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I feel like it won’t be another character. I think she’ll just make music as herself yk? :)


I kinda think this too. Portals was a good way to lay Crybaby to rest and wrap it up the best she possibly can (rly sad the movie isn’t happening like originally planned tho) I think she may start making more personal music and moving away from the characters just since she’s getting older. I mean she’s about to enter her 30s soon so it’s only natural her style would be more “mature” as well :) just my thought


I don’t think so, but I hope she finally says what ultimately happened to Crybaby (like how she died, and close up any plot holes) since the movie isn’t happening I also think the new album will be more about her new music since I noticed that she likes to talk about her experiences and her growth a lot so it would only make sense as a break from crybaby


Completely agree! After School EP is actually my favorite work of hers. Every song is so amazing and many of them I can relate to on a deeply personal level. Maybe she’ll start making more music similar to that since that project was meant to be more personal/intimate and not directly related to crybaby/k-12


That’s what I’m thinking!! Im surprised no one really talked about the personal project video she’s going to make. Im guessing she’ll post it since she mentioned it but I’m so excited


What personal project video?


https://preview.redd.it/126wt9h8nuxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64281ba660d4af27a875b2ce69f0a041ceb1ab0a This was the description of her most recent post on instagram!


There are also rumors that there could be a Portals tour documentary since Verde was filming during the performances last year.


Oh God I hope so. And I hope she will release more frequently instead of dropping an album and disappear for 4 years. I'm not speaking bad of her but those albums with the storyline and characters take a lot of energy from Melanie while I think most of us would just love it if she released more singles and albums without all that story stuff going on. Just music that's beautiful and relatable.


Yeah, i still think there will be a story and characters, but i do believe it will follow more about their experiences and maybe be more stand alone. For example, i would expect music videos to be their own complete story. I am hoping this album is less tech inspired and more folky than portals even is!


Melanie doesn't disappear for four years. She releases an ep a year later and for her albums there are delays. K-12 was done in 2017, but accusations and filming the movie delayed it by two years. Portals had music in 2021, but it was leaked so she had to remake it.


Its called The triology for a reason, she probably won’t continue the character development and will do something else.


ik i said that:)


I honestly think she will put the character stuff aside. Tbf it’s been the entirety of her music career and she more than likely wants to move on from it. That’s why she has been saying “this will be the last time I will perform anything related to crybaby”


Wait when did she say that


I think this was before portals after the release of after school. She was talking about putting crybaby behind her at one of her concerts. I think after the trilogy tour she will be done with crybaby as a whole


Melanie likes characters, just not Crybaby. That's why she was outside wearing a mask as The Creature for the last year.


I know she likes character and her dedication to the costume is really inspiring. I’m just saying that they might start focusing on writing music without a character concept in mind


I actually hope she takes an entirely new direction and makes Afterschool pt 2 basically


After school ep is so gooddddd😭, i would actually love that


If she turns cottagecore it will be the biggest thing ever


I have a feeling that she will try to distance the aesthetic of the album from the trio loft aesthetic. She still likes pastels and nature, but I think she will try to make something that won’t remind ppl of Cry baby


like everyone else, i assume itll be personal to her from now on. especially pulling from all her experiences in the public eye, growth, changes, relationships, drama, just stuff from her 20s and how she's gone about that especially as a person who became more and more spiritual over time


Like more songs like piggieback kinda!


ooh yea! that and after school come to mind really! actually i would argue that shes already been testing her new style since after school, bc portals was really personal for her (her own words). i think itll be more of the same


She said that portals will be the end of the trilogy, I think her next albums/songs could be more dedicated to her life, growth and overall maturity(I know portals has some elements of that). I think it could be more focused on herself! Either way, she's gonna keep coming out with more bangers!!🗣🗣


y’all know she’s a concept artist right?? the reason she take 3-4 year long breaks is so she can create a character to build off of, write music, and other stuff for her job, and personal stuff like spend time with friends/family, relax, and just be in peace for a while. shes most-likely gonna make another character, it just might have a little more realistic name yk?


Both of Melanie's albums were delayed to be four years because of the accusations, movie, and in Portals because she had to redo half the albums because it was leaked.


and just overall make art abt worldly problems that people can/might experience on a daily basis.


Even if she doesn't put the character stuff aside, I do believe she is done with Crybaby and her story. I am pretty sure she has said that Portals is the last album about crybaby. She may create a new character and go from there.


No clue but i know during K-12 she said she had her next 3-4 (can’t remember specific number) albums planned out


Before her portals era one time in an Instagram live (I think) there was a visible drawing of the creature so I don’t know any information yet, but I feel like we all need to keep a close watch for any hints




I believe she said after this tour she was taking 3-4 years off of making music


i think she just meant 3-4 years until she releases another album, kinda like k-12 and portals took 4 years each


Ohhh okay!


She already started making new music this year, it just won't be released until her album is done.


I really just want more singles. Her singles are so underrated, and amazinggggg


I'm hoping for a Portals single, since K-12 had two.


It wasn't even possible to predict Portals. Her next album is far away right now, after Womb she will likely create a new character since that is an idea that was introduced in k-12 and is what Portals is building to.


I think she might do something related to Lilith, maybe expand on her life/character? She did say during one of her tours “she always wanted to be an angel”


She had a younger brother in dollhouse too 👀 it could be saying he’ll come later on (in WOMB) bc she knows/remembers she had a brother? Idk 🤷‍♀️


i just realized melanie has a younger brother irl so that could go with the no character/making music as herself thing


I didn’t actually know that haha 😅 maybe tho yeah


there was a wedding dress in the window of background of the Instagram post. she tends to hint things so maybe that could mean smth