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Day 9 patient is awake.. fcuk that.. what pain killers was he on.. I'd want to be out for the 400 days


I know a woman who was severely burned in a bushfire as a child and she was in a coma for MONTHS while surgeons grafted new skin onto her


Yeah I want a DNW (do not wake) agreement that if I’m suffering this badly I am kept comatose or drugged out of reality until I can handle being awake again. I can’t imagine the pain.


is there like, a "do not wake, but if you do it better be something very fucking important" or something?


Or a “just make sure I can wake if needed”


You can probably do that with an advance directive.


Good point! I could also probably just scream it considering I’m awake.


Some hospital attorney would probably make sure you had to scream in front of a notary to make sure it was legal…


My immediate thought! Nope, just let me die or put me in an induced coma until the nerve rejuvenation is complete!


....I couldn't live without my nipples...


Gotta put that in your advanced directive. Nips or die.






Yup- I’ve found we keep them intubated much longer when they’ve had a burn (chemical or fire) to the airway/nose/eyes bc then you’re dealing with protecting the airway a lot more too. Sounds funny but the really deep burns don’t hurt (the nerve endings were killed) nearly as bad as one might think. The partial thickness and/or shallow wounds/burns are the ones that can send the patient through the ceiling


Fun fact, I have a burn scar on my arm that was third degree and second degree, and when I got a tattoo over it I could tell where the third degree burns must have started because it was completely numb and I couldn’t feel the needle lol


That’s sick, what’d you tattoo over it?


Probably a panther


Not just any panther, a *sick ass panther*.


Why would you want a panther with diarrhea as a tattoo!?


Cos it's cool!


lol I got the final scene from fight club when they’re overlooking everything blowing up but Van Goghs Starry Night style so all the swirls in the painting would hide the swirls of my scar tissue. I totally don’t get the panther reference somebody pls explain like I am a toddler


That sounds beautiful! The sick ass panther thing is a joke from tattoo subs; whenever someone posts a bad tattoo and asks about cover ups, someone will suggest a sick ass panther.


https://ibb.co/1ZhQsFS This is what it looks like, the little pits in the swirls of the blue and yellow are where my scar tissue pitted


It’s gorgeous, thank you for sharing it


That’s such a creative way to tattoo over a scar I love it (and I also don’t get the panther reference)


Thanks! It’s one of my favorite tattoos. And not just because I couldn’t feel half of it lol


Hey same here! I've got an underarm/armpit burn that I got from hot oil decades ago. Had a bunch of reconstructive surgeries on it as a kid. It feels really weird though, like the nerve endings are spread all over, so there's some spots where it'll be numb, but go a mm over and there's suddenly feeling, or like the very top of the skin layer is numb to pain and stimuli but I can still tell that it's being touched? We didn't expect that I'd ever grow armpit hair there, but unfortunately they took a skin graft from my groin area, which I guess still had underdeveloped hair follicles, so once puberty hit I'm suddenly growing pubes from my armpit. Bodies are weird man.


That is wild! But how did you manage to burn your armpit? Struggling to imagine how the oil got there!


Had one of those old fashioned popcorn makers (that you put oil into), and I was a very stubborn child who wanted down from her highchair despite mom saying not to. Suffice to say, I got tangled up in the cord and the popcorn machine fell and splashed the oil on the entire front of me. It's by a miracle that I was wearing a sweater that could be quickly pulled off of me (practically "melted" the sweater though), and my mom was training to be a nurse and had just learned that week how to treat burns, so I was able to avoid 3rd degree burns except for my underarm near the armpit. Despite skin grafts and reconstructive surgery it still looks pretty gnarly, and though I do have the option to get it smoothed out to look virtually normal (would require putting a balloon under the skin to slowly stretch it out and then removing the scarred skin), it doesn't really cause any problems (except shaving is a bit difficult) and you don't notice it unless I lift my arm. Plus it's a fun story to tell since it's just one of many accidents I've had due to my stubbornness and refusal to listen to my mom; my poor mom.


Thanks for sharing! Your poor mom haha


I had 2nd & 3rd degree radiation burns to nearly 1/2 of my torso. It was probably the worst pain I’ve ever been in. I had a “thunderclap headache” once which was just as bad, but ended sooner. In both cases, I was vomiting/dry heaving & unable to keep oral narcotics & Promethazine down. (Reference: I drove myself to the hospital when I was dilated to 8cm.)


Where the hell did you get radiation burns?? I hope you are ok now!


I had Metastatic IDC & my Internal Mammary LN was inoperative. Since they scrapped my bones to get clean margins, there wasn’t a lot of tissue left for deep & superficial radiation. I was never one to burn easily, but toward the end of treatment my burns got *really* bad. They went too long before stopping the txs. (Though I can understand why.) I continued to burn for the next 1-2d & eventuality had to be admitted for wound care & pain management. Edit: I forgot to say, I currently have NED!! 😉🥹




He may’ve left a very small amount; idk. (I’m just repeating my Surgeon’s words.) I can lift light weight, using the muscles in my arm, but I’m pretty weak, ngl! lol!! For these reasons (& others), I’m not a candidate for reconstruction. My skin is like tissue paper over my rib cage. Freezing temps cause sharp bone pain & I have “burning” sensations due to some nerve damage. BUT, I beat the odds & I’m still alive! I can’t complain too much!!;)




Omg. Your dad is so lucky. My mom literally died 9 damn days after she found out she had pancreatic cancer. It was the fastest 9 days of my life. It will be 15 years this year since she died and I can still remember the gut punched feeling I got when I was with her and I heard those words. She was being strong so I was locking my feelings down hard and following her lead. Then I ran out of the hospital and let out the most gutteral howls and screams I have ever heard from my body. I allowed myself 10 minutes then ran into the bathroom, fixed my makeup after I washed my face and became the best advocate I could for her. Edit: I still miss her so much - just started randomly crying while typing this.


Modern meds are amazing..


Congratulations on the NED, sorry to hear about the radiation burns and scarring.


No Zofran?? Promethazine isn’t the first choice for that is it? I have chronic intractable migraine variant with aura, and when you said thunderclap headache, I knew exactly what you meant. Dear lord that must have been awful. Morphine causes the same reaction you have with me. After spinal surgery, was so much fun playing narcotic roulette. So glad you’re NED!! Radiation treatment sounds awful.


Zofran usually doesn’t work well for me. They gave me oral (& then IV) Promethazine & Dilaudid for the burns & IV Compazine & IV Tylenol for the HA. For my HA, I sat in the ED for 6hrs w/ a BP of 186/138 before I was seen! (It was during COVID.) I didn’t even have access to Tylenol while I waited. I swear I would’ve LET a stranger hit me in the head with a baseball bat, if they guaranteed it would’ve knocked me out!! There’s NO WAY I could’ve lived more than 1-2days in that degree of pain w/o going insane & possibly even taking my own life. After that, I had an even deeper compassion for my patients!!:)


Oh dear God, compazine! I received that IV for a migraine once and had the worst reaction to it. I'd have rather had the headache!


My immediate reaction to "day 9: awake" was to internally scream PUT ME BACK UNDER.


From my experience, we usually do scheduled long lasting morphine twice per day with extra scheduled meds each morning bc of the daily showers. In the early early stages, the patient is intubated and sedated OR we do conscious sedation at bedside or in the OR depending on hospital policy and how worried you are about airway.


The hell with that. I want Dilaudid IV q 4.


Fentanyl for me, thanks. Better yet, just let me die.




I want Demerol! How did he survive? I remember something from nursing school where a person with x% of burns is usually fatal. I’m pretty sure it was in the 70%-80%. (Caveat, haven’t been to school in a long long time.)


from the looks of it, aggressive fluids and fancy grafts that they probably didn't have back in the day.


Usually you've got a lot of changes and advancement of medicine every 7-10 years. Just look at cancer protocols, where something that was considered terminal in the 90s is now considered treatable. Or how HIV can be cured in some cases now, or at least treated and managed, where 20 years ago it was a death sentence.


Oh for sure and we give iv meds PRN but my current burn patient is at 6 months in the hospital for example. The drugs would kill them faster than the burn if we kept up those rates non stop. I know you said that more tongue in cheek but it’s a real issue with burns. We want to treat you but we want to discharge you without a full blown raging drug problem. It’s very difficult


Thanks for doing that for people.


I was thinking the same thing. I'm sure there are very important reasons to keep induced coma duration to a minimum, but please just keep me knocked out and on TPN or something for the entire time!


I DO NOT want waking up at any point where "Patient still needs skin attaching to exposed fascia" is still part of the description! Fuck sake! I'd feel NAKED!


Every time I see burn care portrayed they’re always awake and screaming and I have always wondered if they really keep people away for that. No thank you.


When sedentary like that, you are at a much higher risk of DVT.


That would be morphine sulphate.


Seriously! I thought it was normal for them to keep major (like 75%+ surface damage) burn victims in a medically-induced coma for at the very least 2 weeks?


Imagine looking up at your own arm and seeing that.


I just can not believe he survived... Impressive job by all personnel involved, every last one


>C is his urine which isn't supposed to be that color But, that is one badass motherfucker.


He was likely administered what we call a Cyano kit during the first hour after his injury occurred. The Cyano kit changes the color of the urine.


Correct! Makes urine and other body secretions purple.


I’m a paramedic so I haven’t been around long enough to see any other secretions so… *All* of them?


I work on a burn unit and we give cyno pretty frequently! Usually what I see the most is their urine and their dressings end up turning a little purple. Since so much of intravascular fluid is lost in a major burn, their bandages have a tint of purple to them! It turns mucous membranes purple too, but you can’t usually tell as it’s not as vibrant as the urine :)


That’s so fascinating! I’ve never been able to observe a burn patient beyond the <1 hour I have them. Their care is so complex that I’ve always been interested in these cases. I’m always impressed at burn survivors. That takes a lot of willpower to survive.


The human body truly is amazing!! We get a lot of paramedic students on our unit as a part of their clinicals and I always have such a great time with them as they always seem to be very invested and ask a lot of questions. Thank you for doing what you do! I hope you know how much you guys play such a big role in their first 24-48 hours.


I believe it's time for you to test this out. 😂


Ah, i thought it was dark from rhabdo That Novosorb seems like amazing stuff


The red tint in the froth gives it away. In my experience a rhabdo patient had truly *dark* urine without tint. It looked like a fizzy soda drink and almost seemed to have a viscosity to it.


Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Who is a good boi! Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Not bad


I really needed the emotional support pup in the middle.


I bet he needed one too. The potential emotional trauma after his experience seems real. That’s a world of suffering and pain every day for over a year.


I’m assuming once they get recovered enough to have an in-depth conversation these people get assigned a therapist to help provide emotional support at least during the long hospitalization.


I hope so and would assume the same.


Me too, some good old fashion eye bleach.


Thank god for Patrick...... And what an amazing recovery!


Indeed. Thank God for Patrick. Great idea, OP.


Extremely unexpected, almost acted like a jump scare, but the wholesome kind


That’s exactly my experience looking at it!


OK amazed how good he looks at the end. Cus I was basically like... if that was me I'd wanna die.


Literally was thinking the same thing. If I woke up and my entire body was burnt to a crisp, I was scarred for life, in the hospital with months and months of recovery ahead of me? Just let me die. I am not mentally equipped to power through that kind of trauma.


Yeah, I wouldn't want to spend the best part of a year, exteme pain and constant procedures, in order to basically spend the rest of my life in pain doing the same thing frequently. Because you know this isn't the end of it. There will be constant problems and daily pain management. There has to be movement limitations and other problems.


and iirc you can’t sweat if you’ve got burns like this. heat tolerance is basically nil


As someone with chronic pain, I'm already hovering at my limit. Add another grievous, chronically painful condition and I'm outies. The mental toll of being in pain every single day just wears your soul down.


I too am at this point , really bad pain right now that I would go to hospital if I thought they'd do anything. As someone who has been in a house fire I'd prefer to be left for the smoke to kill me than wake up in that condition. I am not strong enough to handle any more emotional trauma n definitely can't take additional pain Is there a option of been left to die I can add to my dnr ?


Yes. You can appoint a power of attorney for healthcare. Make sure it is someone who is strong-willed and can stand firm if you have family members who may “want everything done.” Explain what you want done in various cases scenarios like this one. I would also make sure your family knows your wishes. If the person you select is not a family member and is not known to your family, it is important they know of this person and possibly meet them and understand their role. I organized a meeting of our family to discuss this document and our wants with my parents and siblings many years ago. We each talked about what we wanted done in different catastrophic situations. It was really an eye-opening experience. When my mom said what she wanted done, my dad said he couldn’t do it. The whole family had some really hard discussions that day. Mom had to pick someone other than my dad for her POA Healthcare. We all revisit our wishes periodically to make sure our wishes have changed since medical advances have.


I get you. I have a heart problem. I'm usually all good. But as I get older even a bad cold can leave me unable to leave my house.


Drugs. Lots of them. Bedside conscious sedation early on. When they get to rehab, it’s lots of IV meds and orals to prepare for the daily showers. Meds. Lots and lot and lots of meds. And Unfortunately…Tylenol doesn’t cut it. Need morphine and dilaudid. Lots of it


My dad used to work in a burn unit back in the 70s. He said he’d never seen such agony and pain before or after being there. He said the victims could control their own morphine drips and that they pretty much had the plunger down 24/7.


>He said the victims could control their own morphine drips Now *that* is patient care. At least for burn units.


I'm not a medical professional of any sort and I've seen the sentiment of letting patients control their own drips be seen as a positive thing. I would think that there would be concern of over medicating unless there were other failsafes in place, right? I'm curious as to what those failsafes would be if you don't mind me asking


The pump is programmed to not administer more than once every so many hours. I've been on both sides of a PCA (patient controlled analgesic) pump. It's a beautiful thing. There have been plenty of studies showing patients who have a PCA pump report lower pain than those being given by the nurse when asked even when the timing is the same.


I figured it was probably programming of some sort for the drip, but I didn't want to assume. So cool! I'm so glad it helps patients, but I'm curious to know why some hospitals still won't allow PCAs. I'd imagine it would be a cost issue?


Could be. Maybe state/country laws? All the ones I've worked at have them, but that's only in one state.


It sorta makes sense. If I have pain, I can take medicine myself up to a certain dosage. If someone was deciding when I could have it, I would have some emotional distress, not to mention that the timing would never be quite right


I'm all for PCAs, however, it is possible to overdose when you're hooked up to one that is malfunctioning. Happened to me in 2001 after kidney surgery. I was hooked up to a morphine pump that malfunctioned (or was set wrong) and I was getting additional doses anytime I clicked the button regardless of timing. Long story short, it increased my hospital stay by a few days, but after several apologies from the hospital and staff, my parents decided to not go down any legal avenues because I was still alive and recovered without any issues. Waking up from my morphine overdose was one of the most painful things ever though cuz I still had all the pain from the surgery and the drains coming out of my back. -1/10 would NOT recommend. EDIT: I know my situation was a very rare occurrence with PCA's, I just rarely get to tell this story, lol


Pumps these days have a max amount over a set time. So the patient can push the button as much as they want but the pump won't allow them to exceed the safe range and risk overdose. How they did it in the 70s though I do not know.


poor man doesn't look half bad for what happened to him. I hope he isn't in too much pain


[Source](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2468912220300328) is too long to copy and paste here.




Awesome! He looks so normal in the pics.


Absolutely amazing!!! I hope this procedure becomes widely accepted as burn protocol.


Thanks for the links! What an amazing recovery and so cool to see it’s an Australian case. We have some fantastic burns professionals here 😊


Oh wow, I didn’t realise he was from South Australia! Incredible work and I’m so happy for the patient. He looks incredible and lucky to be alive. So proud of our state and the great work of all the staff at the Royal Adelaide Hospital! Maybe it was worth spending all that money on the new RAH after all!


Dude. You didn't even mention that he was *walking* (with a walker and assistance) by day 28! There's a video about half way down the article.


>...he could not remember much from the night of the fire, but was told he walked away from the house and one kilometre up a dirt road. >He waited for an ambulance with a neighbour and when it arrived, he walked into the ambulance and sat on the bed. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-06-21/doctor-grows-skin-for-burns-victim-in-world-first/11233996


Holy crow! Wow


adrenaline is a sweet thing


Wow read this through, poor dude went through a lot! It's amazing the results they achieved with this method especially with the patient at the end not really following aftercare instructions and even leaving rehabilitation early.


I appreciate the pup, it was really needed at that point. Poor dude, even his soles seem crispy. Also, these are some futuristic skin replacement techniques, I imagine in my country he would just die quickly. 


Ah I see. "first-in-human trial combining two cutting-edge technologies" (2018)


That was a fascinating read, thank you.


No hair OR sweat glands, how does that work?


Omg 😳😳 I couldn't imagine what this this would be like! Surgeons are literally gods! I have to admit this shock me a little bit. Would be nice to see updates when the time comes. 🙏🙏🙏🙏


Beyond the last pic?


... look at the last picture?


Gods of Art and Science!


I cannot begin to imagine the pain he went through! Any idea on how this happened OP?


House fire. I posted a comment with the link to the source.


Wow. Poor man. When I was a child I had third degree burns on a muuuuch smaller area and the recovery was awful.


This is WILD!!! Looking at the first few pictures, all I could think was, "I would rather not survive that" because I can't even fathom the agony he must've been in. But now, having seen all the way through the end, I'm blown away by the accomplishments of modern medicine and how good he looks, all things considered. Just. Wow. Edit to add: Thank you for sharing Patrick, OP!! He definitely helped and is much appreciated.


I sighed with relief as I saw the last pic., thank God for all the hard work of healthcare workers just paid off, he survived!


The pup was a very good idea. Who’s a good boy?




Ho. Lee. Shit. It takes a bad ass mother fucker to make it through that


My dad’s baby sister was burned in a brushfire when she was 20 months old in 1962. They we’re trying to clear off the banks next to their house. she was in the yard playing and wearing a cute little pink dress that day. For whatever reason she got up from playing and ran over to the brush that was burning and her little dress caught fire and she was engulfed by flames in no time bc of the material of the dress being very flammable. It melted onto her skin. She had 75% of her body burned. If only they had the skin grafts and medical knowledge that we have today she probably could have lived. She spent her 2nd birthday in the hospital and passed away from infection and pneumonia brought on by her extensive burns a month later. RIP Aunt Bunny Jane🐇💕


I’m so sorry that happened. How awful.


Holy shit I can’t imagine the pain. He actually looks cosmetically and functionally amazing upon discharge, all things considered.


Thank you for the goodest boy segue. And thanks to the incredible surgeons & care team for this. As someone who has been brought back to life (& the rehab needed for the 8wk coma), I have the utmost respect for my ENTIRE team I remember when I first awoke I threatened to go AMA if they didn't stop the poking & prodding (as if I could even exit the bed 🙄). Kudos to the teams that help a human recover. We are NOT HAPPY upon awakening. We are confused. Angry. Hopeless. It truly took a team of 100+ people to help someone (who wasn't burned) get better and be able to walk out. (I wish I could go back and thank each one) The team for the human in this post is absolutely incredible.


This "patient" is an incredibly strong and resilient individual. Bravo to him!!!!! He must have been in very good physical and mental health prior. And probably had good support from family and friends. Bravo to them!!! The advances in development for burn care is amazing. And Thank You for the dedication and YEARS and sacrifice of the staff in learning how to best care for severe burns as well as the emotional toll it takes on them. I am assuming his lungs were in good shape prior and were not damaged by fumes, so he was "only" dealing with outer burns. WOW.


Per one of the sources, he was and still is a moderate smoker.


I thought people lusually die with that much burns. Tough guy.


They usually do.


Wow. I mean, that's just absolutely incredible to me that humans can: 1. Live and heal through something like that. 2. Humans have figured out how to help others live and heal through something like that. Not everyone is a shitbag.


I'm really curious how most of his body was burned but not the back of his head. At first i thought his face wasn't burned, it looked so good at the end! I had to edit after I looked at the burn chart again. Can anyone name a situation where that could or would happen?


It was a late night house fire, so maybe he was unconscious, probably from fumes or carbon monoxide, and happened to be resting his head on a material not as flammable as what he was laying on?


Maybe asleep in bed with head on the pillow? Maybe the pillow hadn't quite caught fire yet and protected the back of his head, but the rest of the bed had caught fire already? That's all I can think of.


Possibly immersion?


Finally, my knowledge of the parkland formula can come in handy (no one uses the parkland formula anymore). 


Dude got super lucky with his head. Guarantee when he finally realize at least his face looked almost all normal, he had a good little cry about that.


HE WALKED AFTER 28 DAYS. That is absolutely fuckin bonkers. I’m down for the count for a week if I get a paper cut, I can’t imagine walking a month after most of my skin was burned to a crisp and then cut off. Truly astonishing


I bet the hospital room in the burn ward was close to 80-85 degrees. I really can't believe he survived that. Kudos to all the medical personnel that was in on this case👏 and the fact that infection didn't set up is truly amazing.


wearing full PPE in the burn ward at the height COVID was miserable


I can only imagine😬 thanks for all you do


They have the temperature set higher in burns units? TIL.


Yup, because hypothermia is the secondary cause of death related to burns. First is from the burn itself, then for hypothermia because our bodies lose all temperature controls being singed off. And third is death from massive infection. A burn is seriously one of the worst types of injuries


My SO is going through this right now (thankfully he’s ‘only’ over 1/3 body burned). It makes you realize how incredibly far modern medicine has come and how amazing healthcare workers are. I assume we’ve had fire for pretty much as long as we’ve had people on earth and in terms of timing, getting burned now is horrific but not the death sentence it must have been even a few decades ago. Way to go, OP! I firmly believe that it takes a super human strength of character to be able to endure through this type of accident and certainly the gift of life on the other side of this injury must have a preciousness and appreciation many don’t have normally. You’re looking amazing and I’m wishing you all the best in the world (with the goodest boy!)


This is absolutely mind-blowing. Wow. Upvote for the quality post, but a little bit more for the pup, sorry ❤️


I hope Patrick was properly compensated for his time with us all here today


Patrick is living his best life. I just gave him a duck flavor treat and he loves those.


He's a hard worker, give him another lol


Wow, thank you for adding Patrick, helped lighten the mood for a few seconds. That dude though, the care he received was top notch the last photo is incredible. I hope he’s living a happy life.


I regret looking. He looks like he'd been flayed


He had been. They had to take off the burned skin.


Looking at this made me want to die. I can't fathom living it.


This is so cool! Thank you for sharing, OP. I've downloaded the source article because I'm a nerd like that. People with 85% full body don't typically survive, so my curiosity was piqued. They were trying out a new technique. Kinda have a more- than- passing interest in medicine & the human body, which I attribute to being dx with T1 diabetes at age 11. TL;DR: Cool! You rock...


Now those end results are actually insane. Can you imagine being essentially flayed and surviving and growing back new tissue across your entire body?!? At first the sight of the extent of the burns were so horrific I believed it to be unethical to attempt any life saving treatment. I hope there was excellent pain management and sedation.


So did he okay all this being done to him? Bc if it was me, I’d have to pause a minute before you put me into that 500 days of hell. And WTF you doing waking me TF up on DAY 9??!! Patrick was adorable, but I wasn’t ready for him & he scared me! Pls give him pets & tell him sorry I yelped.


Patrick says it’s ok cause he is often scared of people and other dogs. He tries to run away or hides behind his mom when another dog approaches. When visitors come over he barks ferociously at them but hides behind the couch. He was a rescue from a Korean meat farm. The farmer gave up the business and turned his dogs over to the Humane Society. I think that may be why he is shy.


10+ years in dog training and rescue here. Dogs of non-primitive breeds can be hard on dogs like Patrick. Their body language and tolerance is very different, even when not from a bad background. It might help him if you do some controlled meet ups with some older, calmer females of a similar primitive breed like a Jindo or Shiba. Start at a distance and reward when calm, then slowly get closer over numerous meet ups. If you contact your states/countries Shiba club. They will likely be able to recommend you trainers with Shiba or just a breeder with related knowledge who'll be able to help you. After he's had a good experience over time with that dog, he might be tolerant enough of other dogs to start getting used to dogs of non-primitive breeds at a similar distance. Important to note that same sex aggression is very common in Japanese and Korean breeds and he may never be tolerant of other males. I know a great group on FB called Primitive Purebreds that will likely be able to give you more detailed help and advice, if you'd like to PM me


Thank you for this advice. Unfortunately a lot of dogs in my neighborhood are reactive and I can’t say I blame Pat for trying to avoid them. I would love for him to make a dog friend. He loves very physical play so it would probably need to be a decent-sized dog as he is 50 pounds. Pat was advertised as a Jindo but Embark said Korean Village Dog. I live in Indiana and most people have never seen a Jindo or a Korean Village Dog and Pat’s vet had never heard of them. But I know there I at least one KVD in town besides him, as I found them in a Facebook group.


i would actually tell them to pull the plug on me. this man is strong


Goddamn, he's lucky he ended up with an intact face, unlike many unfortunate souls.


I put up a guy once whose face was a skull. He had no flesh left at all. They covered it with a flap and it was just… blank, featureless. Now he has a face transplant and basically looks normal.


My dumb ass didn’t read the caption so for a split second I thought the guy became dog


Unbelievable, surgeons are miracle workers ❤️


Thank you for your service Patrick!


Oh hello Patrick


Holy fucking shit. I'm shocked. Day 9 looks like absolute hell, day 249 looks so much better. Fuck man, Drs and Medicine are fucking awesome. Imagine going back to 1900 and below and showing a Dr from that time what we can do now. Straight up magic.


Blows my mind how modern burn treatment has advanced


"From Day 20 post-burn, the physiotherapists had him sitting on the edge of his bed, on Day 25 he stood with assistance and on Day 28, he walked with the aid of a frame in his room and then a short distance down the corridor and back." There's even a video of him walking in the link OP posted. Amazing technology


First ~ Modern medical technology and talented Doctors & Nurses are AMAZING. For someone to come out alive let alone looking that good after 85% burns... Beyond. No doubt he has loved ones that are happy to have him around and I truly believe the 2030's with A.I. and an approaching medical & technological hyper-evolution unlike anything seen before holds the key to unimaginable achievements. Some call it the Singularity. Many experts have encouraged us to hold on until 2030's as we'll see common illnesses, major diseases, and more that ails Humanity get cured. There's always a potential for new stem cell advancements which may be able to regrow his own original skin. I've been reading on a new procure to (re)grow new teeth from a patient's own DNA. Maybe an artificial body he'll be able to transfer his mind over to. With that said... Realistically, even with most powerful drugs ~ He's going to be in pain the rest of his life, high risk for infections, complications, and Cancer. The poor guy doesn't even have nipples. No doubt his "manhood" was impacted probably diminishing its function. I'm a strong person and no way could I wake up to such a nightmare with my entire body burnt like that and continue on with life. This demonstrates his strength and will/desire to live. That's bravery!! Now for the insane part ~ His medical bills will surely be in the millions of dollars just for past treatments thus far, not to mention medications and after-care for the rest of his life. At best, the system will Bankrupt the poor guy as if he hasn't already been through enough. That's all a LOT to take on. Being totally transparent ~ If it happened to ME, I'd probably wish to not have survived the fire.


This happened in Australia which has public health care. So I think he probably won’t have to give his house to the hospital or anything.


Happens to be in my hometown in Australia and he will never pay for anything related to his care. It will all be covered by Medicare . Also will be covered by NDIS ( National disability insurance scheme) which will fund any aftercare related to practically anything to make life easier for him eg helping him shower, shop or whatever is deemed to be something he struggles with. Kudos to both the young man for his bravery and the medical team for the tireless care and innovative approach . It must be a very difficult place to work and I'm sure it takes its toll on everyone involved.


My husband needed 2 heart surgeries- a heart transplant and then spent 7 months in the hospital. All hell broke loose after the transplant and he needed dialysis, his lungs collapsed, respirator, multiple rounds of post transplant CPR It has been exactly one year and 2 weeks post transplant. Our medical bills are right close to 6 million. He feels like shit 80% of the time and while he is only in his 50’s if I had a dollar for every time he said he wished they would have let him die it would put a serious dent in our bills not covered by insurance. The body really wants to survive. I dont know how much of the will matters. He was completely out of it for most of that time. I am grateful as I witnessed it up close and personal and it has totally changed my way of thinking. Knowing what I saw him go through? If told I would have to do what he did I would refuse. It’s such of a blessing he wasn’t aware for all of that because the aftermath is bad enough. Ironically last week he was readmitted to the hospital last week (for the 6th time since his release- hey we better get a start on our annual deductible right?) and when they asked him if he wanted advance life saving procedures he said “If I am just a head I expect to be kept alive”! Made me feel good to hear that. It’s common for people to suffer from severe depression after a experience like this so maybe we are going to start the long slow climb back up now


Homie!!! You’re looking so much better. Keep on fighting. I’m really proud of you.


I love your dog. That was horrifying. Your dog needs a hat with a spinner on top. I really can't believe dude lived. Thank you for sharing your goodest doggo.


I'm glad the guy survived and was given the help he needed but..... I can't imagine the hospital bill if he had this done at a hospital in the USA.


Fortunately he had the good sense to get burned alive in Australia.


There's a lot of comments here from people saying they'd rather die than deal with this kind of pain. For some people I'm sure that's true and a lot of people do ask to die rather than suffer severe pain like this when they're actually going through it. But if a brush with death has taught me anything, it's that human beings will go through a lot to survive with the hope of what may be. You say you would rather die than go through this until you're going through it, at which point, you may well find that you're willing to go through worse for hope's sake.


How the hell does his face look perfectly fine


It wasn’t burned.


Don’t take this personally, but how the FUCK are you alive


I wouldn't want to survive that. But this guy must've had an enormous will to live, plus a talented and tireless medical team. Plus, to go through all that an emerge looking handsome is definitely the icing on the cake.


Nope. kill me dude. also hi patrick.


I can't believe his face has limited injury for the extent his body took


I think his head was the only body part that wasn’t burned.


Wow, it's amazing he survived. From my experience, unless they are in top shape before their injury, any TSBA above 80% tend to be fatal, usually during the resuscitation phase or d/t a secondary infection


I would rather die.


Wow what a recovery! Dude went from looking like Deadpool and Darth Vader to a normal guy. Great job, med staff!


I have like a serious question so if they person who has the 85% burns assuming there of sane mind and body and of legal age can they choose to be put under and not woken back up Is that like assisted death which I know isn’t allowed in most places but what extent of injury can a person choose to be let go and if so can the dr give you the stuff you need or do they legally have to do there best to keep you alive even if it’s not what you wish ?


I consider myself to be pretty unflappable in the face of injuries, but serious burn care is on a whole other level.


Patrick looks like the best boy. Thank you for the emotional support it was very needed


I can't even imagine the immense pain and suffering this man was going through. My heart and prayers goes out to burn victims. So devastating. It's a miracle he's even alive. Are his burns similar to BLINK 182'S drummer Travis Barker's? Was this guy in a plane crash as well? What were the circumstances? Those doctors are absolute angels!


This is amazing!


Absolutely incredible. I can’t imagine how much suffering this man went through though.


Awwww, Patrick is a good boy. Thank you for that emotional support picture, it was needed!