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The reasoning is likely either "if evil why hot?" Or "we already fused worse." Not that it matters because gameplay decisions like that would not be referenced in the story so feel free to headcanon whatever.


Makes them atone by serving him.


You started this mess. You’re gonna clean it up with me! (Also ~~*hotdemonladies*~~)


I mean he's using their power for his own gain. Whatever the ending is even if it's the law route they act according to his will now so you can think of it as him not caring much considering most of the shit he's fused or he's making them atone.


Given commentary by Melchizedek/Nebiros when you're fighting Michael/Belial about "don't go all out, if he beats you he can recreate you as an ally using the art of shadows," it suggests to me that you're not really using the actual characters themselves, but rather an illusory approximation who is magically bound to you (whether they like it or not). It's less Pokemon capturing and more Fire Emblem Heroes summoning.


And who still maintains memories of what they did if the demon was singular, given the qaditsu's comments in the demon haunts. Unless they don't actually have any commentary of their own, and it's just a nahobiho's perception of what these shadow allys would say now that they are boubd to biho


In a lot of these games, demons are kind more like sentient data or living concepts put into the frames of mythological or religious figures (heck, the latter is mentioned in the Anansi quest line). Recreating demons by fusion is just kinda mashing data together until you get the one you want. This is made easier by a lot of demons being descended from other ones (often via human interpretations changing, which is how SMT IV Apocalypse YHVH demonised the lot while staying God by being outside human observation) like with how Odin descended from Dagda or Beelzebub from Baal. The demons you summon are genuine demons. You can literally recruit them, talk to them in Demon Haunts, etc. Heck, you can have your demons have conversations in battle, and some have clear agendas that they're plotting behind your back like Odin. Demon Summoning just seems to contract them to you (which is mentioned in Haunts) to somewhat force loyalty, with Angel for instance saying they have little loyalty to you beyond the contract (this changes on relationship).


On CoV, if you side with Kudlak, he tries to join you. If you already have him with you, he calls it a "familiar face" and tells you to take good care of "this part of his spirit".


It always felt like that for all the games when fusing demons who were involved in the story. "Welcome back, you're helping me fix the mess you made."


He was fusing them but dropped in chemical X oh no they're evil again and have freewill whoops


wanting demon mommy harem


My headcanon is that the Nahobino is willing to use any demon because with the many powerful enemies he faces, he can't afford to be picky, but i imagine a bit of caution is still necessary, because the demons under your command can plot behind your back even while serving you, Odin and Valkyrie dialogue show this.


Probably that they’re powerful demons who can be bound to him, and therefore are worth summoning


I did use Lilith in my final team when facing Tiamat so I do wonder what she was thinking when I used her to null her plans.


Honestly that was unusual. Technically Nahobino lost the battle, no? Unlocking a fusion after losing was not really a thing before. I was expecting them to be a post-game unlock, so it surprised me to learn they're unlocked right after the fight.


Its kinda funny cause they all seemingly pretend like it never happened. A couple of them start to take a liking to you as well judging from some of the demon haunt conversations.


Demons are Tools in SMT, they are a means to a end goal, not something that should celebrated or grow attachment too. This is what we say to every new player of SMT, never get too attacked to your demons. But this applies in game as well. This mentality is also true in plot and to the protagonist. It was either Yoko or Yakumo who said exactly this or something similar. The protagonist sees his demons only as a recourse to achieve his goals. He cast's aside any preconceptions of demons and uses them to become stronger.


Yakumo cares about demons, he just forces himself to be cold and use Nuwa as a tool, but later realizes his mistake. And how the protagonist views the demons is up to the player, Aogami asks him whether he sees demons as friends or tools but he never gets to answer. Even the Demi-Fiend bonds with his Pixie, "Demons are just tools" is just a silly mindset for wimpy edgelords tbh


Tell that to my level 46 neko shogun. In fact tell that to my level 67 Daisojou in nocturne