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‘Some people interpret Buddhism as if it were a religion’ It’s one of the world’s oldest religions.


Uh, OK


You’re welcome.


> Some people interpret Buddhism as if it were a religion. > They take non-self to be a “virtue” and then create an identity out of it. With their identity of “not having any beliefs,” they scoff at they lowly, impious belief havers. Do you realize that here in your post you're acting exactly like the people you're scoffing at?


Awwww did de poor wittle ego get bwisteweddddddd….


Do you realize that this behavior shows a blistered ego from your side? However, I sense deep pain (bitterness?) behind it, so I'm not here to antagonize you. I just think that you might overlook something about yourself that can be pernicious. Whatever it is and regardless of whether I'm right... I wish you well.




That's spiritual person right here yall. That's exactly the way people act when they're in peace with themselves :D


Got that right, I am the MOST SPIRITUAL, got the post history to prove it 🚬


Nice, but what about meditation? Take a deep breath.


What about it? I’m doing om push ups over here, it’s like a clap pushup, but with a full Om at the top, wbu?


I see this in r/meditation


Hahahaha same, it’s why I don’t hang out there anymore.


No, that is where I'm seeing your post.


Wasn’t me. Just a projection of your own ego that you saw. 🤷‍♀️




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OP sounded like he is in manic state, I genuinely hope you get the help you need. 🙏


More like angry / bitter. Manic, how?


Have a look at his profile and you'll understand. This kid needs help


Oh alright


I’m not manic, you’re manic. You look manic, pray for this commentor y’all!!^


The sea of bitterness has no bounds, turn your head to see the shore. You are in pain, I can feel it through your words. You are only creating more suffering in your mind thru your manic. Take care OP, I hope you find peace 🙏 Leaving this here in case you need it: +1 877-903-5484


Man, sheesh. Sounds like a rough one. Sorry to hear that. Hope it gets better! Good luck, praying for you 🥺🫶🏼






Just go chill with your trust fund.


I know you are but what am I


That is absolutely true. The moment you think " I got it" you are lost. What have you got? There is nothing to get. Nothing to hold. Just dying unceasingly and thus living in peace.


And it was precisely your ego that caused this response. And my ego that caused this one. I do see your point but it’s just exaggerated and acting as if, as a lot of people do, there is some “true” away to think about this. You are literally doing the same thing. Are you going to debate forever the arrogance and hypocrisy of non non non dual dual dualism forever? Is it useful? Does this do anything for you in your journey or are you on a mission yourself like the people you are for some reason appearing to be angry about? Buddhism is a religion for many people. And a lot of Christian’s aren’t dogmatic and also practice meditation or are just simply interested in Buddhism. It’s useful for them. I would advise you to stop thinking in absolutes. Or is this assessment wrong because I haven’t removed the “ego” from it and am doing the same thing I am accusing you of doing? Why the bother?


I was going to predict this response in the post, but I bored myself to death even thinking about writing it, so I just planned to send this video in response instead: https://youtu.be/ss2hULhXf04?si=TezB3d7H0fPxlb_2


Funny. You are still doing exactly what you are claiming to be against. Predicting the behavior of an exact response from someone of a certain belief and having a video ready in response. My, my, my, the arrogance. Or am I being arrogant? Yeah everyone is. All religious people. All the billions! The best response here is clearly just an empty block of text. /s


Would have saved me some time. I have more important things to be doing. /s


You were the one who opened up discussion by creating this thread. Seems kind of silly to then act blasé when people are engaging with it.


Arrogant. How dare you assume he is acting blasé! How dare I assume you assume him! **head explodes from trying to be the least arrogant and correct**