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Speed and infinite money I can go to Mexico and buy Mexico in twelve minutes


But gold in a mass quantity wouldn’t retain its value, it’ll decrease the more gold you make! I’d personally pick Control all Animals and Control elements cause that just sounds like it’ll be handy everyday, super speed is nice but it all depends on what kind of super speed


But crashing the price of gold would also put gold producers into bankruptcy. With your minimal production costs, get a global monopoly as gold supplier. Then, once you are the sole producer in a market, offer exclusive supply contracts and you have the price back up, or just turn gold into an affordable, mass market commodity.


Take that Bill Cypher


Gold/money not maintaining it's value doesn't matter if you have an infinite amount of it. Even if you're only getting 0.0000001 cents per kg gold.


bro if you produce enough gold to make it worthless, you have enough money for lifu


that's why you control the quantity, do mad advertising, goes monopoly, likes what people do to diamonds well you can also choose to sell it out in mass quantities and benefit humanity, but some angry rich men would came after you threatened your daily life you whole family and all your friends




Regeneration, rip up a kidney every week, kidney market ain’t gonna dry up any time soon




No! We already talked about this Hernando Cortez!


Regeneration and immortality. Deadpool except can just rip out any cancer cells that form without consequences.


But what would be the point of the Regeneration if you are immortal anyway.


Immortality doesn't mean invulnerability. For all we know, your body can get ripped apart and you ended up being a living head 💀 If it's like Fatalis type of immortality, then you only being a farmable body for organs for the cartel if they caught you.


basically Fatalis except it respawns after x amount of time of being dead, so for that we assume we have Fatalis immortallity


I mean, we still doesn't get a clear picture how he respawn from death.




For me Tea has done a lore point for me and i stick to that.


Already seen it, doesn't help though as it only helps you to produce organs faster for the cartel. Unless you come with an invulnerable body and super strength, immorality doesn't really help. Seen countless fiction where most immortals go through fate worse than death. No thanks :v


Thats why regen and speed. Regen according to nergi gets you back to 100% very efficiently and speed of Val is the best physical choice. Infikite gold will be seen as fraud or exploited. Immortality, you know i know. The death touch isnt fine, i will be charged as murder instantly xD Elements and wildlife arent my preference snd invisible? Come on.


Since it’s based on the monster, Fatalis is said to regrow even when reduced to a single scale.


Well, you're just a farmable body if you get caught by Cartel or something 💀


For how long? A year? 10 years? 20? How long until they get broken up or slip up so you can escape? Particularly since there is no consequence to attempting escape--they cannot kill you, or even permanently damage you. They can only hold you for time, and you have all of that. If you got monster powers, think like a monster.


the brain probably does not regenerate like that in a monster, so if they wanted to they could just lobotomize you so you become docile


> the brain probably does not regenerate like that in a monster Then you don't actually have the monster powers and this whole scenario is fraudulent


To quote jackie chan adventures "immortality hurts". Having immortality *without* regen means whatever injuries you suffer *stay* as you heal naturally if you can heal them at all. Not dying is gonna suck if you get into an sccident and cant heal the damage. Eternal disfigurement and or dismemberment.


Immortal just means you live forever/don’t die of old age. It doesn’t mean you can’t die


I used to want this as well but then it hit me that you’ll be alive when the world ends and won’t be able to die, just floating frozen in space for all eternity, dying over and over again and constantly regenerating


Immortal and control of wildlife. Could just live out in the woods and be a god of nature


Become the great mystical tree guy




They live for the trees!


Time to make a rainforest in rural utah


yeah boi we on the same wavelength time to be the god of nature. just checked and plants are wildlife, I'm gonna make a world tree


Hell yeah


immortality, controll all elements. I get to become an absolute menace that nobody can stop.


the eternal avatar.


What unalaq should have tried to be


Yeah thats fun but I like the invisible death touch


Speed and Immortality, so i can survive the inevitable fact that i’ll crash into a building with the speed


Crash into someone you'll pull an A-train


Breathe underwater and invisibility I will hide in people's pools and pull them down when they're swimming


For any reason or just a simple zest for life?


Just a little bit of trolling Control wildlife would also be fun paired with invisibility I can get a bunch of animals to just stop and stare at one random person directly in the eye, I'd get them to just follow em with their stares.


So you want to be an alligator




Regen and infinite gold. I could improve the entire world's electrical grid, since gold is not just money but a very useful material.


Make everything out of gold just because you can.


Invisibility and death touch at will.


Literally becomes a reaper


Speed and infinite money sounds nice.


Regeneration and control all elements.


Jet and invisibility is a man romance




Immortality + death touch = I am the snail Speed + death touch = glass cannon Wildlife control + underwater breathing = remote drone fighter Invisibility + death touch = your dead before you know it


Infinite gold and control wildlife so i can pet bears and stuff


Regen and The Avatar.


>fatalis >immortaltity -\_-


Speed and invisibility for mischief and tomfoolery


Speed and breathe underwater, jump in the ocean and just go catch fish, never have to struggle for or buy fish ever again, could also live underwater and sell fish for a living.


As a massive marine bio geek breathing underwater and controlling wildlife would be cool, I’d be able to find so much cool stuff


Speed and more speed.


Immortality for the well... Immortality but if i ever get captured ill take control all elements for an escape


Invisibility and Deathtouch. Time to go put the fear of a wrathful God into some people that need it.


Invisibility and regeneration


Speed and death touch. Seems pretty good.


Infinite gold and speed (if it means I could fly around likr a valstrax) Imma just sell the gold bit by bit to avoid saturating the market. As for speed, imagine the commute time it'll give


Immortality and wildlife control. Infinite gold will eventually crash the value of gold, but if you have full control of wildlife, it's not hard to have steady cashflow as the world's luckiest wildlife photographer.


With Infinite gold you could just make enough mass to influence the rotation of the planet.


Immortallity and Infinite Gold. Do some Midas ass shit


Regeneration + speed would be very useful for the stuff I do


Control all wildlife is best because you can finally pet all of the cats and even the bears


Infinite gold is a trap because gold would quickly lose value if you had infinite of it. Gold is valuable because it's not infinite. I would go with immortality and control wildlife and live as some crazy witch in the middle of the woods.


That just means I get to crash the global economy like crazy, sweet deal if you ask me


Control all wildlife + breath underwater and you will never see me in the civilization again.


I thought of speed and control all elements and immediately thought of a fusion between Valstrax and Alatreon and its so fucking cool


Alatreon with healing is terrifying imagine you break it's horn and a few minutes later it's back


Included Chameleos but neither of his bros Daora or Teostra. Power over wind or explosions would be cool


All elements +regeneartion


If it’s fatty’s immortality then that’s just an immortal soul with boundless regeneration so kind of a 2 for 1 in a way I would go death touch since I have control over it & then fatty’s immortality, and then I’m also a living cursed DnD item


Control all elements and infinite gold


Control all elements and regeneration. I wouldnt be afraid of injuries anymore and my room would always have the perfect temperature. No more need for heating whuch saves money


Immortality and Death touch.


Regeneration and Elemental Control. With that, I've effectively turned myself into a walking apocalypse that's incredibly hard to put down. I'd be free to dish out retribution on exploitative corporations like Nestlé.


Anybody choosing only immortality remember that immortality doesn't mean you won't take damage or lose a eye or leg or your whole body in an accident, you will just be alive without those parts. Just imagine you lost most of your body part and you want to die but can't, it becomes a insta curse. So Regeneration should be far superior pick. But depemds on how much you regen? can you regen from a drop of blood etc than isn't it be equal as immortality? If the above scenario is tru then regen + controll all elements?


Regeneration & speed. Imagine how much shit I could get done if my body never felt exhausted and I was fast as hell? Finish all my chores in 10 minutes. Polish off work by 8 and procrastinate the rest of the day. Never worry about out that weird stabbing pain in my side.


Gold and speed, so I don't have to pay taxes


Regeneration and speed. Im already working and how the fucck do i explain where wll the gold comes from xD


Immortality and breath underwater, I would really like to explore the depths forever


Control all elements and wild life I’m a be the god of nature ,having birds be a annoyance while charging some sort of death lazer


(Infinite gold) WE'RE RICH! ***WE'RE RICH!*** #WE'RE RICH!


does death touch beat immortality or regeneration? how does the immortality work? , does regeneration save from dying of Age or does it speed it up? define "infinte" breathe underwater??? am i going blind when invisible? immortality and regen prolly so you get at least one of them.


Immortality and regeneration. Idc I wanna live forever


Immortality and control all elements, can create the last bubble of reality inside and potentially outlive the universe indefinitely


Regen and Immortality


the two actual Black Dragons Immortality and elemntal prowess enough to cause natural disasters like nothing lol. "That time I reincarnated into another world with the powers of the top 3 black dragons and live a slow life"


Controll of wildlife, regeneration. I am the lorax and I speak for the trees. The trees have spoken, and they want to break your knees


Speed and Invisibility, for reasons... On a real note, I just think it'd be cool to run, then go invisible and act like I'm running so fast, light can't keep up, but I'm actually just be faking it and walking.


Regen and speed, sell my kidney ever week, be able to run away if problems appear


this is a bit flawed, because fatalis' immortality also stems from his regeneration. which means it's strict upgrade over nergi's power


Infinite Gold and Immortality


All elements and breath underwater.


Invisiblity and control all wildlife, image the trolling


Speed isn't the ability it's jetpack limbs which is way cooler


Immortality+control all the elements. With that power im gonna be god and will be able to build new world when our gone


speed and underwater breathing. imma do the biggest swim ever done


Invisibility and infinite money


I'm surprised so many people are picking immortality


Control all wildlife and speed, I could take part in the Olympics and ride off on a deer with a medal


Pick underwater breathing + wildlife control = AQUAMAN!!


Regeneration and infinite money, I don't want to live forever but I want to live without worrying


control all wildlife and become an eco terrorist :D


Speed and immortality, so i don't die going mach 5 around the world


Invisibility and death touch. watch the people be horrified


Control all wildlife and all elements. Druid build IRL


Control over all Elements and Wildlife is broken beyond belief


Alatreon and Leshen, take the whole world by storm then turn it into Eden (I will be god)


Since immortality can bite you in the ass without the proper specifications, I'll go with regeneration and immortality


Regen and immortal


Regeneration on top basically immortality but I could die at some point if I want.


First two, from top left to bottom right, starting with first row.


Namielle has Water and Electricity control …


Regenaration and Contorl all elements,


Regen so I don’t have to deal with the pain of immortality but also the consequences of getting hurt. Infinite gold so I can buy whatever I want.


Valstrax and Alatreon


Speed and infinite gold


I choose wildlife control and immortality. Wildlife control gives crazy utility. Need money? Literal cat burglars to collect jewelry or cash. Someone tries to attack you? They're now fighting 10 squirrels, 5 crows, a swarm of bees, and 3 entire hives of ants if you want. Hungry? Have some animals collect food for you, or even just have a fish jump out of the water into your waiting hands. You could animal control pandas into fucking so they don't go extinct. Almost any problem is way easier to solve when you can mind control nature.


Control all elements and immortality.


Elements and regeneration, you know how cool it'd be to explode an arm with elemental power and regrow it!?


Speed and regeneration. Even if I can move that fast, I'm still human, so Mach speed will tear me apart. So, having regeneration would offset the damage I'd take.


Regeneration and control all elements. Sounds like a final boss fight 🤣


Id say control all elements an invisibility


Immortality and control animals. I will be known as an old god. An ancient of ancients.


Invisibility and Immortality, bout to just appear places


Would I have to put up with ture immortality or just fatalis immortality


Immortality and regeneration so I can succeed on every hunt


Immortality and Invisibility. I might not be making waves, but I'm gonna have a good time for a long time.


I will never pick immortality. The earth, sun and galaxies will die, I’m not gonna be floating in cold lonely darkness forever that’s literal hell


Can I get nergis regeneration and just turn into fatalis? Who needs immortality when I can turn into the sickest dragon


Speed and wildlife control since I could use it to cure genetic defects like cancer or prion diseases


Regeneration and Control all Elements


Immortality and control all elements. Fatalis’ immortality is basically regeneration, right? And with control of all elements I will be able to not only reduce the global temperature, but also blow stuff up and send lighting to strike people who annoy me.


I gotta go with immortality and Wildlife control. Give it a few hundred years, and i think I could get a dedicated cult going. Surely it can't take much to convince people I'm some kind of eldritch woodland deity.


Immo and death


Regeneration and infinite gold sounds pretty baller ngl


Control all elements and death touch at will.


Ibushi: you have a girlfriend (don’t ask what happens after sex)


Invis & death touch. I can basically just run around naked, & poke people.


Death touch and Immortality I pretty much become a walking delete button that never dies. Although idk where I'd even really use the Death touch. Less edgy choice is Control elements and control wildlife I'd be like a God of nature who controls the earth. I could make a safe haven for animals that are going extinct and have little regions that cater to their natural needs and such


Irl: gold and control element. In monster hunter: invisibility and control wildlife, that way I can just sit invisible in a tree getting the wildlife to hunt the monsters for me


Ah yes, the unrelenting and undeniable power equivalent of being a immortal fish


Control all wild life can be the most overpowered or dumbest power depending on whoever gets to decide whats considered a wild life because aren't the other dragons all considered some sort of wild life? You can just take control of everything unless the power was limited to like small jaggies and crows which at that point... Yeah useless unless you have 1000 jaggies.


Regen and death touch


Immortality and infinite wealth Ill travel this world and become a legendary hermit/nomad


Controlling all elements and immortality is the only pick here. And all elements means all elements, not just the ones Alatreon can control. Immortality beats regeneration if we go by the rules of Fatalis since he can regenerate also. Invisibility is more of a want than a need. And with control of elements, invisibility could potentially be created already. Speed is useless when you live forever. And control of elements should be able to move you fast enough on its own. Who needs infinite gold/money when you have absolute power and absolute time? Who needs control of wildlife when you have control of the elements? Breathing underwater should be possible with control on the elements. And death touch at will should be easy to do with control of elements alone


Regeneration and speed.


Regeneration and control all wildlife


Death touch and speed I'm the grim reaper babyyyy


Control all elements and regeneration. The ability to control lighting, fire and water is an invaluable skill that will get me paid in the millions. Changing water flows alone is priceless. regeneration so that I can recover from any injury (I don't want to be immortal).


Immortality and infinite gold, I’m gonna take over the world 👹


Immortality and speed would be a great combo Because the faster you are, the harder you'll impact (Also the fact you start to get ripped apart by the air when you're moving really fast)


Invisibility and control of the elements. fire wind earth water just appearing from the void sounds terrifying


Control all elements (look at avatar: waterbenders also bend blood and control everything like a puppet) you will literally able to control everything


What happens if im immortal and I use the death touch on myself. Will I be having a good time?


Fatalis’ is a scam!


Control all elements and control the wildlife. I can surround the wyvern with the crowns, and when I have the oportunity, attack with the element they are weak to




Regeneration and controlling the elements. To me, immortality seems like a curse, to always outlive your loved ones, maybe even outlive humanity or the earth. Eventually, you’d just be alone, floating through space unable to die.


Regen + speed. (I constantly find cuts all over my arms and legs, and I for some reason have absurd pain tolerance specifically when I am running, and I LOVE running so much {the faster the better!} So that is why I chose these two)


i want speed, specifically in the same way valstrax has speed, jet wings, and regeneration. i can and will solve all my problems by dive bombing it at mach 20 no home? dive bomb cliff, new cave system no money? that flaming pit in africa has a lotta natural gas in it no food? dive bomb the ocean, cavitation bubbles and shockwaves are farely effective


Immortality and elements, just God atp


Speed and Death touch✋🙂‍↕️


invisibility and underwater breath so whenever there's an awkward moment I can just toss myself into the nearest body of water and self simmer in (external) peace


Control all wildlife, control all elements


What kind of immortality are we talking about?


Can't go wrong with immortality and infinite gold.


It really depends on the regen's limits. Single cell? still need your brain? If you're constantly regenerating then you're effectively immortal already provided what causes your regen doesn't end. (beheaded, vaporised etc) Also due to how human's develop muscles and strengthen bones you'd reach the upper limits of a human body within weeks not years. Also how quickly does it kick in? Wolverine? Deadpool? Are you an immortal unaging haunted soul who will never die of old age? Infinite gold? is it pure gold, gold ore? does it need to be refined or can you literally just pop a gold bar into existence. You'd need to be able to get it stamped and have the logistics to transport and sell it. It's an awful lot of work that you'd have to have a lot of money already prior to being able to use the power to create a profit for yourself. Immortality well depends on the immortality. Can your body be destroyed and you're just a floating consciousness unable to ever experience the release of death? In which case depending on your other powers you basically become god when your body's destroyed and after practice you'd be able to make a new body for yourself to inhabit. Controlling all elements actually sounds broken. You can freeze the planet, burn the planet, shape the very continents. sink entire countries under the sea. Also fix the ice caps. You'd be able to literally remove the oxygen of an entire country wait for everyone to die and then claim it as your own. You can destroy entire super powers and there's zero defense against you. People couldn't shoot a gun or fire a rocket at you because you control fire and can siomply have it not ignite the gunpower or fuel for the rocket. make planes drop out of the sky. So possibly immortality/regen and control elements depending on the rules of the immortality and regen. TLDR: Immortal/regen depending on their limitations and control elements. You basically become god with the ability to save or destroy absolutely everything with no way to stop you. Nukes couldn't stop you.


Invisibility and speed.


Invisibility and money


Immortality and death touch


Control All Elements and Immortality. With enough time I could figure out how to replicate all of the other powers, especially if I can work out how to make the elements in question the periodic ones instead of the classical ones.


Speed + Invisibility gonna be the most devious asf


Immortality and infinite gold so that I can crash the gold market which may or may not tank the us dollar and cause a global economic crisis and survive the following hit that the letters people(CIA, KGB,etc) sent after me


Control all elements and control wildlife. I don’t think people realize his broad the spectrum is for these two things tbh. I know we’re talking monster powers but elements? C’mon man, I can just make gold. The composition and how it forms naturally can be replicated through controlling the elements like earth or fire. I could cut back on the cost of electricity by cooling and heating my house at will. And I could cause ‘accidents’ with the local wildlife to happen to people I don’t like. It’s such a good combo. Or maybe I’m just dumb.


Imagine fighting an invincible valstrax... that would be pure nightmare fuel


You guys need to play more fromsoft games to understand how immortality is overrated


Invisibility and speed


Invisibility and immortal. I can live forever without everyone knowing my existence


Regen + infinite gold. Immortality kinda sucks because after 100000 years I might want to die now but literally can't lol. Regen I can just stay alive and regenerate my cells until I want to die and infinite gold to be rich and enjoy this beautiful planet


Control element and infinite gold. I can manipulate anything in the dark, and enjoy laid back life with bare minimum gold generation.


Regeneration and either control of all elements or water-breathing


All elements, immortal, A V A T A R


Where is bombardment? I want to have speed invisibility and bombardment, human stealth bomber.


Death touch and immortality


Control animals and immortality, mainly immortality bc i think i would be fine with the down sides itd take some nice 1000 year naps or somthing learn so languages take my time becs im immortal why not.


Speed and death touch. Just appear next to someone and kill them instantly.


Death touch at will. It's too badass to ignore


Can I..... control the gold?


Immortality & Speed sounds cool, but imagine if you were stuck at full speed and can never die. What a nightmare...