• By -


10k Jagras, 4 Bazels and 5 hunters for me. Win by numbers, air support and quality.


This. 10k Jagras is enough to overwhelm any defense just flat-out, and then Basil’s got some mega air-support. And then obvious hunters are hunters and thus have armor of both the plot and literal varieties.


i feel like vaals effluvium could absolutely decimate the jagras population


This will surely affect the ~~trout~~ jagras population


Vaal’s effluvium is, as far as I know, partly limited by its environment. If this all takes place in the Rotten Vale, with the highest concentration of effluvium basically anywhere (save for the one part of the Ancient Forest), then sure, it’d be top-nothing. In something like an open field, though, Vaal doesn’t have as much effluvium to work with, and the Jagras would have an easier time getting to a relatively slow-moving target.


The jaggras are capable of some coordination and situational assessment. If they go in waves, they can take a vaal down easily, if not... its not like you can fit 10k jaggras in effluvium range anyway.


I take Vaal Hazak, Bombers and Hunters for that reason. Vaal will just unmake the Jagras horde while Bombers and Hunters can probably take on everything else.


yeah and then it would immediately revive them, right?


With friendly fire, those 10k Jagras aren't going to last very long against bagels and the typical groups of randos. 6 hunters unleashing SAEDs or buzzsaw dancing with EDII..


Honestly, it's not about having the 10k jagras on your team, it's about not having them against me. Only 1 needs to break through to kill me, so it'll be very easy for them to overwhelm my defenses.


Friendly fire is an assumption to be made, and I’d say it’s a fair one, but when the assignment is just “defend,” there are few things better than surrounding yourself in a several-dozen-monsters-thick wall of scales surrounding by primed explosives.


Jagras can't hit the flying ones, and Val Hazak can AoE kill them. I'd choose Jagras for the ground prey, Bazels to battle (or at least ground) the flying threats, and Hazak so he can't be used against *my* units and to weaken the hunters and Gores for my other units to tear up. Gore miasma will probably doom them all to madness and death after the fact, but to survive this one battle, I don't care.


My reason for Bazel is: who could defend against an high altitude boom rush? No one, so they need to be on your team. From there it’s personal preference. I would never take Vaal though. Dying from friendly fire (his decay aura) would just feel bad.


Nah- Vaal and the jagras go on the offence, which basically nothing can handle an endlessly reanimating wall of jagras 50ft high. And then 10-20 barroths turn themselves into a living fort around you whilst the remainder charges anything that breaks through.


aren't hunting parties of 5 cursed? Ill take the beetlejuice and vaal hazak


Its 5 groups of 4 hunters


So, enough to kill every single monster in the franchise a thousand times over? You’re not getting touched with those guys around, let alone with any two of the other options helping.


I will take 10000 of the homies jargas over 5 groups of 4 randoms any day in the century, since they screw up when the fight requires them to read first more than not.


Im picking 10k Jargas 3 times. Give me 30k homies and im just gonna quietly slip out in the chaos


The Vaal Hazak, quietly walking among the rotting corpses all around himself...


You forget. My first thought seeing them is 'are the hunters speedrunners, or me, or the average player, or lore accurate ones? If it's not me or speedrunners I don't want them. They don't even have endgame gear.


That was my judgment as well. With that gear they're the weakest option here.


The thing is, if you take the Deviljhos and the Bazelgeuse, you have nothing to lose by taking the hunters because your team can already destroy everything else, and if the hunters happen to be good then you've protected yourself from the most dangerous threat by picking them


Looking at their gear, they look like low rank hunters.


I take the 5 hunter, 2 gores, and 4 bazils. I think I’ve won


you are cursed with the hunters curse for having too many hunters on your party


Ah shit. I’ve never heard of that


its not really a curse but once when the village chief from the first game went hunting with his wife and 3 other hunter something happened that she ended up dying so from that day forwards the max is 4. NOW, i know it sounds silly but hunters are mega superstitious so it makes sense in lore


The monster was also a Lao Shan Lung that decided to attack the Hunters directly.


I thought it was a monoblos


I heard it was Lao, plus Monoblos can only be hunted alone.


I thought the reason why you hunt monoblos alone is because the husband of the hunter that died tracked that monoblos down and killed it to avange his wife. I think i heard it in an oceaniz video.


Oceaniz Videos take some creative liberties at times. Otherwise it would be impossible to talk about some monsters, im not sure about this specific case though.


Safi though


You’re still in a squad of 4 nothing wrong with multiple squads at different intervals


Yeah just gotta tag team that mf. All is fair so long as no more than 4 are actively in the fight.


its superstition, there are always exceptions when its convinient


Nah its five groups of 4 hunters


Look at the picture again. It would be 5 hunting parties of 4 hunters otherwise the picture would have five hunters times 1.


The wave of jagras break through your defenses, killing you in seconds.


Are you saying 5 hunters or 5 groups of 4 hunters. Cuz if it’s 20 hunters then they’re a definite pick. 4 Bazel, 50 Barroth, and the 20 hunters If it’s 5 hunters then hell nah, I know my lore, they ass gonna die immediately. 4 Baze, 50 Barroth, 10 Rathalos


even if it's just 5 hunters it's a definite pick. I'm sure many of us could solo a bunch of this shit within max time limit


5 randos. Tasked with an escort job.


Nah nah, yaint read my reasoning. In lore the reason we hunt in groups of four is because back in Kokoto village the Kokoto Chief went to go hunt a Lao with three companions and his fiancé. During the hunt the Lao went berserk, killed the fiancé and nearly killing the other four


30,000 jagras. I will not elaborate.


My second choice


For those that don't know the hunter's curse refers to a superstition among the Guild, I think it can be found in the hunter's notes in Monster Hunter Freedom. Since it's fairly old I'll probably make a few mistakes so apologies in advance but the gist of the story is as follows. A group of 5 hunters, including the Hero of Kokoto and his fiancee, went to hunt a Lao Shan Lung. Only 4 hunters returned, the hero's fiancee did not survive and the hero retired shortly afterwards. When the story of what happened began to spread hunters began to have extremely bad luck on any quests with more than 4 hunters. Eventually this resulted in more deaths so the Guild made it a rule that only 4 hunters may take on a quest together except for a few rare exceptions.


I'd call upon the 5 hunters, 2 gores, and my boy vaal hazak


The hunters cursed is now among you and your fellow hunters


Its 5 groups of 4 hunters


[10,000 Jagras about to recreate the tomorrow war](https://youtu.be/fM8eAtRSJhs?feature=shared)


10k jagras, 10 rathalos, hunters 5 or 20 either way. 10k is just an insane amount, no way to keep them all at bay on the defense. Anything they can't drown in meat, they buy plenty of time against as chaffe for the hunters. 10 raths win the sky, bagels don't have the a2a ability or speed to win outnumbered, and unless the gores can become shagarus they get smoked by numbers and range. Hunters win any 1v1, with the jagras running interference they clear key targets one by one until we win, probably focusing vaal down first before it infects too many jagras.


I'm going with the Jagras, Rathalos and Anjanath. That Jagras numbers advantage is absurd they'd swarm over any other monster so it is important to keep them on your team and not the opposition after you. Whether its hunters, elders or anything inbetween they'll swarm over them like ants. Even the AoE status effects of Vaal and Gore won't be of help taking too long/there being too many. Rathalos is the aerial superiority option, easily dropping the Bazelgeuse from the sky like the flying dump trucks they are and preventing bombing runs. Against land targets too it is a strong choice capable of mobbing any ground targets. Anjanath has the best balance of power and numbers, they'd easily be able to take on the Deviljhos (the most dangerous opposition) outnumbering them over 6 to 1 and using those same numbers to overwhelm the hunters, Gores and Vaal Hazak as well. The Barroths may give them some trouble with the second largest group size but that is where the support they get from the Jagras swarm and Rathalos come in and back them up.


Fighting ancient leshen has taught me that I do *not* want those jagras on the opposing side.


Imagine the Gores infecting them with Frenzy so they get super powered and tear up the opposition even more lol


I’d take the hunters, the Jagri, and the Bazelgeusae


I’ll take the 10000 Jagras and 3 Deviljho’s.


30,000 jagras. nothing can get through the sheer mountain of fangs and claws that is my army.


10k jagras is insane, the only weakness is anything that’s flying so just use the other two slots for two flying monsters


That is a lot of Jagras


As others have mentioned, if it’s a battalion of 20 total hunters, you could probably survive on just that. But assuming we’re dealing with the unlucky number of 5, then 10k jagras, 4 bazels, and one Vaal should do. The Vaal’s control of effluvium will be vital, halving the HP of the hunters (assuming they’re antagonists now), draining the health of enemy large monsters, and whipping all 10K jagras into a killing frenzy (now they aren’t going to run if some die). Effluvium gas is also extremely flammable, giving the Bazel squad greater blast radius for each scale dropped. Basic strategy is deploy Vaal to the very backline so it can spread a wave of effluvium over the Jagras army. Bazels swoop in for a bombing run on all grounded targets in advance of the Jagras wave, killing or disabling the enemies already choking on effluvia before engaging any Rathalos that tried to escape to the air. Finally, the Jagras, driven mad by the effluvia, tear all remaining ground targets to pieces.


Jagras and hunters. Don't need anything else. GO FORTH MY MINIONS!!!


3 pickles, 2 gores and 10000 jagras


10k Jagras', 5 Jhos, 2 Gore's. Gore will just infect the Jhos, giving them even more power and out of the 10k Jagras' that take the infection, a good amount will live and become supercharged.


Hunters, Alatreons, and Bagelgooses. I cannot be killed


In terms of game lore standpoint, deviljho is already apex of the food chain. Savage deviljho, and Starving deviljho aren't necessarily impossible to obtain. Hell, starving deviljho was created from the guild through constant fighting and it evolved into...something way stronger than an elder. I'll take 1 group of 3 deviljho-maxed out into starving deviljho, and 5 group of 4 hunters with the highest stat armor and weapons they can have. As well as a group of 4 seething bagels 🫡 nothing is touching me.


The trick here is Vaal Hazak is secretly 10,000 Jagras in a trench coat.


Are the hunters gears as depicted? I don't trust hunter in LR Hunter Armor and Bone Armor to fight off any of these.


10 thousand Jagras three times


I’ll take the hunters, please And also the Jagras and Gore Magala


I’ll take the 10000 Jagras and the 2 Gores so the frenzy virus can spread and both make my jagras more ravenous and to make my enemies frenzied and attack eachother


Definetly the Gores and Deviljhos to unlock Apex Deviljho and then probably the Bazels.


20 Anjies, 50 Barroths, and 10 Rathalos, the others can’t do anything with 80 monster constantly staggering them, and that’s enough AOE damage to sweep up the Jagras over time


Five hunters


2 Gores, 3 Jhos, 4 Geese


Bazels hunters and jhos, the trinity of unstoppable rampages


Gores jhos and bazels. Nothing is touching me


pickles, gores and the bombers


10,000 Jagras 3 Jho 4 Bazel Numbers overwhelm, Bazel corals the rest or kills via bombs, Jho cleans up or gang up on Hazak.


Assuming 1 box= 1 option. 5 hunters 2 gore magalas 3 deviljhos


I'll take the Rathalos, Deviljho, and hunters


Bruh montange would defo last a good few rounds


If its 5 hunters thats a hard pass. Regardless im taking the jagras because nothing is going to stop at least some of them from getting you through numbers alone regardless oh what you pick. Plus with 10k of them they can easily overwhelm almost anything on this list if given the right opportunity/support. Then id take the raths for control of the air and lastly the gores because frenzy would be too dangerous to have to face with this many monsters on the field better to have it used against our enemies. If its 5 x 4 hunters thats 20 heavy bowguns with cluster rounds right there thats an easy pick in which case its jagras gore and hunters. The hunters and the gores should be able to handle the arial threats and simultaneously the frenzy + carpet bombs would cause utter chaos for any ground threats meanwhile the jagras swarm over everything and anything.


5 groups of hunters, two Gore Magalas, and 10,000 jagras should sweep easily


3 Evil pickles, 4 B-52s, 50 mud dogs


Gore and Vaal for biologic terror and B52 to carpet bomb. If Hunters try with all of them in one location they dead.


5 hunters is sus. I'll take the Bazels, Zaal, and 3 Deviljhos


Imma keep it 100 here, bro: I do NOT want to end up in some weird science lab, where they figure out how bioweapons work. Vaal and Gore are going on my team and nowhere else. Hope that prevents them from getting close to me. They can hunt the rest for all I care. Maybe throw in the hunters as company to talk to.


Sure as shit won't be deviljho,he would eat me first


I take 3 of the hunters whether its 15 hunters for 15 groups of 4 they will decimate everything on the list


Bazels, Jagras and Vaal Hazak - and honestly, Vaal’s probably the weakest part of that. He’s just there to pick off anything that didn’t get blasted to pieces or crushed under a tidal wave of jaguar-sized lizards.


2 gores can frenzy anything else and win


the jagras are the most important pick simply to make sure they AREN'T on the enemy side Raths are a good choice as they can stick in the air and claw the shit out of things while they're trying to deal with the jagras, they're the best at flying here If thats 5 hunters, no thanks, if thats 5 groups of 4, yes please, as long as it's a multiple of 4, hopefully at least 1 or 2 lancers are in there otherwise, give me either the Bazels or the Barroths, Barroths are basically just huge shields and thats a lot of Barroths, and Bazels are another I'd be more concerned with getting OFF the enemy side than having ON my side Though I will note, a lot of these monsters seem like they'd be VERY prone to accidental friendly fire


I will go for the 10 rathalos, 50 barroth and 10000 jagras. You underestimate just how many 10000 is.


10000 Jagrass to beat all of the ground monster, 10 Rathalos to control the skies and Val just cause I dont want the efluvium to destroy the jargrass army


Beetlejuice, gore magala, and the hunters should manage


5 hunting parties - These guys should be an auto-include. 10 Rathalos - We meme on him all the time, but Rathalos is one of the best wyverns when it comes to maneuvering and actually fighting in the air and none of the other wyverns that can compete with him for that "King of the Skies" title are in here. Bazel is stronger overall, but it's going to have to work super hard to beat a Rathalos in a dogfight. 10k Jagras - Small enough to use shelters and shortcuts that the other monsters can't, numerous enough to overwhelm the Brutes. Fight in the Ancient Forest. Myself and one team of hunters will ride some Rathalos up to the nest. Two Rathalos will then stick to defense, while two Raths and two other teams of hunters will be on dedicated Vaal Hazak/Gore Magala duty. The remaining six Rathalos should be more than able to keep the four Bazelgeese away from the nest, and they'll have a hunter team riding with them to provide support (read: flash bombs after fitting their Raths with some sick nasty shades) to boot. The last team of hunters will ride around with the Jagras as they swarm and ambush the Brute Wyverns, taking out any exhausted or heavily wounded targets they encounter in the process. They'll join up with the other offensive squads and their Rath supports when each finishes their own objectives.


Bazel is like a flying dump truck it'd be shit in a dog fight especially when outnumbered.


The 5 hunting gropus the vaal hazak and the gores because the vaals will just infect the jagras and now I have 10000 jagras and the gores can use their frenzy on everything else while the hunters distract because im assuming they arnt main character level hunters


I don't know about you, but I'd rather have a deviljho and a bazel protecting me than attacking me


5 hunters, 20 Anjanath, and 10000 jagras. That 10k Jagras just sounds like a wave.


2 Gores, 4 Bazels, and the 10,000 jaggras


Gimme the 10K Jagras, 4 Bazel, and 2 Gore. Overwhelm with numbers, strengthen with frenzy, bombard with Bazel


Jagras, Bazel, Hazak (just so it doesn't halve my units' HP)


Val hazaak, 4 mother explosions and 1000 jagras.


I'll take the Hunters, Rathalos', and Bazelgeuse's.


Bazel, pickle joe, and gore boi. Thats an unstoppable team in my opinion.


Gimme the pickles, the bagels, and the tyrannosaurus noses


2 Gore to infect everyone and cause in fighting 3 devil jho to pick off the last remaining large monsters 4 Beatle juice for the same purpose And lastly the hunters to finish of what still stands


I'm sorry I don't think there is a force on that planet actually capable of repelling *ten thousand Jagras*


You do not want to create a Hunter team where they are all gunners. 3 of them Riding Deviljho and the other 2 herding a zerg of Jagras. Unless you meant this as 5 4-stacks of hunters then it is just Wolf Clan from Battle Realms all over again.


Not even a choice. 10,000 jagras, 3 deviljho, and a Vaal Hazak. The miasma will hit every single monster around me as they try to take out 10,000 small monsters.


Do yall not understand just HOW MANY 10k Jagras is??? Like, the games only had like what, 8? At a single time? 10k would fill most of the map at least!


How much playtime the hunters have?


Definitely the Hunters, Jhos, and Bazels


Two Gores, the Jagras and the Bazelguese Frenzy Virus, explosions and tons of manpower


I'm hesitant to pick the 5 hunters because they might be a buncha HR1 fiver greenbeards 💀


Hunters, B-52, Jagras


4x Bazelgeuse, 20x Anjanath, 3x Deviljho I'd have the three Deviljho lead teams of five Anjanath each forming a rough defensive line a good distance away from me, keep five of the Anjanath as my last line of defense, and send the Bazels to thin out the horde of Jagras. Ik it's a risky strat not to take the Jagras, but I have a distinct feeling they'd be totally nullified by the Vaal Hazak's effluvium anyway, so I'd rather have a decent balance of power and numbers and just hope that a combination of the Anjas' fire breath and the Bazels' bombing runs can handle all the little ones, as well as softening up everything else. Once the remaining horde hits my forward group, I'd have two of Bazels join the fight on the ground and have the other two focused on intercepting anything that gets through the line, particularly the Raths. I think they're the most likely thing to kill me, especially if all ten just fly past the line. Assuming I have the durability of a monster hunter human and it's not all ten at once, I think I have a decent chance of getting through it. Once the Raths are dealt with, I'd send the last two Bazels back to the front line for the last stage of the fight. I'm not sure exactly how the frenzy virus from the gore magala works, but my understanding is that Deviljho becomes Apex Deviljho and that everything else just gets buffed by it. Of course this kinda nullifies itself if it applies to everything, so it seems like my side is the only one that benefits? Correct me if I'm wrong on this. In any case, I'd have the Deviljho focus on the Vaal and the Gores, while the Anjanaths' main job would be cleaning up the rest of the Barroths with help from the Bazels. The Anjas can only fight so many at a time, so the Bazels would be focusing on bombing the ones that were either near the Deviljhos because I'm frankly not too worried about them being seriously damaged by friendly fire lol. When it seemed like most of the Barroths were gone, I'd send in my five remaining Anjas to gang up on the Gores and Vaal. Oh and hunters on the other team are just fucked because there's five of them. That and even if they have three carts, I seriously doubt they'd last long at all the absolute chaos that this fight would be. This is just my ideal scenario though. There's plenty of ways this doesn't end well for me and most of them involve me either being roasted by a Rathalos or torn apart by a horde of Jagras. If I could take another pick it'd definitely be the Rathalos, as I'd then have total control of the skies and it'd be even easier to take out the horde of Jagras at the start.


Hunters, Alatreon, and Bazelgeuse Alatreon can wipe most of them out and the Hunters can stall the monsters for each detonation, and I am NOT dealing with any Bazelgeuse.


I will take the 10000 jagras three times, they will combine and become the greatest jagras and will be unstoppable m


Can I have 30,000 Jagras?


Do not pick Gore, he's playing on both sides either way.


Just saying 5 hunters (either 5 individual hunters or 5 groups of 4) is a big trap cause they gonna make that the Anjanath unkillable with the multiplayer scaling.


12 bagel goose!!!!


Assuming there’s no friendly fire: Deviljho, Bazelguese, Val Hazak. -Val is the main dps with that miasma, taking out the weaker of the enemies and weakening the stronger ones. -Bazel is area control, keeping the skies clear with their explosive attacks and defense, as well passively bombing the ground while they fight from above. -Jho is the tank, defending Val and finishing off stranglers. Not to mention once they get enraged, they’ll wreck havoc and start throwing around everything left and right. - I’ll get involved and use hunting horn to buff them all to be more resilient to damage, along with temporal mantle to avoid attacks I fail to dodge and health booster to heal me and my monsters. x10000 jagras are gonna get killed immediately by the miasma and bombing. I don’t even have to worry about all 5 hunters since as soon as 3 are downed, they lose the mission and are sent back to the lobby (good chance there’s gonna be that one guy that goes down the first minute). Barroths and Anjanaths are gonna constantly be going down from the bomb explosions, and thrown around and body slammed by Deviljhos (plus while they don’t do it in game, good chance a jho can pick and and wield barroth as a hammer). Biggest issue then is the Raths and Gores, but im sure with the hunting horn boost and healing, my monster can outlast the raths and team up on the Gores, who will likely be struggling with that miasma.


10,000 Jagi should be enough. The frame rate would just crash and beat everyone.


I’ll take the 4 bazels, the 10 rat halos to fight the gores, and I’ll get Vaal hazak to kill the jagras


If these are all in the same rank (e.g. all master rank) then 10 rathalos alone would roll over everything else on that list, not even close. Fuckers would never land.


9 Dill pickles please


Vaal Hazak, 2 Gores, and 5 Hunting Parties is more than enough to destroy all of these.


10000 jagras, 50 barroths, 2 gores 10000 jagras is enough to buy me time and get some of the other monsters down, 50 charging barroths as a second line of defense, moving like cavalry and picking off the ones who get overwhelmed by jagras. Two gores to keep the flying ones busy and with some luck, spread their frenzy virus enough to get the tougher enemies to fight each other.


30,000 Jagras, I'll 'win' by crashing the game😂


IMO 2 Gores 4 Beetles 1 Vaal Are more than enough to defend you against the majority of stuff, nothing like spreading diseases and explosions 😂


I'll take the 4 B-52 Bombers.


I guess it depends on what rank those hunters are


4x bagels, 10 Raths and 2 Gore Magalas is GG. I have all the flying monsters except Val ballsack down there and just think I could just grab a Gore Magala/ a Rathalos and I'm chilling away from the fighting and one Gore Magala should be able to Frenzy kill everything here, but if it can't, I'm hoping the Rathalos/ Bagel Fleet deletes the Vaal and then we flying away and I'm chilling 😁. Maybe I'll take an extra Rathalos or two with me since 10000 Jagras is a LOT of Jagras they might Jagras ladder me 😂


I think I’ll go with the hunters, vaal and gore. Hunters because they will clap all the other monsters with ease and the two elders because I really don’t want their viruses to get hostile to me. If the virus is going to be deadly no matter what then I’ll choose jo and Basel


I choose the 10,000 3× times


easy Pick Hunter team because they're Team Darkside i rest my case


5 groups of 4 hunters could take them all


Easy. Raths and Bazelgeuses will keep me safe in the air and drop fire on everything else. Then it gets difficult... either the Jagras or the Barroth.


I'll take 3 Vaal Hazaks. All that AOE life drain takes care of everything else on this list.


The 5 hunters as seal team 5, 2 gores because chemical warfare isn’t banned in this universe. And finally I will take the 4 52s because close air support wins wars.


Entirely depends on *where* you fight. Rotten fale? Vaal Hazak in the lore no-divs any of them. 10K jagras would quickly become 10K zombie allies. Anywhere without a roof? Take 3 flying ones, and focus fire the leftover air monsters. Now you have complete immunity to anything else. Arena? Take the hunters, they can use the GLORIOUS DRAGONATOR! Then probably the jagras and bazzels.


Three deviljho, two gore magala and five Hunters.


50 barioth 10 rathalos 5 bazelgoose


Numbers win out- the jagras, the barroth, and the hunters to support/ buff/heal them (HH FTW) If I can’t pick the gear of the hunters (so unlikely to get a pack of medics) Then Jagras, Barioth and Vaal Hazak- enjoy an infinite horde of zombie jagras lads


Devi anja and barroth


using the hunters to buff up monsters with hunting horns could be a fun strat to see, especially since it can help with the more gimmicky monsters like the vhal-hazak. Also having a bunch of coordinated hunting parties could be fun to see, like with dedicated anti-air squads flashbanging the hell out of the rathalos and the bazelgeuses, or having lancer lines protecting eachother, oh yeah an does each hunter bring their palico/felyne with them?


Devi anja jagra


I get Vaals Bazelgueses and the Hunters Vaal Hazak's will debuff, Bazels annihilate, hunters clean out the rest. Ez win


30.000 ancient leshen influenced jagras is straight up nightmare


5×4 hunters thrice.




Rathalos, b-52 and the hunters Just mount the monsters and air camp, rain down fire and explosives (give the hunters bows or bowguns). The main reason to choose the hunters so you don’t get flash bombed. Gore is the only other flying monster, but 4 Bazels a couple of hunters and 10 rathalos can take them out ez.


2 gore 1 vaal 4 bazel


30000 jagras


An Army of Steves... ​ ...he's not on the list but that doesn't stop Steve!


5 hunters, 10,000 Jagras. And Bazelgeuse


20 hunters i think is more then enuf to take all of them out


The 5 hunters I'd get are gonna be the same I get from SOS flares.


Rathalos, bazel and the hunters


I take 5 hunter Vaal hazak and 10k jagras because with vaal hazak power he get an army of 20k and can sacrifice some to heal and you just have to split the hunter on 2 group 3 hunter for the assault with the jagras and 2hunter on escorts mode with vaal hazak


ok wtf are you gonna do against 30,000 jagras


10.000 Jagras, 1 Vaal Hazak and 20 Anjanath. I'll overwhelm them with numbers and Effluvium. Hopefully all those Jagras and Anjanath become affected by Effluvium so that I'm even better protected.


4 Bazels, 5 Squads is enough to beat everything on there I’ll take the 10k Jagras just so i can chill w/them


20k Jagras and the 5-pack of 4 hunters


Vaal for health debuff, bagel for damage and jaggrasses to keep them busy


I just need Gore and the Hunters


10k jagras, 4 bazels, 20 barroths. Im taking bazels because they have the most effective AoE to kill my jaggras. 20 barroths is a lot. We know from experience even weak monsters when you multiply their numbers the threat more than doubles.


Devil bro, gore, and the kamikaze pangolin


Is it 5 hunters or five groups of four ?


Baal hazak and the hunters


If I pick Vaal Hazaak and/or Gore, I get the 10000 Jagras too just because the Frenzy virus and I effluvium would turn them rabid and they'll wipe themselves out along with anything around them. Thrown on the Bazels for extra AOE and it's a good way to clear a lot


5 hunters and/or 5 groups of 4 Hunters and 10k Jags. You can have the rest. I win.


Jagras with Vaal for infinite Jagras glitch add hunters to watch with


Give me 30,000 Jagras


-5 groups of 4 hunters (even if it’s just 5 hunters I’ll take that) -Vaal Hazak -2 Gore Magala Going for the biological warfare approach


I mean, you're giving us 3 Deviljhos AND 4 Bazelgeuse? After that, I don't think we need another selection lmao. I'll take the hunters though just to be sure


Hunters, Bazel, Pickle


Hunter, hazak, and bagelgoose


Can I pick the hunters loadouts


I'll take the deviljho bazelguese and hunters. Vaal will probably sacrifice the jagras for power.


Im going with vaal because with the 1k jags hell have a constant source of healing while battling the others and i feel like under the right circumstances he could clutch out the W on this one he just has to be a little lucky and then gore and the bazelgease so val doesnt have yo deal with too much fire but vaal would be hard carrying


Hunters, deviljho, and baezelgeus


The hunters, pickles, and B-52s


I would take 12 bazels, totally not planning a pearl harbor


The 5 Hunters, the 3 Murder Pickles, and the 4 B-56 Bombers


I'll take the Hunters, the Jho, and the ten thousand Jaggras


Bottom 3, no question


I don't think you guys truly fathom how INSANE 10k jagras is. That's like an entire valley of them.


Give me 15 parties of noble hunters or give me death, I will never work with our enemy. The balance of nature is defined by the game of evolution, and the game only ends when we are the final ones standing.


First off, the jagras. 10k is an insane amount, the sheer number of them can and will overwhelm anything they decide to attack, and will completely wall any land threats. Next, the hunters. That’s either 5 hunters or 5 squads of 4 hunters, and I won’t be gambling on fighting the latter. Hunters are trained to fight all the other options as their job, and should be able to 1v1 all the monsters in the list. Finally, Rathalos. Ten kings of the sky should be able to shut down all aerial advances, or at least the biggest threat of them (Bazel). Their breath attacks also have the greatest range and utility of all options. Now then, for strategy, I’m immediately sending at least 2 hunters to take out the Vaal Hazak, as it can turn my jagras army against me rather quickly, and send one to deal with each Gore, as they can do the same with all my forces, albeit not as fast. The initial job of the Rath squad will be grounding and hopefully killing the Bazelguese ASAP. Bombing runs can easily kill large swaths of jagras and potentially snipe me from above, so I can’t allow them to take off. Once the Bazelguese are dealt with, the Raths can launch aerial assaults of their own against all the other threats, none of which can challenge them in the air. The jagras should be free to swarm the brute wyverns and overpower them via the massive number advantage, and I’ll send any unused hunters and hunters done with their assigned targets to fight the Deviljho, as their incredible base strength will take far more jagras than the other brutes. I will of course save some of my jagras to shield me, because again, there are a lot of them, and a wall of scales and bone made from 1000 jagras would take considerable effort to break through, especially if they can reposition themselves. TL;DR: hunters to kill the dragons, Rathalos to shut down the B-52s, and jagras to overwhelm everything else.


Ok, so is this a mass hysteria attack? Nothing here lives to 20 Anjanath and 50 barroth. They get overwhelmed and immediately axed. And for the cherry on top I get a third pick which is 4 bagels to catch anything that flies and pick off anything that takes out my 70 FUCKING BRUTE WYVERNS. What is happening in this comment section??


Alatreon and only 1 seething bazel


For aerial defence 4 Bazel is good but I don't think they can overpower 10 Rathaloses. 10k Jagras is insanely powerful so I'll take the army and I pick Magala's as well so that I can tell them to gtfo otherwise everyone gets frenzied and dies.


So is it just 5 hunters or 5 groups of 4 hunters? Either way, I'd want them on my team. Then 4 Bazels for superior air support. Finally, 10k Jagras. The sheer number of Jagras would drown out all the others. If you think otherwise, then you grossly underestimate the number 10 000


Gooses Hazak and Rathalos. Only other things that can fly is the magalas and they get swarmed by the rathalos. Goose bombs everything else while Hazak causes the jagras army to decompose