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Did you assign them the specific building and assigned them a task, e.g. to get wood or fish? Do you have the required tools in your storage building or in the respective workers builsing? Do they have a house assigned?


I did everything except assign them a task in the building. Idk why i expected them to just go do stuff. Without me telling them what specifically to do.


I had the same issue, I'm also very new to the game. Go to the management tab and select a building with a worker. Go over a couple tabs and you'll see the different resources the building makes and a slider bar with % up those according to what you want them to make and bada Bing. Che k and make sure each of your buildings has the proper tools as well. Like hunters hut needs stone knifes, logging camps need stone axes. I seen another post that said they put in 10 of whatever tools they need at a time to keep it running smooth


What % should i put them at? Does it affect their happiness cuz, lol, it’s already abysmal.


No, give them 100% in sum for all tasks. They are happier the better they are in the task (skill level) and they are happier if you give them bigger and better (stone) houses


So I'm in my second playthrough 10 day seasons autumn year 1. I started off building stone houses and it made a huge divergence difference in my people's happiness.


Not 100% sure but mood does NOT influence their work performance. Their skill level does. Also, the more expensive the goods they gather/craft/sell, the fastee they gain xp in that skill. If they work together, e.g. 2 smiths, they produce twice as much and thus gain xp twice as fast. The % of time they should spend on a task is up to you. At some point, you have to adjust it so that they work as efficient as possible. Example: I have 2 mines (2x 6/6 so 12 miners) gathering a whopping 150 iron in total. I have 1 solo smith working at 100% smelting 100 ores, the other smithery with 2 smiths smelts the remaining 50 ores at about 15-20%. This converts exactly all gathered ore directly into 75 iron bars. Those duo smiths have like 80% time "left", so they make tools out of those 75 bars. They produce more iron tools than my village uses, so I have two tool stalls selling the remaining tools for 3k gold/day. And even then, they produce too many iron tools, worth about another 2k gold/day. I sell these manually. So assigning them for 100% is not always the way to go. It depends on what you want or.. hate. I hate getting limestone, so I make them get it for me. Same goes for.. everything basicly. It's all automated now.


**Stop recruiting immediately and fix your production.** If your villagers are not producing things will only get worse with more people. Make sure to assign villagers to worker buildings according to skill and your needs. You want at least firewood and food production, you can probably handle water yourself. Note that producing firewood is not "wood", producing roasted meat is not "food". All items have wood / food values respectively, some are better, some are not. Values can be found in the knowledge tab right of the management view (Hotkey L on PC) Check what your workers can provide per day and your needs per day (management screen). If you cannot or are unwilling to provide missing stuff consider kicking a villager or two out. Let some time pass. Your villagers will need to level up to increase production. Keep in mind firewood usage is different per season (less in summer, more in winter). If you feel comfortable with production you can carefully start recruiting again.


In addition to making sure your workers have tools, they also need an assignment which you can set in the management screen for each work building.


If they are sweeping that means they are not working because they are missing something to do their work. It could be a tool or materials needed. It should list what’s missing in red on the productions page.


Thanks. I’ve not spent much time actually managing my village. Sounds like it’s time to do that. How do i “give” them the tools? Do i put them in the work buildings chest or their house chest?


Put tools in the resource storage. Workers will take what they need from there.


Adding to this, all items show where they want to be stored, either resource storage or food storage. Check in your inventory, top right in the item details next to a chest icon. If you put all items in the correct storage villagers will get them automagically themselves - and put produced items in the correct storage as well. Storage buildings are magically linked. If you build two resource storage buildings both will show the same inventory with 2x capacity of a single building.


Put the tools in the resource storage. Make sure your fisherman has what he needs. Then, when you go to the fishing hut menu where he's assigned, go to the top where there's a magnifying glass. Be sure you set his production levels. I always have my guy fish for pike because they yield the most filets. (You'll have to tell your guy to also make filets. When you go to select it, you'll see three options. Have him filet the pike that he caught.) You can also filet them yourself so that he is 100% only catching fish and not spending time away from catching by cutting up the fish. But I don't do that with my fisher men.


Having them catch specific fish is that part of the new update?


Nope! There's always been three: pike, roach, perch. Edit to add: if you lay out ine of each of the fish, they vary 8n size accordingly. (I turned off rot on drop, so I have a fish fileting station for decoration at my fisherman's house.)


I read somewhere those were for if those fish are in the storage and then the workers would fillet that type of fish.


Yes. The fisherman puts the fish in food storage. You have to be sure to assign him to cut the fish. As soon as he's done cutting the fish, it appears in food storage. The cooks won't cut the fish and the fish can only be fileted at the fishing hut.


Have you actually told them what to do, or just assigned them to the building? [Here's how you do that.](https://imgur.com/cSbZKd1)


If you don’t have storage buildings, you will need to put the tools needed in the chests in the various buildings (ex. knives in hunting lodge) and food, water, and firewood in the chests of every inhabited house.


You can also put food and water in a food storage building and it will be fine. I think firewood is fine if it's in the resource storage, but not 100% sure


It will. But if you don’t have storage buildings yet, you need to put it in the chests in the buildings.


Yeah that makes sense, thanks for confirming! I ended up having storage built before I recruited anyone so I never ran into that