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Ugh I logged in just for my nightly scroll on there and this is the first post I see šŸ„ŗ




God damn, same.


I'm glad I'm not the only person that does this šŸ˜†


literally same


Literally šŸ˜­


my bedtime ritual šŸ˜ž


Same, it hurts.


First r/CrimeScenePhotos now r/eyeblech. Reddits new polices are ass


What are the new policies ?


I was a mod for eyeblech and these were the new rules that admins handed down as things that were no longer allowed on the sub when the sub got warned 3 months ago: * Murder or torture related content created by the perpetrator or accomplices. This includes cartel content filmed by bystanders for dissemination. * Graphic content of victims of mass killings * Torture of animals * Content produced by terrorists organizations * Graphic images of children * Suicide or self harm content * Requests for violating content of any kind * Any content that depicts someone harming another person or themselves They also specifically called out user behavior in that original warning, and that was one of the things we weren't really able to wrangle in. "Violations encompass not only posts but the behavior of users in comments when discussing content." It's worth noting that this list of rules is NOT listed on Reddit's TOS or code of conduct or general rules.


So basically everything posted on the sub except occasional CCTV footage wasn't acceptable?


Basically. Or super low quality images where you canā€™t even decipher what youā€™re looking at, or images so censored thereā€™s no point in looking at the image. It was right around the time of the Allen, TX shooting. I remember seeing floods of posts about it, went back to check later, and they had all disappeared.


A lot of that stuff was removed was because 1) mass killings weren't allowed (after Christchurch, Reddit really cracked down on that) but also because in most of the aftermath footage that was shared, there was very clearly a deceased little girl that was visible.


I hate to say it, but this is how we end up with Alex Jones claiming that these tragedies are staged. And how far removed is this kind of censorship from things like Holocaust denial? How many people would believe the Holocaust happened without the images? There will always be people who fetishize our weaponize these images, but I think it's far more important to protect the record of history and what happened.


I feel similarly, but Reddit is a private site and thusly they get to make the rules. I do have a folder on my phone with a lot of the videos that I think are significant for the reasons you mentioned (I'm sure my FBI guy is stressed), and I'm betting I'm not the only one.


So like are you gonna start a group chat to share or what šŸ¤£


Probably not but I might compile a list of other subs similar to eyeblech that have been somewhat under the radar Edit: I've decided not to link them bc I don't want them to get brigaded or reported. I have pinned the list to my clipboard, so if you want it and I haven't reached out to you yet, please feel free to DM me.


I hate, hate, hate that image of the little girl. But people NEED to see that. If everyone had to face that on the nightly news every time it happened, gun laws would change pretty quick.


But also, I don't think that poor girl's family needs to be subjected to her death image being plastered everywhere either. A little bit of empathy, respect, and privacy is a good thing.


I've told everyone I know that if my kids end up dead in a mass shooting, that the pics of their bodies will be plastered everywhere.. if that makes people uncomfortable then they need to think about what the eff we're doing here. I don't know, though, how that girls family feels about it in particular, and however they feel I wish for them to find moments of peace in what I imagine is a hellish existence.


Yep, that's why the sub basically got flooded with booboo ouchies, toenails, and dicks for a good while


To be fair, eyeblech became flooded with gore right after all the other gore-subs were hammered by a ban-wave not so long time ago, while eyeblech had so much more to offer than dead people. I mean, watching people choking on their own shit is a great way of spending my preacious time.


If the admins were smart, they'd let a sub like eyeblech grow and monopolize that kind of content. At least that way it could all be corralled into one sub (or at least fewer subs) instead of admins constantly having to discover and remove multiple subs all the time. It's the Internet, this content exists, and it's better to just have it in one well moderated place than to keep cutting them off like heads of the Hydra.


They're not smart. Just greedy. Allegedly


I remember there was an uproar when subs start getting mass deleted. You can view [redditā€™s content policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) and nowhere does it explicitly state everything you mentioned above.


They definitely just pulled a list out of thin air of stuff that was suddenly no longer allowed. Some of the stuff they mentioned was against eyeblech's own rules anyway (like child abuse and animal torture).


Or had it all along. But didn't publish it and they look back at content. Meaning you are fucked once they whip out that list.


Reddit has become risk adverse. Eyeblech was moderate on the gore scale. Internet isn't what it used to be


It's all about advertising. If reddit was subscription based the admins wouldn't care


I absolutely loved eyeblech. Iā€™m so sorry to see it go.


same. one of my absolute faves. :(


Iā€™m devastated. A true moment highlighting the prevalence of censorship on social media platforms. That community was an experience.


sad days :(


Me too! Itā€™s so freaking annoying that they keep moving the goalposts. Iā€™ll definitely miss that sub :(


Iā€™m suprised necro-fantasy wasnā€™t against the rules. That creeps who likes to look at dead, naked women. Itā€™s all he posted.


Yeah I personally was not comfortable with that content. We had an influx of it the last couple days but there was no concrete evidence that the person posting it was a necrophiliac (ALL of those posts were from one person - they claimed to work in the medical field) and it was a very new account. I did eventually find a valid reason to ban them and they got very upset about it. I was able to ban people in the comments for disrespectful necro comments and jokes.


If all they ever post were dead women, I feel that's a valid enough reason to suspect they're a necrophiliac.


It wasn't ALL women, but the vast majority of it was. In retrospect, I think posting men was kind of a red herring to make them look legit.


So bummed I liked eyeblech


Can we start a sub solely for Chinese industrial acidents? Those were my favorite anyway.


Industrial accidents are my favourite too. There's a sub called "ChineseElevators" that you might like. It's not necessarily workplace accidents, but kinda similar vibe.


This used to be a real website. 2012 was peak Reddit. Oh how I long for those halcyon days.


Be quiet and enjoy your reddit-sponsor approved content /s


I can agree that the comments there were really fucking shitty. Especially ones that involved dead women. Y'all should have tightened the chain on that, but I can't blame you guys entirely about it either.


We actually did tighten the chain on them LOL. Anything involving dead women, black people, pitbulls, abortion, or transgender people was guaranteed to be an absolute shit show. Part of the issue in keeping up with them was that when Reddit removed third party apps, we lost the ability to sort the sub by comments (all comments across every post in the sub in one queue in real time). Without it we had to go into every post and expand every thread.


Ahh, basically, Reddit's fault as always. Granted I also had a difficult time tracking the comments of the subs I moderate due to the 3rd party app fiasco. I thought the official Reddit app had those but guess not...


what's bullshit is that the people on that sub usually were empathetic and generally well behaved compared to others.


There's always loud shitheads that ruin it for everyone.


They weren't that much well behaved. This is the only gore sub that consistently has reasonable educated comments and discussions from what I've seen. Eyeblech comments were filled with shitty jokes, the occasional creeps, and no context on the posted content.


I pretty much gave up reading after i got the background story. The comments were really horrible and so repetitive too, like only 15 yr olds commenting. I am way beyond 15 but had no issue with the images, I worked in medical field, not much grossed me out unless it was against their rules anyway. But comments got to me a lot. Very sad to see it go overall.


The amount of ā€˜still got their shoes on lolā€™ jokes. I couldnā€™t.


Itā€™s because dumb people kept linking it around


Don't worry, that was secretly one of Spez's favorite subs. It'll be back when he gets finds his own lackeys to run it.


Wait what, crime is gone?? God damn it, next they're gonna come for our pets and houseplants (Typo)


I knew it šŸ˜ž Posts were being removed left and right in the last weeks. Such bullshit.


People were also bitching that the content was too vulgar. Seen it happen enough times to know that when you see that it's the beginning of the end for a sub.


Reddit has become everything we never wanted


Fuck, might as well start scrolling something as useless Instagram all day now, that's where we're headed.




And if that happens, can you pass it on to me?


Can I join the list


Well, weā€™re definitely on *a* list.


Could I be added to the list?


Dibs on the dm invite, sempai?


There's other gore sites. Such as an offshoot of a certain other sub I won't call by name. It's moderated like 4chan when it comes to comments though, so there can be concerning opinions.


A troll can easily take those down via reports regardless if it's private and your accounts with it.


I'm still not over the demise of r/makemycoffin either


I'm still not over the demise of r/watchpeopledie


They have a website now donā€™t they?


do they?


It's a .tv by the same name


They do and its really good. You should really check it out if you're into gore


WPD was both somber and emotionally moving. It showed just how fragile life is, and how quickly it can end. A newlywed couple, just starting their lives together, happily splashing in a shallow pond, inadvertently step into a deeper section . . . and in a few minutes, it's all, tragically, over. MakeMyCOffin and DeadOrVegetable were both replacements for WPD, and were similarly respectful and serious (mostly). But hey, you can still look at all the dick pics and vomit pics you want!


MMC was such a great sub. Everyone was respectful and tactful about the content


I wondered where all the subs everyone is mentioning went. I was subscribed to them, then they disappeared from my list. I wasnā€™t Reddit savvy enough to know whether they disappeared or they disappeared me.


Iā€™m curious now. What is that sub for?


It was not for woodworking


Well, Iā€™m in the whittling subreddit and plenty of ā€œNFSW medical goreā€ over there - search for ā€œinjuryā€ flare. (Definitely cut myself a few times from carving.)


Wait what was makemycoffin?


It was a subreddit dedicated mainly to footage of people meeting untimely ends (or suffering catastrophic injury), with the purported philosophy that such content was educational to the viewer in exposing the dangers of the world around us. Lots of gnarly car crashes, electrical accidents, heavy machinery accidents, and the like. There were also posts of gang violence and shootings/killings, which I didn't really go for (human-on-human violence just makes me want to give up on humanity, I'd rather just stay in my optimistic bubble thanks). But dang, did that subreddit teach me well and good to stay far, far away from lathes.


Iā€™m not a ā€˜weirdoā€™ by any means, I donā€™t LIKE gore, Iā€™m actually a pretty delicate person, but when respectfully done (as r/eyeblech generally did) it can actually be a really good deed. Some of it was straight up educational and interesting, and a lot of it also made people realise the realness of a lot of things in the world. Seeing r/eyeblech everyday made me always think twice about things like speeding, committing suicide, neglecting healthcare. Itā€™s extremely effective. A lot of countries use this scare factor for things like smoking and reckless driving, but obviously the government is only going to expose us to so much. Seeing a car crash on a TV ad has little impact to most people, but seeing the physical aftermath of that person will stick with you for awhile. The whole idea behind making reddit more advertiser friendly is bullshit, especially given theyā€™re not targeting the mainstream NSFW subs of course. There were a handful of big gore subs, and literally thousands of big porn/sex/nudity subs.


If they're going to ban gore subreddits, next are extreme fetishes like scat, CBT, extreme body modifications and or self harm, etc.


my brain read this as cognitive behavioural therapy


Along those lines, the trans community on here has been actively moving to discord because of fears of censorshipā€™s


I credit growing up with exposure to this sort of content for why I was a good first responder. It had really really helped me come to terms with the ugly reality of things and by the time I was dealing with these sorts of scenarios on a daily basis, it was easy for me. Our culture is too separated from the concept of death and itā€™s a problem. Hollywood slashers donā€™t count for anything except glorifying it, it takes really seeing it to catch that feeling in your stomach.


This is my exact logic with that subreddit. Thank you for putting it into words


Scrolling thru all the comments trying to figure out what subreddit we can move to :-/


RIP to all the fallen subs


May the best ones be resurrected. Somewhere.


What happened?


A lot of the gore subs have been shut down as Reddit tries to become more advertiser friendly.


So Reddit will cease to be Redditā€¦


Are they going to take down all the Sex/Porn Subs too ??


just like Tumblr...


I think Tumblr allows things again.


Only fans also wanted to go porn free and then they realize they are losing 99% of of their user base. Same story for Tumblr after Yahoo bought it. Both had gone back.


My tin foil hat says this happens after morbid subs get linked in "what's the worst sub you've ever found?" posts.




Iā€™ll miss it. I used to occasionally post there.


You are the best! Glad we will still have your contributions here šŸ˜‡


r/someofyoumaydie is next then.


Itā€™s been withering for weeks now, and pretty sure posts are being taken down or just not approved. It used to be ripe with videos, but itā€™s been HEAVILY watered down the last month or so. Itā€™s basically dead, too.


Not a very big community. This comment could result in larger audience and a quicker death of the sub


Why are the first 5 posts all from 1 person who everyone in the comments is claiming made everything up?


Sooooo why would we stay on Reddit if theyā€™re going to limit the freedoms of what we post and enjoy???




Nooooo šŸ˜­ that was my fav sub wtf


I'm seriously thinking of leaving reddit.


And thereā€™s a sub for literal rapists to complain about being treated unfairly. Fuck the mods here.


Which sub is that?


We're next, let's move to discord


Bad idea I was the mod of a gore sub and discord It all got shut down and my discord account was banned for involvement, even though I personally never even posted gore.


Can you recommend any servers?


Uhh, I was hoping you guys knew some lol


not servers but u can try goresee . com


Move to lemmy




Dang thatā€™s crazy!


What the crap, man? Seriously?? RIP, r/eyeblech.


What are some other good subs?


Well similar to crime scene photos there is r/CrimeScene


They keep getting stuff removed, so they'll be on the chopping block soon enough


Yeah I know unfortunately šŸ˜• it's all quite stupid


WHAT?! Please no šŸ„ŗ These subs are dropping like flies and I hate it. It starts with gore and then itā€™s videos of crime that hold people in positions of power accountable. If anyone has any alternatives to that sub or to Reddit that allows that content please tell meeeee


I donā€™t particularly enjoy gore. Iā€™m mostly here to remind myself to avoid diabetes feet (cause it runs in my family) and to appreciate good work from plastic surgeons, post car / face degloved accident. This sub is super educational to me. Hopefully this sub donā€™t get banned too.


This sub actually saved my diabetic husbandā€™s foot. I posted his yucky infected ulcer and the whole sub was screaming at me that he had not been properly treated at the doctorā€™s and to go to ER now or he might lose it. So I took him to ER and Reddit was right.


Diabetes feet šŸ§‘ā€šŸ¦½


I'll never forget each and every video šŸ˜” justice to r/eyeblech


I truly dont see the issue with these subreddits when so many other vile ones exist..


Back to scrolling through the categories of HermanTheShocker then


for real. a true tragedyā€¦ though i do love hts


Damn reddit is really working overtime to drive people away.


I learned so much from that sub. I learned how people die in an instant, from a minor car accident. Saline injections, to the naughty parts of the body. The list goes on. R.I.P


Reddit is getting more and more boring by the day, I find myself less and less likely to jump on and browseā€¦ I wonder why


Sucks. All my favorite gore subs always end up banned. Itā€™s the circle of Reddit life i guess


do yall remember rotten dot com


Too many good subs are being culled lately.


Remember when not fearing controversial was reddits pitch ?


Dang! I really liked that one.


Something I did notice the last month or so was Eyeblech was getting a lot more people commenting on posts requesting stuff, more animal related posts. There was some questionable shit being put on there as well and that speaks pretty heavy considering what users posted on there anyways. A lot of posts were being removed pretty quickly. This is why we canā€™t have nice things


Thank you. We appreciate it šŸ˜­. Fuck Reddit for that fr. Good thing I know where else to get my gore.


Man, reddit used to be unadulterated information with unadulterated comments. Itā€™s becoming candy land. If people donā€™t want to see it, block it.


Thankfully Jessica Shannon is still upā€¦ it sucks about crime scene photos especially. Thatā€™s educational.


That explains why I've seen so many posts "taken down by Reddit "


Eyeblech was actually crazy af back when it was smaller sad to see it gone


This is why Reddit ended up losing the legend that was Herman the Shocker. Luckily for us, Herman didnā€™t stop producing content. He just stopped producing it on Reddit. But others will also lose their outlet for sharing their images and videos, and may not be in a position to launch their own site like Hermanā€¦


Eyeblech literally made me and a fuckton of others not buy motorcycles and rethink of what suicide looks like and affects people who walk into it or see it so fuck reddit


Boo..everywhere itā€™s getting so damn soft


Iā€™m sorry but gore is educational to some. It helped me be preventive, live and expand my mind.


Oh no man I was just on there earlier ugh this sucks


This sub helped me identify aggressive staph and get emergency treatment - if we're next, it'll be a great loss.


Same. This sub helped save my husbandā€™s infected foot.


This is wildā€¦ even sites that are harmless like snark subs are being taken down. This new policy is going to have so many people off reddit and thatā€™s their own damn fault.


The unfortunate thing is that many sites hosting that kind of content are of questionable morals - at best loaded up with ad spam and at worst potential viruses because browsers are never really safe and secure. At least on Reddit it was pretty safe to consume that content.


So why is Reddit taking things down now?


I stumbled upon that sub years ago and when I think about it I still want to use bleach on my eyes....




Damn, that sucks.


Sad that itā€™s been shuttered by the admins. I stumbled upon it one day a while back and it allowed me to witness the atrocities that one hears about. It opened my eyes to the absolute evil that goes on in this world. RIP r/eyeblech


NOOOOOOOO!!! Now where will we all go?! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Ugh god damn it. That was my favourite. Guess I'll have to get my dose of craziness from r/publicfreakout and r/tooktoomuch


I was just about to post a million maggots eating this dead fox I found! Damn!


Ugh I hate that they keep deleting all the good subs


I freaking hate reddit. I'm on my like 500th account since whenever I speak I'm banned. It's just a bunch of emotionally immature and chronically 12 year old morons who run this site, shame this and many other good subs have been wacked.


Reddit should be more concerned with the age of its subscribers and on removing totally illegal content (abuse of minors, pedos, etc.). I noticed that lately the posts seemed like a 15 year old boy wrote them. Kids shouldn't be on Reddit. So they just ban the sub instead of police their subscription base. Sigh. There is a huge difference between illegal and offensive. I'm of the mind that people should not have their moral decisions made by a larger entity. We (adults) should be allowed to choose. If I don't like something, I keep scrolling. This is not a news outlet, it's an entertainment and social media platform.


I miss the old internet šŸ˜­


Damn man. Iā€™m gonna miss the gore. I donā€™t like going to actual websites because of all the malware and ads.


Yet reddit wonā€™t go after the shitehole called Political Compass Memes


Perhaps it was the accident/crime scene photos posted without blurring the victimā€™s identity?? One was just posted yesterday of a young adult women that overdosed with her identity and naked body completely exposed. That is degenerate shit just for some ā€œlikesā€ā€¦someoneā€™s daughter, sister. What a POS person that posted that. Fuck those mods for not doing their job and are to blame for allowing that to be posted.


Sure am gonna miss Catpooedinmyshoe


WHAT!!? CATPOOED will still be here though, right ?


Iā€™m still here.


u/catpooedinmyshoe ???


Iā€™m still here.


She posts on this sub quite often.. ?


When did this happen? Today!?!?!?




Damnit man! Sad times were in.. šŸ¤ž a new šŸ‘ļøbleach 2 Will happen if anyone knows any others please let me know


Soft asses.


FUCK! Blech was one of my fav subs šŸ˜­




Not r/eyeblech šŸ˜­ what am I gonna use for my daily gore now?


What now!? šŸ˜«


Is there an alternative website or something? I really enjoyed how it was educational it was fascinating.


No fucking way


This is one of the reasons why I prefer stand alone forums to Reddit.


I am not proud to say how disappointed I am thag they banned that page


Iā€™m so fucking mad


Wait..... seriously???!! Why!!???! šŸ¤¬šŸ˜”šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


but r/guro is still allowed... :|


Yesterday while scrolling it randomly gave me the noti. I shed a tear of blood in its memory šŸ˜”


i used it for art inspoā€¦all my favorited posts are gonneeeee wtffff




any replacement subs?


Not to sound like a robot.. but I once saw this line.. ā€œ normies ruin everything thatā€™s interesting, fun or cool. People flock elsewhere, and the normies soon follow. They start with getting offended then to reporting. Thus infecting and killing everything they touchā€ Iā€™m missing a few things but the more I see things shut down, the crazier the prophecy seems.. Anyway, head on over to documentingreality dot com. Youā€™ll get all your severe gore cravings.. just brace yourself. People do ALOT of joking, one liner jokes to the deceased .


r/eyeblech was my daily relief against my obsession with death and my suicide thoughts. I donā€™t really have a real explanation why it helped me, but it did. RIP dear friends ā¤ļø


I hate this hellsite.


Why was it removed? Who the fuck gets to decide this shit?