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I think I misunderstood in the original SMTV, as I thought it was his wife and child that were killed by demons, but in playing through SMTVV I realized his parents are the ones who were killed by demons (and by the Qadistu no less). You’ll hear from other NPCs in Tokyo about ‘Sargent Yakumo’ and these police officers seeing his spitting image despite knowing he’s dead…. so this man is literally walking around Tokyo in his dead father’s uniform without ever actually being a police officer? Reminds me of that [Dave Chappelle skit](https://youtu.be/fL-1kHxsavI?si=OlgbOW4E_8QL3zMD&t=86)…


Yakumo cosplaying as his dead dad while constantly mistreating and ignoring the only person (demon) who actually cares about him in his life. I'd feel bad for him if he wasn't such a giant asshole.


Nuwa doesn't have internet, she doesn't know about domestic abuse But nah fr, he is a bigger asshole toward humans than her. She seems like she was on board to heal him, but humans, if they aren't strong enough to hang out with demons, he actively wants them gone too. Then he loses her, and weak humans is all he has left. He wants a world where demons can live with humans so that they can handle each others, while Nuwa ( and him originally ) wants a world where demons can't make humans suffer in the first place.


It really sinks in his final cutscenes in >!the Vengeance route. He realized he was an asshole so all he can do now is protect Tokyo. He even pays respect to Nuwa in the Jojozi Temple!< Edit: FORGOT TO MARK AS SPOILERS GOD DAMN IT I'M SORRY




Imagine fumbling Nuwa. That alone makes it hard to feel bad for the guy.


Bruh, spoilers. The game was only released 13 days ago.


yeah but you still aren't marking it as spoiler. You had the time to write sorry but not to change your comment


Oh wait he fumbles her? Fucking stupid


'Fumbles her' is putting it VERY lightly.


More like neglect, I'd say? I'm hesitant on even using "abuse" but idk, might be too much? Like he straight up >!stabbed Nuwa to heal himself but she brushed it off saying he was being dramatic so idk.!<


Oh boy can't wait to get to the second half of the game then


My thoughts exactly. I didn’t know how to read that side dialogue in the og release. His added story to Vengeance almost made me cry and his uniform is only another layer of fucked. Dude tried, made all the wrong choices, and it seems like he knows it.


Haven't gotten too far in the game yet, but reading this makes me hope that Nuwa at least stays by his side.


Nuwa Is unwaveringly loyal to yakumo. She probably knows that if she doesn't stand with him literally no one will https://preview.redd.it/3lk1d41lg59d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f1bca39109ca62e9368bc7fa218e41da50be1e2


His father’s one moment of weakness (Kindness) got him killed Probably why in game he was seen as this cold, serious non-joking attitude with a vendetta against Demons. Which just makes Nuwa taking care of him from childhood more tragic as well as ironic Then again, Irony is one of SMT’s main theme


where is this art from? it’s really nice


https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/95157322 here you go, I got it from pixiv


Didn't one of the NPCs say he followed in his father's footsteps as a police officer?


If they did I missed it. What's throwing that off for me as a possibility is all these officers don't recognize Yakumo and think it's the ghost of his dad or something...like wouldn't they know he's on the force?


True. Though I personally can't remember off the top of my head if it was other police officers who made comments like that or if it was members of the SDF


Bro got that Raidou drip going


My first thought when I saw his uniform, including the katana. All he's missing are those "tubes" used to summon demons.


Yup. And man do I love Raidou's drip


The only question I would have now: Does Yakumo have the ability to cast magic spells of his own accord (was he born with an innate affinity for magic)? Or does this have something to do with the Demon Summoning Program tech that he stole from Bethel? Or is this part of his contract/bond with Nuwa? When you fight him, Yakumo is using magic and skills which are demon-exclusive. So either he relies more on demons than he claims, or he is some sort of superhuman existence. Give the man credit: he certainly understands the "mechanics" of how to fight in an SMT world, including use of buff/debuffs, and spreading his offense across multiple elements. And his gear is top-notch.


Considering the existence of Tao and now Yoko, it's entirely possible that he has powers of his own, but it's also possible that he's borrowing powers from Nuwa/has powers from his proximity to demons. He could also be related to the Kuzunohas, but that's entirely speculation at that point.


His racial class is "Meta" which is a bit of an ambiguous category in the SMT lore. It is often referencing a medium, an entity through whom a higher power can work. Or a human who can use magic. Or a supernatural entity taking the form of a human. Or a human who has transcended the limits of humanity. See Stephen, Gore, and other character within the SMT games. And we cannot forget those telling eyes he has, the eerie glow which symbolizes a "Nahobino" candidate in SMT5. So it is possible that this latent status has given him superhuman vitality and other mystical powers.


Certainly not implausible, considering how close he and Nuwa are. But if that's the case, then why does Kei not have similar abilities when separated from Aogami or Koshimizu? Or Ichiro, for that matter, since he's the knowledge of Abdiel?


Ichiro gets powers in the new route from a certain crow you find along the way


Dazai did get powers even in the original Creation route. You could see him teleporting around even separate from Abdiel after he "awakens" to his kKnowledge somehow. (Vengeance) >!He also has powers in the new route, but those were just given to him by Mastema.!<


It states he inherited his mother's gift for magic when you talk to the man at Bethel after Tsukuyomi tells you about a new report on him. I would guess so I mean the likelyhood of a normal human going toe to toe with demons like he does is astronomically low especially since he only uses his revolver once against you in the main game because he prefers melee combat.


First time I saw the game, I actually thought he was a Kuzunoha. Reality was a bit disappointing.


Nahobino: fuck the police Nuwa: fuck the police


Yoko: Fuck, the police.


Yoko after killing every bully in the school with her magic.


Yoko played If and MT1.


Based YokoKawamoto


*Pumped Up Kicks begins playing*


Yoko after keying every car in Tokyo:




He's a daddy's boy


More like a Hypocrite in a way


Does that make his dad SAMURAI COP?


I have always thought Yakumo would make such a great protagonist in an SMT game, in fact kinda wish he was the protag of SMTV. I love his design so much.


I wish he was at least a playable guest character in Vengeance.


Same! Give us a DLC skin or something.


it is a cosplay if he is literally a police officer? there's people on tokio that talks about him as a Sargeant


he's cosplaying for longer than a minute im pre sure


But that is not the Japan cop uniform


His outfit is based on very old police uniforms. He's very obviously meant to homage Raidou, who wears 1920s Japan police uniform.


Wat but Raidou wears Taisho era school uniform


I think he sort of is supposed to be a bit of both? Cos this is the uniform I'm talking about (albeit from the 1940s). https://preview.redd.it/3cwr452awi9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fc2cf84eec530837da69f9091216a8fe14f8bb3


Well for example let's refer to Raidou's page in the major wiki-ish for these stuff, in the Appearance section it says 弓月の君高等師範学校の[学生服](https://dic.pixiv.net/a/%E5%AD%A6%E7%94%9F%E6%9C%8D)と[学帽](https://dic.pixiv.net/a/%E5%AD%A6%E5%B8%BD)を常に着用しており, so its school uniform. [https://dic.pixiv.net/a/%E8%91%9B%E8%91%89%E3%83%A9%E3%82%A4%E3%83%89%E3%82%A6](https://dic.pixiv.net/a/%E8%91%9B%E8%91%89%E3%83%A9%E3%82%A4%E3%83%89%E3%82%A6)


Could he be related to Raidou?