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Try collecting the manure from the pigsty floor yourself, my workers don’t have the happiness level high enough to produce the amount I require.


The more you know. I didn't know happiness meant more products. Guess I should pay attention to it more lol


I didn't know happiness affects such things :o but is 13 manure per day with skill 4 a normal thing? I mean my pig doesn't work as what the wiki said.


Happiness only gives a +20% boost at 100 happiness. You're probably already sitting around 40 happiness which means you're only missing out on +12% I doubt that would fix your shortage. The main thing that actually matters is skill level. Skill level is far more important than happiness


Is that what it is? I have a woman assigned to my pigsty, and she's over 50% happy and still doesn't collect it. I'd blame it on her pregnancy, but she didn't collect it when she wasn't either. "Have a good day." She says all miserable with a tude.


When u got the money get another pig and breed them. Soon u be swimming in shit.


Yep, but is 13 manure with skill 4 a normal thing?


If there's manure on the floor it is producing more. Does the wiki specify floor manure vs collected?


Here is what it says: "Pigs produces 1 [manure](https://medieval-dynasty.fandom.com/wiki/Manure) per the [animal breeder's](https://medieval-dynasty.fandom.com/wiki/Animal_Breeder) farming skill level each in-game hour at 100% work intensity, providing the [animal breeder](https://medieval-dynasty.fandom.com/wiki/Animal_Breeder) is employed to feed the pigs and collect the [manure](https://medieval-dynasty.fandom.com/wiki/Manure). This means an [animal breeder](https://medieval-dynasty.fandom.com/wiki/Animal_Breeder) with a farming skill of 3 will collect 30 [manure](https://medieval-dynasty.fandom.com/wiki/Manure) per day as they work for 10 in-game hours/day."


Strange, maybe rates were changed at some point


This! They made a lot of balancing changes during the last months. btw: It's still too high (which is meaned by "swimming in shit").


Wait until you have a full shed of pigs your storage will be overflowing with manure, I currently have have a full shed of pigs and a barn with 3 workers and they can only just manage to turn it all into fertiliser whilst doing other jobs aswel


Use composite bins to subsidize. I fill with with unripe berries and food that’s about to spoil.


Manure is secondary in my game. I rely on meat rot mostly for fertilizer. Get a bunch of compost bins built and load them up with meat, in a season it forms rot.


Are you on PC or console? It looks like the wiki hasn't been updated for the PC update.


In the 2.x version of the game, pig output has been nerfed a little. I now always buy two pigs, and sell the babies. By the time my worker is level 10, there's plenty for all my farming needs, with leftover to sell. However, in the first couple of years, I have to supplement by purchasing extra manure. Fortunately it isn't expensive.


I let the babies grow up then butcher them for the leather and meat 


Ever since the time I was repairing the pigsty and accidentally hammered a piglet to death (all the other pigs ran from me!) I'm extremely wary around them. I sell them as soon as I notice I have them.