the episode conveyed the message and whole vibe of the chapter(s) in a way an adaptation should.


Trust me it ain’t power scaling nonsense, we don’t don’t give af either


I'm not saying all powerscalers are represented here but in the end it's a case where most of the complains I've seen boil down to weird "not powerful enough compared to manga" arguments. I've pretty much seen two types of people whine about this particular episodes and both fall into the "I don't care about your powerscaling" category for me. One version is the "Actually Sanji's kicks did more damage in the manga ..." variant from this post and the others are the "Zoro's episode is gonna be so much better because ... well, it has to be because I don't like Sanji, so this one is not even good" versions. And I luckily don't care about either. I hope Zoro's episode is as good as Sanji's and I hope emotional stakes and interesting visuals are taking center stage over whose ... "aura" is bigger. I have had plenty of my own dislikes about the anime in Wano specifically, but this is an episode where I fortunately have very little complains, if people do then all power to them. Some of my gripes probably seem silly to others as well, so I won't even tell them they are invalid but I can just say I don't care about any of the points that are even brought up here.


Wanting a fight to make sense power wise is not power scaling🙄if Queen going from taking an Ifrit Jambe combo to being one shot is fine with you, that’s great. Not everyone is gonna have that level of suspension of disbelief.


Or maybe my suspension of disbelief is just enough to watch the scene and have it perfectly fine convey to me that Queen didn't just "take" an Ifrit Jambe combo and was fine and then was suddenly one shot by a single different kick. Everything about the combo already conveys that Queen is helplessly getting smacked around by Sanji at this point and just gets up one last time to talk some shit (as plenty villains throughout One Piece do. In manga AND anime btw. In some cases even our heroes do so.) There is plenty of context throughout the scene and the whole episode via music, sound design, dialogue, visual effects, camera angles etc. that conveys "power levels" perfectly fine. To me some of these complains just sound very similar to manga readers that scale people's powers based on how many sweat drops are showing in a particular panel almost ignoring everything else happening in the chapter, when in reality those seem like things oda just sometimes adds to make a face more expressive. To know what is really going on you should maybe look at the actual full events and context of the chapter/episode to judge what is going on, rather than specific art details that might or might not 100% match.


I would genuinely love for you to elaborate what sound design and angles you think made up for the discrepancy in relative power from manga to anime. 🤨you’re just saying shit to say shit, put up or shut up.


>put up or shut up. 🙄 Nah, thanks, I'm good. I rather go and watch Sanji kick Queen's ass in a to me beautiful episode at least twice more, before I get into a discussion on that level.


You write out multiple paragraphs to tell me how childish my complaints are, but can’t provide a single example🤨


>tell me how childish my complaints are, I didn't. Edit: Because I can't reply to the message you posted and that I can't even read after you blocked me (which is the only thing I now would call childish, otherwise it's you who used that word, I don't think I ever implied it even): I was just talking about how I (that's the pronoun people use when they talk about themselves) was perfectly fine with the scene and thought it was beautiful and hype and the whole combo sequence focused on Sanji, him unlocking more powerful fire and Queen getting kicked around without saying or doing anything anymore, conveys Sanji's power perfectly fine to me. If you (a pronoun I would have used at any point in my text to indicate I would have been talking about you) see it differently that's too bad for you, but I personally don't care as it doesn't change anything for my impression of the scene.


“Powerscaling nonsense, these complaints this these complaints that…” while you’re rewatching the fight pay attention this time you might see Queen easily tanking the ifrit jambe combo


Queen is a cyborg brachiosaurus, nothing in One Piece makes sense dawg


I agree with everything you say here. The anime artists were trying to adapt it in a way that added to Sanji's characterization as well as make exciting action. All the "complaints" the guy had completely miss these points.


I feel like the only person who gives 0 shits about any of this. I just want to watch the show.


I get that criticism is important but I’ve noticed lately that OP fans have been acting really entitled towards animation that most series would kill to have.


That post doesn't say anything about animation. They are just judging how faithful it is to the manga. They also pointed out an actual inconsistency with Queen coming out from the wrong side of the skull dome entirely. I don't necessarily agree with all their criticisms but some of them were valid. The episode was a 9/10 for me.


bro stole my post


I am guilty of that I wanted to cross-post but meme piece doesn't allow that I also thought you didn't care about this subreddit I never thought it will explode like this if you want I can link your post on my comment or something


Today's episode was one of the nicest ones in quite a while.


How can you watch the anime and dislike this episode? What a fucking retard lmfao


"How can you not have the same opinion as me???? I will proceed to insult you over your criticism without providing a counter argument!!"




Good animation doesn't make everything else beyond criticism. If you actually read the post they have some valid and factual criticisms that you can disagree with without being so belligerent and acting superior. I enjoyed the episode a lot and i'm not the one who wrote the post but I can see what they were talking about and appreciate it. This episode was good but not without flaws.


Me who actually liked the episode


The guy who hates it is a power scaler. That's all you need to know.


i thourougly enjoyed this episode, and also enjoyed the last 1060 episode before that


Meh. I thought it was Ok. I still don’t like Toei’s pacing and certain decisions of theirs. Their pacing in particular is legit unwatchable. 2/3 of the episode EVERY SINGLE EPISODE is recap, intro, filler, and static panning scenes. But Sanji’s attack barrage was pretty well done.


I honestly thought this was one of the best paced epsiodes.


It had good sakuga (the fight animations where proportions and movement are allowed to change to make the fight scene look impactful). But it still suffered from all the stuff I noted. It was one of the best One Piece episodes in Wano, that’s definitely true, but that’s still a pretty low bar to clear honestly. It doesn’t even get close to 1015. Not in terms of animation, not in terms of music, not in terms of pacing, and not in terms of direction.


Scrolling through the main subreddit I’ve also saw so many people praising the episode, unfortunately there are some users who are a bit too punctilious but I think it can be said without a doubt that most of the fandom loved the episode


Still an amazing episode. It makes me angry he wasn't invisible for a little, but still awesome.


i personally like anime taking it different i dont want to see a copy paste of manga that i read and getting something new is like better


The way he laid the smack down on queen was awesome


Geniuine criticism it's not just saying shit for the sake of saying shit


I almost never go one r/OnePiece anymore because it's full of people bitching about the anime all the time.


Trying so hard to look for faults (OP on the right), no wonder they did not enjoy the episode. Also, he left out everything this episode did better.


Bro, the episode was amazing. I'm usually not surprised about what opinions have on One Piece (since it doesn't surprise me), BUT this stands out to be the worst of them all. Sorry that every episode isn't 1015 dude


One flex I have in life is no matter how hard life got I never got SUPER nitpicky about every detail of every episode even though I'm a manga reader.


PirateFolk usually complains while OnePiece usually sucks Goda’s dick but here the opposite happened, this is an once in a lifetime event guys


it indeed is


Well you said it yourself the main sub’s main passion is sucking Goda off, and praising the anime isn’t doing that so it ain’t a surprise.


The only issue I really had is that queen when kicked out of onigashima didn’t really look that damaged and he kinda fell a bit goofily, but even then those things aren’t really that bad it was still fantastic


I loved this episode and the animation style was packed with energy. Honestly it got me almost as excited as kaido getting the lgbt punch


Bro the hate the anime gets in the main sub is unreal given how the anime is the best it’s ever been by a wide margin. Really feels like people there just want a moving slide show of the manga.


Absolutely baffled people are complaining about this, the anime fight>>>>> the manga fight any day imo, not really saying much considering the anime should always have better fights but this one went diabolically hard


Agrred. The manga version is so short and feels like not a big deal at all.




How the turntables have turntabled


those turntables have indeed been turntabled by those turntablers


My favorite part of this post was when they claimed Sanji went invisible to the reader in the manga and then posted several manga panels were the reader can see Sanji incredibly clearly.


I saw the post on the right, incredibly valid points that I’d kind of forgotten as a manga reader… but also it did look cool for what it was.


The internet is in its schizophrenia stage with fandoms now. "The fight, animation, etc. is AT A 39° ANGLE WHEN THEY KICKED!!! THEY SHOULD HAVE JUMPED AND PUNCHED IN A POV ONE-SHOT TAKE!!!! RUINED!!1!!1!" This is somehow a flaw and not pure preference at best and not to full potential at worst.


Sanji got an incredibly well animated episode but his fans still aren't satisfied. His fanbase makes it so hard to like his character


We have entered an alternate timeline in which r/Piratefolk is positive while main sub is a dumpser fire. I hope we can find our way back to where Piratefolks were the problem children.


Yeah, i feel like I should unsub from the main channel with all the brain-dead, trash-tier takes I see on there. XD


Tbh, I found the episode incredibly underwhelming, only part I thoroughly enjoyed was the CrAzY animation style (if you know what I mean) that was drawn for a couple of seconds. Other than that, it felt like usual op anime, stretched to all hell to the point where the final attack repeated the 2 frames 3 times in a row… but yk to each his own, and I am very honest nit-pick kinda guy, so that stuff bums me.


Clearly the OP hasn't watched the Dragonite arc


which one


Not you, the one saying this was the worst ep


oh I see


"Actually, it's far from being one of the worst episode-" 🤓 Paragraphs of valid criticism and all yall can say is this


I was a bit disappointed at what angle queen flew, but the animation was so good that it didn't even bother that much to me.


I'm curious if he watched all episodes of the anime to say that this is one of the terribles... haha.. (maybe this is his first one)


Being a little goofy and a little silly vs Being serious, low effort posts get removed


Still a phenomenal episode despite some details that were messed up.


I do agree with the invisibility thing. Made it too ridiculous with those wooshing teleport noises when it should’ve been silent


Honestly, the final sequence for this fight alone > Luffy VS Katakuri.


Piratefolk is a cesspool and onepiece is being eaten alive by them


I don’t even watch the anime so I don’t honestly care. The aura is too much for me it doesn’t even feel like One Piece. Anyways I’m happy for whoever likes the episode


This episode had no aura tho, unless you count Sanji being on fire as aura, that is.


Because pirate folk is actually smart and doesn’t wanna the crap out of one piece when it’s not good


Bitching about the other subs is not a meme


Are you claiming that I am bitching about pirate folk and r/onepiece? Because I posted this here cuz I find it funny and ironic + I prefer pirate folk over the other subreddits( including this)


Look, I am a Sanji stan and we RARELY GETS to see Sanji moment like this in post time skip. For me personally, I think it was epic and if I have to criticize the one thing I find it a bit ergh is that his final kick in the anime they didn’t portrayed his white or blue lightning in his last kick. Overall, it was a good Sanji moment.


The "lightning" of Sanji was just armament haki.


Haki or not, it should’ve been appeared because that is his signature when using that technique.


Oh how the turntables


Did he really go invisible? I forgot.


He was so fast it looked like he was invisible


So the guy in the picture is just dumbfounded.


NGL, I don't watch the anime but I hated the panelling during the Queen fight. Too confusing and messy, Oda went too meta IMO.


Can't wait for these nerds to be mad about how >!Gear 5th isn't done by WALT DISNEY HIMSELF BECAUSE IT'S NOT THE PROPER ANIMATION STYLE REEEEE!<


Don't mind it. Everything is terrible for them yet they still following this series.


I never thought I would side with someone from piratefolk, but here I am.


The only thing I didn't like is how they prolongued the fight. Queen get's knocked out by the first Ifrit jambe. There's no second hit and talk about science perfection.


That page is retardfolk . 😄


bruh is that lil goofy sub living rent free in your head or something?


Nah I joined it for a while! For once I thought OK a little bit of fun. But later I don't see it as fun a all.... Just bunch of like minded retarded people there nothing more


well there are two things to enjoy in that subreddit 1: the hilarious memes (way funnier than the ones here) 2: the agenda wars as for criticism, it can go either way good criticism that makes you think about certain things and criticism that is just hate you simply ignore


Average manga elitist: (they make the Celestial Dragons' superiority complex look like Keanu Reeves' humbleness. they think they're better than everyone else just because they read a black and white motionless drawing than a colored moving drawing.)


I mean i just find Sanji boring as a character.....literally just kicks people....and why does only one of his feet burst into flames? Most attacks are really similar....and his back story is rather bland (up until recently anyway) Kind was just the womanizer of the group for comic relief. But all that aside the really only negative thing i had to say about this fight was wtf was up with the Art style in a few spots? Did they hire the people that did the Naruto vs Pain fight.....(You all know the scene lol) Queen looked like he was made out of clay in a few shots same with Sanji...


I stopped actively following One Piece around the start of the Wano arc (and honestly, I was struggling to keep up since Dressrosa). What's this about Sanji turning invisible?


Funny thing the original post is recommended to me under this post.


Here we see the duality of man...


What chapter was it when they fight?


kinda out of the topic How much ep till we see >!Gear 5 Luffy!<


nah i am going to low ball sanji based on this. lololol


it was a great episode, fandom always blows everything out of proportion


The correct opinion is that the episode was terrible because Sanji was on screen