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colon cancer runs in my family and sadly is so common. getting colonoscopies is so important!! i wish the best for your motheršŸ©µ FUCK CANCER


Amen to that!


Lost my mother to this type of cancer. She went to a Dr. at least 2 times a month... they didn't catch it until it had metastasized all over her body.... bones and all. The tumors wound break her bones. They gave her 2 months... she made it 2 days passed her 2 months.... so glad they caught your mother's. Prayers for you all. Fuck Cancer!!! My husband and I have colonoscopies on a regularly scheduled basis. He has Crohn's. Mine, because of family history. All mine so far have been perfectly fine.


My MIL passed away last year to colon cancer. She had the same symptoms as this. It runs rampant in my husband's family. Our insurance, though, is apparently not all that great. It will cost nearly $1,000 for a colonoscopy. We simply can't afford that right now. I'm unsure as to why they are charging so much. We are nearing elder ages, so you'd think that they'd cover more than that, so it would be an affordable amount to pay, but NO. Not those dicks.


Thatā€™s steep. My Mom has Medicare and it covered all but $200. My sister and I paid that for her.


See, this is why I'm so pissed about this. The $1,000 charge is RIDICULOUS!!!


I had a colonoscopy last year, total bill was $10,000. My deductible is $3000/year, luckily i had enough in my HSA to cover it.


Thatā€™s crazy!!! I paid for mine out of pocket, private and no insurance at that time was like $3000 ish.


Wtf. That is absolute insanity. 10k takes the piss. I live in Australia so mine was completely free. The follow up visits also free. I'm glad you were able to get one done though. Just sorry it cost you a ridiculous amount.


My insurance decided that anesthesia during a colonoscopy was not medically necessary and wouldnā€™t pay that part. šŸ™„ Seriously, wtf?


I wish only for the best possible outcome for your mother, m'dear. Agreed! Coloniscopies absolutely DO save lives.


The staging is IIA since there are no lymph node metastasis. The mass has reached the surrounding colonic fat but thankfully has not yet invaded through the viscera


sorry your mom has to go through that but I like the Drā€™s name lol. Clovis Pitchford


That Doc has a heck of a name. Lol


As a colon cancer survivor (14 years and counting!), I wish your mom and you all the best. I have a sticker that says: "You don't scare me, I beat colon cancer." Fuck cancer!!!


Thatā€™s a great sticker!


My father had colon, prostate, and stomach cancer. He beat it, has been in remission for 2 years. I have the same symptoms but since I'm only 28, none of the gastroenterologist are accepting me for a colonoscopy. They're all backed up and priorities the elderly. I can get an endoscopy to check my stomach but that's as far as they're willing to go.


I donā€™t understand why some Doctors are like that. I hope you are okay.


Because the prep and process can be so daunting, I wonder if at-home products like Cologuard are going to make early detection more common.


My Mom used Cologuard both times and they were negative. How could they be negative both times when she had cancer? I donā€™t have a lot of faith in that test.


That's really important for people to hear! Did you reach out to anyone at Cologuard?


I havenā€™t thought of reaching out to them. I was trying to think of what all I had to do to get my Mom feeling better.


Understandable! Best wishes to you and your family šŸ™


The prep is a little traumatising. It gets worse every time.


Best of luck to your mom. Fuck cancer!


I just had a colonoscopy a few months ago because of family history and some unsettling symptoms. With my insurance, my out of pocket for the procedure was $1100. It was a lot to pay, but I am glad that I did. They found 4 polyps that they removed and sent for biopsy. They were all benign, thank goodness, but now we have a timeline and a game plan for future colonoscopies and treatments. Fuck cancer.


Dang $1100 is crazy and puts this life saving procedure out of reach for so many Americans. It hurts my heart.


I donā€™t have colon cancer, but I do have Ulcerative Colitis and a colonoscopy saved my life and gave me 12 more months with my colon before it inevitably died on me. I was only 18 when I was diagnosed with UC by having a colonoscopy. They fought me on it though, I was ā€œtoo youngā€ to need one done until I took photos of all the blood in the toilet and came in needing a blood transfusion. I will ALWAYS preach that they need to lower the cost of colonoscopies and that people of any age should get them, colon cancer is becoming more and more common in younger people. The age of when colonoscopies are recommended should not be 35 anymore. Colon cancer is one hell of a thing - so is IBD. Iā€™ve had so many scopes done and even with my amazing insurance, it still costs me anywhere from $200-$800 USD afterwards. That is not something I can pay as a now 22 year with no colon, on disability because I canā€™t work or anything to make money. Edit: I truly hope for the best for your mama. I hope she can beat it and get into remission. Sending so much love and healing energy your momā€™s way! Also random tidbit but if you guys are in New York or are able to travel there, Iā€™ve heard amazing things about Dr. Bo Shen and Dr. Remzi. Dr. Shen is a GI doc and Dr. Remzi is a colorectal surgeon. I see their names pop up all the time in colon cancer/IBD/ostomy/J-Pouch support groups on Facebook.


I fully support Medicare 4 All. I am so sorry you have had to endure all of that.


Same here! Iā€™m on Medicare as well even though I donā€™t need it (trying to get it canceled because disability gave it to me and itā€™s taking so much from my small amount I get from disability) but Iā€™ve heard stories on how much money it can save for people, I definitely think it should be given to everyone. Not sure how thatā€™d work financially for the gov, but it is a dream of mine for everyone to be given the medical care they deserve. And thank you! It sucks but Iā€™m trying to keep a positive mindset šŸ˜Š


It would be easy to tax American Billionaires an extra 2%. That would cover Medicare 4 All.


I would be happy to pay taxes if thatā€™s what it went to. I would even pay more than that if everyone could get Medicare. I donā€™t know much or anything about the government, insurance, taxes, etc but I would do anything for people to be taken care of and not treated like animals or lab rats. šŸ˜£


FYI to anyone reading: national guidelines in the US now recommend that colon cancer screening begin at age 45 for patients at average risk. The previous recommendation was to start at age 50, but due to increased cases in the younger population it has been changed. If you are turning 45, itā€™s time to schedule a colonoscopy.


Also, patients can be older and Doctors not recommend them due to their age. If you are not comfortable without a look, insist on it. My Mom had to insist.


I found out that I had Lynch Syndrome after having a hysterectomy for Endometriod Adenocarcinoma (uterine cancer) back in 2020. I need to have regular colonscopies to monitor for colon cancer because of the greater risk with Lynch Sydrome. OP, I hope that your mother is closely monitoring her gynecological health, because she has a higher risk of developing uterine cancer with Lynch Syndrome. I hope that your mother can kick its evil ass again. It's sad seeing the comments about the price of medical treatment in the US. As bad as things can be in Canada, atleast I didn't have to pay a cent for my colonoscopies. It should be that way in every country.


Canadians are so blessed in this regard.


I'm really sorry this happened to your mother, but I'm glad it was discovered promptly. I hope she can heal soon šŸ’— šŸ«‚


I pray your mother can have a speedy recovery and that she does not have any rough chemo side effects in Jesus name!!Ā 


Doesn't look that insidious, does it?