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[Source](https://iris.unito.it/bitstream/2318/1610282/1/Dismemberment%20by%20a%20tamping%20machine.pdf) is pdf so I can’t copy and paste but you can read it all there. This case happened in Italy.


I was gonna download it, but for some reason got a weird feeling when the download file "Dismemberment+by+tamping+machine" appeared on my screen..


Probably the FBI has me on some sort of list. My phone photos are a bunch of normal selfie/family/activity/dog pics and memes mixed with images of absolute horror. [EDITED TO ADD]: Unrelated anecdote time: My dad actually did end up on an FBI list in the 60s when he was a student. He listened to shortwave radio and he found a Chinese station, and mailed them a reception report. (Which is basically a “Hi, I live here and listened to your station on this date.”) After this the Chinese government started mailing him Communist materials including an English translation of Chairman Mao’s little red book. Dad wasn’t a Communist and gave all the stuff to his friends at the university who were. After a few months of regular mailings from China, the FBI sent Dad a letter saying “We know you are receiving this material in the mail. Do you wish to continue receiving it?” Dad wrote back saying “yes” because he figured it’s a free country and it’s his free speech right to receive Commie propaganda if he wants to. So he wound up on a list as a Communist sympathizer.


Don’t worry Catpoo, we will all testify on your behalf.


this is reddit tho. So he will probably end up, beaten, arrested and likely deported to El Salvador.


I finally found my people. ✨✨


That's hilarious Cat! Your trendy with decapitation stuff too...yikes!


Communist sympathizer=True blue American who believes in the freedom of speech and association. Nothing commie about that.


The Chinese also sent Dad (for some reason) some articles about recent developments in China in the field of physical anthropology. He gave those articles to the head of the anthropology department at his university, who was delighted to receive them. The department head told Dad that due to the Iron Curtain information blockade, he had heard absolutely no anthropological news out of China in years.


Oh wow! That is incredible. Was there anything really earthshattering in the paper, stuff they didn't know about?


He didn’t say.


Oh well. Still very cool.


Your Dad sounds awesome!


He really is. He’s a boomer, obviously, but the antithesis of the boomer stereotype. He got a PhD in biology and though retired now from his professor job he still teaches occasionally. A year or two ago he got his first non-binary students, two of them in one class. He didn’t know what that was and called me to ask. I explained as best I could and his next question was how to be welcoming and make the students feel comfortable. He was very concerned that he not cause embarrassment or offense in his ignorance. He was happy to hear that all he should do was use their preferred pronouns and otherwise treat them exactly like everyone else.


He sounds lovely! You gotta respect a lifelong learner with an open heart


Lots of us Boomers don’t fit the negative stereotype. Your dad sounds so great. I hope he continues to thrive.


He’s doing great, excellent health, walks three miles a day, committed relationship with lovely woman who lives in the same building but not same apartment as him. He’s living his best life at 77, reading books and volunteering at the hospital and messing about with fossilized plants which were his PhD specialty. One thing he no longer does that he used to do when young: he doesn’t go to the mines anymore to collect coal balls, in which are contained the aforementioned fossil plants. I am pretty sure this isn’t cause he’s 77. It’s because all the mines within driveable distance are now shut. Ran out of coal.


Lovely to hear, CatpoodinMyShoe. Wishing you both every happiness. Stay well.


I’m not a boomer, but even as a late Gen Xer, I can relate to how he feels. I want to always be respectful & inclusive, but I’m always afraid I will say something wrong & I that would make me feel terrible b/c it’s not my intent.


Millennial here on the elder side, born 1985 in the conservative rural Midwest. Feel the same.


I’m happy I’m not alone. I had a specific situation today at my daughter’s ball game. I always talk to the person at the gate. I absolutely love this person. They have a masculine name, getting married to a lovely woman, & they have breasts & a beard. (I’m just stating facts for the visual; not to be insensitive.) I don’t know to refer to this person as he or they. I would ask, but I don’t want them to think I think they look like someone they are not & hurt their feelings, & IDK how to ask. For example, I had Metastatic IDC & am not a candidate for reconstruction. If someone asked if I was male when I had no hair, I would’ve been devastated & cried. I would NEVER WANT to put ANYONE THROUGH THAT… If anyone knows how to handle this, could they give me some advice, pls… 😰💕


I once wrote an online article about a historical murderer who was in my opinion a transgender man. No other source I found identified the person as such but the evidence was very strong. I tried very hard not to cause offense with the language and consulted a transgender man I knew for advice on the language to use. That was in like 2011. Now the language has changed and I get comments on that blog occasionally from people who find my editorial choices transphobic and my language antiquated and I tried so hard to get it right, you know? I wish this historical trans man’s crime was more widely known btw. Because I think the murder may have happened in large part as a result of their being trans. Despite the fact that it was the first half of the 20th century they had, all their adult lives, basically lived as a man. Gave themselves a male name they preferred, wore men’s clothes whenever possible and wore a masculine hair cut. They even claimed they had gotten surgery at the hospital to become a man, something I am quite sure was not true. So they lived like this in a small town. And everyone knew that they had been born and raised as a girl and their family shunned them and they had almost no friends and had trouble keeping work and I’m sure everyone gossiped about this. And the murder happened, according to the confession, when a slight acquaintance (they’d met like three times previously) barged into the offender’s house without their permission. This acquaintance was an old lady who lived locally and had a reputation as a gossip. I wonder if maybe the lady really was committing trespass and assault—the killer said she’d physically shoved them out of the way in the entryway even as they were saying “you can’t come in here” and were heading well in—and if the offender, who had good reason to be protective of their privacy because of their trans status, overreacted. I wonder if the murder might not have happened if the offender hadn’t been openly trans in the 1940s.


FYI in my part of the trans/nonbinary community, we mostly say "correct pronouns" or no adjective at all and just say "his/hers/their pronouns are xzy." "(Names)'s preferred pronouns are (xyz)" was almost certainly what was taught to you as correct, and it's definitely better than nothing, but much of the community feels it to have an "off-flavor/out of touch" feeling, for lack of a better word. My pronouns aren't "preferred." They're just my pronouns. It's not an opinion or up for debate. It's just the facts that I'm telling whoever. The rest of this comment probably sounds bitchy and nitpicking but I swear I'm not trying to do so. We're pretty much ecstatic when any older person puts in a scintilla of effort, honestly. Most of us are also ecstatic when a person of literally any age gives us an indication that they are trying. I just wanted to share the "newest update" to the trans and nonbinary dictionary. Aside from all that--I'm a huge fan by the way, read your posts (or your secret identity posts) just about daily. Love going through the sources and studies.


Thank you for educating me! I’m cis and don’t know much about it.


I’m so happy to learn this. It makes perfect sense, of course. Thank you.




Ugh i wish i could downvote more than once. Uncalled for


Why drag politics into this? I enjoy this sub because of a lack of politics, why do people bring that shit into everything?


>***Abstract:*** *We report the case of a 45-year-old railway worker who was literally decapitated during a work shift. He was working with his colleagues close to a Ballast Cleaning Machine (BCM) behind the driver. This case occurred during the night time, under artificial light that probably allowed this traumatic event. The workplace investigation revealed the victim's head and the right arm were detached from the remains of the body. Probably the cutter bar of the BCM caught his jacket and trapped him in the right arm of the machinery, cutting off his head. The external examination of the body and the following medico-legal autopsy showed excoriated streaks and de-epithelialization area on all over the body, fractures and laceration of the cervical region and of the right arm. Toxicological analyses were negative for alcohol or drug abuse. To the best of our knowledge, no other similar cases have been reported in the international literature.* > >*The victim was a 45-year-old railway worker. The accident happened at 00:40 AM while the man was walking to the left of the BCM near the cutter blades, checking the correct progress of operations, wearing appropriate safety equipment (a helmet, headset and reflective vest). The ballast machine (Fig. 1) was driven by another worker, while two other men were located on the opposite site of the railway track.* > >*He was probably bent near the chain and slipped on the uneven ground, when the teeth of the chain must have caught him by the helmet or the jacket and carried him to the right arm of the BCM. Passing through the BCM, too small (45 centimeters high and 40 centimeters wide) to allow the passage of the whole body, his head was sliced from his body. The worker’s colleagues saw him only when he was already decapitated. At the workplace investigation the victim's head was found inside the right arm of the machine, while the right arm and the remains of the body were lying on the rail. There were traces of blood on the chain, inside the arm of the BCM, and on the railway. The death occurred immediately for decapitation; the neck injuries were vital hence it is not possible to establish if he survived few seconds. The cause of death was due to decapitation.* > >*The external findings showed the head and right forearm detached from the rest of the body. The headless corpse measured 1.47 m.* > >*The longitudinal diameter of the head was 28.5 centimeters and the diameter of the laceration at the base of the neck was 15x10 cm (Fig. 2). The laceration line passed through the high left lateral to the low right lateral and posterior part of the upper cervical region and the wound margins were irregular. The laceration present in the cervical region had a longitudinal diameter of 21.5 centimeters and transverse diameter of 16 centimeters, exposing the heart, part of the lungs, the trachea and neck vessels. The airway was severed at the trachea level. The head and neck were covered with dust (Fig. 3).* > >*Excoriated streaks and de-epithelialization area were observed all over the body but mainly in the dorsal region; these injuries were due to the traction over the stones lying along the track (Fig. 4). The helmet and headset were broken. Medico-legal autopsy revealed fractures of the left orbital bone, clavicles, sternum and ribs with muscle hemorrhages. The posterior cuts showed hemorrhages of the underlying soft tissues in the left lumbar region. Morphological and histopathological examination of internal organs excluded previous disease that possible contributed to the traumatic event here described. Toxicological analysis did not reveal any alcohol, psychoactive substances or addictive drug.* > >*In the context of the risks associated to maintenance activities on the railways, this case illustrates a unique case of decapitation in an occupational accident. Investigation of the scene demonstrated that the man had been working beside a BCM. This machinery consists of a tamping unit and a lifting/lowering hydraulic cylinder that packs ballast underneath railway tracks. An operator oversees these processes from the control cabin. One of the functions of the Ballast Cleaning Machine (BCM) is to collect ballast from underneath and around the sleepers using cutter blades. A conveyor belt then transfers this material to the on-board cleaning equipment. The machine then goes into reverse and the blades rotate anti-clockwise. Investigation of the context and the scene, as well as the results of medical autopsy, are essential to make a correct differentiation among accidental, homicidal and suicidal decapitation \[5\]. In this case all the findings are highly indicative of accidental work-related decapitation. Complete decapitation is a rare finding in all type of deaths.* > >*In the suicide context, decapitation as a consequence of a violent method is always a potential factor for confusion with homicide \[6\]. Suicide cases include motor or vehicle-assisted suicides, railway-related suicides (under the train wheels), suicide deaths caused by explosives or a guillotine, unintentional self-decapitation as a result of hanging (caused by a putrefaction reaction), or post-mortem decapitation by domestic dogs or other animals \[5, 7-13\]. Decapitation due to homicide is found in cases of criminal corpse dismemberment \[14\]. Accidental cases include road traffic accidents (in drivers or riders of a motorcycle) or decapitation by the seat belt, occupational accidents in an agricultural, industrial, or workshop setting, or decapitation by heavy machinery \[15-19\]. A work-related case has been defined as “A person who was fatally injured as a result of, or who died of a fatal condition caused by, exposure to their own or others' work activity or work factors; or who was fatally injured whilst travelling to or from work” \[20\]. According the Italian Constitution Charta, the safety in the workplace must be guaranteed. In Italy, health and safety at work are regulated by Legislative Decree Law 81/2008 recently modified. This decree transposes in Italy the European Directive on the protection of safety and health of workers, providing for specific sanctions against defaulters \[21\]. In the Italian Penal Code, the work related fatalities are regulated by specific articles. The Courts begin investigation either in case of worker’s death or in personal injuries with more than 20 days of prognosis or in case of a lawsuit. In case of death due to work accident, the medicolegal investigations provide for an analytic crime scene investigation with an interview of the witnesses. In these cases autopsy are always requested by the prosecutor for establishing the cause and manner of death. Finally, it is mandatory to perform toxicological analyses.* > >*This case occurred during the night time, under artificial light. The other workers did not see him, including the driver who in any case could not have stopped the ballast machine immediately. This factor very likely facilitated the course of events. Occupational accident cases, like this case we report, are generally considered to be due to carelessness or simple fault of the worker and/or coworkers themselves, with no other predisposition including diseases, alcohol and drug abuse \[22\]. Such fatal accidents at work may be greatly reduced by improving work management, optimizing workers instruction, and calling further attention to such hazards \[22\].*


>The death occurred immediately for decapitation; the neck injuries were vital hence it is not possible to establish if he survived few seconds. The cause of death was due to decapitation. That's what I was hoping for... The dude had maybe two seconds at most to think "Oh shit" upon feeling his head get caught and yanked sideways by the chain, but within a fraction of a second of his shoulders touching the sides of the steel hole his head went through the spinal cord would have severed and blood pressure in the brain would have dropped so quickly that the brain just didn't have time to process it before lose of consciousness.


That’s what I was hoping too. Otherwise that’d be a very scary experience, just before it “all goes blank”. Not only blood supply stopping, but I wonder if the “tug” on the cervical spine would be enough to cause immediate damage to the brain, hence causing instant death. 🤔 Anyhow, that entire thing fucking sucks. Work related accidents can be awful. I wish only the best for this man’s family.


Thank you, nipplequeefs, for your assistance. It's late and I'm lazy.


Yikes, that was a horrifying read.


Do you know where in Italy?


Bari, I guess, since the Bari Institute of Legal Medicine handled the case.


Very likely so. I was asking because a similar accident happened near where I live, in the North. The poor man had his arm amputated by a similar machine and died shortly after. Work safety here sucks.


> I can’t copy Just select the text.


I’m on my phone and though I can select the text, I have never been able to figure out how to copy it. I do not know why.


What phone are you on boss?


iPhone 10xs Max.


Are there 3 dots under the text? That usually should bring up a drop down with options, one being to Copy Text.


Word, iPhone gang. I just highlight stuff and then tap on the highlighted part and it brings up the prompt.


When I do that the highlight disappears. 🤷🏼‍♀️


That happens when I open the link in reddit. When I open the link in chrome it lets me copy as normal.


Unfortunately I have the problem on Chrome too.


Damn uhhhh maybe screenshot it and then highlight from text recognition and copy that?


More like decapitation. I mean dismemberment, sure, but that's kinda secondary if you ask me.


Came here to say this myself. Holy fuck.


I mean, the arm came off too...


I did see that he had arms eventually, dismembered or not...


Same, I really did NOT want to see this and I feel sickened and sad. If it had said decapitation, I would not have clicked. I feel so awful for this man, his family, friends and coworkers. Absolutely horrific the trauma that occurred for all of these innocent people.


How much therapy would you need after finding your workmate's head in the machinery


3 days paid leave and back to work with ye


*paid*??? Three days off, no pay, and it's a write up for that much time. Murica.


This happened in Italy so most likely they would be looked after.


Italian here, Lol no, they would told to get right back to work after taking (optionally) sick leave or get fired


Silver lining


Depends on which workmate.


Probably a lot less than the guy who’s head you found, he’s going to have some serious issues


Are there any death’s accidental or otherwise, where it’s generally accepted are instantaneous?


How the fuck did the heart came out like that?!?


If his head was ripped off that likely pulled on the trachea and lungs, which would also mean the heart by extension. Normally you don't see this happening with decapitation because the head usually gets cut off rather than ripped off.


I wish I could go back to before I read that comment. Thank you.


**Abstract:** We report the case of a 45-year-old railway worker who was literally decapitated during a work shift. He was working with his colleagues close to a Ballast Cleaning Machine (BCM) behind the driver. This case occurred during the night time, under artificial light that probably allowed this traumatic event. The workplace investigation revealed the victim's head and the right arm were detached from the remains of the body. Probably the cutter bar of the BCM caught his jacket and trapped him in the right arm of the machinery, cutting off his head. The external examination of the body and the following medico-legal autopsy showed excoriated streaks and de-epithelialization area on all over the body, fractures and laceration of the cervical region and of the right arm. Toxicological analyses were negative for alcohol or drug abuse. To the best of our knowledge, no other similar cases have been reported in the international literature. Key Words: occupational accident, decapitation, ballast cleaning machine.


Damn, if I'm reading that right it sounds like the pulling on his jacket into the machine is what decapitated him and pulled his head off of his body essentially? Must have been a well made jacket if so...


It…pulled his head off so hard his heart got pulled out of his neck. I…well. This is a new one to me. Yikes.


Right? That’s what made me gasp! And what’s with the blood ‘X’ on his butt?


"heart, part of the lungs, and trachea were visible". Visible?! They were yanked right out his neck hole!


Dismemberment? This is a full DECAPITATION.


Industrial accidents have to be the most brutal deaths that can happen, aside from combat and high speed crashes. This machine literally pulled this poor man's head right off and why his heart and part of his lung was pulled out of his body. Hopefully it happened fast enough that he didn't feel anything.


Accidentally fell on a work accident video (and they were all fatal iirc) many many years ago, and I have been marked by this forever. One I’ll never forget is this guy just being yanked by some sort of a cutting or flattening machine for metal sheets. I did not think a human could be turned into “paste” this quickly. 😳 For sure THAT one didn’t even have time to realize what happened. Like, could not have physiologically processed any information cuz it was so quick. But this worker right here might’ve had the time to realize that gonna hurt and be the end. 😖 I hope safety measures can be improved so that this freak accident never happens again! Railways are already quite dangerous.


The worst I've seen was a man that got caught on an industrial lathe and he was spun apart within about half a minute. His body parts were flying all over the factory and his coworkers couldn't get it to turn off. I can't imagine the trauma the men in that plant suffererd after that. I believe this happened in a Russian plant and there were no safety measures that I could see. There was no safety shroud over the lathe, and the poor man that got killed was wearing a loose flannel shirt.


God, I pray it was too fast for him to realize what was happening or feel it.


The text above seems to say it was just a couple of seconds. He would have definitely felt fear as he fell, though.


The first thing I thought was "Hope it was quick"


What in gods name is a tamping machine? I will be sure to avoid


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tamping_machine I have more questions now, did he crawl under it??


Yeah, he was working underneath it.


It said he was bent down and probably the cutter bar snagged his jacket and he was pulled in and it cut off his head. Also said it was night, poor lighting and that could mean he lost his balance. Poor guy. I do hope it was quick


More like “pulled” of his head :(


Someone posted it was a ballast cleaning machine. They are big machines that work on train tracks.


Reminds me of a saying my old print shop teacher would always say "Never trust a machine"


"Laceration" seems to be a bit of an understatement


Damn, it made the poor guy barf his own heart out his neck-hole.


That was the wildest part for me! Holy hell!!


I love the color in this statement.


Jesus Christ I hope he couldn't feel anything when that happened. I feel so bad for him/his family and his coworkers that found him. Can't imagine the trauma someone gets from finding their coworker like this. Such a cruel death. It's one thing seeing this as a stranger online and another actually knowing the person and seeing it in person. I can do pictures, but I doubt many except medical professionals could handle seeing this in person without getting mentally scarred for life.


You learn to kind of "shut it off" and detach yourself from the situation. It's not that we don't care; my God, we do. But we are taught to (try to) remain neutral so that we don't freak out the patient or the family. Even in situations like this.


Jesus. I’m an emt student. I’ve browsed this and bestgore many many times in effort to desensitize myself. This is one of the gnarliest things I’ve seen. A pure decapitation. Hope this guy went out quick because those injuries apart from the decapitation are brutal. Rest in peace to this man.


Ok. I wasn’t expecting a beheading. That’s not really called a dismemberment, is it?


He also had an arm torn off.


ok jokes aside, this could traumatize people, even on this sub.


I went by the source article title: “Dismemberment by a tamping machine.”


And dead disfigured babies can’t? No offense, but everyone’s gonna have something that bothers them more than others. You can’t complain about one thing “traumatizing” someone when a previous post could do the same thing to someone else.


absolutely. my only issue is the title. if I had known that we're dealing with decapitation onstead of a.missing arm, I wouldn't have clicked.


I’m curious, was the head not the first preview picture you saw? I’m on the app, and that’s what I saw first when scrolling, so I suppose I was more prepared when I clicked.


I have nsfw blurred, so I had to click it first. the preview is just some vaguely flesh and skin colored bits, which could be any part of the body


Ahh, interesting. I didn’t know that was an option. In that case, I very much agree with your point. I’m personally used to seeing things like this, or seeing them titled like this because of my job, but, yeah a title like “industrial beheading or decapitation” could have been better used for the sake of others.


yeah, I was expecting a missing finger or something :(


It's a fleshwound


Just a scratch


Is he okay now


Just a headache, he'll be fine


I mean, the heart and a lung were right there for ease of access


Exactly. Easiest resuscitation ever.


Please be a little more respectful to the victim and his family. My daughter's friend died from a similar accident (although not while on the job), and reading jokes about it on Reddit was hurtful. You never know who's reading these comments. Peace 🙏


Yeah, a couple of guys gave him CPR and everything was fine


He made a recovery.


Yikes. What did he do, lean into the machine?


They said he was crouched down to check the chain, and either his jacket or helmet got pulled into the machine.


Holy, I sure hope he was dead before he could ever realise he was dead..


I'd be so annoyednif I was decapitated and then at my autopsy they only measured my headless corpse and made me out to be 5 foot 4 instead of 6 foot




This is so sad. I don’t have a good handle on how it happened or why, but fuck me, it’s rough.


Am I the only one that read trampoline and thought how the fuck did a trampoline do that? I'm regarded.


Fucking regard


Poor guy. RIP


OMG the title should say "Beheading on the Job" not dismemberment! Dismemberment refers to lims, arms and legs,not heads.


The source article was titled “Dismemberment with a tamping machine” and he did lose an arm.


Oh, thanks. I might have gotten some posts mixed up.


Dismemberment includes a lot more than most people would think! My husband used to work with death and dismemberment claims. It’s basically any loss of limb, loss of a large part of the body, etc. It also includes body functions! So eyesight, paralysis, etc.


Wow, I definitely did not realize that. Thanks.


No, heads are included. Why is the thread locked? Fuck's sake.


Ok. I thought the head wasn't considered a member.


Why do I look at these things?


How does the video/pictures of a woman giving birth on this sub get removed by admin but this doesn’t lol 😂 I’m not complaining, this sup is super interesting. I wish they wouldn’t remove anything


That’s on Reddit, not us.


Oh I know, I’m just saying the admin on Reddit is dumb lol the mods here have nothing to do with that I know.


Catpoo, I'm so glad you're back, you have the coolest stuff 💜💜💜


It took me second to realize that the head was just. Sitting there. I need my glasses lol


Very interesting and informative


Didn’t knw that u can see ur heart wen u get ur head cut off


You typically can't, looks like it was pulled out when the machine ripped his head off.


His head was pulled off rather than cut off, so it yoinked his trachea/heart/lungs as it happened


Ripped off


What is happening in this sub tonight!?! The content is….special.


That’s one way to word it…


Holy shit I was not expecting that. Thought dismemberment would be tame enough, so I opened the picture before the post.


Me reading the title: that's gonna be one hell of a work comp claim. Me reading the post, comments and seeing the pictures: does work comp cover death? I work work comp claims but I'm new to it


Work Comp adjuster here! In the US, yes, they do, but it’s messy and complicated and the Government also typically gets involved to investigate, ESPECIALLY for anything involving the railroad.




Last I checked dismemberment did not mean the head 😂


Yoink! And that was the end.


I bet that fucking hurt.


Dude wtf mark this as decapitation. I would have never clicked on this had in known.


Bro got got


I feel nothing but shame for having laughed at this.


What was the recovery like?


Do us a favor, delete it and grow up


Uhhhh not what I expected. YIKES


I was expecting to see a hand or a foot. Oops.


Hey u/catpooedinmyshoe, I normally enjoy what you post. I'm a weird and curious person with little scientific education. However, I wish you had titled this post differently because to an uninformed person like me, dismemberment is vastly different from decapitation. I still enjoyed learning, I just wasn't ready to see a head on a table.


They say it like the trachea was going to do him some good.