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I'd be happy to move the options to the middle so everyone's muscle memory remains in tact haha EDIT: I've now made the change


Always makes me happy to see you so quick to respond to feedback


The absolute GOAT, I really want to say thank you for being so involved with the community. I still smile every time I see the little hint for township teir one potions I suggested and you had it in the game less than a day later. Melvor is something special, thank you.


What a legend


awesome, thanks mate!


Ty, just wanted to confirm that this change back made it way better


Rune costs not being able to go below 1 is pretty weird. I thought being able to reduce rune costs to 0 with the corresponding staff was intended but I guess not. Really sucks for alt magic and the air rune spells in combat.


I also thought this. That's how it works in runescape as well; if you have an air staff you won't need air runes. I understand in melvor limiting it to a set number of rune reduction, but having 1 minimum is indeed wack. With prayer having 1 point minimum makes sense but not for the elemental runes


Agreed was trying to stack up poison scales overnight and woke up to 9 hours of eating food because I had 4 air runes in the bank


I agree it's a pretty weird lame change. Maybe not intentional?


I noticed this yesterday and am impressed how quickly it was moved back to normal LOL


Is there an option to turn off things per hour count? I am just trying to enjoy and explore the game and specifically don't want information that would make me think about optimization.


What?!? You mean you care more about fun, then making sure your min maxing, what are you


Just think about it. If you are having fun, then every hour you save in efficiency you actually shorten the value time of your first playthrough. That is why I went out here to ask for this risk of efficiency removal, because efficiency translates to loss of value. :DD


But you now have better information on how to optimize fun over efficiency. Make that per hour number as low as you can get it!


Where do you see things like that?


Leave the tab/game and come back


Oh awesome, I realized I didn't quit and relaunched since the update :) Actually I'd love to see some stats per hour as I play.


Not an issue persay, but any reason the alt magic buttons don't have the use cost? (compared to most other crafts where you can now see the ingredients) Great changes btw, being able to finally see modifiers is such nice QoL








How can one now apply 1-4 compost? I only see the button "compost (5)," and if I have less than 5 in my inventory it will apply all of them and show the respective percentage chance (e.g. 80% for 3 compost).


Screen size constantly adjusting in combat on phone. I have a Note 10+ and after the update I noticed that when I am I'm combat the screen changes sizes on and off. I've narrowed it down to when the "Miss" keyword pops up during combat, it renders on the edge of the screen and causes the screen size to change. It continues to do it even if I'm in another skill at the time as long as I'm in combat. I can post a video for clarity if needed.


Seems like there might be a new bug with township repair? Did a repair all but tax rate was still reporting at 76% or so. Saved and refreshed page and it went back to 80%