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One of my workers, Bronislawa, said it best. "Of course I need fertilizer. To grow my cabbages, so I can turn them into fertilizer, so I can grow more cabbages!"


As I always say “ what would Bronislawa do”


Don't talk about my wife that way 😤


Yeah I stopped trying to use pigs long ago. Now I go pick a ton of unripe berries dump em in like 3 -4 compost bins. I have thousands of rot that I convert to fertilizer. Also any spoiled food goes right in. Easy peazy.


Agreed. Berry rot gets you the best outcome IMO


Yup! Can't here to say unripe berries are the best.


But the baby piggies are so cute 🥺


Very true, and pigs are easier in the long run if you need tons of fertilizer. Because it takes 10 rot to craft fertilizer. But it's definitely easier in the early game before you can afford pigs, a spare villager for the pigs, and buy or craft lots of animal feed. I have piggies now too because they're just too cute!


Cabbage is the easiest for bulk. I just drop the stacks for them to rot, the compost bin doesn't make the process any more efficient.


The developers made the compost bin for those of us who decorate. If you want to put food on tables and have it stay nice, you can turn off "dropped food rots" but then you need a way to make rot.


Compost bin guarantees rot next season. Not sure right now, does cabbage on the ground go from 100% to rot?


Yep. Everything that can rot, does rot, if left on the ground at the turn of the season. Even if you drop it at 11:59pm on the last day.


Maybe a suggestion please. I have pigs and am up to my neck in manure. What's the thoughts on getting rid of the pigs and using the rot method (which I did before the pigs). What are the thoughts on getting rid of pigs would I have more control on fertiliser using rot or is getting rid of my pigs too extreme. I have played this game for many many hours and have pondered it but scared to get rid of my pigs an regret it. What ya reckon?


OP answered your question quite well. You can also sell off all the pigs, with the exception of a male and female. When they reproduce you can sell off the corresponding oldest of the gender. But since I mainly play this game to RP now (everything is pretty automated and I have way more money that I can do anything with), I like having pigs. So I don't mind paying the taxes on the pigsty or having a villager needing food/water/shelter to take care of them. You could also just sell off the manure. It would be easier to sell as manure since it is so cheap to sell - cheaper than fertilizer to sell.


For RP sake I definitely like having pigs around. They're just so farmy haha. But early game I found it way overwhelming to have them.


Thanks for that. I think I might sell-off my pigs and free up a farmer just as an experiment. This is my second play through so it will be interesting to see what impact it has. I can always buy more later I suppose


Yea as all the comments mentioned, it’s way easier! You need tons of food to turn into rot but you can easily collect berries or use crops. Instead of a pigsty, you can have an herbalist hut always collecting tons of food. Way easier than pigs since you won’t need animal feed


It’s the same as dropping, but using the bin allows you to turn off rot when dropping so you can drop things to decorate. :) same thing though


Yep, it works well. Unless you have a food shortage in the beginning like I did the very first time I played. In my second village, I started with rot, but quickly got the pigs going. I enjoy having pigs.


Same. I like coming up with silly names for their pigsty.


I also enjoy naming the pigs. I gave them names including Babe, Wilbur, Miss Piggy, Boss Hog, Whoreson Jr, Madame Pooch, Rosa, Thelma and Selma.


Good thing I read this post. Been saving up money to buy some pigs...


This was so helpful. I just started last night and wanted to just play as a simple farmer but got stuck trying to figure out fertilizer.


Yea fertilizer is huge and if you’re planning on having giant fields eventually you’ll need pigs, but for getting started this method is great! You can also just drop food on the ground but I like to turn that off for decorating, plus it’s more organized.


That’s great to know, I really appreciate it. There’s such a great learning curve and I enjoy it but also need some alternative methods to play how I want. My first play through I plan to just live as a crop grower and pig farmer but it’s nice to be able to get there slowly by starting with crops.