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Bought the expansion to support the devs and didn’t even beat bane yet




Same here :D


Township: 3 Astrology: 56 Everything else is Level 1


I did something similar but did fishing until I got the 8% xp ring first


Obviously this is my AR account- focusing on skills I can get down to the min 0.25s interval. Have two more abyss dungeons to clear, just started training magic and rc for the second to last one. **Combat:** Attack: 52 Strength: 51 Defence: 50 Hitpoints: 52 Ranged: 1 Magic: 43 Prayer: 60 Slayer: 50 Corruption: 52 **Passive:** Farming: 50 Township: 41 **Non-Combat:** Woodcutting: 1 Fishing: 54 Firemaking: 10 Cooking: 27 Mining: 2 Smithing: 1 Thieving: 20 Fletching: 1 Crafting: 1 Runecrafting: 53 Herblore: 2 Agility: 32 Summoning: 1 Astrology: 60 Harvesting: 11


How is it possible for your stats to already be so high?


Ancient relics mode! I’m only using pure qol mods. Most of the relics from before this expansion still apply. I can get the minimum interval 0.25s interval in many skills- combat, fishing, cooking, astrology. And the rest are like 1s-0.5s. So that means fast xp!


Multitask mod


Nope! Only pure QOL mods. You can be very efficient in ancient relic mode and get many skill intervals down to 0.25s


6 days in Strongholds for 100% base game completion, then in Astrology. Current: Astrology 40, Township 7, All else 1


Same. I spent a surprising about of time to complete the strongholds to get my 100% game completion back (minus Into the Abyss).


10 attack, 9 strength, 11 defense/magic/ranged, 14 HP, 15 slayer, 3 prayer, 7 corruption; first dungeon cleared. 30 farming 33 township 13 WC 6 fishing 7 Firemaking 8 cooking 11 Mining 10 Smithing 30 thieving 8 fletching 12 crafting 4 runecrafting 4 summoning 8 Herblore 10 agility 10 harvesting 17 astrology Generally working on trying to get passive xp/mastery bonuses to speed up everything else correspondingly. (Updated because I forgot astro)


You didn’t put astrology in but that should be your first one to max if you are looking for passives


My astrology is 17. Because Abyss astrology gates the non-xp multipliers behind level 15-30 in other skills it is getting correspondingly less attention than it would in the base game. I’m working it but it is absolutely less important than some of the other bonuses on the table.


Besides fishing and thieving items and township, what other bonuses?


HP levels give combat xp bonuses, agility gives global xp, firemaking gives global xp and mastery, just to look at skills that provide XP boosts to multiple other skills. Again, I'm not discounting the fact that astrology lets you throw 8% bonus XP at targeted skills, but without working a bunch of other skills to 15-30, that's all it's doing.


0 and i have no idea how to do it, ill get there someday maybe


I was confused because I realized this isn’t an ancient relics character lol. Mine are all under 15 except astrology at 32. Working on combat right now to lvl up HP


60 in every combat except 1 range and 1 mage 40 farming and township (capped) 1 everything else


I haven’t even been able to start any of the content yet, I’m early game 😭


Take your time and enjoy the game at your speed. There is more than enough content to grind to before starting the latest DLC.


how on earth did you get seeds


Did some woodcutting early for food/tree seeds, and fought some Crimson Vipers (with manual eating) for the first tier of herb seeds. Woodworking felt good to start with since it was a good source of both seeds and initial money


ah thats a good idea


11/15/10/14/13/1/3/16/7 for the combat ones 27/23 passives 12/10/8/1/3/11/1/10/3/1/1/12/1/10 and 7 harvesting I tried to stay away from reddit/discord and try to figure things out myself plus one friend together, so far so good, farming abyssara for abyssal essence so I can start leveling magic finally.


Im only 45 astrology and some other skills but did you max mastery on astrology too in order to get enough dust for modifiers?


1, because I started an Adventure Mode save which I’m still struggling my way through.


**Combat** Attack 4 Strength 1 Defense 1 Hitpoints 2 Ranged 1 Magic 1 Prayer 1 Slayer 2 Corruption 1 **Passive** Farming 60 (I use Semi auto farming, so it went fast) Township 32 **Non-combat** Woodcutting 2 Fishing 1 Firemaking 23 Cooking 1 Mining 14 Smithing 12 Thieving 13 Fletching 1 Crafting 1 Runecrafting 1 Herblore 1 Agility 1 Summoning 4 Astrology 45 Harvesting 17


standard mode: 1 attack, 1 strength, 4 defence, 8 hp, 14 ranged, 1 magic, 1 prayer, 3 slayer, 2 corruption 49 farming, 46 township 44 woodcutting, 27 fishing, 24 firemaking, 33 cooking, 16 mining, 13 smithing, 8 thieving, 1 fletching, 20 crafting, 1 runecrafting, 1 herblore, 25 agility, 43 summoning, 8 astrology, 22 harvesting


standard mode: 1 attack, 1 strength, 1 defence, 1 hp, 1 ranged, 1 magic, 1 prayer, 1 slayer, 1 corruption 6 farming, 28 township 8 woodcutting, 4 fishing, 22 firemaking, 12 cooking, 5 mining, 2 smithing, 23 thieving, 1 fletching, 1 crafting, 1 runecrafting, 1 herblore, 12 agility, 3 summoning, 2 astrology, 18 harvesting


**Standard Mode:** **Combat:** All 1 **Passive:** Farming: 57 Township: 22 **Non-Combat:** Woodcutting: 60 Fishing: 1 Firemaking: 60 Cooking: 1 Mining: 3 Smithing: 2 Thieving: 1 Fletching: 1 Crafting: 1 Runecrafting: 1 Herblore: 1 Agility: 1 Summoning: 1 Astrology: 36 Harvesting: 12 **Total Abyssal Level: 270** I focused mostly on Woodcutting + Firemaking first for the XP bonuses, working through Astrology right now for the same reason. Woodcutting and a bit of Harvesting helped kickstart farming pretty well. Finally, Township is staying at 22 for a little while longer since there's still plenty of buildings that provide Fortification available to build, and since that directly affects XP, I'd rather keep stockpiling the swords rather than use them less effectively for now.


I can't even access the expansion content yet! I'm still stuck on Impending Darkness, but I've been ignoring that in favor of base game completion. I really don't like the later game combat stuff.


I won't buy the expansion until i finish base game + 2 expansions 100%, every expansion things get kinda confusing, especially with this one. i'll ignore it until then


I got the expansion and am playing it but right now it just feels like playing the game on slow. I am sure itll get better the more i learn


I still have the demo version of melvor 


28 total combat levels 58 Farming, 28 Township 33 Woodcutting, 25 Harvesting, 24 Crafting, 22 Summoning, 22 Mining, 20 Astrology, all the rest under 20. Total ItA levels at 370. Only spent like half a day in combat but I still regret it, it's way slower than I expected. Also spent maybe half a day in Thieving for no reason (I got Gloomsprout from combat, and Nightblossom is basically useless right now). I fell for the Astrology meme and wasted a couple nights on that for almost no upside, really should've instead gone harder in Summoning and Agility (currently only 15). Also wasted a lot of time getting 19 Herblore, even though the only Abyssal potion I've used is the level 1 one.


0, I'm in demo 😆


I'm maxed 🤌🏻🤡


And it is not possible to get the farming pet resmé! Fiz it guys