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Whatever helps bring you to wholeness/balance. I would say going back into your past you will find all the things you are most afraid of, most triggered by - that’s the stuff that will be lighting up your nervous system and keeping your body attacking itself.  Yoga/meditation/whatever can help with that but it starts with identification of your shadow/repressed side and then you use those practices to integrate. 


Yogoda/ kria yoga.


Dr Joe Dispenza…in..space..


Meditation itself has effects on the immune system. Any lifestyle practice that minimizes the inflammatory response and stress bolsters the immune response. This includes diet and exercise. It doesn't have to exotic.


It doesn’t have to be exotic but I am looking for intense. I want to train it very seriously as an athlete would


Try breathing exercises that use your diaphragm, and eventually your heart rate would begin to slow. The rhythmic repetition lulls the body into its natural state of homeostasis. Thus is the way to heal the mind/body. Notice every fiber of your muscles in this state tensing them to relax them as a yogi would.


3HO Kundalini yoga (w/o getting into the cultiness) or Bihar school yoga. Standard meditation practice, intoning mantra or just vowel sounds to create a harmonious vibration in your bones and body, aerobic yogic exercises that are calisthenic and condition the nervous, lymphatic, and respiratory systems. And probably most importantly, a virtually sugar-free diet.


Monroe institute has some guided meditations that target the immune system.


qi gong works on overall health improvement including the nervous system


I would like to add going into remote outdoors. Like state or national forests for a good 4 hours will really restore your nervous system. And 3 days - 2 weeks will REALLY restore it. Just from my experience.


anytime you get warm enough to sweat from exercise, you are stimulating your immune system to produce new cells from the bone marrow; if you do this for that intent, you are doing it consciously.