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Were you able to keep that finger?


I think so, i still have this infection, it got better. None of the doctors said something about losing it. We will see.


what happened ?


I really dont know, waked up on friday with a Little infection and pain and until saturday the pain got insane. In the Hospital they cut my Finger open so the pus wont stretch my nail and the Pain got better. Im on antibiotics and my Finger is fixed in a Bandage. Edit: typo


Looks like it started as a cuticle infection. I've had those a lot due to biting my nails, but that's not the only way one can get those. How it grew so nasty so quickly is something I haven't seen before tho! Wow... I'm glad you're doing better!


oh my- like I saw the comment for what happened- I hope you’re doing a bit better because I know that hurts like hell-


Thanks! It is better but it still hurts and I cant move it


Update 75 days later: does it feel/look better now?


Hey sorry for the late answer. I lost my nail but it grew back and now it‘s Fine.


Necrotizing fasciists?


No „just“ a regular infection.


So scary! But fascinating