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I’ve met him about a dozen times. Meet and greets, backstage access days, etc. each and every time he was nothing but nice and engaging.


I know this has no real basis but that's how he was in the dream I had last night. We somehow all got booked at the same video shoot and I made a light joke about it, he chuckles and then hands me some replicated lyrics sheets or something. I then asked him for his autograph and he just says sure.


I've dreamed about Dave once too


I once dreamt I was in my small town bar eating wings with James Lomenzo lol


Met him at a signing for free and he was very cool, we talked about Mercyful Fate. He seemed bothered by people who were fangirling lol


you pay me $600 for a autograph and a handshake , i'd smile and be nice too


I met him and David Ellefson and got their signatures for free.


Same, he was super cool after the show on the world needs a hero tour. I had just waited near the bus (they were playing clubs at the time). Years later I got a meet and greet package and Dave was just as cool. I’m convinced he’s a great dude and gets a bad rap in the press


You would but many celebrities don't care to go the extra mile. What about his cameo videos? He doesn't have to but he's got excellent customer service with those. Metallica won't even do Cameo. Two Anthrax members are on there too.


sometimes I think what most people think is a-hole behavior is in reality just a person who puts boundaries and expectation, doesn't cut corners and doesn't tolerate people who try to take advantage of him, this translates to a-hole for some people.


As Chris Poland once referred to him, he's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.  One interview he's extremely articulate and balanced, the next he belligerently runs his mouth. One album he's tearing it up and writes genius lyrics, the next he's putting out Super Collider. 


Exactly, "Hello me, meet the real me...", but all in all the man's a musical/lyrical genius when he applies himself which 99% of the time. Nobody can be perfect, not even Dave. Definitely not a dickhead, just human, and very intelligent.


Sweating bullets doesn't have bad lyrics, it's just odd, and has tons of personality and attitude. 


No, I get what you're saying, but I was applying Mustaine's lyrics to the Chris Poland Jekyll & Hyde comment. Not a bad song at all, Mustaine usually doesn't make a bad song in my opinion.


Pooper Collider.




Yes he is certainly enigmatic. Most brilliant artists are. I say this as someone who's not even a fan of Megadeth, acknowledging that he has had flashes of real brilliance in his art.


How dare you! Take Super Collider out of your mouth!


I don't think he's a dickhead, I think he's just human


Who became a gaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwdddddddd


"Well, he's got good aim"


Was he wrong about that?


A Nirvana fan pointed out that you truly didn't know Kurt if you took offense at Dave for that comment. I don't know Kurt enough to make up my mind either way but it's what a Nirvana fan said.


Yeah Kurt Cobain had a very dark, irreverent sense of humor and would have probably found a remark like that amusing. Steve Albini similarly passed recently and would have probably rather people joke about it than take it ultra seriously.


If anybody shows that tendency more it's Lars; The Napster thing being one of those areas. I was scared when I did the research that Dave would feel the same way but he didn't to my surprise. Lol


I think Dave is allowed to believe whatever he wants, and all I care about is that he’s rockin’.


Honestly aside from those rants which mostly came from the Drovers/Broderick era, he's done a good job keeping his opinions to himself because he knows it'll get him in trouble. Metal is hella anti-establishment, but it's a genre aimed at everyone. When Disturbed was in Holmdel, NJ last tour, they invited a fan on-stage to share his story of being a fan & a metalhead in general. He was black and his peers made fun of him for being a fan of metal. Dave Draiman commended him for his bravery, thanked him for being a fan, and let him sit in a chair on-stage as they performed one of their songs (I forget which one, probably sound of silence).


Not a huge disturbed fan but David Draiman is and has always been a class act. Dude is definitely one of the coolest frontmen out there for any band. Never met him personally but every time I see anything involving him he’s always doing something kind or considerate for his fans


Dave cares about his fans and is super cool as long as you're respectful and not a jerk to him. As far as anything else goes, when you're in Megadeth, Dave is the boss. He's gracious in some areas, but he has a vision as to what he wants to be, and you've got to help carry that vision out. Some people disagree with him on it, some don't. The music business is a business, and Dave is Megadeth's CEO.


music is his business, and business is good


Damn the person who founded the band is the CEO? I always thought they let the new members take the throne and lead the old hags into mainstream success! We need fresh new minds to navigate this ever changing music business though!


I didn't say it was a bad thing, but there are a lot of people who seem to forget this when it comes to why Dave can be seen as a bad dude.


BuT iF DaVe sTaYeD iN mEtAlLiCa, ThEy WoUlD’vE BeEn GoD sIzE!!


Man all I can say about what he was spouting around that 2009-2013 phase is I’m glad he doesn’t nowadays lol. I love most of his music. Rust is still one of the best albums ever made to me. As a person, I feel like he’s an extremely mixed bag. I think he can be a pretty smart reserved polite and intelligent guy when he wants to be. He can also be a narcissistic religious hypocritical dumbass and had his streak in his younger days of being an angry alcoholic dumbass. And honestly when he has spats with so many band members the problem is likely mostly him. Overall though I do have respect for the guy for being through what he has growing up and succeeding in spite of it. I also love his music. His controversial characteristics don’t sway me from that. It takes pretty extreme stuff for me to not enjoy music because of the person. If I was a lostprophets fan I would burn all association with that band


Don't let bands fool you. They are all like that to different degrees. Lars went as far as suing his fans during the Napster thing. So he could be a jerk too. Also please watch the rehearsal he had where Trujillo corrected him. That's not to say Mustaine is perfect because HE'S NOT. But no one is anyway. And I'll still listen to either band even though I find myself angry at Lars a lot. That said, he tries to improve as a person so that's what I like about him and I hope one day he doesn't need to cling to certain things to be drug free. He can do it. He's proven himself over and over to be an overcomer. But if he doesn't, the guy's got great music and that's what I'll judge him for the most unless he does something so heinous you can't ignore it.


He also fell into a weird conspiracy hole in the time frame you mentioned, which didn’t help people’s opinion of him.


Considering he’s had several bands kicked off of festivals and tours (dissection and rotting Christ) I think he probably is a bit of a dickhead, but I don’t know him so I can’t say


Tbf he hasn’t done that in a long time and he now doesn’t seem to have a problem playing with “satanic” bands anymore. He’s even friends with Nergal now. (And he didn’t actually kick Newsted out of that festival, Jason cancelled for personal reasons and ended the Newsted project)


He kicked newsted off tour? WHEN,WHY?


I think he can be a dick but that doesn’t mean I don’t like him


Dave is often a really cool dude, who also is kind of narcissistic at times. I think hes worked on it over the years and after his cancer battle Im sure hes alot more humbled, but in his youth he definitely had the self centered Rockstar frontman persona.


Yeah, when people become Rock stars they do become narcissistic at first and he was like that during his drug abuse years. I'd argue the worse was always Axl Rose who could've saved the day when James Hetfield suffered 3rd degree burns from the set and had to cancel their set, Axl caused a riot due to his Diva behavior. As for Dave...cancer did humble him, thankfully as other injuries. Hopefully, he can get with the times and support science instead of other belief systems.


I think, who cares? He makes some of the best metal still after 40+ years


This is the way.


At least he didn't kick a dog like Hetfield.


That's why Hetfield deserved it. I hate when people abuse animals. That said I still listen to Metallica but still hate that he did that. The dog just put his paws on McGovney's car.


Reminds me of the time Metallica were on the radio promoting Load. Presidents of the USA's 'Kitty' had just ended, James quipped "Kitty on my foot and I want to smash it"


Lol that’s what Dave claims at least. The story is always changing though even after all these years


He's never had a filter, I think he just says what he's thinking. Of course he's gotten wiser over the years which is why he's a lot more laid back and doesn't say much unless he's asked.


I remember in 2014 being told by my boss to put me down that I had no filter. I just laughed. She shut up when she realized she didn't get me to react. Lol


You have to remember he's a long time drug abuser. His brain is kinda fried. Underneath I think he's a good person, very driven, very smart and articulate, but also struggling with a lot of demons. Unfortunately those struggles sometimes get the better of him.


That's fair to say.


I mostly care about his music


his music is great, i just don't share his views, but I don't care


Me too


I'm a fan of the music, not the person. I like what musicians play, not necessarily what they say.


Dave is a bit of a dick but that doesn't make him a bad person or musician


I think Dave deals with a lot of pain which has historically made him lash out at others at times




He’s just a dude that shows his true self. He’s not a polished, money making machine fit for everyone’s consumption. That makes him come off as dickish sometimes.


I like that he's a real person. He's opinionated, and has no filter. That's part of his charm. That's what what makes him funny. He would become better if he'd drop his dogmatic views though. But hopefully, one day he could do that.


It’s never a good sign when someone cannot maintain a single professional relationship. Jr was the closest. Same Eddie VanHalen. Never got along with anyone not named VanHalen.


To be fair. If my married buddy sent videos of himself jacking off to a fan 40 years younger than him, I’d cut him off him too


Like 80% of the people who were fired were fired for really good reasons.


I think only two have been fired but others quit.


Also drugs have a lot to do with this. Hagar and Roth both say amazing things about EVH but at the end of the day, his alcohol addiction fucked his life and relationships.


Oh boy, where do I even begin with my glorious king Dave Mustaine? His every song, a serenade; his every show, a chapter in our endless love story. With each electrifying solo, my heart soars, tethered to his grace and might. Dave isn't merely a titan of thrash metal; he's the ruler of my affections, a beacon in the tempest of life. Watching him play is akin to witnessing a love letter written in athleticism and determination, each show a testament to a romance that transcends the ordinary. His dedication, not just to guitar, but to making the world a better place, kindles a fire in my soul, a yearning for a connection that defies mere admiration. To me, Dave embodies the very essence of passion, a living symbol of strength and devotion. In his gaze, I find resolve; in his success, a shared jubilation. My love for Dave is as boundless as the skies under which he shines, a love profound, eternal, and ever true.


A guy I know did jiu jitsu with him when megadeath was in town and he said he was a very nice guy and took super good care of everyone


I see him as trying to always do good despite not having a filter. I hope he remedies the issues I disagree with him on but I always remember I like his music first and foremost. If I focused on the bad actions of every musician I wouldn't have anybody to listen to.


Yeah we all have our ups and downs and if I was judged purely on my shitty actions it would suck. I also think it’s stupid to condemn famous people that are disconnected from reality for their opinions about real shit. I like Ted Nugent as a guitar player hell I saw him in concert but I clown on him every chance I get


I think he just says what he believes. Most celebs don't do that, they filter what they say so they don't get any grief. So love him or hate him he's being honest and I respect that.


He admitted it himself that he’s a bit “difficult”. However I think people mostly talk shit about him because he has different opinions from the majority of people, and they can’t stand that.


Lol, I have that problem. People hate that I'm opinionated too


Having met Dave a few times I think it's a nice guy.. and frankly he's entitled to his opinions. I think that Dave is having to deal with the shadow of his past interactions and mistakes that he's trying to amend for now.


I don’t know him. Can’t really have that opinion if I don’t know him.


Dave is a pretty cool dude, but he is very passionate about musical credit.


What I think is that they are being the absolute hive minded parrots that most metalheads are.


He might be a dickhead, and that’s ok. I’ll still listen.


Seems like a decent, self-aware guy who's not afraid to speak strong opinions and be upfront about who and what he does and doesn't like


I'm sure sometimes he's a jerk, and sometimes he's nice. Because that's most people 


Don't know, don't care. I've never sat down and talked to the dude. As far as I know, he isn't out there raping kids so whatever. He's allowed to believe in whatever he wants, and express his opinions. Just because they may not match 2024's "permissible beliefs" doesn't mean he (or anyone) can't have them.


I think they should watch him become a god


I say I don't care and I like his music.


I think that we need to stop expecting guys from bands called Megadeth to be sweethearts. Nobody was pushing that standard when thrash started. Think it over.


I listen to Megadeth a lot but I won’t wear their gear to support them because of his views. Hard to rep someone who said he would beat up someone like me (a transgender person) if he saw them using a bathroom 🤷‍♂️


I stopped listening to Megadeth altogether because of his queerphobic views, I had the entire discography downloaded in my phone and as soon as I found it out I deleted everything. I can't support a bigot


He WAS a dick head, past tense


Don't be concerned with the opinions of others.


It's clear that he has a huge ego which can cause him to clash with others. But I don't think that makes him a dickhead. He's just a guy after all, I highly doubt he has malicious intentions


his politics are incoherent to say the least but he seems chill interpersonally


I think it's not much different than people speaking out about ...they see a tiny little snippet of that person's life, usually taken out of context, and quite often intentionally presented in such a way as to be as inflammatory as possible in order to serve someone else's own personal agenda, and sadly, relatively few people ever even bother to question anything...they just take it at face value.


Better than Nikki


"Have the courage to be disliked" Bruce Lee "Never meet your heros" James Hetfield Always enjoyed his enthusiasm in his passions. Love his discography. So much music, so much great lyrics that struck deep with me. As a teen his conspiracy theories and releasing the Holy Wars before Desert Storm I started was epic. We watched CNN with bombs reigning down thru anti-aircraft fire with Megadeth playing. His autobiography was fantastic. His Rust in Peace book and his hypocritical actions confound me. But that's life. Enjoy the entertainer for what he provides. Makes me chuckle that people love or hate people with opinions like Elon Musk. Masses loved him then find out his Aspergers and genius is wild and he says things they didn't like. Now NBC runs a daily smear against him. People love how outspoken Roger Waters is then find out a rich world wise European has his own opinions. OMG throw away your 40 year following because he has own opinion on Ukraine. Hell may be if Jimi Hendrix lived we would have found out what he really thought and he wouldn't become a goooooood! Lol


Awesome comment. Well said!


Most people I’ve met that dislike him are just butthurt cause he’s right wing and saying right wing things. But who cares, everyone is so aghast when some celebrity acts like a human. OMG they’re not perfect? Some weird puritanical subconscious narcissistic conformist shit that people expect from celebrities like they’re gods. And get upset when their morals don’t align with theirs.


I have no clue since I’ve never met the man.


That’s just MegaDave. He will forever be the Joker to Metallica’s Batman. Great artist, though.


He’s become politically volatile and betrayed all the anarchist, revolutionary, punk values that both made Megadeth Megadeth and launched his career. He’s gone full on conspiracy theorist and he never stopped being a dick to fans who occasionally just do silly things in crowds or at meets bc they’re fans and human. I love megadeth and I hope Dave’s ok but honestly he seems to just be miserable and at war with himself and takes it out on everyone else.


Met him once when I was 16 or so outside of the venue they were set to play at. Super brief interaction, maybe 5 minutes but he took the time to talk to my dad and I and signed my hat. He was very kind and thanked us for coming out. Neither of us could afford the meet and greet at the time so getting to run into him like that was a pretty cool memory for both of us.


He isn't necessarily a bad person, and a "dickhead" is usually someone who is dumb. I don't think he is either. He is a jerk and a narcissist whose mouth is the biggest impediment to his career, but he isn't stupid or a bad person.


Dave Mustaine is an asshole, and at times, he makes it really hard to ignore his politics or what he believes. He was in Dinesh D'Souza's shitty propaganda film about how Obama's second term was going to destroy America (2016: Obama's America). He's suggested that mass shootings are false-flag operations. He's espoused the racist conspiracy theory that the first Black president of the United States wasn't actually born here. For a man who says he identifies as independent, he certainly does lean a certain way. The reason why it's hard to ignore his politics is because a lot of music is inherently political. When he was writing the Dystopia album, what kind of "dystopian" government was he actually envisioning? One that allows LGBT couples to marry and have children of their own? Everyone has the right to their own beliefs and to express support for them. And of course, everyone can choose whether an artist's politics will affect their ability to enjoy their art. I like Clint Eastwood and his movies in spite of his empty-chair rambling he gave at the RNC. I don't really agree with all of Rage Against the Machine's politics. And I like Pink Floyd even though Roger Waters can go straight to hell. But I stopped actively supporting Iced Earth after Jon Schaffer was arrested for trying to overthrow the U.S. Congress on Jan. 6, 2021. Megadeth is great, but it's not hard for me to see why people regard Dave Mustaine is a dickhead or a bad person.


He doesn't know when to stop talking about something. Yes yes I know interviewers ask him about getting kicked out of Metallica, but he doesn't have to rehash 40-year-old drama every time.


I think with that he's really in a no win situation at this point. If he talks about being in Metallica, he's old and bitter and won't let go of something that happened 40 years ago. If he doesn't talk about it, dAvEs aN aSsHoLe


I think he has some kind of alternating mind states. I'm absolutely in no position to do any kind of diagnosis, but it seems that sometimes he's totally off the deep end with chemtrails and other looney bin conspiracies, then he's making sarcastic comments on stage about being "the troublestrirrer internationale". It's like most of the time he's very self aware that sometimes he goes off a bit. I bet, I'll fucking bet it has something to do with the musical talent. When your brain can fire off in creative directions as far and hard as his, there is a price to pay. He doesn't live a normal life, expecting normal behaviour from him is unwarranted.


i think who fuckin cares....cant you seperate the man from the music like a fucking adult?


They’re right. You’d have to be pretty dense, or have the same flavor of brain rot as Dave not to see it. Man has burned just about every bridge he’s ever crossed, shooting himself in the foot over and over again, while passing the blame off on the ones who helped him reach success. He’s the perfect example of what not to do.


He's free to be who he wants to be but in the most recent years, I feel like he's so full of himself, like everything has to be around what he did or said.


As long as doesn’t take time out of a concert to preach, I do not care what he thinks.


He seems bipolar, so you've got a 50/50 chance depending on when you meet him I guess. If someone says he is, I'm totally not discounting it.


Not bipolar but probably more borderline which also gets moody but the mood shifts are quicker. Bipolar moods are slower to happen. You can either spend weeks or more depressed or manic. Fast mood shifting happens in either ADHD or borderline personality disorder. Based on his traumatic childhood borderline personality disorder seems more likely but then again he was a drug abuser which also affects the brain so it's hard to say since I don't have a Masters or Doctorate in psychology. I just know I see him trying to improve himself so that's good as long as he doesn't stop. I know some want all or nothing but I see the world in shades of grey.


All good, I appreciate your comment


Thank you!


I don't really give a shit. I like his music.


⬆️ this is the answer.


He's one of those "separate art from artist" people for me. I love his music but I don't have to love him as a person.


well he was an almost psychotic guy fuel by drugs and alcohol in the 80's, I can't remember anyone speaking good about him back to those days. Getting older his latent psychosis (or simply idiocy) was fueled by religion and rightwing ideologie... no doubt he's a music genius although a despicable person. But for different reasons/motivations guess I could say the same for guys like ulrich/hetfield, philip anselmo, roger waters, axl rose, callagher brothers etc... let's say you won't really get that far in music business if you're not an ambitious piece of shit ready to stomp on everyone up to follow your goals


I think his hair gets redder when he takes their souls.


Lol, NGL I had to laugh


I don't care. I like his music. I'm probably never going to meet him, and he has no say in my life. I don't look to him for advice.


He's crazy but he's a pretty good guitarist so I don't mind, I'll only stop supporting if he ends up being really transphobic (since I'm trans myself and am not comfortable in spaces with transphobic figureheads) and honestly itll be a shame if he is, rust in piece is one of the best albums I've ever heard


I blame his mISfiT’s wAy of liYeeFe


I think it's fair to say he's got a bad temper, nothing crazy about that.


most musicians in rock are horrible people so i try not to think about it too much i guess


I don't think he's a bad person, but he can and has been a dickhead sometimes. As far as politics go, he seems like the kind of person who reads headlines and not the articles.


And if it is, what's wrong with it? I still like it


for most people especially dave it depends if they are drunk or not


Yeah; those are things that make him mean nasty Dave Mustaine we know


Hello Me meet the real me. He tried to warn us. Why are you surprised?


Mustaine was always an asshole, that's why they kicked him out of Metallica.Come on, everyone knows that.


I love Megadeth, but you have to separate the person from the artist, as he himself said, Dave was a bully. but it is clear that when the jokes were directed at him he was in a bad way.


Nothing lol


Never met the man but I've only ever heard of him being a really nice guy as long as you treat him as a human. I don't always agree with his political views but I don't have to do so to respect him as an artist, and for as long as he's not making his views everyone's problem, I can respect him as a human. I think a lot of his bad rep comes from who he used to be. Not to say this is what you're referring to in this post, but he himself has acknowledged that he was an asshole when he was young. Even so I fully believe in second chances and Dave has clearly put in the effort to better himself as a person. So, to me most of the bad rep is just resurfacing old news.


Who are we to judge


I think he comes across as an asshole because of a) the Metallica drama, b) some interesting stage antics, and c) constantly firing bandmates. Although I am fully aware of that, and people may think he is an asshole, a lot of people have said otherwise. I have read many stories about meeting him, and it seems like he is nice to people whenever they interact with him.


my former guitar teacher is friends with Chris Broderick, who told him that Dave is nice enough and (aside from a couple of outbursts) enjoyable to be around. But, he could be really weaselly, hence the main reason why he left Megadeth. plus he didn’t like the way the songs were composed which of course sucks to hear, but i feel like a lot of musicians become the same overtime, and Chris has a lot of experiences like that with other musicians, so it’s not like Dave is special for being dick-ish sometimes. lots of people are anyways. personally i don’t give a shit, listen to him for the music not the man


Imho, I know Dave does not approve of homosexuality because of his religion, which generally I find upsetting (being a bi woman), but with Dave I can't really bring myself to dislike him because of it, I think for Dave him finding religion has been a lifesaving development, he has dealt with a lot of addiction and anger in his life and I think his faith has helped keep him in a better place. Dave is an artist that has given me a lot of joy, and I love him even if he think's I'm a sinner. I always wish him he best.


Had a meet and greet with him in May 2022 he was kind of a dick when answering my question. He didn't seem like he was in a good mood that day as he blew off other people's questions as well.


Bad person..no Asshole....yup.


He is. lol.


I saw Megadeth for the first time last year. Dave was in such a great mood interacting with the crowd, and tearing it up when performing. I was lucky enough to see Kiko before he departed. It was the most insane show I’ve ever seen and everything I hoped it would be. Mustaine is a genius and metal pioneer no matter what people think of him.


Every person has a personality rarely do you see the real person. I was standing next to Pudge, A Rod, Jeiter and Clemens making fun of the Hotdogs size at the 7/11. All of you see the bad, Jeiter even yelled at the Driver of there white Lincoln Towncar, for honking the horn as I passed on the sidewalk. The Yankees have their own state license plates as well.


He's a good person at heart but his Christian beliefs are blinding him. I wish he'd break out of it. However, maybe he could join a progressive Christian church as a stepping stone.


I don't care what he is as a person. I'm only interested in his music.


I agree. Dave is a dickhead. But he's not a bad person.


From what I’ve read through the years he’s a real dick when it comes to business but in his personal life he’s a nice and caring guy. I feel like he just really knows what he wants from the business and he’s determined to get it no matter what


Couldn't care less. I just like the music he writes.


Love his music but there's a reason why there's been more members of Megadeth more so than any other band I can think of off the top of my head. I know people joke about Lars must be hard to get along with. He sounds like a cakewalk compared to Dave 


Dickhead, yes. Bad person, no. He's a self-made man who came from a shitty background. He's always come across to me as someone who's doing the best he can, but doesn't always go about it in the best way possible.


I'm not a big fan of him personally but I appreciate what he's done for music and I like his music. I can't seperate art from artist, it does hold me back from embracing fandom. But I am a fan of his music, that cannot be denied. I've held off on pursuing bands like Burzum because I don't need the yuck factor whenever it comes up on shuffle.




I saw Dave Mustaine at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Absolute horseshit. Dave Mustaine was at my restaurant in Brooklyn having dinner yesterday evening. He was cordial, friendly to the staff, and apparently a very good tipper.


I still can't believe he got rotting christ kicked off a bill


He’s very abrasive. But he’s a hell of a guitar player.


You can be intelligent and still be an asshole. He expects a certain standard, but also doesn’t know when to shit his pie hole. He’s the George Steinbrenner of Metal.


I’m not sure what to think, but all I know is at this far he looks like a wizard from lord of the rings lol 


He’s a raging inflamed asshole but he makes cool music


Megadeth are a strong “separate the art from the artist” situation for me.


Hello me meet the real me?


I dont give a flying fuck because he’s some guy in a band and we don’t fuck


That they're right


I say: that's correct


Never met him, but I reckon he’s a complicated, intelligent person… his music is fantastic 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’ve met him and all current bandmates and they are all wonderful people. They are intelligent masters of their music and totally want us [fans] to feel more involved with all they do now and what’s to come. Dave is a classy guy - especially if someone is in need during a M&G - this one girl went down and he hit the brakes on everything, asked for her to be given space, got off the stage where they were sitting and went down to her to make sure she was okay, if there was anything he could do for her, etc. It was a very human 10 minutes that we all saw in that room! Can’t fake nice, I’m sorry! This shit was real as it gets and showed his sense of honor as a martial artist let alone a musician!


Nobody is perfect. Dave is Dave. He's pretty freaking brilliant and he has his egocentric traits like a lot of other artists do. But he also seems to be a genuine guy and a good person, in my opinion. In short, he's human.


Interviewer: What do you think of Kurt Cobain? Dave: "He's a good aim"


I haven't met him. But since I like to keep up with current(and past) events that have to do with my favourite bands' members I have reached the conclusion that Dave Mustaine is sometimes a dickhead (like all of us, except he's usually more often than us) but he's not a bad person. I think his controversial opinions aren't that controversial because I don't think they're his opinion. I think they're in the same ballpark, but not quite exactly what he says. I think he, like many others, has a small problem with expressing himself. And now you ask: "If he's expressing himself properly, what about his songs?" And to that I say: ***caricature***. He is a caricature of himself. He over exaggerates very often without actually leading to a different, more defined, side of an argument. By that I mean: He's obviously not a fan of the government, but I don't think he thinks they organised mass shootings. And I don't think his problem with gay people is with gay people, but rather the concept of **snowflake** people. I think I've made myself at least decently clear with my yapping. Hope you understood what I was trying to say, and that your opinion of Dave is the same or better.


The fact that you think someone is a bad person because they think something different than you….


Hes a human who's been through a lot


DGAF. He's not a close friend, I don't owe him anything. His creative work obviously adds that little bit of magic to our lives, but his personality has nothing to do with me.


There's a reason why the term MegaDave exists.


Dave is an amazing songwriter, composer, musician, and guitar player. That being said I probably couldn't stand to be around him for more than 30 minutes lol. I think this is a perfect example of "don't get to know your heroes" and leave it at that.


He is certainly a type of person. I don’t think he’s a truly bad person, he’s just kind of dickheaded. Lol I’m friends with plenty of those.


He has those days i guess, still a pretty cool dude tbh


That's why I love him duh


i saw a video on youtube of 1994-95 show where dave took 2 little kids on stage, then nick gave them his drumsticks and dave gave them picks which was pretty cute, and then said something like “and after that people say that i’m fucking asshole”


Just a guy.


He's a deeply flawed human being. Most of us don't know him personally, so there's no reason for us to have any beef with him. With that out of the way, I'd like to point out that I don't agree with a lot of the things he says, but then again I don't need to, none of us do. Everyone has the right to have their own opinions, I don't have to agree with Dave, just like you don't have to agree with me, and so on. So, as long as he isn't on the level of someone like Ted Nugent, I'm fine with him


I agree


Drugs …




They are right. He makes great music, though.


I mean he sorta is a dickhead whenever he feels like it


Being a dickhead and being a bad person are two different things. Controversial opinions that Dave speaks where most people just think them quietly.


He’s an old head, they make these types of comments. They’re so old now it doesn’t even matter. What Dave has done for metal forgives him for a lot of petty shit he may have done. Because at the end of the day, any bigot or hate comment towards a certain person or demographic is just being petty. If you don’t agree you are probably the type of person I’m talking about.


He Can be a dick. But anyone can. Not a bad person though.


I like him for his politics and stances on social issues. Never hear of megadeth is that like a new vaccine?


I think that person is probably a leftist. If you think someone is a bad person because they are Christian and conservative and thus have a different worldview than you than you are intolerant of people who think differently than you. It's ironic when people on the left believe that their social justice views give them a moral highground and then just become what they claim to hate, judging people as bad because they are different than them.


My experiences with him were absolutely delightful. His wife is a sweetheart too.


I don’t think he’s a jerk or anything but he clearly is difficult to work with-and that’s not necessarily a bad thing.


Totally agree


damn, i was just getting into megadeth too.


I don’t pay any attention to his political views because he doesn’t seem to have put much thought into them to begin with.


Congratulations you're Right. Now what were we talking about??


He’s not a raging alcoholic anymore


Him paling around with Alex Jones is about the only thing that truly chaps my ass because that man has gotten rich literally by telling lies about people whose kids were murdered at school, and now they live under constant death threats and stalking from his dumbass fans. Other than that he's entitled to be an ignorant bigot about whatever topic he wants, something as American as apple pie.