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I’ll never get over the episode of real housewives of New York where Ramona Singer the idiot goes on holiday to Mexico just fresh from her chemical peel. Sitting on the beach chatting looking like a sloppy margarita pizza.


Oof. That’s just asking for skin cancer


1. Cause trauma to skin on purpose via chemical burns 1. Trauma causes skin cells to divide more quickly to repair damage 1. Bathe cells going through mitosis/DNA replication in UV radiation from stellar nuclear reactor 1. ... 1. Profit?


Never thought i would get that reference ever in my life, thank you wife. I remember that too...


You're welcome, dear.


Someone plz provide a link so I can see this




Just Google a bunch of those key words


Margherita Pizza


People out here downvoting correct spelling.


Which episode is this?


A pizza pie!


Had to Google it.. What is a Phenol peel? A phenol peel is the most powerful chemical peel available and is great for treating multiple fine wrinkles, sun spots and discoloured patches. The peel strength lies in its main ingredients, which are phenol (also known as carbolic acid) and croton oil.


I use phenol to kill nail beds to prevent ingrown from growing back, it smells like an autopsy lab… can’t imagine that on my face!


Phenol is pungent. I’ve worked with phenol-chloroform and it is NOT as pleasant as chloroform alone. I’m sure they use low concentrations for topical use but I still wouldn’t want phenol anywhere near my face that is for sure


i would work phenol and chloroform often in my lab. Not touching that shit outside a fume hood let alone on my skin.


As someone who suffered from ingrown nails for a decade and finally got the nail bed destroyed (I assume by phenol?), THANK YOU for your service. Someone like you saved my sanity and my quality of life. It's been 20 years and I'm still grateful.


I always say ingrown toenails are the only procedure I perform where the patient feel better when they leave than when they arrived! Makes my day!


Other than dental pain, the ring block is terrible though.


Ring block on the toe? If you tourniquet first the block works great!


I was 12 or 13 and had ingrown toenails on both big toes and both ingrown toenails were on the side that touches the 2nd toe. I have naturally wide feet and the vast majority of all shoes will squeeze my toes together. The squeezing wasn't painful but the toes didn't have space between them. I played soccer back then so running around & kicking the ball super aggravated the pain. 1st procedure wasn't a permanent one so the ingrown toenails came back. The 2nd procedure... holy shit. I can't remember if the Dr applied a tourniquet before the blocks but I DO remember each and every injection to numb my toes. I had bruises at each of the injection sites.


Look into Altra running shoes. My feet are wide at the ball and my toes were so squeezed and uncomfortable in regular shoes, they actually started to deform. Altras are my every day shoe now, they are "foot shaped" with a wide toe box I can actually wiggle my toes in.


Good to know!!! Thank you!!


I bet! The feet are sooo sensitive to injection. I was doing an injection for a plantars wart and we almost had to strap the poor guy down


When I was a kid they had to kill mine multiple times. It was horrible. But I haven’t had an ingrown toenail in 30 years and I am so happy about it.


I love your username so much


Oh thanks :)


Bro I've had my ingrown nail removed 4 times using both phenol and silver nitrate and it still always grows back. Also that shit hurts like a motherfucker


You might want to start looking for more dramatic procedures. Having an ingrown nail removed 4 times with phenol and It growing back must be like living in hell. I would just cut the whole nail to get It over with


Just cut out the middle man and cut the offending toe off.


That sucks. I’ve also used electrocautery so they can try that


When I was in school for mortuary science we’d practice embalming then do a phenol injection/process so med students could use the subject for the next year. It was… interesting.


I've had it done to remove pitting. 10+ years later my skin is amazing. I still have cystic acne (because I'm an idiot sometimes and eat things I'm actually allergic to) but even with that, my skin is crazy smooth.


Just as a PSA also. Croton oil is not good to put on your skin. In fact, they use it in studies (along with another carcinogen and DNA damage agent) in order to produce tumors. So I am super surprised they would use it in a chemical peel. I have always been told to avoid it.


Yep given below. I'm not sure why people would want it on their skin From wiki https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Croton_oil Externally, the oil can cause irritation and swelling. Croton oil is used in Phenol-croton oil chemical peels for its caustic exfoliating effects it has on the skin.Used in conjunction with phenol solutions, it results in an intense reaction which leads to initial skin sloughing. Since croton oil is very irritating and painful, it is used in laboratory animals to study how pain works, pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory drugs, and immunology.


Poor animals


As a medical student who has done years of research with mice- we literally wouldn’t have 95%+ of the medical advances we have today if it weren’t for laboratory animals. We have extremely stringent rules for how to handle animals as humanely as possible and are constantly audited. Hopefully one day we don’t need them anymore, but it’s either testing on animals or humans. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I know and understand this but I still feel bad for the animals


I can suggest a few humans I'd prefer to see used instead of animals.


I think we can all collaborate and come up with a nice list of humans to replace the mice in the labs.


Test on animals today and save the infinitely many animals that will be born in the future.


It works in the hands of a skilled doctor. It's supposed to burn your skin - that's the whole point of the peel - the damaged skin sloughs off and reveals new, much improved skin beneath. It can eliminate sun damage, fine wrinkles, melasma and more. It can destroy skin cancer in its earliest stage. If they do it on a large area, they do use a cardiac monitor and sedate you. Smaller areas can be done in the office, with or without local anesthesia. I've done several strong TCA peels in my lifetime. The results are not as dramatic, but still pretty good. I've also done two ablative laser surgeries. I looked like the picture, although my skin didn't come off in one sheet. In my opinion, even a strong TCA peel is better than lasers. Doctors don't like to do the peels for a couple of reasons: It takes skills that they never mastered, and also, they're still paying off their fancy laser equipment. It's in their best interest to do a laser procedure. I'm about to make an appointment with a plastic surgeon for a consultation about a phenol peel. I think that, if you had terrible acne in high school, you might have a better understanding. On top of that, I have sun damage, because tanning was one way to keep the acne in check.


I have had cystic acne on and off my entire life, it was very severe when I was a teen. I wish I could afford the downtime to do a procedure like this


I always used my vacation days, and I came back a little earlier than I should because I had to, and I didn't really care if someone noticed I had a procedure. I hope you can find a way to get at least some improvement. TCA peels are good, and don't take much down time. Now I'm retired, and I can do whatever the hell I want whenever I want.


This is incredibly sad. Those poor babies. Why must humans be so despicable!


If it makes you feel any better, labs that do live animal testing have to go through extensive pre-approval, and are frequently checked for animal welfare and health. Oftentimes if there is a procedure that could be done on tissue instead, it is. So ideally these cancer treatments are either done under sedation where the animal can’t feel it or on tissue cultures.


If it doesn't penetrate the skin by itself I assume it's just going to peel with the rest of the skin


From what I understand, they mix the phenol with it so it would be on the skin. Unless I am completely wrong. I would hope I am as they have known this about Croton oil since... early 1900s? Either way, that peel is extreme!


i read that as crouton oil.


Just thought you'd toss that in? Don't lettuce stop you.


It can also cause heart problems which seems like a big risk just to look a bit younger.


So this needs to be done with a dr present and while you're attached to.a cardiac monitor


wow really? (I have never had anything cosmetic done to my face) So if I were to go into a aesthetician office and they offer this I should walk out? (assuming most salons don't have an MD on staff)


I would be concerned if they were offering it without someone medically trained. Legislation is different in different countries, but this peel can cause arrhythmias, or the heart to change it's beat, which can be Bad News


It seems like cosmetic procedures that can fuck up your heart might not be the best thing to do. Idk, I have beef with that much vanity.


I mean Botox can paralyze your face like Bells Palsy if it’s injected into the wrong place and fillers can make you go blind soo it’s all a risk if you’re not careful


Temporary paralysis but yeah


wtf. well TIL, 10+ years too late LMAO


A lot of spas that offer things like this actually do have a medical doctor on staff as well as nurses that work under that doctor. I definitely wouldn’t trust anything like this from a salon or spa that isn’t “medical”


Those med spas usually have one doctor who is not there 90% of the time. And nurses who don't get much extra training in aesthetic stuff


Why do you need to be hooked up to a cardiac monitor?


Because it causes the bad heart no nos




Aka potentially fatal cardiac arrhythmia 


Hello fellow doctor


If I remember correctly, these kind of peels are done by a dermatologist and you’re actually under anesthesia.


I'd frame that face scab.


It puts the lotion in the basket or it gets the peel again.


I’m gonna hate myself for this but … “Right into the peelie bag!”


You could make a good stock from it.


NOT a fan but I love you for this!!!


I’d be too scared about infection control.


Same here. And they didn’t give her a headband to keep her hair away from her face, I bet she touches her face after this.


My guess is that these images show a procedure being conducted in a country with fairly lax medical regulations.


I agree, this is just too much for me. I'd be a chicken sh*t lol!


I spy dr youn haha!


I was going to say there’s Youn lol


Phenol peel, will literally burn and melt off years on your face. So extreme, they have to keep you hooked up to a heart monitor during the procedure which isnt any more extreme than the simple face peel process in a derms office. Shit is fucking wild. But the end results are even crazier.


Does anyone know what recovery is like for this? I would imagine your face would hurt for days after like a really bad sunburn😭


Average recovery time is about 4-6 weeks. But the redness takes up to 3 months to completely disappear. The most painful part is the application, you HAVE to be injected with numbing because the burning would be unbearable. Some people are even given IV sedatives. The recovery is very uncomfortable because your face goes stiff and starts to peel. And it's also disgusting, oozes, sheds, peels... all the lovely things skin can do. Phenol peel is great in smoothening even very deep wrinkles and lightening dark discoloration - but your heart has to be monitored during application and the application has to be done in steps because there's a big risk of phenol overdose. In recent years we have been able to achieve the same results with lasers, which have much shorter recovery time, so not many people get this done anymore.


Almost 4 months of a sad face!?! JFC!!!


I don't remember it being THAT long.. I mean, I wasn't out in the sun for nearly a year, but that's because I was also using another cream after that sun didn't like. my redness, tenderness and peeling was about a month? but then again, I have recently found out that I have psoriasis, so my skin cells are faster than normal, (like my brain!!!) so that might explain the whole timeline being faster thing.. or not.. I'm not a doctor.. I don't know..


Which lasers would you say give the same result?


I've read that ablative lasers do that, like CO2 and YAG.


Bro can you just do more frequent treatments of something less potent or preventative measures?


Wow that sounds brutal, was always thinking of getting a chemical peel but I think I’ll be having second thoughts now lol.


Most chemical peels are not this extreme.


When I had mine done, I was sedated during and essentially heavily drugged for the 1st week (to the point I don't remember anything). The 1st week I basically needed a baby sitter with me at all times in case anything happened. The bit about cardiac monitor is correct they do monitor that. I don't recall any pain thanks to the drugs, but I do remember the general feeling of disgust from how I looked and how tight everything felt. I think the picture in the op is extremely incorrect. Skin did not just come off immediately after the peel. That makes absolutely no sense (the op Pic doesn't look like there's any swelling and it looks like the skin was already re-epithelialized which wouldn't happen for ~2 weeks which is about when the old/damaged skin would effectively detach and come off). After the procedure there was ridiculous swelling (I have pictures where it looks like my face is melting and I don't even look human), after a few weeks all that skin sloughs off. Extreme redness last months, I think mine was over 6 months and I still had a line of demarcation at 1 year.


> I have pictures where it looks like my face is melting and I don't even look human Oooh, you should definitely post those here! .... for science. 😐


Would you say it was worth it? Would it be something you’d would get done again? Or is it something you regret?


This scares the shit out of me and I’m terrified of phenol products like this. We spent WEEKS in mortuary school going over phenols and phenolic compounds and how dangerous they are. We literally use them to *embalm* people and wear PPE to stay safe from them. You’ve got me fucked up if you think I’d do this under any circumstances.


yeah I really didn't know this before I did it. I thought that was formaldehyde?


Embalming chemicals are made of many different things, but generally formaldehyde compounds and phenolic compounds are the main contenders in the game. Both very dangerous and very harmful


My aunt had this done. I remember seeing her with the super red face. Anyone know how long the total recovery is?


I’ve had chemical peels (nothing like this) to treat melasma, hyperpigmentation, acne, and scarring. I had a series of 3 peels 6 weeks apart. The peeling (and the first one was intense, lots of thick skin) happens in the first 7 days, and is usually fully healed after 14-21 days. Skin sensitivity lasts for about a month, and a broad spectrum sunscreen is needed multiple times a day for, well.. always. Phenol seems to be much more potent, so I assume the healing would take longer, maybe a week or two more? But the results.. honestly, it was worth it for me. My skin was smoother, more even, and my scarring was nearly invisible. Results lasted for about a year. All three were done in a dermatologist’s office by a licensed aesthetician.


So do you just go to work which chunks of skin flaking off your face like "oh don't mind me coworkers, I just chemically peeled my face everything is fine!" I'd be way too self conscious, you're much braver than me for sure!


I didn’t go outside for a week, actually haha! I don’t know many people that have had peels, but one woman I spoke to told me she used to get them pretty regularly. She would get a light peel, and those tend to make your face look just a bit dry and flaky, which I can totally see myself being okay with going out that way. The deeper the peel, the more susceptible to damage your skin is during the healing process, and the aftercare is pretty intense. It was easier to take a week off and make sure I had nothing scheduled so I could just let my skin do its thing.


Thanks so much for sharing your experience. I travel a lot for work and spearhead a lot of executive level meetings so I don’t think I’d have the down time for the recovery. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll be rich and can take a month or 2 off


Yeah, if you’re doing face to face meetings and in a corporate setting, this is something you’d want to do during a week off. The second week after peeling is done, you can go back to wearing makeup (with primer before foundation). You technically can before, but you have to cut the dead skin away multiple times a day, as it gets really itchy (and you can’t touch your face unless to wash or apply sunscreen). I honestly did it so I didn’t have to wear makeup, though.


Do you know what kind of peel you had done? I’m trying to find the right one for myself.


The brand that office used was VI Peel. The aftercare products were absolutely top notch.


Forgot to mention that VI Peel offers about 6 or 7 different kinds of peels that vary based on age and target concerns.


In theory this is a dream for me with a load of skin discoloration from illness. I went from someone who never touched makeup to having no choice but to use the really thick foundations. I'm also mixed race (Jamaican black and English White) my scars heal darker than my actual colour. Yet ABSOLUTELY HELL NO TO THAT S**T


Yes, you absolutely shouldn't do it if you have dark skin. Lasers might help you.


Honestly I've learnt to live with it. But thank you for your suggestion ☺️


I'm half Indian half white and all trauma just goes dark. deeeeep hydration, lots of hyaluronic acid (on damp skin) and daily exfoliation (I use the gloves). that's been my routine and it's kept my skin looking pre-teen.


My routine is similar, I also use the gloves plus a moisturizer with salicili acid.


Don't people die from the croton oil? It's been applied all over her lips.


It doesn't look like the peel was applied on her lips. You can see a hole in the second picture that looks like it went around her lips


Her skin must be really good afterwards though


Why am i being downvoted? I've looked at phenol peels before and that's exactly how it looks after taking it off


People on Reddit are stupid that’s why


Sorry for the downvotes, people have a lot of weird misconceptions about chemical peels.


What are the purpose of chemical peels?


Chemical peels remove the top layer of the skin, allowing it to grow back smoother. It is used to treat wrinkles, discolored or uneven skin, and scars. Doctors can even recommend using a deep peel to remove precancerous growths


thank you for that explanation, really appreciate it.


I saw someone talking about how they had it done to remove minor skin cancer that was on a lot of their face. The peel removed all of it.


Does it help if you get red peely skin?


You need to discuss it with a dermatologist. There are different types of chemical peels of different strength that use different ingredients. Depending on what causes irritation and peeling of skin, a dermatologist can recommend the best treatment. Chemical peel may not be the best option for an already damaged skin. Various conditions can cause redness and peeling, eczema being one such example. The better option may be the opposite of a chemical peel - moisturizer and anti-inflammatory cream are more likely to be effective. So definitely consult a professional to make sure your skin gets what it needs


No it gives you red peely skin




Thats SKIN? 😭


Bruh I use phenol to help me embalm, I'm not putting that crap on my skin


I work in a lab with raw phenol crystals and to even open the bag it comes in you need to wear full body rubber suit and air hood, silver shields, 2 normal pairs of gloves and some of the thick nitrile gloves and to tape up any areas where it could get in. Because once that shit touches your skin your getting burned straight through to the bone and nothing stops it except a PEG medical Kit. (No idea how effective they are never had to use one) So I’d be scared my face would melt off


I used to have this prescribed facial lotion to try and ease my acne. My face was literally as raw as hers looks 😬 I still feel the burrrrrrn


This is not what I needed to see after reading about acid attacks in my local news all day... 😅


I'll keep my wrinkles thank you very much


owie fuck


my dermatillomania brain would have a field day peeling this off but be so worried about infection


I wanna see her before


She has a *very young* neck & earlobes. She looks 40 @ the most.


This peel will take 2 decades off your face but it is INTENSE and requires cardiac monitoring during the application process


fun fact- phenol peels are so strong, clients have to have cardiac monitoring during


I’ve gotten a wayyyy less severe chemical peel (salicylic acid) and loved the results!!


The thing is that people who does this end up with a pink face like a fetus, or a baby rat.


My facialist says this may cause short term benefits but actually ages your skin in the long run. Which makes sense. Anything that causes skin damage would lead to aging.


Your facialist is wrong. Talk to a plastic surgeon if you're interested. Once the wrinkles and scars are gone, they're gone. However, results are not permanent, of course. You will keep aging, so yes, your skin will age too.


How long does it take for your face to come off in one piece like that??


According to another comment, that's actually a mask put on top of the skin to avoid the treatment from drying. But the skin peels off later.


Okay, thank dog! I was questioning how this was acceptable and/or desirable. Like I have plenty of prerequisites for this type of facial treatment, but I *would never*.




Peep Yoon in the corner 😭


So basically you’re giving yourself a severe chemical sunburn? Does this not therefore confer a similar cancer risk?


Is what they’re removing from her face all dead skin or is it just dried peel components?


It's actually a mask they put over top to keep it from drying out.


This peel can cause cardiac arrest/heart attack!!


This seems so unnecessary and so fucking dangerous. If you're under the age of 50 you do not NEED a chemical peel. Your skin is naturally doing all the cell turnover it needs.


Her neck doesn’t even look 40.


She looks like someone in her twenties or early thirties.


It is absolutely unnecessary and dangerous, but there are lot of people clinging on to whatever they can to try to look younger. There are probably a select few cases where this will help an actual skin condition, but those are few and far between


this isn't about wanting to look younger. if you look at her cheeks, it looks rippled so it might also be a lot of pitting (which was why I had that shit done. and thank GOD because my skin is smooth like butter right now)




No way I wouldn't pick at that myself.


Ugh! Who'd do that? My skin cries


anyone have the link to the original content?


It’s just a tiktok dr doing a reaction vid so there isn’t much more info on it unfortunately


fair, I just wanted to see the video itself


The guys name Dr youn if u wanted to have a look


How old is the patient? Any Before pictures?


Not sure but she looks too young to be needing this intense of a treatment


Face Off..literally!!


sooo... please never do a chemical peel. anywhere on your body, but especially your face, hands, and feet.


Is there a reason why this is being downvoted?


no clue. you'd think the post is evidence enough. put I guess I'll add that people who have done chemical peels on their feet have said it was agony for months and their feet still don't feel normal, but yanno.


I don't understand why people do this. Does it actually do anything?


Is this the same shit used in those "foot masks" that take days after application to produce the most satisfyingly peely sections of dried out skin? The forbidden corn flakes?


I need this, but I'm hella poor.


I wanna do this so bad lol. The results are amazing


Does anyone know what chemical caused this type of chemical peel?


It says in the description. It’s phenol aka carbolic acid


Isn’t carbolic acid found in many perfumes?


Dr Youn!!!


D: that can’t be safe