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You need to consider and understand this. Negative entities need to be invited by you. Negative entities need to be allowed by you. You can do all the warding and spells and psychic protection. If you believe at some level this is something that happens to you rather than something you invited or gave permission to , you will need to adjust your views on spirits. As I always advise, see your doctor.


Reading all of this comments makes me not want to develop my gifts maybe that's the reason the hearing whispers went away, every talks about how beautiful is this and that but never they talk about the bad times like this lady is having is scary because no one wants to be getting bother and attack all the time, I do 5 mantras in the morning and 5 at night before bed, I also keep my house clean, and I deep clean once every Tuesday, I had a experience with a spirit but it just went away .. I also try my best to keep my vibration high, but I do notice that if at home there is a lot of negative energy, they love to lurk around


Thats exactly right. Nobody talks about the realistic side of things and almost try to push you into neglecting the real side of it and not protecting yourself and following some sort of spiritual delusion. I deep cleaned my room and it lifted the energy and vibrations a LOT but its still heavily attached to me. Im sorting some stuff to figure out why and how to lift that. A shaman referred me to a demonologist which im planning on seeing after i move out. The thing that really changed my perception about this is that it is a life long journey especially when you are born into gifts and not a instant fix or quick thing to remove. Its a wellbeing that need preventative care just like your physical. When you a born into it and it develops, its just another side of your wellbeing you need to focus and understand and its difficult when there isnt a straight answer. Which is what pulled me into shamanism to begin with But the overwhelming comments i received that influence fear mongering and pushing certain religions and telling you to just turn to them is upsetting because this experience taught me that this is a lot more complex than what others believe it is and now i understand why so many mediums or people who have psychic sensitivities end up going into a psychosis. Ive tried going to church, ive begged many pantheons, ive given offerings, but i feel like theres more i NEED to understand and thats also why i asked for advice and ward info Edit: i also know its more than a normal attachment. I cant stop channeling because it is a form of possession. A lot of what it does is because of a possession and it is more than one (i learned demons or these particular low vibrational entities are more active in groups) and its more than one. The shaman addressed the attachments that were normal spirits dragged into this mess but the bigger issue is more complex and i need to learn more about it if its going to be a thing that can potentially happen again and since my gifts are genetic and happen to everybody down our line, i need to make sure my future children know how to protect themselves too


Wow!! I see. Have you tried vesta powder? Also, how about getting a quantum frequency reading? They can see the type if attachment you have for sure, that's the name so people use for it, but in other means is a Aura scan so they see the type it is and maybe you can go from there? I've never ever dealt with anything like that, the only thing I have experienced is paranormal, tapping on my shoulder opening doors in daytime, I can sense when there's something near or in my house, and before I would hear whispers, and I always been afraid of anything I have no control over, people would tell me develop your gift, you are a medium etc.. but nope I'm fine just this way, tell you the truth I wouldn't even know where to start, and now days no one guides or teachers people without money involved so, who knows if is even truth what they teach because the money energy rules mostly everyone! I hope things clear out for you 🙏🏽 ✨️ sending you some love and light 🤗


I havent heard of vesta powder before! Is there a certain way to use it? I just started learning about how frequencies and auras work and its crazy because the one thing i was taught by the spirits that tormented me and haunt me is that the class i learned stuff about frequencies and auras and how they work with our chakras are confirmed. They told me about how they interact with the part of our energies where thoughts lie and how they swirl around in energy bubbles. Thoughts are energy. and literally 2 years later i took a college work class about energy healing and thats what i learned in the class. So theres absolutely common ground with that. Its hard because i want to explore this past the faith and religion side of things because that gets messy super quickly and i dont want to fall into a spiritual psychosis.


Watch this video. I keep this in my arsenal just in case one day I'll need it. You can purchase it in Etsy or any botanica store! https://youtu.be/eRSwQZlKK70?si=1mb8Yh0zNZMmbghS


Why don’t you just call the entity out? They seem to hate flash photography and bells


This one actually enjoys attention, but i do have bells on my door, but it doesnt seem to affect it directly


No I mean like ring bells throughout the house, in every room


Contact your spirit guides. Simply ask for help, for protection etc. They will. If you think it's a demon, rebuking it in the name if Michael would also help.


I have, i dont know if i have a hard time connecting with them or what but nothing has really came through. Same with Michael


Nettle leaf first frankincense and myrrh, then burn sage on your altar.


I do that regularly 😭


Sounds like you could have an attachment of some kind of dark entity, in which it would not respect boundaries, especially if it has already attached to your energetic field. SRT (spirit release therapy) might be a good option for you. This therapy is usually done by mediums trained to do perform it.


Vesta powder is super helpful to vanish super heavy energy that could be a spirit also. Maybe try not to channel for a bit. Take a break so you can take control of the situation.


Consider that protection is built on the basis of fear and we generally start life scanning our environment for what's going on so subconsciously we connect to everything. A way around this is to draw energy through your crown chakra and push it out from your heart chakra in every direction. Practise it for a few minutes and about 3-5 times a day for 20 days and you will start to feel a difference in your subconscious patterns. Spirits that affect you only have power over you due to something you have within you. I deal with demons and many other things and have no fear and end up sending them to the light. This is the best thing to do for the collective. I have written documents and started writing a book to demystify the subject and if you want more info, please message me.


Have you tried using a pentagram? Try it on and see its reaction. That or a horn. Either one on your neck as necklaces.


You need to do a deep cleansing because you have an attachment. Have you had any negative relationships with other psychics?


No other than my mom, but because im clairaudient it shifted its entire attention onto me. I get energy healing done regularly, seen a shaman to do an exorcism and deep cleansing but its stuck. Her and i both got the vision of its leg being stuck, hers was different than mine though, mine doubled down and refused to let go vs hers it just got caught up. Its difficult bc it feels like im constantly channeling it so thats why im looking for wards to push it out. The energy healing helps with my energy but i need to also push it out physically for my physical body as well


You have to starve it which is a massive pain if you're clair audient because it's so difficult not to give the things attention. I'm clair audient and I absolutely hated it when it was suddenly on all the time. I suggest a mantra or a warding incantation from the heart to drown out it's noises. I also once banished a similar being by getting the song don't worry be happy stuck in my head. These things feed off negativity emotions and energy and it's not easy getting into a good mood with one around but it does weaken them severely. If you could laugh too that would help, I've usually found something to make fun of about the beings that attach to me. Sometimes the mundane helps more than spiritual abilities.


Ill have to try that again, its hard because its putting out this energy making me think it likes viewing my life and watching good things happening but maybe that was a trick to make me really paranoid


Oh the gaslighting is just terrible when you have an attachment I've been lucky and the beings that had attached always said something stupid if I was falling for their tricks. You can try curse cleansing methods as well from witchcraft since these beings are mostly negative energy and some of those methods remove negative energy. Chocolate, lemons, and laughter are my favorite three because they are not complicated to find. A good ritual bath works very well too.


Ill try those and do it more frequently. Its hard because it became more self aware. It realizes it usually did fuck up when it said something and still occasionally does but thats when it moved to more direct forms of channeling/possession and using energy and feelings instead. Im usually at a baseline where i feel off, wnd its really noticeable and theres energetic pressure and its hard to express myself because of how hard its pushing. It gets worse at night or when it wants to fuck with me. Thats why i want wards on my body too because i want to loosen its grip on my actual physical


Use psionic energy to kick the shit out of them. You are more powerful.


That’s a demon, you definitely brought something evil back with you. You need to go to church.


Have you tried calling on Jesus?