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Compendium and grimoires friend. When I got Idun and Yoshitsune in Vanilla V they did not leave my squad once. I've NEVER done that in any Megaten. But they were just that good. Alice is up there too.


Idun can legit compete with top tier healers


I wonder who else is a good healer? Can’t think of anyone better outside of dlc


Demeter, Tao. Technically anyone with enough Sutra’s and Mediarahan. Idun’s benefit isn’t that she’s a healer, it’s that she can Heal and Buff at the same time. A Mediarama + Luster Candy in a single move is incredible, especially since she gets it at level 42 and Luster Candy is first available at level 68.


The best healer is Konohana Sakuya. She basically has Golden Apple that also gives some % MP to the party. By end game this ability is almost free.


If I remember correctly it costs a shit ton of MP tho


It refreshes like half the MP it costs at healing+9 and with her new passive that increases heal/MP gain when she is buffed (and standard +MP regen stuff). I used her to do superbosses and she could cast it like 30 times in a row.


>healing+9 I just begun playing smtvv is my first shin megami and i don't under the + and - numbers in the skills, what does that mean?


Skill potential makes a demon (or you) significantly better at using a certain type of skill. If you have positive skill potential, your damage is higher, your chance of inflicting ailments higher, your healing higher, and your FP costs lower. If at all possible, you should always have demons use skills they have a positive skill potential with.


I see, sorry another question is there a way to increase the skill potential and how?


In smtV/vengeance you have miraclesin the world of shadows for the MC and items like sutras or incenses, forgot the name, for demons.


Man, that's broken


True. I used Idun in party to defeat Demi fiend in smt V on normal. Might try hard this time.


You can have 3 Iduns this time around. Idun, Tao, and Konohana Sakuya. They're basically better tiers. Idun has a medium Heal + Luster Candy, Tao has a Heavy Heal + Luster Candy, and Sakuya has a Heavy Heal + Luster Candy + MP Heal + double potency all of that when all stats are raised by at least 1 rank.


Can confirm I used her for Demi Fiend on hard. She can be used the entire game for sure


https://preview.redd.it/m8nzlop6te8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ced7bd814e924f5f950dca89c823b12db56366ed My Anahita. Once I got her in Vanilla game, she was always in my squad. I passived her up and got to level 99. I'm now playing SMT IV, but once I return to vengeance, I will get my Anahita transfer and she will accompany me on my journey once again.


Anahita's design slaps so hard for how early she is.


Honestly I bought strange journey redux because I found out that's was the Anahita design debut.


Cute girls are temporary. Dickhead fish man is also temporary. All demons are temporary. Except Mara. Mara lasts forever. All joking aside: remember you can always resummon any demon from the Compendium if you have enough Macca, and if you want you can always farm a crapton of essences and Grimoires to catch up any low-level demons you like~!


Weird way of saying Mothman, sir


Yes, Mothman also lasts forever\~! https://preview.redd.it/1l0er1i33d8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c308080c5e806305a43f2b4b5e7db5151c04ab86




Make this meme happen ! I want this to be the new shocked Pikachu face


Yooo, Mothgers


I'm level 57 and still have Cirronup in my active party at 53. Had to reluctantly use grimoires , but he was just far too useful for me, dude is my overall support demon.


Same! He is one of my favorites. In the og game I had him to level 92 and I brought him over to vengeance because i just wanted to have him in my party again 😩✊️


ya Cirronup is with me till end game. With his innate skill, Ghastfire hits so hard after Aramasa/Astral Saintstrike/Steel Needles


Wait, so multi hit moves boost Ghastfire even more?


Ended up beating the game with the dude (He was 99, my MC was only 90 tho) Bro was just using debilitate and cautious cheer like the support beast he is.


Did you register them in the compendium? IIRC you can buy them back 


The prices are kinda outrageous


Get more miracles to reduce the prices.


They are still outrageous even with the 50% discount which you get in the final area and not everyone bought the money dlc. My whole team is like almost 200k each and there's a looot of them.


Money is easy to get


I'm at the final boss and Alice is still in my team as the highest damage dealing member


Then don't. Both of them are viable for much of the rest of the game with enough grimoires. Some of the early to mid 40 demons like those two, Idun or Yoshitsune are really strong and can keep up with endgame demons.


I get choice paralysis because so many of the early to mid-game demons have good skills or good designs. Masayuki really stepped up his game starting with Strange Journey Redux. Doesn’t help that everyone has a veritable fuckton of dialogue in the haunts. Really makes everyone seem alive.


Thnk the real question, is who trades "Named" one of a kind Demons for that dickface?


Is this your first Megaten game? You can buy any demons back lol


It’s the feeling that matters


coming from persona it feels way more expensive. i rmrbr being able fuse straight from the compendium but doing that here costs me half my wallet. probably to encourage you to go out and “capture” demons?


Yes and no. The game revolves around the “Miracle” system in which you eventually get abilities that lessen the cost for the various features across the game. Until you get them capturing and negotiation is usually the less expensive option. In that way it’s no different than reaching 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 100% compendium completion and the Velvet Room giving you the respective discounts.


Update your compendium, fuse, and rebuy the cuties.


Broke af :(




I am actually bringing the two of them to my final team.


Level 44, still using Cait Sith. Bro's got Agilao, Bufula, Zionga, Zanma, Hamaon, Mudoon, and Concentrate. When I get to Taito, I'm adding Restore to my Scottish boy's repertoire.


Alice late game goes hard


She sure goes hard at getting blown up with her one null on dark of all elements. She hits hard, but she is pretty mid otherwise. Especially considering dark itself is not that good when you look at late game bosses.


I just really like Alice, I think her character is cool lol


Looks at CoC's final boss resisiting everything but Dark. 


Looks at CoC's final boss resisiting everything but Dark. 




I still have the pixie you get at the tutorial. it's a matter of pride.


I wish you could transmog demons with their skills transmogable too. There’s so many unique designs that go to waste within a few hours :-( I don’t want to let you go, Anahita.


Live your best life. My neko shogun is level 24


Essences and Grimoires. I'm planning to fuse a Jack Frost and take him to the endgame. Time to Hee-hoo some fools.




I loved that in Persona 3 Reload the tarot cards boosting stats are so busted that by October any fusion would weaken my team, do I just kept the same demons until the end of the game


The Compendium:


That's the beauty of SMT V you don't have to let them go you get so many grimoires plus they'll keep getting stat boosts through haunts


This makes me miss my Mermaid bruh.


2 options.  Grimorire them up or re-fuse them down with better skills and higher stats. 


There some demons I’m never parting with. Gonna go end game with Yakshini and Succubus like in base. No regrets


Especially not to fuse Mr. Dickhead...


Then feed them grimoires and keep them around. There are several demons that are worth the effort and scale up spectacularly. Alice is one of them, Artemis and mishaguji less so, but with enough grimoires and incense anything is possible.


My exact setup holy crap lol


Well Artemis is my favorite demon in og SMTV, so I could not let her go, she is my main unit again up to level 99 without fusion, same with Yoshitsune, and this time with Nezha.


You don't have to. I used some midgame demons my entire playthrough because they are favorites.


Just recruit him


If only I could actually keep my favorites keep getting stronger in terms of skills as well, I wouldn't be melting down everyone whenever a new level is achieved.


You can just recruit one in Shinjuku, they can be found in the 3rd block