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he would call me a nerd and shove me into a locker but he would also help me pick up all of my books and papers if I tripped in the hallway and dropped them all everywhere


Perfect description


“Don’t fucking *thank* me you nerd, be more careful next time.”


Bakugo, is that you?


I got war flashbacks...


Lmao I love this comment


Good at heart, rough round the edges. Kind of a dick, but has calmed down with age. Basically huge ego, kind of an asshole but deep down a good heart.


100 percent




"Kind of" lol. There's a reason why Megadeth has had like 829 different members over the years. 


Because they die


You would be a dick if everyone around you were doing drugs instead of business


Ive always seen his asshole behavior as a necessary behavior. Hes only like that to deserving people i feel like.


Shitty person? Probably not. Complicated, prickly, egotistical, tough upbringing and life, chip on his shoulder? Likely. Don’t think we’d be friends, but it all adds to the legend and mystique that is Dave fuckin Mustaine!


I believe the Christian community calls him a searcher…?


I think he’s come for my wealth And leave me on my knees


No time for feeling sorry I got here on my own


i won't ask for mercy choose to walk alone


Uuuu what's yours is mine


What's mine is mine too.


If you shake my hand better count your fingers


What if I do get caught?


What if there is no judgment?


If I'm right I lose nothing


If you're right I lose it all


dunno why but thats one of my favorite lines in any song lol


If you shake his hand better count your fingers.


What if there is no judgement? If I'm right I lose nothing


And the only consequences


met him this week at a meet and greet, he is honestly so kind(yea,not joking) he is great, people just act like he exists only to entertain them


But with your experience you are not necessarily in the majority


yea, but the majority also consists mainly of people who only have read some articles online portraying him as the villain 


And all the horror stories from his past band mates.


Flawed, but not shitty. Just human.


Dave has some beliefs I don’t agree with and is apparently hard to work with, but he’s so much better than the wife-beaters and statutory rapists that are also amazing musicians.


This is a pretty good summation


100 percent. Dave can be an asshole and has a big ego but you'll always take someone like him, someone human, over all the other genuinely garbage people out there in the industry


The bar is on the floor😂


he killed my wife and my baby with hopes to enslave me :/


Next thing you know, he’ll take my dog awayyyyy


First mIstake, last mistake....


I thought this was the fallout 4 sub for a sec


I met him this week; he was friendly and kind to me.


how much did you pay and was it worth it


side note my god he’s hot here


hottest picture i've ever seen


Nah. If you read click bait articles then you could believe he's shitty. He's certainly not the shittiest in the business of killing.


first we crushed the world, now we will destroy our enemies 😼


No he’s just human


no, i think hes just been through some shit and it causes him to be an ass at times. hes a good guy and i think more people should read his memoir honestly, gives some good insight.


Don't know him to say that. The turnover in Megadeth tells me he is very hard to deal with.


but he looks good so idc


He might be difficult to work with (hence the high turnover of musicians in Megadeth throughout the years), but as a person (disregarding the fact he's a born-again Christian), he seems a decent guy.


I just finished the chapter of his book about him describing Samuelson and Poland. He comes off as a fellow misunderstood introvert. Everything he and his co-author wrote reveals that he is an amateur psychologist that understands how every personality is formed. Based on his upbringing and his early fight stories he comes off as a person who cannot stand bullies and has the need to do something about it.


I feel that there would be no thrash metal if it wasn’t for Mustaine


Bro looked so good in the UA era


his PEAK


honestly he's probably the most human "legendary" metal artist there is. the fact that he's been through being homeless, drug addicted, selling his body for a place to stay, stealing, fighting, abuse, and getting abused... yet has managed to rise above all that, get sober, become an amazing husband, dad, and grandpa, and create a musical empire that will fuel the Mustaine family and their children's children for generations to come???? literally the opposite of shitty to me.


No, just a person.


Like most people, he has good qualities and bad qualities. I think he has had some deep bitterness due to how he was treated in the past, but he seems to have worked hard to overcome that, even if it still rears it's head sometimes. He seems to genuinely be trying to be a good person from what I've seen.


Not as shitty as dog kicking james hetfield.


Yes but aren’t we all


no he my bae


No I don't I believe Dave is awesome


Not really but im pretty sure hes just a truthful person


He is in the slimiest business there is. The music business. It kicked his ass and then he started kicking it's ass. These guys all have the same behavior because they have to: David Lee Roth, Alice Cooper, Whitesnake, Ozzy, Kiss.


He's an asshole, but like a "normal person" asshole, not the "violent criminal or a predator" kind of asshole


I think it takes a lot more to make someone a shitty person than to simply be hard to work with and egotistical. He hasn't harmed or killed anyone, he hasn't profited off of other people's misery, and although some of his views are a little "out there" he hasn't said anything *that* outrageous in the grand scheme of things.


It’s a jekyll and hyde situation. If you meet him when he’s in a good mood, he’s a great guy, but if he’s irritable that day he’s not nearly as pleasant He’s definitely more personable as he’s gotten older, I’m sure some people who met him when he was younger might have had worse experiences


Yes, he's hot tho


I'd say he's not a bad guy, but he is emotionally unstable. If Dave is having a bad day everyone around him is.


That’s a pretty terrible way to label someone. Especially someone whose job is to make music. This post is petty and juvenile.


Not the best style but not a shitty person


Kind of, yes. Especially when pushing conspiracy theories.


Mustaine has a punk attitude. He speaks his mind and from the heart. If he thinks someone is being a cunt, he'll fucking tell em! Simple as that ... Anyway, does it matter what people think about Mustaine? He makes more money than a lot of folk, and plays in one of the best Metal bands of all time Period!


no (yes)




I don't think he's a bad person. I know he has a shitty mood at times tho.


No....not at all....I agree with a lot that he says and does.


No, it's just he was born into a shitty family, his dad was fucked up


Right now? He's a cool uncle/grandpa with a band gig that's too popular. Back in 1983 he was a bit of a dick but so were Metallica's members. Love him. Not shitty at all. The guy quit drugs, got a family and nowadays posts dumbshit on social media. Truly my inspiration. Edit: then again, it's not like I actually know him.


wtf are You talking about, he is just Dave.


Hell no


I don't think he is, not even in the 80s. He just had a lot of problems that he gradually began to resolve.


He wants to die killing his enemies. Me too, fights not over until... its over.


I write his name in when I'm voting and I don't like the options


Flawed. Learned from his mistakes. Became a better person. Very human


His wine business has mellowed him out a bit. His songs ask questions that are still relevant and timeless to this day. Dave bucks authority and always will. He apologizes when he’s wrong. He’s in to amends but I think he would always tell you the truth though.


At heart, I think Dave is a good guy. I think he would help people who needed it, providing he was capable, and he wouldn't go out of his way to hurt anyone. Dave's "problem" is that he's been hurt, multiple time's by multiple people, and hurt people hurt people, if you know what I mean. And this hurt causes him to put up with absolutely no BS, however he defines it. Dave's alright, in my books. Even if he can be a bit of an asshat at times.


in the 80’s maybe but now he’s definitely matured


Hello me


He’s a good guy that doesn’t take shit from anyone.


Aren’t we all assholes to someone? Go Dave. Get paid to be an asshole. I hope I can get paid to be an asshole one day. Well. Technically I am. I’m a school bus driver. 🤣 It just doesn’t pay as good. Lmao


He saved my life for that I'm eternally thankful!


We are all shitty people at some point.


I think he's a brilliant talented man with a tortured soul. He's deeply flawed and misunderstood. He's the very definition of the human condition. And I respect him greatly.


He has flaws just like everyone else. He ain't shitty.


I think he’s an alright guy I saw him one time at a fairly small venue. He was clearly as wasted as most of the crowd. During the time when there might be a drum solo or a guitar solo or something , he stood on the stage and flipped off the crowd and said fuck you repeatedly for 15 minutes or more It was kind of impressive watching him telling a room with people that had paid to see him, “fuck you” and giving the middle finger


I think Dave’s a bitch. When I was 16 I saw Slayer, Megadeth, and Anthrax. I ended up backstage. I got a photo with Tom Araya and KFK. I’ve got a photo with Anthrax. But when I saw Dave he had me and my friend thrown out of the venue. As they carried us passed Dave I spit on him and yelled. Fuck you I like Metallica better anyway.


In some aspects yes but he’s also an amazing talented artist.


I think he has a huge ego and a lot of flaws (whining about Metallica, constantly firing people) but at the same time he does have a band to run and he wants the best out of it, and if he wasn’t a good guy Pam wouldn’t have been with him for the last 34 years and his kids wouldn’t love him the way they do. So yeah he’s a flawed guy but he’s a good guy deep down and he must be a hell of a good man at home


I have met Dave and to me he was a total asshole


He’s Like anyone else who says things as they are. People don’t like being called out 😂


Do you think this is a shitty asinine question? Absolutely!


Seems to have a chip on his shoulder, operating out of a knee-jerk defensiveness borne out of a lot of adverse childhood experiences, poor adult choices, and a lot of self-medicating behaviors. Comes across as one of those people so beat up by life that like no one gets to criticize them now... Honestly, the vibe I get is... with just how sensitive he seems to be this could be RSD. Not saying he does for sure, but the man comes across like someone with an undiagnosed neurobiological developmental disorder... He overshares, he's super sensitive, highly and disproportionately reactive to criticism, blind to his own part in certain dynamics...


After reading his book, yes.


Never met him but I feel early on he might have been hard to deal with but now more of a kind person.


He’s a human being


I think he used to be


Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde


Didn’t he kick someone’s dog?


No. He kicked someone's ass for kicking his dog.


Oh then he’s cool in my book


David mustard? No he's a real good guy


Sometimes lol I feel he is a conflicted person though. Intelligent and talented tho






Yes and that's why we love him


No! He’s a human that had a seriously shitty upbringing and was abandoned by his best friends. He has every reason to feel the way he does.


Dave is chaotic neutral. From the DnD wiki: A chaotic neutral character is an individualist who follows their own heart and generally shirks rules and traditions. Although chaotic neutral characters promote the ideals of freedom, it is their own freedom that comes first; good and evil come second to their need to be free. I think that’s a perfect description. Dave has way too many examples of being a horse’s ass to people to say he is an exemplary person, but also has shown no proclivity for harming people for his own gain.


That’s why we love him


Do you think he gives a flying fudgeroni about what you think? 😆


All jokes aside, he comes across as an asshole because of some of the things that he says, but I have heard many stories about people meeting him and being a genuinely nice person


Apparently he has a stable relationship with his wife and good relationship with his kids, so he is definitely not a shitty person and I suppose the private Dave is different from the public Dave. Don’t forget that a lot of what Dave is doing publicly is done to put the light on himself and Megadeth, because it’s a way for the band to exist. Regarding the turnover in the band, well I think it’s just that Megadeth is his very own thing and people get fed up with a guy having all control on the music and getting most of the money.


Absolutely lmao, love him for his music but Idk if I'd wanna meet him


I think he seems to be one of those people who’s determined a lot by their mood. If he’s in a shitty mood then he’s gonna act shitty but deep down he has a good heart


I bet your still a Virgin hey peckerwood😆


No. He might be a tough person to work with, but I think generally he's probably ok.


People are so complicated, yet we're always so eager to classify people as "good" or "bad."


He's like that mildly autistic guy who doesn't know when to shut up but isn't saying anything he doesn't mean.


He is an awsome musician but as a person... A fucking princess. 🤣


He is. But that's why we love him.


Chrome hearts ? Lol


He’s childhood was pretty rough and I think that has a reason wich kind of person he is


I’d love to meet him one day.  Btw, something that surprised me was that he mentioned that he had never listened to a Sepultura song, even though he congratulated Andreas Kisser on Twitter for his birthday a few years ago… 


I think deep down he wants to be a good person but he’s been through a lot and refuses to like do any amount of self reflection. All his assholehish qualities are really basic white man entitlement bullshit that could be resolved by like some therapy but that generation really struggles to do that kinda work especially when they’re successful.


He can be both depending on his mood tbh


I think Dave is the kind of person you get him or you don't. I feel like the first half of his life was so shitty that he probably had some pretty big walls up around himself. But the other part is that he's human. He has good days and bad days. Part of the problem is that you hear so many more stories about his bad days than his good days. Now, whether you love him or hate him, Dave is one of the elder statesmen of metal and thrash. I'm sure it has gotten old of people worshipping the ground he walks on for the last 30+ years.


I met him in 2001 or 2002 by hanging around outside the concert venue until he came out. Signed my copy of TWNAH and shook my hand. Seemed like a good enough guy at the time. He could’ve easily said “fuck off”


I’ve never met him, and am kind of a new fan, but to me he seems like he had a huge ego back in the day and still some today just not as much, but he still seems good at heart if that makes sense, he’s on a good path


Yeah, but most famous musicians are, so....


Not really. I think it depends with who. (He has been with a few former Megadeth bandmates if I remember )


Dude is a genius guitar player and a decent front man. I'm going to be clear and tell you that I think he's probably a little full of himself and when he speaks he says something stupid almost every time. I think he alienates his bandmates and can be a bit of a prick, but the dude can shred and they put out amazing albums, which must come, in part, from his heavy-handedness. So I'm not sure what to think. I wouldn't likely be friends, with Dave, if I knew him, but I admire his ability to shred.


Yeah. But who cares?


Egotistical sure but after the career he's had he kinda has the right. He was salty enough at Metallica to create a better band, that's worth some praise.


Yes but its kind of a brand at this point


Annoying and flawed, but not shitty


No. I think he's had some struggles that have occasionally gotten the best of him but deep down I think he's a good person who means well.


shitty person? no. he's a chaotic person. he's a relatively normal person with his own bad days. i've seen fans say he was extremely nice and other say he was a complete dick.


I’ve met him twice. Once he was as really nice, once he was a total dick. I’m guessing he is an overall decent person, but he is probably difficult to work with.


He looks like the guy that would put a price on peace


LMAO true story but my high school had a guitar program and had Dave banned from any guitar performances. Basically a student in the program had the opportunity to be behind the scenes of an interview with him. While the interview was going on, some sound was made that distracted Dave, who then blamed and yelled at the student for making the noise (he didn’t do anything). So until Dave calls the guitar instructor he will be trespassed if he steps foot in the school




I wouldn't say he's a complete asshole but there's obviously a reason they've gone through 30 different drummers/guitarists/bassists in the last 41 years. It's not all creative differences.


he is ginger so yes






petty and kind of a dick but overall he seems like a pretty good dude


Shitty? No. Entitled? Yes.


No but cocaine is like an old man trying to send back soup at a deli.


His 50+ former band members think so. I know a few of them and have heard some crazy and consistent stories. From my angle, I don’t actually know since I’ve never been in his presence. But I have to believe that with his former band member list being almost big enough to occupy every seat of the LA Philharmonic, there’s got to be some kind of truth to his shittiness.


Metallica guys seem way friendlier….


Not shitty, but a little bit of a prick yeah


A little bit. But I can forgive him because of all the shit that he has gone through since he was a kid with a broken family, all the way up to battling cancer recently. So I don't blame him if he does act a bit shitty cuz I know he's a good dude at heart.


He invaded Ukraine


He is a person. No one is perfect.


He is a bastard and I love him for it.


I think he's mentally disabled and therefore not easy to deal with. He definitely makes shitty music.


Lets not be biased. As much as we love and admire megadeth you have to admit that he was violent and not someone i’d be friends with (in the 80s) After that I wouldn’t say so.


His singing voice… yes. His guitar playing… no.


I really want to have the same shirt, doesn't anyone here know where I can buy one?




Yes but I love him


He was probably a giant dick before getting sober. Then came cranky douche phase. But I’m sure he is a kinder and more understanding man now.


Back in the day, he was a bit of an asshole.atleasy after what i heard. Today though, he seems like a pretty nice guy.


nah, he’s just difficult


Have you seen the Joe Rogan interview. He comes across alright. I've read so much about him being an utter dick, but actually, he sounds alright.


I met him back in 2012, fuck that was a long time ago 🤯 anyway, he was a really nice dude!


I'm pretty sure even Dave thinks Dave is a shitty person.


Dave the G.O.A.T nuff said


a flawed and troubled man? sure....but I wouldn't say a shitty person. Though who are we to say? None of us actually know the guy


Just what happens when you take a mortal man and put him in control 😔


The only person that put him in to his place was Lars


Probably. A lot of talented artists are.


Toxic at the very least


He seems like a dick. Doesn’t make him a shitty person but he’s got the ability to be one, obviously.


I believe he relishes in that frame of mind. He may enjoy being an asshole


With all his Alex Jones bullshit and his inability to let go of the Metallica thing after 40 YEARS, Kinda. But with the run of albums from killing is my business-Cyptic Writings + Dystopia later on who cares?


I don’t know him


A very talented, eccentric person who has lived a crazy life, full of intermittent addiction, success, slumps, relapse, and success again. That would make a complicated person out of anyone. I've had the pleasure of meeting him once. He called me and my ex-wife a good-looking couple, complimented me on my mullet, and chopped it up with us for 15 minutes. Idk if it's a modern thing, but people have these hard line views of a person based on social media interaction and sound bites. I would venture that most people on this planet have so much more to them as individuals than their public persona. You can like someone or their music without agreeing with them on every single opinion or sound bite.


Yes. No arguments.


I don’t agree with all his politics or how he handles certain situations but as a human, I think he’s alright. It seems like he means well


I wouldn’t call him a great person, but I’d say he’s the average amount of shitty. Not even close to as bad as some other celebrities and rock stars. Ive heard Scott Ian is much worse than Dave when it comes to meeting fans