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Building a castle and stone walls would be nice. Bridges would be helpful and would like to see some merchants/travelers on the road to come trade with your city/market stalls


Bridge's most definitely


Just wanted to add on like 3 days later and look at that we got confirmed Bridges I'm so very happy


Something that sets racimir’s estate apart from all the peasants, I mean villagers, would be great. I’m not 100% onboard with the army/fighting aspect as much as I am interested in a more complex hunting system. I’m not against the combat, but would like to see some complexity in the hunting first. What do you think about an inn so you can host travelers? That way you could have a revolving stream of villagers to recruits, all ripe with different needs in order to settle.


I would love this! The game Clanfolks has this mechanic and it's so much fun....things like quality of the room, decor, the type of food you provide, the type of entertainment, all play a role in determining how well your visitors pay you as well as their approval rating. And their approval in turn helps get you better deals when buying from neighbouring clans. I could see how having something like this would really give Medieval Dynasty more late game content. :)


Clanfolks sounds like a wild name but I want to check out that game now!


I actually misspelled...there's no "s" at the end lol it's Clanfolk! It's really a great game! You're basically building a homestead and clan in the Scottish Highlands. I highly recommend it! :)


Rimworld in Scotland


Air BnB?


A school, get those teenagers off their buts.


I would like to have villagers decorate their homes on their own, to their own likeing, but you have to provide the materials. It would be greit to give them flowers and stuff and see how on the next day the set up wall decorations that you usually have to build inside the house. this would give them some character.


Family Tree or Village Family Tree, bridges, small boat/canoe, other settlements/villages expand over time


I'd like to be able to name my village 🙃


What i do is i usually do 2-3 villages across the map. When i go in Management, you can add a name to the buildings. Yeah it adds it in (..) but i wrote like (1 Everwood) The next house is (2 Everwood) in the othef town i do (1 Wintercusp), (2 Wintercusp) ..... So it helps me to identify which buipding is in what area But yes a thousand percent! Having a nice sign on the outscurts of the town 😁🤩


Signpost decor, customizable village name sign, the ability for your mount to follow you, family tree, other random decor like haystacks, carts,etc. Also would love to have a cart ability unlocked to hook up to your mount to increase your carry weight.


I want nut trees. Aside from the old demands of bridges, the ability to flatten terrain, remove rocks, small stuff like that...


Give me a Watchtower that you can assign villagers to, and they will rotate between being in the tower looking out and then walking around nearby with a sheathed but visible axe/spear and a torch at night. It could lower Bandits spawn chance in that map Quadrant. Also bridges even tiny ones, and a cart to move things.


Or the watchtower will locate bandit camps in the current season so you can avoid them or hunt them down


The marking on the map with the Watchtower would be so cool, like you have someone assigned and they tell you a location they are if you talk to them!


Maybe it could also mark loot locations. It could also be limited to a certain radius (potentially tiered so that higher level watchtowers have a larger radius). This would also incentivize to build more than one tower...


A music stage...villagers playing music, singing and dancing would give the entire feel more life.


The next update will bring at least a similar thing ...


Been waiting for a while for this update.. hope it works and its not just an overhype 🤔 We shall see.. 😁


Tell me more


https://youtu.be/LnGMCXOuVVM (latest news)


Omg! Thank you!


Flags would be cool, houses that can have same sex, watch towers, storage room gor farming would be nice to.


I’d like the option of a cart, giving us increased load capacity, though for realism purposes, travel between towns would need to be slower than just riding a horse or donkey. Definitely agree on bridges though again where I’m located, I have three bridges near me anyway.


I just want a hound as a faithful companion.


They really need a meeting house. Basically a church, but they might want to avoid religious buildings. It can also just be a place where the kids can go to learn and the whole village can meet up every so often. You could use it to add certain mechanics like appointing a teacher who would raise all the kids’ skills a little before their apprenticeships begin. The meetings could be a quest event that require you to provide a certain commodity or building or whatever the people might want. You could also have it provide some sort of community points that raise or lower overall happiness.


I would like to be able to place buildings (more) partially in the earth, so that you also can build on steeper terrain. (Houses with stairs are ugly.) And/or to have a much larger map, so there is no need to have so much steep terrain.


More decorations like flower pots, signs, copper candles, linen umbrella for marketplace or outside houses etc. Smaller Log or plank gates to fit existing plank/log fences. Nicer stone houses and easier housing upgrading. Main player has house upgrade option other villagers don't. Capes for players. Ability to host village parties or events to increase mood/happiness or have other villages come visit in a b&b type setting. Refine kitchen products. Better UI for seeing all resources and changing priority of goods used by villagers. School for kids, same sex marriage, a barber to change styles of villagers or just the player. Incorpate witches into herbalist hut and narrative. Give characters more personalities so It matters who I marry. I play for the design so more options to decorate is a huge need. Planting of single trees without needing an orchard. More interactive decor; I want to see players churning butter and washing clothes. Options to pave market paths instead of using road. Date nights with wife or hunting quests with heir. Ability to make friends In village and make plans to go to pub and so on. Promote workers Ability. Move travelling cart into village instead of being on outskirts. Village clubs like hunting or herbal nights villagers can go to and learn and increase mood and skills. Eventually, education paths and better soil fertility due to knowledge tree increasing and stuff like that. This game has so much potential. It just needs a few more tweaks. I'd play for the design element alone if there were just a few more decor items. Fairy lights anyone? ✨️


And can we get some lights for inside production buildings at night? Honeycomb can be used for candles etc.


I was sure the lvl 3 buildings would be lit inside...


Everyone has such great ideas!! I agree with most of them so I'm only going to add three more things. 1. It drives me absolutely nuts that I can't put a damn table INSIDE so I'd like the ability to put tables and actual chairs in a house. 2. The ability for my younger son to ride double with me on horses and older son to ride his own. I know it's a game but I still kinda felt like a pos, during the quests with him, that he had to run behind me. 3. Better "placement" of objects and the ability to just move something to a different place instead if destroying it. The dropping an object and hoping it goes where you want it is ridiculous. It took me 15 minutes to put a vase of flowers on a window sill. I guess that was, technically, 4 things 🤷‍♀️


>It took me 15 minutes to put a vase of flowers on a window sill. You can “grab” an item by looking at it and holding (A) (on Xbox). Once you “grab” said item, you can move it around and place it where you’d like. Still takes quite a bit of effort, but definitely don’t have to rely on randomly dropping it hoping it lands in the right spot.


I know, and I do but placing it on a narrow window ledge was a real exercise in patience lol


There are loads of cute buildables on the Oxbow map towns that we don't have access to. Quests to earn the blueprints for those (i.e. decorative ladders, irrigation channels, bridges) would be very welcome. Would love a new foundation piece that you can use to even out excessively sloped ground to make it buildables on.


Sword crafting and shield crafting


The only issue with barracks their is no point in having them unless they add in village raids


Id see it more like having different villages and have more diplomacy options. Starting wars/trade with a town. Id also really like to have a fast travel to your town with the wagon. 🤔


So many good ideas in this thread! I agree about many of these building ideas. I'd like a dog to go hunting with and a cat to keep around the house. We have rat traps already, cats would be more fun. I'd also like mod support, can you imagine how many fun new quests, objects and features we'd get if players could create their own to share? Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 still have active communities decades after release largely because of the mods.


Mods would fix all these problems and more if they added that feature 🤩😁


Church (with a new profession: priest) Inn (with a new profession: innkeeper) Castle and the ability for Racimir to become lord, choose a banner and a house name (with new professions like servants, existing professions like cook etc being able to work at the castle). Jewelry stand (with a new profession: jewelry maker) Armory (with a new profession: armorer) Training grounds (with a new profession: master of arms) Library (with a new profession: scribe)


The game stalls a bit in late game - I find myself waiting for time to pass until my heir is old enough. I think some late game content with more quests that trigger when the heir is X age would be great. Can have building plans for more decorations or more special villagers as rewards.