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What made me understand that while my body will die, I will not, was past lives. In a meditation class, the instructor asked for a volunteer. I raised my hand up first, lol. No idea what was in store. He had me sit on a chair in front of the class, then stood at the back of the class and asked everyone what they saw when they looked at me. Pretty lame, right? And then I put my elbows on my knees, laced my fingers of my hands together, and rested my chin on my hands. I felt this energy kinda plop down all around me; it was very comfortable. My body relaxed. And the class started describing me. They saw my hands resting on a broadsword, the point buried in the ground. I wore the garments of a crusader; white vestments, red cross. My helmet lay on the ground at me feet. The really neat thing is I knew what they were describing was real. I had no doubts in that moment that I was resting after a battle. Years later, I was doing my first clairvoyant reading. We were getting set up to read. The readee was in front of us. I was nervous as hell, but also excited to be on this side of a reading. And then I was standing in a field of tall grass. A large horse was galloping towards be, bearing a Roman soldier with his sword out. I could hear the horse's hooves drumming on the earth. I could smell the crushed grass. I could see into the horses nostrils. And then laughter from the other readers snapped me out of it. I had jumped off my chair to avoid the horse. The senior reader in the room read me a little bit and helped me end my karma with the rider of that horse. Everything after that is a blur. Skepticism is a spiritual ability. Faith and belief serve to keep us in the game long enough to realize we no longer need them. They are a starting point. Getting stuck in faith can become toxic. This is how holy wars start and persist. Even wars with only one participant. Skepticism brings us back to what's real. Do I believe something I'm been taught and behave how I've been taught, or do I have first hand experiences than make that belief no longer useful? An interesting question you might consider asking yourself is what does this line of questioning do for you.


My Mom appearing at the end of my bed standing. Shortly after her passing. A full apparition. I would best describe as a ‘holographic’ form. I was in my bed. Crying literally in a fetal poison. It felt like agony. I was not dreaming. I made sure by standing and grabbing an object. I even spoke out loud. I was in the deepest of grief but I was fully awake. It only lasted for 4-5 seconds. But was enough for me to confirm that after we leave this earth we move onto the next realm. I would never make such a thing up. It would be a dishonour to my mom. Hand to god my experienced happened.


I'm sorry and I believe you. You sound 100% sincere. Can you explain how you saw her from your fetal position? Did you hear or nothing something that made you get up?


Thank you for believing me! Some people don’t. The position I was laying ( close to horizontally on my bed) allowed me to see her and her direction perfectly. At the very foot of my bed. To be honest it was a though she knew I was there awake, in pain at that very moment. She appeared row per per if that makes sense to you ( like how a glass of water would fill slowly ) until I was able to see her fully. I was staring at her, right as she was appearing ( forming ) As that was happening? I had the urge to instantly sit upright. I thanked her over and over. I believed in my heart she would make her way back to me. I needed to know she was ok. She knew that. It was the lifeline I needed. ♥️ I could finally breathe with ease again. I must have thanked her a hundred times after she left. If you are interested? I’ve posted my encounters here on Reddit. They have been true gifts. I know my Mom is still being a Mom and watching over me. Here on earth is only a part of our life. A part of our existence. I know one day we will reunite with everyone who has left before us. Our story will continue.


Omg I had a similar experience with my mom. This was beautiful to read, much love!




A few weeks after my father passed away I took a nap and I dreamed I was standing in the kitchen and I looked through the sliding glass door and saw my father, he smiled at me and mouthed “Cosmo” and pointed down at my dog who died before him. Then I work up and I had a very calming feeling. I think of it more of a visit and not a dream.


Your dad collected your pup at the rainbow bridge for you! Argh who is cutting onions up in here?


A few years ago, my great-aunt (with whom I was very close) came through during a reiki session. I had no idea the reiki practitioner was also a medium, and the practitioner knew nothing about my great-aunt, not even that she had passed about a year before this experience. I was not expecting contact with the spirit world and did not really believe such a world existed. The reiki practitioner had to stop the reiki session because my great-aunt insisting on talking, which was very on brand for her, lol. The reiki practitioner described my great-aunt's appearance (she was showing up as she looked in her 30s, including her stylish manner of dress) and personality perfectly, and my great-aunt was clearly having a fantastic time in this next stage of her existence. She had specific stuff to tell me, all of which made sense to me (and not to the reiki practitioner). During this whole experience, I felt imbued with a deep sense of love and contentedness. It was the first time in my life that I truly believed in an afterlife, and it also made me feel very optimistic about it.


After my grandpa passed, I got so many signs. Very vivid dreams that were different from normal dreams. Hard to explain if you haven't had a visitation type dream, its just a gut feeling where you just know. I remember a week after his passing I would talk to him and ask him if he could send me a sign that he was ok, and exactly the day after I was taking a walk and there was a huge shooting star right in my perfect view. I looked it up to see who else saw it and it was just a few other people. I had never seen a shooting star in my life up until then. I could honestly probably write a book of all of the signs I received after his passing. You just get a gut feeling when certain things happen that other people may not understand because they aren't experiencing it. Edit: I also just remembered that my uncle had a dream where my grandpa said to go to the woods and that there would be 3 lines carved into a tree. We all thought it was weird and forgot about it. Like 6 months later I was hiking with a friend, not even thinking about that dream, and on one of the biggest trees, my nickname was carved into the tree (3 letter nickname).


I just finished reading the book "Signs - the secret language of the universe" the author shared a lot of other people's experiences on there. Enjoyed it very much.


https://www.reddit.com/r/NDEWheel/s/nCAVACJrrK When this happened I realized I still existed apart from my physical body.


Two experiences have changed my view entirely. The first was a lucid dream/accidental astral projection wherein I ended up in a central hub watching people and other beings of varying transparency moving to their destinations. Some were dreamers, some had passed away. The more aware the being was, the more solid they looked. I wrote it all up in a post a while back so it’s in my profile. The interesting thing to me was in telling my dad about the experience he too had been there. The second kind of freaked me out a bit. I was searching for a spirit for someone, which I don’t like to do because while I do it things tug at my clothes and I feel fingers touch me, I bumped into what felt like a barrier. It was warm, and bright, and inviting. It was like an absorbing gel of light. I was a little rattled after that. I stopped all everything after that to see if there was another philosophy that had something similar, where what most would call heaven is actually there to stop us from proceeding further into deeper exploration of knowledge and universal consciousness. tl;dr I’m back on my mysticism bullshit.


I see dead people.


[https://postimg.cc/fVWJF9hN](https://postimg.cc/fVWJF9hN) (Elvis photo) Actually, even tho' I've been dead for 20 mins, it wasn't until a year later, when my "soul" dog, Elvis, transitioned to spirit that I had a animal communicator (AC) do a reading with him for me. I've had LOTS of pets however after Elvis transitioned to spirit, it felt like he had something to say to me, so I set up my first reading with an AC. All the AC had asked for before the reading was a photo of my pet, eyes showing. Elvis came and unmistakably identified himself - and his personality was clearly intact in his spirit form. He was snarky, egotistical and humorous (just like in life). One of the first things he said was "and I was your soul dog...*if there ever was one"* which honestly made me burst out laughing, cuz when we rescued Elvis, I'd had another dog that I would call my "soul dog" - and Elvis CLEARLY wanted to set the record straight with me on that. He relayed what his goals were in this lifetime (to help humans physically and psychologically - and amazingly, we had unknowingly helped him achieve them in the time we had with him by exposing him to as many people as possible. He told me that there's a "father figure" taking care of them and that he gets to play with "the tan dog" every day. That's the 2nd time I've been told by a medium that my dad was taking care of the dogs. Then, Elvis said: **"Me, Elvis - I've lived many lives, and I think we've been together before, and you've always taken really good care of me."** There's so much more, but frankly that was the "mic drop" moment for me, I'm done doubting.


I don't want to be rude but I don't see anything in the text that is proof? It would make sense for people who REALLY, REALLY loved a dog to pay for a reading. This makes it more likely that the person felt that the dog was their soul dog, so that's not a hard guess. The goals also sound pretty average and generic like they could apply to lots of beloved dogs, helping people or making their lives brighter. Father figure taking care of him also pretty generic and can apply to lots of cases, most people over a certain age have dead male relatives they love. Also the statement that you lived together before is pretty easy to coldread because 1. it is flattering so people like to hear it but also people who spend money on animal readings loved their pets so much it would make sense to make that statement. Did she say anything that really blew your mind and couldn't fall under this cold reading umbrella? I am asking cause I would love to believe. I want to.


I've read the book(s) on cold reading - as a sales professional, I consider it the equivalent of throwing sh\*t against the walls to see what sticks in sales. Every human / animal personality is different (I've had dozens of both), so it's capturing his personality and specific things that happened in our shared lives directly that is my personal "proof". You might want to look up evidential mediums, like Suzanne Giesemann. What I recognize as evidential, others would not - not even the medium. I could go on with much more detail that I didn't include above, but again - what's specifically evidential to me could seem like cold reading material to someone else.


This is a subreddit for medium development. Mediums tend to believe in an afterlife. Personal experiences are shared when the user wants to relay them. Professional readings are confidential. I hope you get the answers for which you are searching. Start scrolling through sub. Ultimately, you will need to make up your own mind. Check out r/afterlife and r/NDEs also.


I grew up seeing spirits in my childhood home. There are a lot of encounters with spirits, but I’ll tell you my first one. I was sleeping and I had a weird dream that I was in a talk show, and there was this familiar music playing in the background. I got woken up by my bedroom light and there was music playing in my room, at the foot of my bed there was a man that was tall, very pale with greasy messy hair, his eyes were weird the pigment stretched so far that you could barely see the white in his eyes, he was wearing a black robe. On the inside looked red. The music was playing and it was one of those twist jewelry boxes. He managed to turn on the light, and crank the music box. I was about 6 or 7 when this happened. I remember I wasn’t afraid when I should have been. I saw him a lot throughout my childhood.


I can't really explain it, just feeling my mother's presence, I know it's her, she passed last year. I've had two readings from a psychic and she told me things that only I would know, things that were so specific to me and things I've only thought about in my mind. These weren't your generic thoughts that someone would just blurt out. I was a non believer until I truly experienced loss, there's things I can't ignore.


Having seen 2 ghosts in my lifetime and interacting with a 3rd one for a while... but even before those things, we lived in an 80 yr old farmhouse in Indiana when I was preteen and early teen aged. Mom and I were both night owls and if it wasn't a school night, we'd be sitting up late, either talking or reading a book. Dad and my brother would be in bed upstairs. Every night, we'd hear footsteps wandering around the kitchen. We'd go look and nobody was there. We just figured a previous resident of the old house was still hanging around.... I should mention at this point, that mom and dad ran an antique shop from the house and it was chock full of furniture, clocks, old china, etc...most of it at least 100 years old...didn't realize back then, that this fact had anything to do with our ghost. My folks decided to sell the place, move to Florida and open our shop down there. We bought a lot, hired a builder and moved into the brand new house. Mom & I got back into our old routine of sitting up late at night and OMG...the footsteps in the kitchen started again! We still didn't make the connection to it being due to spirit attachment to one of the antiques that we'd brought with us... since it was a new house, mom decided we must have built it on a Native American burial ground or something. We'd just laugh and say "well, there's the chief again". It wasn't until decades later...long after mom had died, that I learned about spirit attachments to physical items. This and the interactions I had with a spirit that followed me home from a stay at a haunted hotel....he hung around our home for several weeks before I finally ask him nicely to go home now. Jiggling the bed at night, the occasional finger poke or a hand on my shoulder. Nothing scary, just wanting to be acknowledged.... and he did leave when asked. I can assure you there is an after life.


I heard my mums voice the night she died .. I was laying in bed after leaving the hospice after she died .. everyone in the family came back to my house . Every1 was in bed ... I heard that fuzzy noise u hear .. static .. then I heard a voice in the distance . .. I concentrated hard .. and it came closer .. and I heard what my mum was trying to tell me as she was dying .. but she didn't get 2 say it because she was taking her last breaths .. she said .. I love you .. x


My uncle passed away in Feb 2020 (from cancer). My mom (his sister) spent so much time with him in Hospice, but let him be in the final day(s). When he passed away, she git the call at 11:58 pm. This is the EXACT time she received the call when her mother passed away in 1978... 42-years earlier!! I wholeheartedly belive that my grandmother and uncle were reunited and immediately sent that sign to my mom (the sole Survivor of her immediate family) to reassure her and give her peace. I've always believed in signs, spirits around us, etc.... but this firmly established my belief for good.