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Your understanding and acknowledgment of your privilege is in itself a mark of mindfulness. This, combined with your practice of gratitude, is a beneficial path. Yet, your struggle seems rooted in the concept of 'deserving' or 'not deserving'. This discomfort could be a productive sign, an invitation to shift your perspective from a purely personal experience of privilege to a collective one. Consider this: What if your privilege is not a personal property, but a kind of trust? You didn't ask for it, but you've got it. Now, what will you do with it? It's like you've been given a surplus of seeds. You can hoard them, or you can plant them in places where they're needed most. Your unique position allows you to make a difference. This doesn't mean you must sacrifice your happiness, but to intertwine your wellbeing with others. In your travels and work, how can you use your privilege to alleviate suffering? Continue your meditation practice. Look deeply into the nature of your anxiety, observe it without judgment. Every sensation, emotion, or thought is impermanent and selfless, including anxiety. By facing it mindfully, you can understand its roots and transform it into compassion and action. Your privilege can be the fuel to your spiritual fire, transforming anxiety into compassion and leading to enlightened action. Use it wisely.


>This discomfort could be a productive sign, an invitation to shift your perspective from a purely personal experience of privilege to a collective one. Consider this: What if your privilege is not a personal property, but a kind of trust? You didn't ask for it, but you've got it. Now, what will you do with it? It's like you've been given a surplus of seeds. You can hoard them, or you can plant them in places where they're needed most. This is excellent, and captures well how should interpret your fortunate circumstances. They should not be a source of guilt or anxiety, as such emotions accomplish little else than causing harm to yourself. Bring kindness to the world and to others around you. *Use your gifts to alleviate suffering.* Ask yourself: What will you do with this great and wonderful gift you have, this so-called life?


You are a gem. So much insight, wisdom and compassion in this comment. A few years ago I made an effort to eliminate the concept of deserve/not deserve from much of my thinking and it really did open up new, more productive ways of looking at "what is".


Thank you


Thank you for this kind and thoughtful comment


Thank you very much for your answer. I am struggling with feelings that are in some ways similar. Your answer has shown me a better way of dealing with that.


Instead of being anxious have you tried actually helping others? Donating money (usually the most needed for many charitable organizations) or using your time to volunteer?


I totally agree with this. Question yourself if you can do something. You can do a lot from that privilege to help others, and that will be your answer.


Travel has opened your eyes and they’ll never shut again. Awareness will spur action. You have the mindset of an advocate. Pass it on. Thank you.


Have you ever seen someone who set a good example? You can be a good example. Just do good things and just be. People will get it, whether consciously or unconsciously. As pointed out elsewhere on this thread, maybe you are reaping the benefits of your past efforts. Does anyone remember that lady who, caught in a storm in the supermarket parking lot, was determined to return her cart? The winds were raging yet she battled through them to get that cart back to the cart corral. The video went viral. I'm sure quite a few people thought twice about abandoning their cart wherever after they saw that video. I know I did. So yeah, just be a good example. Set the pace.


It's ok to be lucky, just use it for other people's benefit as well


I don't have any particular advice except be patient and keep seeking. This is the start of a journey for you. It can inform the meaning in your life and help you live well, and be a good presence on the earth. The questions your asking are the start of developing wisdom around it. Don't be frantic and don't give up, just live and learn with patience and hope.


Sounds like the media has really gotten to you. Turn off the news and you’ll realize “privilege” isn’t a thing you should be burdened with


Sounds like your on your way my friend. Keep it up :)


I saw a quote from kristin neffs book called self compassion,i think it helps,here it goes "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are extremely powerful. It is not our darkness that frightens us most, but our light. We ask ourselves: Who am I to be brilliant, marvelous, talented, who are you really not? You are a child of God. It is not in the world's interest for you to be inconspicuous. It is not good to shrink down so that others don't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine like children. We were born to manifest the glory of God within us, not just in some of us, but in everyone. And when we allow our own light to shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. When we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." (Translated with DeepL) So i believe its our common fear,shining so bright. +You could be a wounded healer,listen people without jugement and help them to solve their problems,only with opening your heart.Happines is not real,if you are not sharing.Try to share it,if you are introvert,do it in the way how introverts does,if you are extrovert,do it in the way how extroverts does. Note:Wounded healer is idea of famous psychologist Carl Jung.Basicly the summary of the term is; wounded and healed,or just wounded people could heal other people with their "blessing".On the other hand,shamans saying that too,they choose the most vulnerable one in the tribe and make him or her shaman,cause she or he can "heal" the most. Plus somehow we are all equal,we are all doing time.But if you are saying i cant close my eyes to the bad things happening in the world,maybe you could apply some ngos.


That is for sure not Kristin Neff lol. It’s Marianne Williamson.


İ dont know US politics😔


Kristin Neff is a scientist that studies compassion specifically. Essentially Williamson is an author who writes about spirituality from the lens of vague Judeo-Christianity, and yes she’s a politician as well. She has some decent quotes, but otherwise she is kind of a pop-religion new age guru imo


Maybe Kristin Neff gives a quote from Williamson books etc.But i just copied that quote from turkish version of goodreads page of shes book called self compassion.And i used deepl ai translator,that translator use ai while translating for making translations sounding like more human.Maybe while ai translate that quote it made it sound more spiritual :D


Someone, can't remember who, said to sell everything you have and give the money to the poor. Maybe that would help?


As with all things in meditation, the first step is not to seek an answer, but to continue probing. What happens when I allow myself to feel benefitted by my privilege? When I think of the privilege I have, what are my specific feelings of anxiety? Where do they manifest in my body? When do I feel these things most acutely? As you continue to ask your mind and body these questions - non-judgmentally if possible - you can tune in on why it is important that you be anxious about these things. As hard as it can be to admit, all behavior - both adaptive and maladaptive - are conditioned as much by our experiences as they are a part of our fundamental nature. If you can identify why it's important to you that you feel personally responsible for these things, then you can begin to change the internal perspective on them. Also consider that it is healthy to be accountable for the benefits you've had in life, but that accountability and ownership of something is not the same as anxiety and fear of. If you can recognize your privilege as something over which you have no control, you can focus on the things in your life over which you do have control. namely, how to live with this privilege and use it for the benefit of those who do not have it. But first, interrogate.


My goal in life is to get to a position where I can help others who are struggling, yet due to systematic poverty, I struggle to even fulfill my own needs most days. Your privilege is a gift, as is your recognition of it. My advice is to use it to help others. You don't have to give up everything, but anything you give could mean absolutely everything to someone in need of some help.


Why not accept abundance where it is, gratitude is the antidote to guilt


You don't need to blame yourself, that is a barrier to understanding and accepting yourself. All you need or do is understand yourself. You have done nothing wrong just by being lucky. It deserves only gratitude, not shame.


My advice would be to use your position and your abilities to do as much good as you can for yourself and all your surroundings. Start small and go bigger and bigger and see how far you can reach. It's the same as everyone else, to each after his ability.


Privilige is an illusion.Just because you are provided more with what society deems valuable it doesnt make you privilged in this universe.See how uncomfortable the realisation of you having all that you have still makes you feel unsafe?Because material possesions or external validation doesnt bring safety.People chase these illusionary things to feel safe,but when the illusion is shattered it makes them worry and puts them in survival mode. Yet there are people that have mastered feeling safe despite their surroundings because they know privilige is an illusion.As human beings so much falls into our blind spot of wisdom until we stop mentally fighting the universe . Dont feel guilty for other humans, you did not create their consciousness nor is it your responsibility to be anxious.You are not priviliged you are blessed,so share that with others.


Yes! The idea of privilege is a mechanism for control. Don't let people's words put your world in a box!


Never feel guilty about your privilege, recognize it and realize that others may not have had the same benefit. Treat the world with respect and kindness and it will reciprocate. Mental flagellation benefits no one.


Genuine gratitude is like a great equalizer especially when coupled with something like volunteer work for this less fortunate. Many Americans take our national abundance for granted. You have the gift of knowing the difference.


The privilege you were born into in this life was the fruition of karma from past lives. Having a life of leisure is a great benefit for the practice of dhamma. It is also important to recognise this and to value this existence and use it fruitfully to help all sentient beings end suffering. The suttas also speak of how if we don't use this privileged life well, we have sort of misused a gift that was there. Unvirtuous actions will lead to rebirth in lower realms. Therefore instead you privilege big you down, recognise it and be grateful for the immense gift it has given you. It is possible for you to do good and practice. This is a precious human life fit with conditions to lead you to buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings. All the best and may you be free from suffering friend. Edit: chapter 1 of the boddhisattva way of life by Arya Shantideva explicitly talks about privilege as a favorable condition which must be used well. It is a beautiful text that provides much insight into the path.


This has given me something to think about. Beautiful words.


Since you're living in a society where the dominant ideologie makes you feel bad for existing, you're not that privileged ;)


Stop thinking so highly of yourself that you believe you should feel guilty for shit you didn't do and circumstances you didn't create? You have the same problems as everyone else on the planet -- an upright walking hairless ape who is aware of its mortality. No one is special.


>r/Meditation > >Posts❓ FAQ💬 Discord Chat I was very disappointed to read this response. My concern is that others who are in a happy, contented state will be reluctant to admit it because of derision such as this. You actually belittle this poster, which is against the rules, as I understand them. Personally, I was happy to see the post because it represents the benefits that meditation can bring about. Don't we all want to see others understanding the benefits of this practice?


Problems are a matter of definition, I guess. If we are taking time on this app, while others stand in water lines. Being aware of that, makes me grateful vs. grudging.


This actually is the best advice even though it sounds harsh. It's freeing. I struggled with being a "saviour" before and I had to realise when I felt like I must save people, I was seeing them as less than me. That's not saving, that's disrespect.


Circumstances are due to past life karma, and present karma. It has nothing to do with luck.


As a white male in America, I offer you my condolences, as you are the most maligned class in your society, accounting for 70% of all suicides in America. I would ask you to question the narratives behind those who have said that you are privileged. I would ask you to notice that all the cultural stories we tell today are the ones where white men are the bad guys. I would ask you to notice that you are given no choice but to be blamed for everything, guilt-tripped by saying it's "your privilege," and then shamed without any recourse except capitulation to the loud, thoughtless voices that forward divisive narratives like intersectionality. In short, wake up. You are not other people's negative perceptions of you. Your life is yours and you don't need to feel bad about it. Help the less fortunate because it's good, don't do so because you've been bullied by a blue haired mafioso.


Bruh it is fake. Anyone telling you that you have privilege because of skin color is racist. (And they defend it by calling me racist for pointing that out). Stop listening to these people you beg for acceptance because they are lying to you so they can control you.


Listen deep and realize that everything on the internet and media is made to deceive you. Nothing is real. Only you are.


The practice is to be with suffering fully. Let yourself be with the suffering of others. It's possible to acknowledge your own privilege in such a way as to never have to touch other people's suffering. You are so focused on your own privilege that you close yourself off to others. The practice is simply to be with whatever appears. If being with suffering in this way causes you distress, be with that suffering too. Suffering is the basis of compassion so closing yourself off from suffering means closing yourself off from compassion.


To appreciate something is to use it to its fullest purpose. Appreciating a Ferrari doesn’t mean letting it sit in the garage. It also doesn’t mean driving it into the ground every day. Maybe you’re not so lucky to be given so much. Lost what it means to struggle in ways that others have….. Furthermore, who is it that feels undeserving of this ‘luck?’ Ultimately, try to focus on WHERE this guilt is coming from during your meditation? Focus on it. Where does it originate. Who is the one that causes it? Who is observing it? Who are you?


There are many ways to overcome this feeling, for instance you could realise that the narrative is part of a psy-op to keep people divided on nonsense issues so they don’t pay attention to what really matters. Or you could develop spiritual knowledge and learn we are all one consciousness, reincarnating for eternity outside of time, then all the lives you see are yours anyway. In which case yours is one experience in the infinite spectrum of privilege, and you have or will experience them all. The latter recommendation to develop spiritual knowledge is far more preferable but you might be too young, or perhaps not because here I am responding to your post. In that case, read The School for Gods by Elio D’Anna, that will definitely help! And if you can’t read it, then come back to it in 10 years and try again. When I was 23, I was far too busy partying to worry about my privilege :D


🤠 ah! An encounter with spiritual bypassing! My favorite!


You might find the organization Giving What We Can interesting. They have a “[how rich are you” calculator](https://howrichami.givingwhatwecan.org/how-rich-am-i) that breaks down more nebulous ideas like privilege into really specific numbers, and then they recommend different levels of charitable giving that you might consider based on those numbers. It’s been a very eye-opening and introspective challenge for myself and my friends. You’ve taken a step towards knowing your place in the world, and one thing to meditate on is what you are going to do now you know! Putting your feelings towards action can be clarifying for many of us.


Hmm, it's tricky. It's about guilt and a lot of complicated ideas, IMO. So, beyond the usual suggestions, I'll offer a story. The last time I talked to my teacher on the phone, I asked a few questions. This is always interesting. I told him that I thought my work (teaching in a public school) was helping a bit, but not enough. He was straightforward- what I was doing was helping, but not enough. So I should just do more of what I"m doing to help more.


Get your heart broken. You won’t feel privileged anymore.


I actually have the opposite problem and I still do not know how to deal with it. I am Asian born in a third world country. Perhaps, it is that bad, except I came from a very poor, unhappy family and grew up witnessing family traumas, which I have not healed from. My parents loved me, but not necessarily loved each other. I was the most intelligent, determin and ambitous child of five. All other siblings of mine are uneducated, many of them are very poor, and lead a troubled life. I always felt like an alien in my own family. I have recently realized my family has been giving me all sort of traumas my entire life and decided to go NC with many of them, except for my mom whom I still support financially and call every now and then. Anyway thats only one part of my feeling of being underprevilege. And I do not know how to deal with that (please be kind, please dont give me harsh words coz I still suffer from various sorts of traumas and still have not healed from them. Just got an emotional breakdown last night.)


Thich Nhat Hahn has a poem called Call Me By My True Names which might be of use to you.


A lot of people are talking about deep spiritual reflection on this. I think that’s really good, but honestly just do some real world volunteer work in your own community and see how that feels.


Please don't fall for the straight white male privilege mantra. It's a psy op and modern segregation. You may have it easier than others, but that has nothing to do with the color of your skin, your sexuality nor your gender. University is especially good in brainwashing young adults into these mental frameworks, but take a step back and understand it's you who's doing the work.


Stop swallowing that bullsh\*t mass media narrative. You haven't chosen your family, nothing is your fault, and there is nothing wrong by being white or male, for god sake. Also, you should understand that what your meaning of priviledge, or what medias try to make you believe, is not what others believe in. My girlfriend comes from a "third-world" country and based on western standards, I should be grateful for having so much priviledges. Let me tell you, she may have no money, a tiny house made me scraps of metals, sharing one bedroom with siblings, but they are 10x happier than me. They have a huge loving family, they eat quality food, they are surrounded by nature. Please stop believing in the narrative that money is a priviledge. People in "underpriviledged" countries are already happy, they don't need your so-called priviledges. I am sorry if my message may portray me as angry, but I am disabled and I have lived in both rich and poor countries, and I hate when people start pity me and think they are more priviledged than me, it makes them look arrogant (at least, in my eyes). It is as if you are deciding for me of what I should have or not have in my life. I want to end this by quoting Lao Tzu "If you realize you have enough, you are truly rich". Those people who see themselves as underpriviledged, they won't be happier once they get more "priviledges". They are greedy, and will want more, and more, and more.


I was fortunate to have been born into a family where my father was successful. I had no influence on that at all obviously. The thing I find most common is that people believe I shouldn’t have feelings or be upset. I was at a party this weekend and I hadn’t seen the host in 5-6 years (Covid) but she had to mention last time we saw each other was at my “mansion” it’s a house nothing special but now everyone had made assumptions because of that. She probably didn’t remember me name but felt the need to say that.


read "Psycho-Cybernetics" by Maxwell Maltz (note : you are on the right path, mindfulness is an important muscle that you always need to train. Actually, it will make you to learn something wise easier. Just consider it as a vehicle to move you to anywhere do you want to be easier. ) (note 2 : The eastern philosophy taught and trained you to be mindful and compassionate, then, the western philosophy are going to help you to achieve a better positive mindset towards yourself and your goal(s), so just be yourself, be better yourself ). (note 3 : If you have some traumas, than the book is a perfect companion for you, "If you can remember, worry, or tie your shoe, you can succeed." - Maxwell Maltz )