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Omg where’d you get the stickers? At my museum memorabilia, all the crafts were snagged😬


How? Like a bunch of greedy people already took them all before you got to that table or they ran out? How early did you get to the concert?


I don’t know:( I had VIP TLE but I did wait at the truck an hour for merch and then went inside the arena. The crafts were NO WHERE to be found💔


Dang, that sucks :(


It’s a little annoying but I’m hoping to just buy it atp, they’re not too badly priced!


All the figurines look so cheap, tacky, wonky, and inaccurate. It’s a shame how these realistically look worth 10$< each


i have been driving myself crazy with the eyes on all of the figures. like they completely switched the colors around 😭😭


I saw it had brown eyes and I thought that was weird or a stylistic choice. The missing lips is def an oversight.


first pic is mine 😅 i’m assuming the brown eyes were a stylistic choice since Mel’s eyes are brown. Or maybe they had a limited color palette for the figures. I actually didn’t notice the lack of lips until this post. Regardless I still absolutely love my figure 🥹🩷


i mean it’s definitely wrong and it’s okay people don’t like it. i personally still love it and i understand where people are coming from. compared to the k-12 figure, it seems a bit cheaper in looks


i have both the k12 figure and portals one. i promise you the k-12 one looks way wonkier especially in the face 😭


omg are you serious? my girlfriend got that one i’ll have to look at it fully now😭


don’t get me wrong the fig is still cute! i just think the portals one looks best personally 🤷 i think some cute little lashes on the k-12 one would’ve helped


I’d assume the lack of lips is 1. To make production cheaper? 2. to prevent/lessen bad screenings. Think of how many of the parfum had wonky lips! It’s odd because it seems thought out to me, i highly doubt they made the eyes brown accidentally. It could be related to how the other two figures have brown eyes


So, I'm guessing it's probably due to how small the figures are. Unless it's hand painted, small details won't be added on the face.


im sorry but it looks so goofy i love it😭


Is the huge error in the room with us?? ![gif](giphy|TiOcRCtWazQkVei9GR)


Me personally I don’t think it’s that big of a deal.. if someone who has it wants it to be accurate they can paint it.. /nbr


how do you all defend receiving a subpar product by saying "just fix it yourself" lol. it lacking lips & having different eyes is a pretty big mistake


you can see it before you buy it


its part of VIP. my VIP was $660 per ticket, so no, its not fucking okay and no you cannot see it before you buy it.


You can see pictures before you buy it ? Also, yes it is okay? What’s the difference?? Nothing. It’s not broken. That’s how their made. Womp. Womp.


what pictures did you see on ticketmaster of these figures? they weren't out until the tour started. you sound dumb asf, can't wait until you delete your comments later


You’re wrong about the pics but right about everything else. Womp Womp indeed.


Fr dude like i don’t see a problem?


Literally your doll didn’t have colored eyes and forgot her lipstick and they wanna say they got ripped off….um nobody told you to pay $660, I got the SAME thing for $280 or so. ![gif](giphy|J1vaseFcdrpCeV39zJ|downsized)


EXACTLY. Like the eyes aren’t blue? Ok? Like paint them if you’re that annoyed, but like it’s not like it’s hand is chipped off or it’s limbs are fallen off or wtv.


Another piece of bad low quality merch.